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Example 1 with OutputParameters

use of org.apache.sysml.lops.OutputParameters in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class Dag method getOutputInfo.

	 * Method that determines the output format for a given node.
	 * @param node low-level operator
	 * @param cellModeOverride override mode
	 * @return output info
	 * @throws LopsException if LopsException occurs
private static OutputInfo getOutputInfo(Lop node, boolean cellModeOverride) throws LopsException {
    if ((node.getDataType() == DataType.SCALAR && node.getExecType() == ExecType.CP) || node instanceof FunctionCallCP)
        return null;
    OutputInfo oinfo = null;
    OutputParameters oparams = node.getOutputParameters();
    if (oparams.isBlocked()) {
        if (!cellModeOverride)
            oinfo = OutputInfo.BinaryBlockOutputInfo;
        else {
            // output format is overridden, for example, due to recordReaderInstructions in the job
            oinfo = OutputInfo.BinaryCellOutputInfo;
            //       which stores the outputInfo.   
            try {
                oparams.setDimensions(oparams.getNumRows(), oparams.getNumCols(), -1, -1, oparams.getNnz(), oparams.getUpdateType());
            } catch (HopsException e) {
                throw new LopsException(node.printErrorLocation() + "error in getOutputInfo in Dag ", e);
    } else {
        if (oparams.getFormat() == Format.TEXT || oparams.getFormat() == Format.MM)
            oinfo = OutputInfo.TextCellOutputInfo;
        else if (oparams.getFormat() == Format.CSV) {
            oinfo = OutputInfo.CSVOutputInfo;
        } else {
            oinfo = OutputInfo.BinaryCellOutputInfo;
    /* Instead of following hardcoding, one must get this information from Lops */
    if (node.getType() == Type.SortKeys && node.getExecType() == ExecType.MR) {
        if (((SortKeys) node).getOpType() == SortKeys.OperationTypes.Indexes)
            oinfo = OutputInfo.BinaryBlockOutputInfo;
            oinfo = OutputInfo.OutputInfoForSortOutput;
    } else if (node.getType() == Type.CombineBinary) {
        // Output format of CombineBinary (CB) depends on how the output is consumed
        CombineBinary combine = (CombineBinary) node;
        if (combine.getOperation() == org.apache.sysml.lops.CombineBinary.OperationTypes.PreSort) {
            oinfo = OutputInfo.OutputInfoForSortInput;
        } else if (combine.getOperation() == org.apache.sysml.lops.CombineBinary.OperationTypes.PreCentralMoment || combine.getOperation() == org.apache.sysml.lops.CombineBinary.OperationTypes.PreCovUnweighted || combine.getOperation() == org.apache.sysml.lops.CombineBinary.OperationTypes.PreGroupedAggUnweighted) {
            oinfo = OutputInfo.WeightedPairOutputInfo;
    } else if (node.getType() == Type.CombineTernary) {
        oinfo = OutputInfo.WeightedPairOutputInfo;
    } else if (node.getType() == Type.CentralMoment || node.getType() == Type.CoVariance) {
        // CMMR always operate in "cell mode",
        // and the output is always in cell format
        oinfo = OutputInfo.BinaryCellOutputInfo;
    return oinfo;
Also used : OutputInfo( CombineBinary(org.apache.sysml.lops.CombineBinary) OutputParameters(org.apache.sysml.lops.OutputParameters) LopsException(org.apache.sysml.lops.LopsException) FunctionCallCP(org.apache.sysml.lops.FunctionCallCP) HopsException(org.apache.sysml.hops.HopsException)

Example 2 with OutputParameters

use of org.apache.sysml.lops.OutputParameters in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class Dag method computeFootprintInMapper.

	 * Computes the memory footprint required to execute <code>node</code> in the mapper.
	 * It is used only for those nodes that use inputs from distributed cache. The returned 
	 * value is utilized in limiting the number of instructions piggybacked onto a single GMR mapper.
	 * @param node low-level operator
	 * @return memory footprint
private static double computeFootprintInMapper(Lop node) {
    // Memory limits must be checked only for nodes that use distributed cache
    if (!node.usesDistributedCache())
        // default behavior
        return 0.0;
    OutputParameters in1dims = node.getInputs().get(0).getOutputParameters();
    OutputParameters in2dims = node.getInputs().get(1).getOutputParameters();
    double footprint = 0;
    if (node instanceof MapMult) {
        int dcInputIndex = node.distributedCacheInputIndex()[0];
        footprint = AggBinaryOp.getMapmmMemEstimate(in1dims.getNumRows(), in1dims.getNumCols(), in1dims.getRowsInBlock(), in1dims.getColsInBlock(), in1dims.getNnz(), in2dims.getNumRows(), in2dims.getNumCols(), in2dims.getRowsInBlock(), in2dims.getColsInBlock(), in2dims.getNnz(), dcInputIndex, false);
    } else if (node instanceof PMMJ) {
        int dcInputIndex = node.distributedCacheInputIndex()[0];
        footprint = AggBinaryOp.getMapmmMemEstimate(in1dims.getNumRows(), 1, in1dims.getRowsInBlock(), in1dims.getColsInBlock(), in1dims.getNnz(), in2dims.getNumRows(), in2dims.getNumCols(), in2dims.getRowsInBlock(), in2dims.getColsInBlock(), in2dims.getNnz(), dcInputIndex, true);
    } else if (node instanceof AppendM) {
        footprint = BinaryOp.footprintInMapper(in1dims.getNumRows(), in1dims.getNumCols(), in2dims.getNumRows(), in2dims.getNumCols(), in1dims.getRowsInBlock(), in1dims.getColsInBlock());
    } else if (node instanceof BinaryM) {
        footprint = BinaryOp.footprintInMapper(in1dims.getNumRows(), in1dims.getNumCols(), in2dims.getNumRows(), in2dims.getNumCols(), in1dims.getRowsInBlock(), in1dims.getColsInBlock());
    } else {
        // default behavior
        return 0.0;
    return footprint;
Also used : OutputParameters(org.apache.sysml.lops.OutputParameters) MapMult(org.apache.sysml.lops.MapMult) BinaryM(org.apache.sysml.lops.BinaryM) AppendM(org.apache.sysml.lops.AppendM) PMMJ(org.apache.sysml.lops.PMMJ)

Example 3 with OutputParameters

use of org.apache.sysml.lops.OutputParameters in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class Dag method setupNodeOutputs.

	 * Method to setup output filenames and outputInfos, and to generate related instructions
	 * @param node low-level operator
	 * @param et exec type
	 * @param cellModeOverride override mode
	 * @param copyTWrite ?
	 * @return node output
	 * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs
	 * @throws LopsException if LopsException occurs
private NodeOutput setupNodeOutputs(Lop node, ExecType et, boolean cellModeOverride, boolean copyTWrite) throws DMLRuntimeException, LopsException {
    OutputParameters oparams = node.getOutputParameters();
    NodeOutput out = new NodeOutput();
    // Compute the output format for this node
    out.setOutInfo(getOutputInfo(node, cellModeOverride));
    // since outputs are explicitly specified
    if (node.getExecLocation() != ExecLocation.Data) {
        if (node.getDataType() == DataType.SCALAR) {
            oparams.setLabel(Lop.SCALAR_VAR_NAME_PREFIX + var_index.getNextID());
            Instruction currInstr = VariableCPInstruction.prepareRemoveInstruction(oparams.getLabel());
        } else if (node instanceof ParameterizedBuiltin && ((ParameterizedBuiltin) node).getOp() == org.apache.sysml.lops.ParameterizedBuiltin.OperationTypes.TRANSFORM) {
            ParameterizedBuiltin pbi = (ParameterizedBuiltin) node;
            Lop input = pbi.getNamedInput(ParameterizedBuiltinFunctionExpression.TF_FN_PARAM_DATA);
            if (input.getDataType() == DataType.FRAME) {
                // Output of transform is in CSV format, which gets subsequently reblocked 
                // TODO: change it to output binaryblock
                Data dataInput = (Data) input;
                // generate an instruction that creates a symbol table entry for the new variable in CSV format
                Data delimLop = (Data) dataInput.getNamedInputLop(DataExpression.DELIM_DELIMITER, DataExpression.DEFAULT_DELIM_DELIMITER);
                Instruction createvarInst = VariableCPInstruction.prepareCreateVariableInstruction(oparams.getLabel(), oparams.getFile_name(), true, DataType.MATRIX, OutputInfo.outputInfoToString(OutputInfo.CSVOutputInfo), new MatrixCharacteristics(oparams.getNumRows(), oparams.getNumCols(), -1, -1, oparams.getNnz()), oparams.getUpdateType(), false, delimLop.getStringValue(), true);
                // temp file as well as the variable has to be deleted at the end
                Instruction currInstr = VariableCPInstruction.prepareRemoveInstruction(oparams.getLabel());
                // finally, add the generated filename and variable name to the list of outputs
            } else {
                throw new LopsException("Input to transform() has an invalid type: " + input.getDataType() + ", it must be FRAME.");
        } else if (//general case
        !(node instanceof FunctionCallCP)) {
            // generate temporary filename and a variable name to hold the
            // output produced by "rootNode"
            // generate an instruction that creates a symbol table entry for the new variable
            //String createInst = prepareVariableInstruction("createvar", node);
            int rpb = (int) oparams.getRowsInBlock();
            int cpb = (int) oparams.getColsInBlock();
            Instruction createvarInst = VariableCPInstruction.prepareCreateVariableInstruction(oparams.getLabel(), oparams.getFile_name(), true, node.getDataType(), OutputInfo.outputInfoToString(getOutputInfo(node, false)), new MatrixCharacteristics(oparams.getNumRows(), oparams.getNumCols(), rpb, cpb, oparams.getNnz()), oparams.getUpdateType());
            // temp file as well as the variable has to be deleted at the end
            Instruction currInstr = VariableCPInstruction.prepareRemoveInstruction(oparams.getLabel());
            // finally, add the generated filename and variable name to the list of outputs
        } else {
            // If the function call is set with output lops (e.g., multi return builtin),
            // generate a createvar instruction for each function output
            FunctionCallCP fcall = (FunctionCallCP) node;
            if (fcall.getFunctionOutputs() != null) {
                for (Lop fnOut : fcall.getFunctionOutputs()) {
                    OutputParameters fnOutParams = fnOut.getOutputParameters();
                    //OutputInfo oinfo = getOutputInfo((N)fnOut, false);
                    Instruction createvarInst = VariableCPInstruction.prepareCreateVariableInstruction(fnOutParams.getLabel(), getFilePath() + fnOutParams.getLabel(), true, fnOut.getDataType(), OutputInfo.outputInfoToString(getOutputInfo(fnOut, false)), new MatrixCharacteristics(fnOutParams.getNumRows(), fnOutParams.getNumCols(), (int) fnOutParams.getRowsInBlock(), (int) fnOutParams.getColsInBlock(), fnOutParams.getNnz()), oparams.getUpdateType());
                    if (node._beginLine != 0)
    } else // rootNode is of type Data
        if (node.getDataType() == DataType.SCALAR) {
            // generate assignment operations for final and transient writes
            if (oparams.getFile_name() == null && !(node instanceof Data && ((Data) node).isPersistentWrite())) {
                String io_inst = prepareAssignVarInstruction(node.getInputs().get(0), node);
                CPInstruction currInstr = CPInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction(io_inst);
                if (node._beginLine != 0)
                else if (!node.getInputs().isEmpty())
            } else {
                Lop fname = ((Data) node).getNamedInputLop(DataExpression.IO_FILENAME);
                String io_inst = node.getInstructions(node.getInputs().get(0).getOutputParameters().getLabel(), fname.getOutputParameters().getLabel());
                CPInstruction currInstr = CPInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction(io_inst);
                if (node._beginLine != 0)
                else if (!node.getInputs().isEmpty())
        } else {
            if (((Data) node).isTransient()) {
                if (et == ExecType.CP) {
                    // If transient matrix write is in CP then its input MUST be executed in CP as well.
                    // get variable and filename associated with the input
                    String inputFileName = node.getInputs().get(0).getOutputParameters().getFile_name();
                    String inputVarName = node.getInputs().get(0).getOutputParameters().getLabel();
                    String constVarName = oparams.getLabel();
                    String constFileName = inputFileName + constVarName;
						 * Symbol Table state must change as follows:
						 * FROM:
						 *     mvar1 -> temp21
						 * TO:
						 *     mVar1 -> temp21
						 *     tVarH -> temp21
                    Instruction currInstr = VariableCPInstruction.prepareCopyInstruction(inputVarName, constVarName);
                } else {
                    if (copyTWrite) {
                        Instruction currInstr = VariableCPInstruction.prepareCopyInstruction(node.getInputs().get(0).getOutputParameters().getLabel(), oparams.getLabel());
                        return out;
						 * Since the "rootNode" is a transient data node, we first need to generate a 
						 * temporary filename as well as a variable name to hold the <i>immediate</i> 
						 * output produced by "rootNode". These generated HDFS filename and the 
						 * variable name must be changed at the end of an iteration/program block 
						 * so that the subsequent iteration/program block can correctly access the 
						 * generated data. Therefore, we need to distinguish between the following:
						 *   1) Temporary file name & variable name: They hold the immediate output 
						 *   produced by "rootNode". Both names are generated below.
						 *   2) Constant file name & variable name: They are constant across iterations. 
						 *   Variable name is given by rootNode's label that is created in the upper layers.  
						 *   File name is generated by concatenating "temporary file name" and "constant variable name".
						 * Temporary files must be moved to constant files at the end of the iteration/program block.
                    // generate temporary filename & var name
                    String tempVarName = oparams.getLabel() + "temp";
                    String tempFileName = getNextUniqueFilename();
                    //String createInst = prepareVariableInstruction("createvar", tempVarName, node.getDataType(), node.getValueType(), tempFileName, oparams, out.getOutInfo());
                    int rpb = (int) oparams.getRowsInBlock();
                    int cpb = (int) oparams.getColsInBlock();
                    Instruction createvarInst = VariableCPInstruction.prepareCreateVariableInstruction(tempVarName, tempFileName, true, node.getDataType(), OutputInfo.outputInfoToString(out.getOutInfo()), new MatrixCharacteristics(oparams.getNumRows(), oparams.getNumCols(), rpb, cpb, oparams.getNnz()), oparams.getUpdateType());
                    String constVarName = oparams.getLabel();
                    String constFileName = tempFileName + constVarName;
                    oparams.setFile_name(getFilePath() + constFileName);
						 * Since this is a node that denotes a transient read/write, we need to make sure 
						 * that the data computed for a given variable in a given iteration is passed on 
						 * to the next iteration. This is done by generating miscellaneous instructions 
						 * that gets executed at the end of the program block.
						 * The state of the symbol table must change 
						 * FROM: 
						 *     tVarA -> temp21tVarA (old copy of temp21)
						 *     tVarAtemp -> temp21  (new copy that should override the old copy) 
						 * TO:
						 *     tVarA -> temp21tVarA
                    // rename the temp variable to constant variable (e.g., cpvar tVarAtemp tVarA)
                    /*Instruction currInstr = VariableCPInstruction.prepareCopyInstruction(tempVarName, constVarName);
						if(DMLScript.ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE) {
						Instruction tempInstr = VariableCPInstruction.prepareRemoveInstruction(tempVarName);
						if(DMLScript.ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE) {
                    // Generate a single mvvar instruction (e.g., mvvar tempA A) 
                    //    instead of two instructions "cpvar tempA A" and "rmvar tempA"
                    Instruction currInstr = VariableCPInstruction.prepareMoveInstruction(tempVarName, constVarName);
                    // finally, add the temporary filename and variable name to the list of outputs 
            } else // rootNode is not a transient write. It is a persistent write.
                if (et == ExecType.MR) {
                    //MR PERSISTENT WRITE
                    // create a variable to hold the result produced by this "rootNode"
                    oparams.setLabel("pVar" + var_index.getNextID());
                    //String createInst = prepareVariableInstruction("createvar", node);
                    int rpb = (int) oparams.getRowsInBlock();
                    int cpb = (int) oparams.getColsInBlock();
                    Lop fnameLop = ((Data) node).getNamedInputLop(DataExpression.IO_FILENAME);
                    String fnameStr = (fnameLop instanceof Data && ((Data) fnameLop).isLiteral()) ? fnameLop.getOutputParameters().getLabel() : Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER + fnameLop.getOutputParameters().getLabel() + Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER;
                    Instruction createvarInst;
                    // part MM format file on hdfs.
                    if (oparams.getFormat() == Format.CSV) {
                        String tempFileName = getNextUniqueFilename();
                        String createInst = node.getInstructions(tempFileName);
                        createvarInst = CPInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction(createInst);
                        //NOTE: no instruction patching because final write from cp instruction
                        String writeInst = node.getInstructions(oparams.getLabel(), fnameLop.getOutputParameters().getLabel());
                        CPInstruction currInstr = CPInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction(writeInst);
                        // remove the variable
                        CPInstruction tempInstr = CPInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction("CP" + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + "rmfilevar" + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + oparams.getLabel() + Lop.VALUETYPE_PREFIX + Expression.ValueType.UNKNOWN + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + "true" + Lop.VALUETYPE_PREFIX + "BOOLEAN");
                    } else if (oparams.getFormat() == Format.MM) {
                        createvarInst = VariableCPInstruction.prepareCreateVariableInstruction(oparams.getLabel(), getNextUniqueFilename(), false, node.getDataType(), OutputInfo.outputInfoToString(getOutputInfo(node, false)), new MatrixCharacteristics(oparams.getNumRows(), oparams.getNumCols(), rpb, cpb, oparams.getNnz()), oparams.getUpdateType());
                        //NOTE: no instruction patching because final write from cp instruction
                        String writeInst = node.getInstructions(oparams.getLabel(), fnameLop.getOutputParameters().getLabel());
                        CPInstruction currInstr = CPInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction(writeInst);
                        // remove the variable
                        CPInstruction tempInstr = CPInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction("CP" + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + "rmfilevar" + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + oparams.getLabel() + Lop.VALUETYPE_PREFIX + Expression.ValueType.UNKNOWN + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + "true" + Lop.VALUETYPE_PREFIX + "BOOLEAN");
                    } else {
                        createvarInst = VariableCPInstruction.prepareCreateVariableInstruction(oparams.getLabel(), fnameStr, false, node.getDataType(), OutputInfo.outputInfoToString(getOutputInfo(node, false)), new MatrixCharacteristics(oparams.getNumRows(), oparams.getNumCols(), rpb, cpb, oparams.getNnz()), oparams.getUpdateType());
                        // remove the variable
                        CPInstruction currInstr = CPInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction("CP" + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + "rmfilevar" + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + oparams.getLabel() + Lop.VALUETYPE_PREFIX + Expression.ValueType.UNKNOWN + Lop.OPERAND_DELIMITOR + "false" + Lop.VALUETYPE_PREFIX + "BOOLEAN");
                    // finally, add the filename and variable name to the list of outputs 
                } else {
                    //CP PERSISTENT WRITE
                    // generate a write instruction that writes matrix to HDFS
                    Lop fname = ((Data) node).getNamedInputLop(DataExpression.IO_FILENAME);
                    Instruction currInstr = null;
                    Lop inputLop = node.getInputs().get(0);
                    // Move the temporary file on HDFS to required persistent location, insteadof copying.
                    if (inputLop.getExecLocation() == ExecLocation.Data && inputLop.getOutputs().size() == 1 && ((Data) inputLop).isTransient() && ((Data) inputLop).getOutputParameters().isBlocked() && node.getOutputParameters().isBlocked()) {
                        // transient read feeding into persistent write in blocked representation
                        // simply, move the file
                        //prepare filename (literal or variable in order to support dynamic write) 
                        String fnameStr = (fname instanceof Data && ((Data) fname).isLiteral()) ? fname.getOutputParameters().getLabel() : Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER + fname.getOutputParameters().getLabel() + Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER;
                        currInstr = (CPInstruction) VariableCPInstruction.prepareMoveInstruction(inputLop.getOutputParameters().getLabel(), fnameStr, "binaryblock");
                    } else {
                        String io_inst = node.getInstructions(node.getInputs().get(0).getOutputParameters().getLabel(), fname.getOutputParameters().getLabel());
                        if (node.getExecType() == ExecType.SPARK)
                            // This will throw an exception if the exectype of hop is set incorrectly
                            // Note: the exec type and exec location of lops needs to be set to SPARK and ControlProgram respectively
                            currInstr = SPInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction(io_inst);
                            currInstr = CPInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction(io_inst);
                    if (!node.getInputs().isEmpty() && node.getInputs().get(0)._beginLine != 0)
    return out;
Also used : CPInstruction(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.cp.CPInstruction) VariableCPInstruction(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.cp.VariableCPInstruction) OutputParameters(org.apache.sysml.lops.OutputParameters) LopsException(org.apache.sysml.lops.LopsException) ParameterizedBuiltin(org.apache.sysml.lops.ParameterizedBuiltin) FunctionCallCP(org.apache.sysml.lops.FunctionCallCP) Data(org.apache.sysml.lops.Data) MRJobInstruction(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.MRJobInstruction) CPInstruction(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.cp.CPInstruction) Instruction(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.Instruction) VariableCPInstruction(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.cp.VariableCPInstruction) Lop(org.apache.sysml.lops.Lop) MatrixCharacteristics(org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.MatrixCharacteristics)


OutputParameters (org.apache.sysml.lops.OutputParameters)3 FunctionCallCP (org.apache.sysml.lops.FunctionCallCP)2 LopsException (org.apache.sysml.lops.LopsException)2 HopsException (org.apache.sysml.hops.HopsException)1 AppendM (org.apache.sysml.lops.AppendM)1 BinaryM (org.apache.sysml.lops.BinaryM)1 CombineBinary (org.apache.sysml.lops.CombineBinary)1 Data (org.apache.sysml.lops.Data)1 Lop (org.apache.sysml.lops.Lop)1 MapMult (org.apache.sysml.lops.MapMult)1 PMMJ (org.apache.sysml.lops.PMMJ)1 ParameterizedBuiltin (org.apache.sysml.lops.ParameterizedBuiltin)1 Instruction (org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.Instruction)1 MRJobInstruction (org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.MRJobInstruction)1 CPInstruction (org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.cp.CPInstruction)1 VariableCPInstruction (org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.cp.VariableCPInstruction)1 MatrixCharacteristics (org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.MatrixCharacteristics)1 OutputInfo (