use of org.apache.sysml.hops.globalopt.gdfgraph.GDFNode in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class GDFEnumOptimizer method optimize.
public GDFGraph optimize(GDFGraph gdfgraph, Summary summary) throws DMLRuntimeException, HopsException, LopsException {
Timing time = new Timing(true);
Program prog = gdfgraph.getRuntimeProgram();
ExecutionContext ec = ExecutionContextFactory.createContext(prog);
ArrayList<GDFNode> roots = gdfgraph.getGraphRootNodes();
//Step 1: baseline costing for branch and bound costs
double initCosts = Double.MAX_VALUE;
initCosts = CostEstimationWrapper.getTimeEstimate(prog, ec);
initCosts = initCosts * (1 + BRANCH_AND_BOUND_REL_THRES);
//Step 2: dynamic programming plan generation
//(finally, pick optimal root plans over all interesting property sets)
ArrayList<Plan> rootPlans = new ArrayList<Plan>();
for (GDFNode node : roots) {
PlanSet ps = enumOpt(node, _memo, initCosts);
Plan optPlan = ps.getPlanWithMinCosts();
long enumPlanMismatch = getPlanMismatches();
//check for final containment of independent roots and pick optimal
HashMap<Long, Plan> memo = new HashMap<Long, Plan>();
for (Plan p : rootPlans) rSetRuntimePlanConfig(p, memo);
long finalPlanMismatch = getPlanMismatches();
//generate final runtime plan (w/ optimal config)
Recompiler.recompileProgramBlockHierarchy(prog.getProgramBlocks(), new LocalVariableMap(), 0, false);
ec = ExecutionContextFactory.createContext(prog);
double optCosts = CostEstimationWrapper.getTimeEstimate(prog, ec);
//maintain optimization summary statistics
return gdfgraph;
use of org.apache.sysml.hops.globalopt.gdfgraph.GDFNode in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class GDFEnumOptimizer method enumNodePlans.
private static PlanSet enumNodePlans(GDFNode node, MemoStructure memo, double maxCosts) throws DMLRuntimeException {
ArrayList<Plan> plans = new ArrayList<Plan>();
ExecType CLUSTER = OptimizerUtils.isSparkExecutionMode() ? ExecType.SPARK : ExecType.MR;
// CASE 1: core hop enumeration (other than persistent/transient read/write)
if (node.getNodeType() == NodeType.HOP_NODE && !(node.getHop() instanceof DataOp)) {
//core rewrite enumeration for cp and mr
enumHopNodePlans(node, plans);
} else //CASE 2: dataop hop enumeration
if (node.getHop() instanceof DataOp) {
DataOp dhop = (DataOp) node.getHop();
if (dhop.getDataOpType() == DataOpTypes.PERSISTENTREAD) {
//for persistent read the interesting properties are fixed by the input
//but we can decide on output properties
ExecType et = (dhop.getMemEstimate() > OptimizerUtils.getLocalMemBudget() || HopRewriteUtils.alwaysRequiresReblock(dhop)) ? CLUSTER : ExecType.CP;
int[] blocksizes = (et == CLUSTER) ? BLOCK_SIZES : new int[] { BLOCK_SIZES[0] };
for (Integer bs : blocksizes) {
RewriteConfig rcmr = new RewriteConfig(et, bs, FileFormatTypes.BINARY);
InterestingProperties ipsmr = rcmr.deriveInterestingProperties();
Plan mrplan = new Plan(node, ipsmr, rcmr, null);
} else if (dhop.getDataOpType() == DataOpTypes.PERSISTENTWRITE) {
//for persistent write the interesting properties are fixed by the given
//write specification
ExecType et = (dhop.getMemEstimate() > OptimizerUtils.getLocalMemBudget()) ? CLUSTER : ExecType.CP;
RewriteConfig rcmr = new RewriteConfig(et, (int) dhop.getRowsInBlock(), dhop.getInputFormatType());
InterestingProperties ipsmr = rcmr.deriveInterestingProperties();
Plan mrplan = new Plan(node, ipsmr, rcmr, null);
} else if (dhop.getDataOpType() == DataOpTypes.TRANSIENTREAD || dhop.getDataOpType() == DataOpTypes.TRANSIENTWRITE) {
//note: full enumeration for transient read and write; otherwise the properties
//of these hops are never set because pass-through plans refer to different hops
enumHopNodePlans(node, plans);
if (node.getNodeType() == NodeType.LOOP_NODE) {
//TODO consistency checks inputs and outputs (updated vars)
GDFLoopNode lnode = (GDFLoopNode) node;
//no additional pruning (validity, optimality) required
for (GDFNode in : lnode.getLoopInputs().values()) enumOpt(in, memo, maxCosts);
//step 1: enumerate loop plan, incl partitioning/checkpoints/reblock for inputs
RewriteConfig rc = new RewriteConfig(ExecType.CP, -1, null);
InterestingProperties ips = rc.deriveInterestingProperties();
Plan lplan = new Plan(node, ips, rc, null);
//(predicate might be null if single variable)
if (lnode.getLoopPredicate() != null)
enumOpt(lnode.getLoopPredicate(), memo, maxCosts);
//step 3: recursive call optimize on outputs
//(return union of all output plans, later selected by output var)
PlanSet Pout = new PlanSet();
for (GDFNode out : lnode.getLoopOutputs().values()) Pout = Pout.union(enumOpt(out, memo, maxCosts));
//note: global pruning later done when returning to enumOpt
//for the entire loop node
if (node.getNodeType() == NodeType.CROSS_BLOCK_NODE) {
//do nothing (leads to pass-through on crossProductChild)
return new PlanSet(plans);
use of org.apache.sysml.hops.globalopt.gdfgraph.GDFNode in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class GDFEnumOptimizer method enumOpt.
* Core dynamic programming enumeration algorithm
* for global data flow optimization.
* @param node the GDF node
* @param memo the memo structure
* @param maxCosts max costs
* @return the plan set
* @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs
public static PlanSet enumOpt(GDFNode node, MemoStructure memo, double maxCosts) throws DMLRuntimeException {
//memoization of already enumerated subgraphs
if (memo.constainsEntry(node))
return memo.getEntry(node);
//enumerate node plans
PlanSet P = enumNodePlans(node, memo, maxCosts);
//combine local node plan with optimal child plans
for (GDFNode c : node.getInputs()) {
//recursive optimization
PlanSet Pc = enumOpt(c, memo, maxCosts);
if (c instanceof GDFLoopNode)
Pc = Pc.selectChild(node);
//combine parent-child plans
P = P.crossProductChild(Pc);
_enumeratedPlans += P.size();
//prune invalid plans
//prune suboptimal plans
pruneSuboptimalPlans(P, maxCosts);
//memoization of created entries
memo.putEntry(node, P);
return P;
use of org.apache.sysml.hops.globalopt.gdfgraph.GDFNode in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class Explain method explainGDFNode.
// internal explain GDFNODE
* Do a post-order traverse through the GDFNode DAG and explain each GDFNode.
* Note: nodes referring to literalops are suppressed.
* @param gnode GDF node
* @param level offset
* @param memo memoization table
* @return string explanation
* @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs
private static String explainGDFNode(GDFNode gnode, int level, HashSet<Long> memo) throws DMLRuntimeException {
//basic memoization via memo table since gnode has no visit status
if (memo.contains(gnode.getID()) || gnode.getNodeType() == NodeType.HOP_NODE && gnode.getHop() instanceof LiteralOp) {
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String offset = createOffset(level);
for (GDFNode input : gnode.getInputs()) sb.append(explainGDFNode(input, level, memo));
//hop id
String deps = null;
sb.append("(" + gnode.getID() + ") ");
StringBuilder childs = new StringBuilder();
childs.append(" (");
boolean childAdded = false;
for (GDFNode input : gnode.getInputs()) {
childs.append(childAdded ? "," : "");
childAdded = true;
if (childAdded)
deps = childs.toString();
//operation string
gnode instanceof GDFLoopNode) {
GDFLoopNode lgnode = (GDFLoopNode) gnode;
String offset2 = createOffset(level + 1);
//loop header
sb.append(lgnode.explain(deps) + "\n");
sb.append(offset2 + "PRED:\n");
sb.append(explainGDFNode(lgnode.getLoopPredicate(), level + 2, memo));
sb.append(offset2 + "BODY:\n");
//note: memo table and already done child explain prevents redundancy
for (Entry<String, GDFNode> root : lgnode.getLoopOutputs().entrySet()) {
sb.append(explainGDFNode(root.getValue(), level + 2, memo));
//matrix characteristics
sb.append(" [" + hop.getDim1() + ","
+ hop.getDim2() + ","
+ hop.getRowsInBlock() + ","
+ hop.getColsInBlock() + ","
+ hop.getNnz() + "]");
//memory estimates
sb.append(" [" + showMem(hop.getInputMemEstimate(), false) + ","
+ showMem(hop.getIntermediateMemEstimate(), false) + ","
+ showMem(hop.getOutputMemEstimate(), false) + " -> "
+ showMem(hop.getMemEstimate(), true) + "]");
//exec type
if (hop.getExecType() != null)
sb.append(", " + hop.getExecType());
return sb.toString();
use of org.apache.sysml.hops.globalopt.gdfgraph.GDFNode in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class Explain method explainGDFNodes.
public static String explainGDFNodes(ArrayList<GDFNode> gdfnodes, int level) throws DMLRuntimeException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
HashSet<Long> memo = new HashSet<Long>();
for (GDFNode gnode : gdfnodes) sb.append(explainGDFNode(gnode, level, memo));
return sb.toString();