use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class Tsmm2SPInstruction method parseInstruction.
public static Tsmm2SPInstruction parseInstruction(String str) {
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionPartsWithValueType(str);
String opcode = parts[0];
// check supported opcode
if (!opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("tsmm2"))
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Tsmm2SPInstruction.parseInstruction():: Unknown opcode " + opcode);
CPOperand in1 = new CPOperand(parts[1]);
CPOperand out = new CPOperand(parts[2]);
MMTSJType type = MMTSJType.valueOf(parts[3]);
return new Tsmm2SPInstruction(null, in1, out, type, opcode, str);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class TsmmSPInstruction method parseInstruction.
public static TsmmSPInstruction parseInstruction(String str) {
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionPartsWithValueType(str);
String opcode = parts[0];
// check supported opcode
if (!opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("tsmm"))
throw new DMLRuntimeException("TsmmSPInstruction.parseInstruction():: Unknown opcode " + opcode);
CPOperand in1 = new CPOperand(parts[1]);
CPOperand out = new CPOperand(parts[2]);
MMTSJType type = MMTSJType.valueOf(parts[3]);
return new TsmmSPInstruction(null, in1, out, type, opcode, str);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class UaggOuterChainSPInstruction method parseInstruction.
public static UaggOuterChainSPInstruction parseInstruction(String str) {
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionPartsWithValueType(str);
String opcode = parts[0];
if (opcode.equalsIgnoreCase(UAggOuterChain.OPCODE)) {
AggregateUnaryOperator uaggop = InstructionUtils.parseBasicAggregateUnaryOperator(parts[1]);
BinaryOperator bop = InstructionUtils.parseBinaryOperator(parts[2]);
CPOperand in1 = new CPOperand(parts[3]);
CPOperand in2 = new CPOperand(parts[4]);
CPOperand out = new CPOperand(parts[5]);
// derive aggregation operator from unary operator
String aopcode = InstructionUtils.deriveAggregateOperatorOpcode(parts[1]);
CorrectionLocationType corrLoc = InstructionUtils.deriveAggregateOperatorCorrectionLocation(parts[1]);
String corrExists = (corrLoc != CorrectionLocationType.NONE) ? "true" : "false";
AggregateOperator aop = InstructionUtils.parseAggregateOperator(aopcode, corrExists, corrLoc.toString());
return new UaggOuterChainSPInstruction(bop, uaggop, aop, in1, in2, out, opcode, str);
} else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("UaggOuterChainSPInstruction.parseInstruction():: Unknown opcode " + opcode);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class WriteSPInstruction method parseInstruction.
public static WriteSPInstruction parseInstruction(String str) {
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionPartsWithValueType(str);
String opcode = parts[0];
if (!opcode.equals("write")) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported opcode");
// Write instructions for csv files also include three additional parameters (hasHeader, delimiter, sparse)
if (parts.length != 5 && parts.length != 9) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Invalid number of operands in write instruction: " + str);
// SPARK°write°_mVar2·MATRIX·DOUBLE°./src/test/scripts/functions/data/out/B·SCALAR·STRING·true°matrixmarket·SCALAR·STRING·true
CPOperand in1 = new CPOperand(parts[1]);
CPOperand in2 = new CPOperand(parts[2]);
CPOperand in3 = new CPOperand(parts[3]);
WriteSPInstruction inst = new WriteSPInstruction(in1, in2, in3, opcode, str);
if (in3.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("csv")) {
boolean hasHeader = Boolean.parseBoolean(parts[4]);
String delim = parts[5];
boolean sparse = Boolean.parseBoolean(parts[6]);
FileFormatProperties formatProperties = new CSVFileFormatProperties(hasHeader, delim, sparse);
CPOperand in4 = new CPOperand(parts[8]);
inst.input4 = in4;
} else {
FileFormatProperties ffp = new FileFormatProperties();
CPOperand in4 = new CPOperand(parts[4]);
inst.input4 = in4;
return inst;
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class WriteSPInstruction method processMatrixWriteInstruction.
protected void processMatrixWriteInstruction(SparkExecutionContext sec, String fname, OutputInfo oi) throws IOException {
// get input rdd
JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> in1 = sec.getBinaryBlockRDDHandleForVariable(input1.getName());
MatrixCharacteristics mc = sec.getMatrixCharacteristics(input1.getName());
if (oi == OutputInfo.MatrixMarketOutputInfo || oi == OutputInfo.TextCellOutputInfo) {
// piggyback nnz maintenance on write
LongAccumulator aNnz = null;
if (!mc.nnzKnown()) {
aNnz = sec.getSparkContext().sc().longAccumulator("nnz");
in1 = in1.mapValues(new ComputeBinaryBlockNnzFunction(aNnz));
JavaRDD<String> header = null;
if (oi == OutputInfo.MatrixMarketOutputInfo) {
ArrayList<String> headerContainer = new ArrayList<>(1);
// First output MM header
String headerStr = "%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general\n" + // output number of rows, number of columns and number of nnz
mc.getRows() + " " + mc.getCols() + " " + mc.getNonZeros();
header = sec.getSparkContext().parallelize(headerContainer);
JavaRDD<String> ijv = RDDConverterUtils.binaryBlockToTextCell(in1, mc);
if (header != null)
customSaveTextFile(header.union(ijv), fname, true);
customSaveTextFile(ijv, fname, false);
if (!mc.nnzKnown())
} else if (oi == OutputInfo.CSVOutputInfo) {
if (mc.getRows() == 0 || mc.getCols() == 0) {
throw new IOException("Write of matrices with zero rows or columns" + " not supported (" + mc.getRows() + "x" + mc.getCols() + ").");
LongAccumulator aNnz = null;
// piggyback nnz computation on actual write
if (!mc.nnzKnown()) {
aNnz = sec.getSparkContext().sc().longAccumulator("nnz");
in1 = in1.mapValues(new ComputeBinaryBlockNnzFunction(aNnz));
JavaRDD<String> out = RDDConverterUtils.binaryBlockToCsv(in1, mc, (CSVFileFormatProperties) formatProperties, true);
customSaveTextFile(out, fname, false);
if (!mc.nnzKnown())
mc.setNonZeros((long) aNnz.value().longValue());
} else if (oi == OutputInfo.BinaryBlockOutputInfo) {
// piggyback nnz computation on actual write
LongAccumulator aNnz = null;
if (!mc.nnzKnown()) {
aNnz = sec.getSparkContext().sc().longAccumulator("nnz");
in1 = in1.mapValues(new ComputeBinaryBlockNnzFunction(aNnz));
// save binary block rdd on hdfs
in1.saveAsHadoopFile(fname, MatrixIndexes.class, MatrixBlock.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class);
if (!mc.nnzKnown())
mc.setNonZeros((long) aNnz.value().longValue());
} else {
// unsupported formats: binarycell (not externalized)
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unexpected data format: " + OutputInfo.outputInfoToString(oi));
// write meta data file
MapReduceTool.writeMetaDataFile(fname + ".mtd", ValueType.DOUBLE, mc, oi, formatProperties);