use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails in project storm by apache.
the class Nimbus method computeTopoToExecToNodePort.
* convert {topology-id -> SchedulerAssignment} to
* {topology-id -> {executor [node port]}}
* @return
private static Map<String, Map<List<Long>, List<Object>>> computeTopoToExecToNodePort(Map<String, SchedulerAssignment> schedAssignments) {
Map<String, Map<List<Long>, List<Object>>> ret = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, SchedulerAssignment> schedEntry : schedAssignments.entrySet()) {
Map<List<Long>, List<Object>> execToNodePort = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> execAndNodePort : schedEntry.getValue().getExecutorToSlot().entrySet()) {
ExecutorDetails exec = execAndNodePort.getKey();
WorkerSlot slot = execAndNodePort.getValue();
List<Long> listExec = new ArrayList<>(2);
listExec.add((long) exec.getStartTask());
listExec.add((long) exec.getEndTask());
List<Object> nodePort = new ArrayList<>(2);
nodePort.add((long) slot.getPort());
execToNodePort.put(listExec, nodePort);
ret.put(schedEntry.getKey(), execToNodePort);
return ret;
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails in project storm by apache.
the class ExecSorterByConnectionCount method sortExecutors.
* Order executors based on how many in and out connections it will potentially need to make, in descending order. First order
* components by the number of in and out connections it will have. Then iterate through the sorted list of components. For each
* component sort the neighbors of that component by how many connections it will have to make with that component.
* Add an executor from this component and then from each neighboring component in sorted order. Do this until there is
* nothing left to schedule. Then add back executors not accounted for - which are system executors.
* @param unassignedExecutors an unmodifiable set of executors that need to be scheduled.
* @return a list of executors in sorted order for scheduling.
public List<ExecutorDetails> sortExecutors(Set<ExecutorDetails> unassignedExecutors) {
// excludes system components
Map<String, Component> componentMap = topologyDetails.getUserTopolgyComponents();
// in insert order
LinkedHashSet<ExecutorDetails> orderedExecutorSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Map<String, Queue<ExecutorDetails>> compToExecsToSchedule = new HashMap<>();
for (Component component : componentMap.values()) {
compToExecsToSchedule.put(component.getId(), new LinkedList<>());
for (ExecutorDetails exec : component.getExecs()) {
if (unassignedExecutors.contains(exec)) {
Set<Component> sortedComponents = sortComponents(componentMap);
for (Component currComp : sortedComponents) {
Map<String, Component> neighbors = new HashMap<>();
for (String compId : Sets.union(currComp.getChildren(), currComp.getParents())) {
neighbors.put(compId, componentMap.get(compId));
Set<Component> sortedNeighbors = sortNeighbors(currComp, neighbors);
Queue<ExecutorDetails> currCompExecsToSched = compToExecsToSchedule.get(currComp.getId());
boolean flag;
do {
flag = false;
if (!currCompExecsToSched.isEmpty()) {
flag = true;
for (Component neighborComp : sortedNeighbors) {
Queue<ExecutorDetails> neighborCompExesToSched = compToExecsToSchedule.get(neighborComp.getId());
if (!neighborCompExesToSched.isEmpty()) {
flag = true;
} while (flag);
// add executors not in sorted list - which may be system executors
return new LinkedList<>(orderedExecutorSet);
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails in project storm by apache.
the class NodeSorter method sortObjectResourcesCommon.
* Sort objects by the following three criteria.
* <li>
* The number executors of the topology that needs to be scheduled is already on the object (node or rack)
* in descending order. The reasoning to sort based on criterion 1 is so we schedule the rest of a topology on
* the same object (node or rack) as the existing executors of the topology.
* </li>
* <li>
* The subordinate/subservient resource availability percentage of a rack in descending order We calculate the
* resource availability percentage by dividing the resource availability of the object (node or rack) by the
* resource availability of the entire rack or cluster depending on if object references a node or a rack.
* How this differs from the DefaultResourceAwareStrategy is that the percentage boosts the node or rack if it is
* requested by the executor that the sorting is being done for and pulls it down if it is not.
* By doing this calculation, objects (node or rack) that have exhausted or little of one of the resources mentioned
* above will be ranked after racks that have more balanced resource availability and nodes or racks that have
* resources that are not requested will be ranked below . So we will be less likely to pick a rack that
* have a lot of one resource but a low amount of another and have a lot of resources that are not requested by the executor.
* This is similar to logic used {@link #sortObjectResourcesGeneric(ObjectResourcesSummary, ExecutorDetails, ExistingScheduleFunc)}.
* </li>
* <li>
* The tie between two nodes with same resource availability is broken by using the node with lower minimum
* percentage used. This comparison was used in {@link #sortObjectResourcesDefault(ObjectResourcesSummary, ExistingScheduleFunc)}
* but here it is made subservient to modified resource availbility used in
* {@link #sortObjectResourcesGeneric(ObjectResourcesSummary, ExecutorDetails, ExistingScheduleFunc)}.
* </li>
* @param allResources contains all individual ObjectResources as well as cumulative stats
* @param exec executor for which the sorting is done
* @param existingScheduleFunc a function to get existing executors already scheduled on this object
* @return a sorted list of ObjectResources
private List<ObjectResourcesItem> sortObjectResourcesCommon(final ObjectResourcesSummary allResources, final ExecutorDetails exec, final ExistingScheduleFunc existingScheduleFunc) {
// Copy and modify allResources
ObjectResourcesSummary affinityBasedAllResources = new ObjectResourcesSummary(allResources);
final NormalizedResourceOffer availableResourcesOverall = allResources.getAvailableResourcesOverall();
final NormalizedResourceRequest requestedResources = (exec != null) ? topologyDetails.getTotalResources(exec) : null;
affinityBasedAllResources.getObjectResources().forEach(x -> {
x.minResourcePercent = availableResourcesOverall.calculateMinPercentageUsedBy(x.availableResources);
if (requestedResources != null) {
// negate unrequested resources
x.avgResourcePercent = availableResourcesOverall.calculateAveragePercentageUsedBy(x.availableResources);
LOG.trace("for {}: minResourcePercent={}, avgResourcePercent={}, numExistingSchedule={}",, x.minResourcePercent, x.avgResourcePercent, existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
// Use the following comparator to return a sorted set
List<ObjectResourcesItem> sortedObjectResources = new ArrayList();
Comparator<ObjectResourcesItem> comparator = (o1, o2) -> {
int execsScheduled1 = existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
int execsScheduled2 = existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
if (execsScheduled1 > execsScheduled2) {
return -1;
} else if (execsScheduled1 < execsScheduled2) {
return 1;
double o1Avg = o1.avgResourcePercent;
double o2Avg = o2.avgResourcePercent;
if (o1Avg > o2Avg) {
return -1;
} else if (o1Avg < o2Avg) {
return 1;
if (o1.minResourcePercent > o2.minResourcePercent) {
return -1;
} else if (o1.minResourcePercent < o2.minResourcePercent) {
return 1;
LOG.debug("Sorted Object Resources: {}", sortedObjectResources);
return sortedObjectResources;
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails in project storm by apache.
the class ConstraintSolverStrategy method validateSolution.
* Determines if a scheduling is valid and all constraints are satisfied (for use in testing).
* This is done in three steps.
* <li>Check if nodeCoLocationCnt-constraints are satisfied. Some components may allow only a certain number of
* executors to exist on the same node {@link ConstraintSolverConfig#getMaxNodeCoLocationCnts()}.
* </li>
* <li>
* Check if incompatibility-constraints are satisfied. Incompatible components
* {@link ConstraintSolverConfig#getIncompatibleComponentSets()} should not be put on the same worker.
* </li>
* <li>
* Check if CPU and Memory resources do not exceed availability on the node and total matches what is expected
* when fully scheduled.
* </li>
* @param cluster on which scheduling was done.
* @param topo TopologyDetails being scheduled.
* @return true if solution is valid, false otherwise.
public static boolean validateSolution(Cluster cluster, TopologyDetails topo) {
assert (cluster.getAssignmentById(topo.getId()) != null);
LOG.debug("Checking for a valid scheduling for topology {}...", topo.getName());
ConstraintSolverConfig constraintSolverConfig = new ConstraintSolverConfig(topo);
// First check NodeCoLocationCnt constraints
Map<ExecutorDetails, String> execToComp = topo.getExecutorToComponent();
// this is the critical count
Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> nodeCompMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<WorkerSlot, RasNode> workerToNodes = new HashMap<>();
RasNodes.getAllNodesFrom(cluster).values().forEach(node -> node.getUsedSlots().forEach(workerSlot -> workerToNodes.put(workerSlot, node)));
List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> entry : cluster.getAssignmentById(topo.getId()).getExecutorToSlot().entrySet()) {
ExecutorDetails exec = entry.getKey();
String comp = execToComp.get(exec);
WorkerSlot worker = entry.getValue();
RasNode node = workerToNodes.get(worker);
String nodeId = node.getId();
if (!constraintSolverConfig.getMaxNodeCoLocationCnts().containsKey(comp)) {
int allowedColocationMaxCnt = constraintSolverConfig.getMaxNodeCoLocationCnts().get(comp);
Map<String, Integer> oneNodeCompMap = nodeCompMap.computeIfAbsent(nodeId, (k) -> new HashMap<>());
oneNodeCompMap.put(comp, oneNodeCompMap.getOrDefault(comp, 0) + 1);
if (allowedColocationMaxCnt < oneNodeCompMap.get(comp)) {
String err = String.format("MaxNodeCoLocation: Component %s (exec=%s) on node %s, cnt %d > allowed %d", comp, exec, nodeId, oneNodeCompMap.get(comp), allowedColocationMaxCnt);
// Second check IncompatibileComponent Constraints
Map<WorkerSlot, Set<String>> workerCompMap = new HashMap<>();
cluster.getAssignmentById(topo.getId()).getExecutorToSlot().forEach((exec, worker) -> {
String comp = execToComp.get(exec);
workerCompMap.computeIfAbsent(worker, (k) -> new HashSet<>()).add(comp);
for (Map.Entry<WorkerSlot, Set<String>> entry : workerCompMap.entrySet()) {
Set<String> comps = entry.getValue();
for (String comp1 : comps) {
for (String comp2 : comps) {
if (!comp1.equals(comp2) && constraintSolverConfig.getIncompatibleComponentSets().containsKey(comp1) && constraintSolverConfig.getIncompatibleComponentSets().get(comp1).contains(comp2)) {
String err = String.format("IncompatibleComponents: %s and %s on WorkerSlot: %s", comp1, comp2, entry.getKey());
// Third check resources
SchedulerAssignment schedulerAssignment = cluster.getAssignmentById(topo.getId());
Map<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> execToWorker = new HashMap<>();
if (schedulerAssignment.getExecutorToSlot() != null) {
Map<String, RasNode> nodes = RasNodes.getAllNodesFrom(cluster);
Map<RasNode, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> nodeToExecs = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<ExecutorDetails, WorkerSlot> entry : execToWorker.entrySet()) {
ExecutorDetails exec = entry.getKey();
WorkerSlot worker = entry.getValue();
RasNode node = nodes.get(worker.getNodeId());
if (node.getAvailableMemoryResources() < 0.0) {
String err = String.format("Resource Exhausted: Found node %s with negative available memory %,.2f", node.getId(), node.getAvailableMemoryResources());
if (node.getAvailableCpuResources() < 0.0) {
String err = String.format("Resource Exhausted: Found node %s with negative available CPU %,.2f", node.getId(), node.getAvailableCpuResources());
nodeToExecs.computeIfAbsent(node, (k) -> new HashSet<>()).add(exec);
for (Map.Entry<RasNode, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> entry : nodeToExecs.entrySet()) {
RasNode node = entry.getKey();
Collection<ExecutorDetails> execs = entry.getValue();
double cpuUsed = 0.0;
double memoryUsed = 0.0;
for (ExecutorDetails exec : execs) {
cpuUsed += topo.getTotalCpuReqTask(exec);
memoryUsed += topo.getTotalMemReqTask(exec);
if (node.getAvailableCpuResources() != (node.getTotalCpuResources() - cpuUsed)) {
String err = String.format("Incorrect CPU Resources: Node %s CPU available is %,.2f, expected %,.2f, " + "Executors scheduled on node: %s", node.getId(), node.getAvailableCpuResources(), (node.getTotalCpuResources() - cpuUsed), execs);
if (node.getAvailableMemoryResources() != (node.getTotalMemoryResources() - memoryUsed)) {
String err = String.format("Incorrect Memory Resources: Node %s Memory available is %,.2f, expected %,.2f, " + "Executors scheduled on node: %s", node.getId(), node.getAvailableMemoryResources(), (node.getTotalMemoryResources() - memoryUsed), execs);
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
LOG.error("Topology {} solution is invalid\n\t{}", topo.getName(), String.join("\n\t", errors));
return errors.isEmpty();
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails in project storm by apache.
the class NodeSorterHostProximity method sortObjectResourcesCommon.
* Sort objects by the following three criteria.
* <li>
* The number executors of the topology that needs to be scheduled is already on the object (node or rack)
* in descending order. The reasoning to sort based on criterion 1 is so we schedule the rest of a topology on
* the same object (node or rack) as the existing executors of the topology.
* </li>
* <li>
* The subordinate/subservient resource availability percentage of a rack in descending order We calculate the
* resource availability percentage by dividing the resource availability of the object (node or rack) by the
* resource availability of the entire rack or cluster depending on if object references a node or a rack.
* How this differs from the DefaultResourceAwareStrategy is that the percentage boosts the node or rack if it is
* requested by the executor that the sorting is being done for and pulls it down if it is not.
* By doing this calculation, objects (node or rack) that have exhausted or little of one of the resources mentioned
* above will be ranked after racks that have more balanced resource availability and nodes or racks that have
* resources that are not requested will be ranked below . So we will be less likely to pick a rack that
* have a lot of one resource but a low amount of another and have a lot of resources that are not requested by the executor.
* This is similar to logic used {@link #sortObjectResourcesGeneric(ObjectResourcesSummary, ExecutorDetails, ExistingScheduleFunc)}.
* </li>
* <li>
* The tie between two nodes with same resource availability is broken by using the node with lower minimum
* percentage used. This comparison was used in {@link #sortObjectResourcesDefault(ObjectResourcesSummary, ExistingScheduleFunc)}
* but here it is made subservient to modified resource availbility used in
* {@link #sortObjectResourcesGeneric(ObjectResourcesSummary, ExecutorDetails, ExistingScheduleFunc)}.
* </li>
* @param allResources contains all individual ObjectResources as well as cumulative stats
* @param exec executor for which the sorting is done
* @param existingScheduleFunc a function to get existing executors already scheduled on this object
* @return an {@link Iterable} of sorted {@link ObjectResourcesItem}
private Iterable<ObjectResourcesItem> sortObjectResourcesCommon(final ObjectResourcesSummary allResources, final ExecutorDetails exec, final ExistingScheduleFunc existingScheduleFunc) {
// Copy and modify allResources
ObjectResourcesSummary affinityBasedAllResources = new ObjectResourcesSummary(allResources);
final NormalizedResourceOffer availableResourcesOverall = allResources.getAvailableResourcesOverall();
final NormalizedResourceRequest requestedResources = (exec != null) ? topologyDetails.getTotalResources(exec) : null;
affinityBasedAllResources.getObjectResources().forEach(x -> {
if (requestedResources != null) {
// negate unrequested resources
x.minResourcePercent = availableResourcesOverall.calculateMinPercentageUsedBy(x.availableResources);
x.avgResourcePercent = availableResourcesOverall.calculateAveragePercentageUsedBy(x.availableResources);
LOG.trace("for {}: minResourcePercent={}, avgResourcePercent={}, numExistingSchedule={}",, x.minResourcePercent, x.avgResourcePercent, existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
// Use the following comparator to sort
Comparator<ObjectResourcesItem> comparator = (o1, o2) -> {
int execsScheduled1 = existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
int execsScheduled2 = existingScheduleFunc.getNumExistingSchedule(;
if (execsScheduled1 > execsScheduled2) {
return -1;
} else if (execsScheduled1 < execsScheduled2) {
return 1;
double o1Avg = o1.avgResourcePercent;
double o2Avg = o2.avgResourcePercent;
if (o1Avg > o2Avg) {
return -1;
} else if (o1Avg < o2Avg) {
return 1;
if (o1.minResourcePercent > o2.minResourcePercent) {
return -1;
} else if (o1.minResourcePercent < o2.minResourcePercent) {
return 1;
TreeSet<ObjectResourcesItem> sortedObjectResources = new TreeSet(comparator);
LOG.debug("Sorted Object Resources: {}", sortedObjectResources);
return sortedObjectResources;