use of org.apache.storm.utils.DisallowedStrategyException in project storm by apache.
the class ResourceAwareScheduler method scheduleTopology.
private void scheduleTopology(TopologyDetails td, Cluster cluster, final User topologySubmitter, List<TopologyDetails> orderedTopologies, Map<String, Set<String>> tmpEvictedTopologiesMap) {
// A copy of cluster that we can modify, but does not get committed back to cluster unless scheduling succeeds
Cluster workingState = new Cluster(cluster);
RasNodes nodes = new RasNodes(workingState);
IStrategy rasStrategy = null;
String strategyConf = (String) td.getConf().get(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY);
try {
String strategy = (String) td.getConf().get(Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY);
if (strategy.startsWith("backtype.storm")) {
// Storm support to launch workers of older version.
// If the config of TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY comes from the older version, replace the package name.
strategy = strategy.replace("backtype.storm", "org.apache.storm");
LOG.debug("Replaced backtype.storm with org.apache.storm for Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY");
rasStrategy = ReflectionUtils.newSchedulerStrategyInstance(strategy, conf);
} catch (DisallowedStrategyException e) {
markFailedTopology(topologySubmitter, cluster, td, "Unsuccessful in scheduling - " + e.getAttemptedClass() + " is not an allowed strategy. Please make sure your " + Config.TOPOLOGY_SCHEDULER_STRATEGY + " config is one of the allowed strategies: " + e.getAllowedStrategies(), e);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
markFailedTopology(topologySubmitter, cluster, td, "Unsuccessful in scheduling - failed to create instance of topology strategy " + strategyConf + ". Please check logs for details", e);
// Log warning here to avoid duplicating / spamming in strategy / scheduling code.
boolean oneExecutorPerWorker = (Boolean) td.getConf().get(Config.TOPOLOGY_RAS_ONE_EXECUTOR_PER_WORKER);
boolean oneComponentPerWorker = (Boolean) td.getConf().get(Config.TOPOLOGY_RAS_ONE_COMPONENT_PER_WORKER);
if (oneExecutorPerWorker && oneComponentPerWorker) {
LOG.warn("Conflicting options: {} and {} are both set! Ignoring {} option.", Config.TOPOLOGY_RAS_ONE_EXECUTOR_PER_WORKER, Config.TOPOLOGY_RAS_ONE_COMPONENT_PER_WORKER, Config.TOPOLOGY_RAS_ONE_COMPONENT_PER_WORKER);
TopologySchedulingResources topologySchedulingResources = new TopologySchedulingResources(workingState, td);
final IStrategy finalRasStrategy = rasStrategy;
for (int i = 0; i < maxSchedulingAttempts; i++) {
SingleTopologyCluster toSchedule = new SingleTopologyCluster(workingState, td.getId());
try {
SchedulingResult result = null;
if (topologySchedulingResources.canSchedule()) {
Future<SchedulingResult> schedulingFuture = backgroundScheduling.submit(() -> finalRasStrategy.schedule(toSchedule, td));
try {
result = schedulingFuture.get(schedulingTimeoutSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException te) {
markFailedTopology(topologySubmitter, cluster, td, "Scheduling took too long for " + td.getId() + " using strategy " + rasStrategy.getClass().getName() + " timeout after " + schedulingTimeoutSeconds + " seconds using config " + DaemonConfig.SCHEDULING_TIMEOUT_SECONDS_PER_TOPOLOGY + ".");
} else {
result = SchedulingResult.failure(SchedulingStatus.FAIL_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES, "");
LOG.debug("scheduling result: {}", result);
if (result == null) {
markFailedTopology(topologySubmitter, cluster, td, "Internal scheduler error");
} else {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
cluster.setStatus(td.getId(), "Running - " + result.getMessage());
} else if (result.getStatus() == SchedulingStatus.FAIL_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES) {
LOG.debug("Not enough resources to schedule {}", td.getName());
List<TopologyDetails> reversedList = ImmutableList.copyOf(orderedTopologies).reverse();
LOG.debug("Attempting to make space for topo {} from user {}", td.getName(), td.getTopologySubmitter());
int tdIndex = reversedList.indexOf(td);
topologySchedulingResources.setRemainingRequiredResources(toSchedule, td);
Set<String> tmpEvictedTopos = new HashSet<>();
for (int index = 0; index < tdIndex; index++) {
TopologyDetails topologyEvict = reversedList.get(index);
SchedulerAssignment evictAssignemnt = workingState.getAssignmentById(topologyEvict.getId());
if (evictAssignemnt != null && !evictAssignemnt.getSlots().isEmpty()) {
topologySchedulingResources.adjustResourcesForEvictedTopology(toSchedule, topologyEvict);
Collection<WorkerSlot> workersToEvict = workingState.getUsedSlotsByTopologyId(topologyEvict.getId());
if (topologySchedulingResources.canSchedule()) {
// than is needed
if (!tmpEvictedTopos.isEmpty()) {
LOG.warn("Evicted Topologies {} when scheduling topology: {}", tmpEvictedTopos, td.getId());
tmpEvictedTopologiesMap.computeIfAbsent(td.getId(), k -> new HashSet<>()).addAll(tmpEvictedTopos);
} else {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
message.append("Not enough resources to schedule after evicting lower priority topologies. ");
markFailedTopology(topologySubmitter, cluster, td, message.toString());
// Only place we fall though to do the loop over again...
} else {
// Any other failure result
topologySubmitter.markTopoUnsuccess(td, cluster, result.toString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
markFailedTopology(topologySubmitter, cluster, td, "Internal Error - Exception thrown when scheduling. Please check logs for details", ex);
// We can only reach here when we failed to free enough space by evicting current topologies after {maxSchedulingAttempts}
// while that scheduler did evict something at each attempt.
markFailedTopology(topologySubmitter, cluster, td, "Failed to make enough resources for " + td.getId() + " by evicting lower priority topologies within " + maxSchedulingAttempts + " attempts. " + topologySchedulingResources.getRemainingRequiredResourcesMessage());