use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class TestNodeSorterHostProximity method testMultipleRacksOrderedByCapacity.
* Racks should be returned in order of decreasing capacity.
public void testMultipleRacksOrderedByCapacity() {
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = new HashMap<>();
final int numRacks = 1;
final int numSupersPerRack = 10;
final int numPortsPerSuper = 4;
final int numZonesPerHost = 1;
final double numaResourceMultiplier = 1.0;
int rackStartNum = 0;
int supStartNum = 0;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack0 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum, 600, 8000 - rackStartNum, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack1 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum, 500, 8000 - rackStartNum, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack2 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum, 400, 8000 - rackStartNum, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack3 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum, 300, 8000 - rackStartNum, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack4 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum, 200, 8000 - rackStartNum, Collections.emptyMap(), numaResourceMultiplier);
// too small to hold topology
supStartNum += numSupersPerRack;
final Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMapRack5 = genSupervisorsWithRacksAndNuma(numRacks, numSupersPerRack, numZonesPerHost, numPortsPerSuper, rackStartNum++, supStartNum, 100, 8000 - rackStartNum, Collections.singletonMap("gpu.count", 0.0), numaResourceMultiplier);
Config config = createClusterConfig(100, 500, 500, null);
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
// create test DNSToSwitchMapping plugin
TestDNSToSwitchMapping testDNSToSwitchMapping = new TestDNSToSwitchMapping(supMapRack0, supMapRack1, supMapRack2, supMapRack3, supMapRack4, supMapRack5);
// generate topologies
TopologyDetails topo1 = genTopology("topo-1", config, 8, 0, 2, 0, CURRENT_TIME - 2, 10, "user");
TopologyDetails topo2 = genTopology("topo-2", config, 8, 0, 2, 0, CURRENT_TIME - 2, 10, "user");
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topo1, topo2);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, config);
NodeSorterHostProximity nodeSorter = new NodeSorterHostProximity(cluster, topo1);
List<ObjectResourcesItem> sortedRacks =, false).collect(Collectors.toList());
String rackSummaries = -> String.format("Rack %s -> scheduled-cnt %d, min-avail %f, avg-avail %f, cpu %f, mem %f",, nodeSorter.getScheduledExecCntByRackId().getOrDefault(, new AtomicInteger(-1)).get(), x.minResourcePercent, x.avgResourcePercent, x.availableResources.getTotalCpu(), x.availableResources.getTotalMemoryMb())).collect(Collectors.joining("\n\t"));
NormalizedResourceRequest topoResourceRequest = topo1.getApproximateTotalResources();
String topoRequest = String.format("Topo %s, approx-requested-resources %s", topo1.getId(), topoResourceRequest.toString());
Iterator<ObjectResourcesItem> it = sortedRacks.iterator();
Assert.assertEquals(topoRequest + "\n\t" + rackSummaries + "\nRack-000 should be ordered first since it has the largest capacity", "rack-000",;
Assert.assertEquals(topoRequest + "\n\t" + rackSummaries + "\nrack-001 should be ordered second since it smaller than rack-000", "rack-001",;
Assert.assertEquals(topoRequest + "\n\t" + rackSummaries + "\nrack-002 should be ordered third since it is smaller than rack-001", "rack-002",;
Assert.assertEquals(topoRequest + "\n\t" + rackSummaries + "\nrack-003 should be ordered fourth since it since it is smaller than rack-002", "rack-003",;
Assert.assertEquals(topoRequest + "\n\t" + rackSummaries + "\nrack-004 should be ordered fifth since it since it is smaller than rack-003", "rack-004",;
Assert.assertEquals(topoRequest + "\n\t" + rackSummaries + "\nrack-005 should be ordered last since it since it is has smallest capacity", "rack-005",;
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class TestConstraintSolverStrategy method testIntegrationWithRAS.
public void testIntegrationWithRAS() {
if (!consolidatedConfigFlag) {"Skipping test since bolt-1 maxCoLocationCnt=10 requires consolidatedConfigFlag=true, current={}", consolidatedConfigFlag);
Map<String, Object> config = Utils.readDefaultConfig();
config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY, ConstraintSolverStrategy.class.getName());
config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_MAX_HEAP_SIZE_MB, 100_000);
config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_PRIORITY, 1);
List<List<String>> constraints = new LinkedList<>();
addConstraints("spout-0", "bolt-0", constraints);
addConstraints("bolt-1", "bolt-1", constraints);
addConstraints("bolt-1", "bolt-2", constraints);
Map<String, Integer> spreads = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
spreads.put("spout-0", 1);
spreads.put("bolt-1", 10);
setConstraintConfig(constraints, spreads, config);
TopologyDetails topo = genTopology("testTopo", config, 2, 3, 30, 300, 0, 0, "user");
Map<String, TopologyDetails> topoMap = new HashMap<>();
topoMap.put(topo.getId(), topo);
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topoMap);
// Fails with 36 supervisors, works with 37
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisors(37, 16, 400, 1024 * 4);
Cluster cluster = makeCluster(topologies, supMap);
ResourceAwareScheduler rs = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
rs.prepare(config, new StormMetricsRegistry());
try {
rs.schedule(topologies, cluster);
assertStatusSuccess(cluster, topo.getId());
Assert.assertEquals("topo all executors scheduled?", 0, cluster.getUnassignedExecutors(topo).size());
} finally {
// simulate worker loss
Map<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> newExecToSlot = new HashMap<>();
Map<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> execToSlot = cluster.getAssignmentById(topo.getId()).getExecutorToSlot();
Iterator<Map.Entry<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot>> it = execToSlot.entrySet().iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < execToSlot.size() / 2; i++) {
ExecutorDetails exec =;
WorkerSlot ws =;
newExecToSlot.put(exec, ws);
Map<String, SchedulerAssignment> newAssignments = new HashMap<>();
newAssignments.put(topo.getId(), new SchedulerAssignmentImpl(topo.getId(), newExecToSlot, null, null));
cluster.setAssignments(newAssignments, false);
rs.prepare(config, new StormMetricsRegistry());
try {
rs.schedule(topologies, cluster);
assertStatusSuccess(cluster, topo.getId());
Assert.assertEquals("topo all executors scheduled?", 0, cluster.getUnassignedExecutors(topo).size());
} finally {
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class TestGenericResourceAwareStrategy method testGenericResourceAwareStrategySharedMemory.
* test if the scheduling logic for the GenericResourceAwareStrategy is correct.
public void testGenericResourceAwareStrategySharedMemory() {
int spoutParallelism = 2;
int boltParallelism = 2;
int numBolts = 3;
double cpuPercent = 10;
double memoryOnHeap = 10;
double memoryOffHeap = 10;
double sharedOnHeap = 500;
double sharedOffHeapNode = 700;
double sharedOffHeapWorker = 500;
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("spout", new TestSpout(), spoutParallelism).addResource("gpu.count", 1.0);
builder.setBolt("bolt-1", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).addSharedMemory(new SharedOffHeapWithinWorker(sharedOffHeapWorker, "bolt-1 shared off heap worker")).shuffleGrouping("spout");
builder.setBolt("bolt-2", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).addSharedMemory(new SharedOffHeapWithinNode(sharedOffHeapNode, "bolt-2 shared node")).shuffleGrouping("bolt-1");
builder.setBolt("bolt-3", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).addSharedMemory(new SharedOnHeap(sharedOnHeap, "bolt-3 shared worker")).shuffleGrouping("bolt-2");
StormTopology stormToplogy = builder.createTopology();
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
Config conf = createGrasClusterConfig(cpuPercent, memoryOnHeap, memoryOffHeap, null, Collections.emptyMap());
Map<String, Double> genericResourcesMap = new HashMap<>();
genericResourcesMap.put("gpu.count", 1.0);
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisors(4, 4, 500, 2000, genericResourcesMap);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_PRIORITY, 0);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME, "testTopology");
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_MAX_HEAP_SIZE_MB, 2000);
TopologyDetails topo = new TopologyDetails("testTopology-id", conf, stormToplogy, 0, genExecsAndComps(stormToplogy), currentTime, "user");
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topo);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, conf);
scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(conf, new StormMetricsRegistry());
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
for (Entry<String, SupervisorResources> entry : cluster.getSupervisorsResourcesMap().entrySet()) {
String supervisorId = entry.getKey();
SupervisorResources resources = entry.getValue();
assertTrue(supervisorId, resources.getTotalCpu() >= resources.getUsedCpu());
assertTrue(supervisorId, resources.getTotalMem() >= resources.getUsedMem());
// If we didn't take GPUs into account everything would fit under a single slot
// But because there is only 1 GPU per node, and each of the 2 spouts needs a GPU
// It has to be scheduled on at least 2 nodes, and hence 2 slots.
// Because of this all of the bolts will be scheduled on a single slot with one of
// the spouts and the other spout is on its own slot. So everything that can be shared is
// shared.
int totalNumberOfTasks = (spoutParallelism + (boltParallelism * numBolts));
double totalExpectedCPU = totalNumberOfTasks * cpuPercent;
double totalExpectedOnHeap = (totalNumberOfTasks * memoryOnHeap) + sharedOnHeap;
double totalExpectedWorkerOffHeap = (totalNumberOfTasks * memoryOffHeap) + sharedOffHeapWorker;
SchedulerAssignment assignment = cluster.getAssignmentById(topo.getId());
Set<WorkerSlot> slots = assignment.getSlots();
Map<String, Double> nodeToTotalShared = assignment.getNodeIdToTotalSharedOffHeapNodeMemory();"NODE TO SHARED OFF HEAP {}", nodeToTotalShared);
Map<WorkerSlot, WorkerResources> scheduledResources = assignment.getScheduledResources();
assertEquals(2, slots.size());
assertEquals(2, nodeToTotalShared.size());
assertEquals(2, scheduledResources.size());
double totalFoundCPU = 0.0;
double totalFoundOnHeap = 0.0;
double totalFoundWorkerOffHeap = 0.0;
for (WorkerSlot ws : slots) {
WorkerResources resources = scheduledResources.get(ws);
totalFoundCPU += resources.get_cpu();
totalFoundOnHeap += resources.get_mem_on_heap();
totalFoundWorkerOffHeap += resources.get_mem_off_heap();
assertEquals(totalExpectedCPU, totalFoundCPU, 0.01);
assertEquals(totalExpectedOnHeap, totalFoundOnHeap, 0.01);
assertEquals(totalExpectedWorkerOffHeap, totalFoundWorkerOffHeap, 0.01);
assertEquals(sharedOffHeapNode, nodeToTotalShared.values().stream().mapToDouble((d) -> d).sum(), 0.01);
assertEquals(sharedOnHeap, scheduledResources.values().stream().mapToDouble(WorkerResources::get_shared_mem_on_heap).sum(), 0.01);
assertEquals(sharedOffHeapWorker, scheduledResources.values().stream().mapToDouble(WorkerResources::get_shared_mem_off_heap).sum(), 0.01);
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class TestGenericResourceAwareStrategy method testGenericResourceAwareStrategyWithSettingAckerExecutors.
* Test if the scheduling logic for the GenericResourceAwareStrategy is correct
* with setting {@link Config#TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS}.
* Test details refer to {@link TestDefaultResourceAwareStrategy#testDefaultResourceAwareStrategyWithSettingAckerExecutors(int)}
@ValueSource(ints = { -1, 0, 2, 200 })
public void testGenericResourceAwareStrategyWithSettingAckerExecutors(int numOfAckersPerWorker) throws InvalidTopologyException {
int spoutParallelism = 1;
int boltParallelism = 2;
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("spout", new TestSpout(), spoutParallelism);
builder.setBolt("bolt-1", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).shuffleGrouping("spout");
builder.setBolt("bolt-2", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).shuffleGrouping("bolt-1").addResource("gpu.count", 1.0);
builder.setBolt("bolt-3", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).shuffleGrouping("bolt-2").addResource("gpu.count", 2.0);
String topoName = "testTopology";
StormTopology stormToplogy = builder.createTopology();
INimbus iNimbus = new INimbusTest();
Config conf = createGrasClusterConfig(50, 500, 0, null, Collections.emptyMap());
Map<String, Double> genericResourcesMap = new HashMap<>();
genericResourcesMap.put("gpu.count", 2.0);
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisors(4, 4, 200, 2000, genericResourcesMap);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_PRIORITY, 0);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME, topoName);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_MAX_HEAP_SIZE_MB, 2000);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SUBMITTER_USER, "user");
if (numOfAckersPerWorker == -1) {
// Leave topology.acker.executors.per.worker unset
} else {
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_RAS_ACKER_EXECUTORS_PER_WORKER, numOfAckersPerWorker);
int estimatedNumWorker = ServerUtils.getEstimatedWorkerCountForRasTopo(conf, stormToplogy);
Nimbus.setUpAckerExecutorConfigs(topoName, conf, conf, estimatedNumWorker);
TopologyDetails topo = new TopologyDetails("testTopology-id", conf, stormToplogy, 0, genExecsAndComps(StormCommon.systemTopology(conf, stormToplogy)), currentTime, "user");
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topo);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(iNimbus, new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, conf);
scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(conf, new StormMetricsRegistry());
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
// We need to have 3 slots on 3 separate hosts. The topology needs 6 GPUs 3500 MB memory and 350% CPU
// The bolt-3 instances must be on separate nodes because they each need 2 GPUs.
// The bolt-2 instances must be on the same node as they each need 1 GPU
// (this assumes that we are packing the components to avoid fragmentation).
// The bolt-1 and spout instances fill in the rest.
// Ordered execs: [[6, 6], [2, 2], [4, 4], [5, 5], [1, 1], [3, 3], [0, 0]]
// Ackers: [[8, 8], [7, 7]] (+ [[9, 9], [10, 10]] when numOfAckersPerWorker=2)
HashSet<HashSet<ExecutorDetails>> expectedScheduling = new HashSet<>();
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// bolt-3 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 2 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(3, 3))));
// Total 500 MB, 50% CPU, 2 - GPU -> this node has 1500 MB, 150% cpu, 0 GPU left
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// acker - 250 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(7, 7), // acker - 250 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(8, 8), // bolt-2 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 1 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(6, 6), // bolt-1 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(2, 2))));
// Total 1500 MB, 200% CPU, 2 GPU -> this node has 500 MB, 0% CPU, 0 GPU left
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// acker- 250 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(9, 9), // acker- 250 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(10, 10), // bolt-1 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(1, 1), // bolt-3 500 MB, 50% cpu, 2 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(4, 4))));
// Total 1500 MB, 200% CPU, 2 GPU -> this node has 500 MB, 0% CPU, 0 GPU left
expectedScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(// Spout - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 0 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(0, 0), // bolt-2 - 500 MB, 50% CPU, 1 GPU
new ExecutorDetails(5, 5))));
// Total 1000 MB, 100% CPU, 2 GPU -> this node has 1000 MB, 100% CPU, 0 GPU left
HashSet<HashSet<ExecutorDetails>> foundScheduling = new HashSet<>();
SchedulerAssignment assignment = cluster.getAssignmentById("testTopology-id");
for (Collection<ExecutorDetails> execs : assignment.getSlotToExecutors().values()) {
foundScheduling.add(new HashSet<>(execs));
assertEquals(expectedScheduling, foundScheduling);
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.Cluster in project storm by apache.
the class TestDefaultResourceAwareStrategy method testSchedulingNegativeResources.
* test scheduling does not cause negative resources
public void testSchedulingNegativeResources() {
int spoutParallelism = 2;
int boltParallelism = 2;
double cpuPercent = 10;
double memoryOnHeap = 10;
double memoryOffHeap = 10;
double sharedOnHeapWithinWorker = 400;
double sharedOffHeapWithinNode = 700;
double sharedOffHeapWithinWorker = 500;
Config conf = createClusterConfig(cpuPercent, memoryOnHeap, memoryOffHeap, null);
TopologyDetails[] topo = new TopologyDetails[2];
// 1st topology
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("spout", new TestSpout(), spoutParallelism);
builder.setBolt("bolt-1", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).addSharedMemory(new SharedOffHeapWithinWorker(sharedOffHeapWithinWorker, "bolt-1 shared off heap within worker")).shuffleGrouping("spout");
builder.setBolt("bolt-2", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).addSharedMemory(new SharedOffHeapWithinNode(sharedOffHeapWithinNode, "bolt-2 shared off heap within node")).shuffleGrouping("bolt-1");
builder.setBolt("bolt-3", new TestBolt(), boltParallelism).addSharedMemory(new SharedOnHeap(sharedOnHeapWithinWorker, "bolt-3 shared on heap within worker")).shuffleGrouping("bolt-2");
StormTopology stormToplogy = builder.createTopology();
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_PRIORITY, 1);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME, "testTopology-0");
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_MAX_HEAP_SIZE_MB, 2000);
topo[0] = new TopologyDetails("testTopology-id-0", conf, stormToplogy, 0, genExecsAndComps(stormToplogy), CURRENT_TIME, "user");
// 2nd topology
builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("spout", new TestSpout(), spoutParallelism).addSharedMemory(new SharedOffHeapWithinNode(sharedOffHeapWithinNode, "spout shared off heap within node"));
stormToplogy = builder.createTopology();
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_PRIORITY, 0);
conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME, "testTopology-1");
topo[1] = new TopologyDetails("testTopology-id-1", conf, stormToplogy, 0, genExecsAndComps(stormToplogy), CURRENT_TIME, "user");
Map<String, SupervisorDetails> supMap = genSupervisors(1, 4, 500, 2000);
Topologies topologies = new Topologies(topo[0]);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster(new INimbusTest(), new ResourceMetrics(new StormMetricsRegistry()), supMap, new HashMap<>(), topologies, conf);
// schedule 1st topology
scheduler = new ResourceAwareScheduler();
scheduler.prepare(conf, new StormMetricsRegistry());
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
assertTopologiesFullyScheduled(cluster, topo[0].getName());
// attempt scheduling both topologies.
// this triggered negative resource event as the second topology incorrectly scheduled with the first in place
// first topology should get evicted for higher priority (lower value) second topology to successfully schedule
topologies = new Topologies(topo[0], topo[1]);
cluster = new Cluster(cluster, topologies);
scheduler.schedule(topologies, cluster);
assertTopologiesNotScheduled(cluster, topo[0].getName());
assertTopologiesFullyScheduled(cluster, topo[1].getName());
// check negative resource count
assertThat(cluster.getResourceMetrics().getNegativeResourceEventsMeter().getCount(), is(0L));