use of in project syncope by apache.
the class ReconciliationReportlet method doExtract.
protected void doExtract(final ReportletConf conf, final ContentHandler handler, final AtomicReference<String> status) throws SAXException {
if (conf instanceof ReconciliationReportletConf) {
this.conf = ReconciliationReportletConf.class.cast(conf);
} else {
throw new ReportException(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid configuration provided"));
AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.conf.getUserMatchingCond())) {
int total = userDAO.count();
int pages = (total / AnyDAO.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) + 1;
status.set("Processing " + total + " users in " + pages + " pages");
atts.addAttribute("", "", "total", ReportXMLConst.XSD_INT, String.valueOf(total));
handler.startElement("", "", getAnyElementName(AnyTypeKind.USER) + "s", atts);
for (int page = 1; page <= pages; page++) {
status.set("Processing " + total + " users: page " + page + " of " + pages);
doExtract(handler, userDAO.findAll(page, AnyDAO.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE));
} else {
SearchCond cond = SearchCondConverter.convert(this.conf.getUserMatchingCond());
int total = searchDAO.count(SyncopeConstants.FULL_ADMIN_REALMS, cond, AnyTypeKind.USER);
int pages = (total / AnyDAO.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) + 1;
status.set("Processing " + total + " users in " + pages + " pages");
atts.addAttribute("", "", "total", ReportXMLConst.XSD_INT, String.valueOf(total));
handler.startElement("", "", getAnyElementName(AnyTypeKind.USER) + "s", atts);
for (int page = 1; page <= pages; page++) {
status.set("Processing " + total + " users: page " + page + " of " + pages);
doExtract(handler,, cond, page, PAGE_SIZE, Collections.<OrderByClause>emptyList(), AnyTypeKind.USER));
handler.endElement("", "", getAnyElementName(AnyTypeKind.USER) + "s");
if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.conf.getGroupMatchingCond())) {
int total = groupDAO.count();
int pages = (total / AnyDAO.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) + 1;
status.set("Processing " + total + " groups in " + pages + " pages");
atts.addAttribute("", "", "total", ReportXMLConst.XSD_INT, String.valueOf(total));
handler.startElement("", "", getAnyElementName(AnyTypeKind.GROUP) + "s", atts);
for (int page = 1; page <= pages; page++) {
status.set("Processing " + total + " groups: page " + page + " of " + pages);
doExtract(handler, groupDAO.findAll(page, AnyDAO.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE));
} else {
SearchCond cond = SearchCondConverter.convert(this.conf.getUserMatchingCond());
int total = searchDAO.count(SyncopeConstants.FULL_ADMIN_REALMS, cond, AnyTypeKind.GROUP);
int pages = (total / AnyDAO.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) + 1;
status.set("Processing " + total + " groups in " + pages + " pages");
atts.addAttribute("", "", "total", ReportXMLConst.XSD_INT, String.valueOf(total));
handler.startElement("", "", getAnyElementName(AnyTypeKind.GROUP) + "s", atts);
for (int page = 1; page <= pages; page++) {
status.set("Processing " + total + " groups: page " + page + " of " + pages);
doExtract(handler,, cond, page, PAGE_SIZE, Collections.<OrderByClause>emptyList(), AnyTypeKind.GROUP));
handler.endElement("", "", getAnyElementName(AnyTypeKind.GROUP) + "s");
for (AnyType anyType : anyTypeDAO.findAll()) {
if (!anyType.equals(anyTypeDAO.findUser()) && !anyType.equals(anyTypeDAO.findGroup())) {
AnyTypeCond anyTypeCond = new AnyTypeCond();
SearchCond cond = StringUtils.isBlank(this.conf.getAnyObjectMatchingCond()) ? SearchCond.getLeafCond(anyTypeCond) : SearchCond.getAndCond(SearchCond.getLeafCond(anyTypeCond), SearchCondConverter.convert(this.conf.getAnyObjectMatchingCond()));
int total = searchDAO.count(SyncopeConstants.FULL_ADMIN_REALMS, cond, AnyTypeKind.ANY_OBJECT);
int pages = (total / AnyDAO.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) + 1;
status.set("Processing " + total + " any objects " + anyType.getKey() + " in " + pages + " pages");
atts.addAttribute("", "", "type", ReportXMLConst.XSD_STRING, anyType.getKey());
atts.addAttribute("", "", "total", ReportXMLConst.XSD_INT, String.valueOf(total));
handler.startElement("", "", getAnyElementName(AnyTypeKind.ANY_OBJECT) + "s", atts);
for (int page = 1; page <= pages; page++) {
status.set("Processing " + total + " any objects " + anyType.getKey() + ": page " + page + " of " + pages);
doExtract(handler,, cond, page, PAGE_SIZE, Collections.<OrderByClause>emptyList(), AnyTypeKind.ANY_OBJECT));
handler.endElement("", "", getAnyElementName(AnyTypeKind.ANY_OBJECT) + "s");