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Example 1 with DecoratedLogLine

use of in project storm by apache.

the class WindowVerifier method runAndVerifyCount.

 * Run the topology and verify that the number and contents of count based windows is as expected
 * once the spout and bolt have emitted sufficient tuples.
 * The spout and bolt are required to log exactly one log line per emit/window using {@link StringDecorator}
public void runAndVerifyCount(int windowSize, int slideSize, TestableTopology testable, TopoWrap topo) throws IOException, TException, MalformedURLException {
    final int minBoltEmits = 5;
    // Sliding windows should produce one window every slideSize tuples
    // Wait for the spout to emit at least enough tuples to get minBoltEmit windows and at least one full window
    final int minSpoutEmits = Math.max(windowSize, minBoltEmits * slideSize);
    String boltName = testable.getBoltName();
    String spoutName = testable.getSpoutName();
    // Waiting for spout tuples isn't strictly necessary since we also wait for bolt emits, but do it anyway
    topo.assertProgress(minSpoutEmits, testable.getSpoutExecutors(), spoutName, 180);
    topo.assertProgress(minBoltEmits, testable.getBoltExecutors(), boltName, 180);
    final List<DecoratedLogLine> allDecoratedBoltLogs = topo.getDecoratedLogLines(boltName);
    final List<DecoratedLogLine> allDecoratedSpoutLogs = topo.getDecoratedLogLines(spoutName);
    // We expect the bolt to log exactly one decorated line per emit
    Assert.assertTrue(allDecoratedBoltLogs.size() >= minBoltEmits, "Expecting min " + minBoltEmits + " bolt emits, found: " + allDecoratedBoltLogs.size() + " \n\t" + allDecoratedBoltLogs);
    final int numberOfWindows = allDecoratedBoltLogs.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfWindows; ++i) {"Comparing window: " + (i + 1) + " of " + numberOfWindows);
        final int toIndex = (i + 1) * slideSize;
        final int fromIndex = toIndex - windowSize;
        final int positiveFromIndex = fromIndex > 0 ? fromIndex : 0;
        final List<DecoratedLogLine> expectedWindowContents = allDecoratedSpoutLogs.subList(positiveFromIndex, toIndex);
        final String actualString = allDecoratedBoltLogs.get(i).toString();
        for (DecoratedLogLine windowData : expectedWindowContents) {
            final String logStr = windowData.getData();
            Assertions.assertTrue(actualString.contains(logStr), () -> String.format("Missing: '%s' \nActual: '%s' \nCalculated window: '%s'", logStr, actualString, expectedWindowContents));
Also used : DecoratedLogLine(


DecoratedLogLine (