use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails in project storm by apache.
the class NodeSorterHostProximity method getScheduledExecCntByRackId.
public Map<String, AtomicInteger> getScheduledExecCntByRackId() {
SchedulerAssignment assignment = cluster.getAssignmentById(topologyDetails.getId());
Map<String, AtomicInteger> scheduledCount = new HashMap<>();
if (assignment != null) {
for (Map.Entry<WorkerSlot, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> entry : assignment.getSlotToExecutors().entrySet()) {
String superId = entry.getKey().getNodeId();
String rackId = superIdToRack.get(superId);
scheduledCount.computeIfAbsent(rackId, (rid) -> new AtomicInteger(0)).getAndAdd(entry.getValue().size());
return scheduledCount;
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails in project storm by apache.
the class RasNode method wouldFit.
* Would scheduling exec in ws fit with the current resource constraints.
* @param ws the slot to possibly put exec in
* @param exec the executor to possibly place in ws
* @param td the topology exec is a part of
* @return true if it would fit else false
public boolean wouldFit(WorkerSlot ws, ExecutorDetails exec, TopologyDetails td) {
assert nodeId.equals(ws.getNodeId()) : "Slot " + ws + " is not a part of this node " + nodeId;
if (!isAlive || !cluster.wouldFit(ws, exec, td, getTotalAvailableResources(), td.getTopologyWorkerMaxHeapSize())) {
return false;
boolean oneExecutorPerWorker = (Boolean) td.getConf().get(Config.TOPOLOGY_RAS_ONE_EXECUTOR_PER_WORKER);
boolean oneComponentPerWorker = (Boolean) td.getConf().get(Config.TOPOLOGY_RAS_ONE_COMPONENT_PER_WORKER);
if (oneExecutorPerWorker) {
return !getUsedSlots(td.getId()).contains(ws);
if (oneComponentPerWorker) {
Set<String> components = new HashSet<>();
Map<String, Collection<ExecutorDetails>> topologyExecutors = topIdToUsedSlots.get(td.getId());
if (topologyExecutors != null) {
Collection<ExecutorDetails> slotExecs = topologyExecutors.get(ws.getId());
if (slotExecs != null) {
// components from WorkerSlot
for (ExecutorDetails slotExec : slotExecs) {
// component from exec
return components.size() <= 1;
return true;
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails in project storm by apache.
the class SchedulingSearcherState method backtrack.
public void backtrack(Map<ExecutorDetails, String> execToComp, RasNode node, WorkerSlot workerSlot) {
// when backtrack, we need to skip over the bound ackers
while (execIndex >= 0 && boundAckers.contains(execs.get(execIndex))) {
if (execIndex < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Internal Error: Topology " + topoName + " exec index became negative");
ExecutorDetails exec = currentExec();
String comp = execToComp.get(exec);
LOG.trace("Topology {} Backtracking {} {} from {}", topoName, exec, comp, workerSlot);
if (okToRemoveFromWorker[execIndex]) {
Map<String, Integer> compToAssignmentCount = workerCompAssignmentCnts.get(workerSlot);
// decrement worker assignment count
compToAssignmentCount.put(comp, compToAssignmentCount.getOrDefault(comp, 0) - 1);
if (compToAssignmentCount.get(comp) == 0) {
okToRemoveFromWorker[execIndex] = false;
if (okToRemoveFromNode[execIndex]) {
Map<String, Integer> nodeToAssignmentCount = nodeCompAssignmentCnts.get(node);
// decrement node assignment count
nodeToAssignmentCount.put(comp, nodeToAssignmentCount.getOrDefault(comp, 0) - 1);
if (nodeToAssignmentCount.get(comp) == 0) {
okToRemoveFromNode[execIndex] = false;
node.freeSingleExecutor(exec, td);
// If this exec has bound ackers, we need to backtrack them as well
if (execsWithBoundAckers.remove(exec)) {
if (workerSlotToBoundAckers.containsKey(workerSlot)) {
freeWorkerSlotWithBoundAckers(node, workerSlot);
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails in project storm by apache.
the class SchedulingSearcherState method logNodeCompAssignments.
* Use this method to log the current component assignments on the Node.
* Useful for debugging and tests.
public void logNodeCompAssignments() {
if (nodeCompAssignmentCnts == null || nodeCompAssignmentCnts.isEmpty()) {"Topology {} NodeCompAssignment is empty", topoName);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int cntAllNodes = 0;
int cntFilledNodes = 0;
for (RasNode node : new TreeSet<>(nodeCompAssignmentCnts.keySet())) {
Map<String, Integer> oneMap = nodeCompAssignmentCnts.get(node);
if (oneMap.isEmpty()) {
String oneMapJoined = oneMap.entrySet().stream().map(e -> String.format("%s: %s", e.getKey(), e.getValue())).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
sb.append(String.format("\n\t(%d) Node %s: %s", cntFilledNodes, node.getId(), oneMapJoined));
}"Topology {} NodeCompAssignments available for {} of {} nodes {}", topoName, cntFilledNodes, cntAllNodes, sb);"Topology {} Executors assignments attempted (cnt={}) are: \n\t{}", topoName, execs.size(),",")));
use of org.apache.storm.scheduler.ExecutorDetails in project storm by apache.
the class SchedulingSearcherState method assignSingleBoundAcker.
* <p>
* Remove the head of unassigned ackers and attempt to assign it to a workerSlot as a bound acker.
* </p>
* @param node RasNode on which to schedule.
* @param workerSlot WorkerSlot on which to schedule.
public void assignSingleBoundAcker(RasNode node, WorkerSlot workerSlot) {
if (unassignedAckers.isEmpty()) {
String msg = String.format("No more available ackers to assign for the new worker: %s of topology: %s", workerSlot, topoName);
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
ExecutorDetails acker = unassignedAckers.removeFirst();
node.assignSingleExecutor(workerSlot, acker, td);
if (!workerSlotToBoundAckers.containsKey(workerSlot)) {
workerSlotToBoundAckers.put(workerSlot, new ArrayList<>());
// bound ackers should not violate constraint solver
String ackerCompId = Acker.ACKER_COMPONENT_ID;
Map<String, Integer> compToAssignmentCount = workerCompAssignmentCnts.computeIfAbsent(workerSlot, (k) -> new HashMap<>());
// increment worker assignment count
compToAssignmentCount.put(ackerCompId, compToAssignmentCount.getOrDefault(ackerCompId, 0) + 1);
Map<String, Integer> nodeToAssignmentCount = nodeCompAssignmentCnts.computeIfAbsent(node, (k) -> new HashMap<>());
// increment node assignment count
nodeToAssignmentCount.put(ackerCompId, nodeToAssignmentCount.getOrDefault(ackerCompId, 0) + 1);