use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class ReblockSPInstruction method processMatrixReblockInstruction.
protected void processMatrixReblockInstruction(SparkExecutionContext sec, InputInfo iinfo) throws DMLRuntimeException {
MatrixObject mo = sec.getMatrixObject(input1.getName());
MatrixCharacteristics mc = sec.getMatrixCharacteristics(input1.getName());
MatrixCharacteristics mcOut = sec.getMatrixCharacteristics(output.getName());
if (iinfo == InputInfo.TextCellInputInfo || iinfo == InputInfo.MatrixMarketInputInfo) {
//check jdk version (prevent double.parseDouble contention on <jdk8)
//get the input textcell rdd
JavaPairRDD<LongWritable, Text> lines = (JavaPairRDD<LongWritable, Text>) sec.getRDDHandleForVariable(input1.getName(), iinfo);
//convert textcell to binary block
JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> out = RDDConverterUtils.textCellToBinaryBlock(sec.getSparkContext(), lines, mcOut, outputEmptyBlocks);
//put output RDD handle into symbol table
sec.setRDDHandleForVariable(output.getName(), out);
sec.addLineageRDD(output.getName(), input1.getName());
} else if (iinfo == InputInfo.CSVInputInfo) {
// HACK ALERT: Until we introduces the rewrite to insert csvrblock for non-persistent read
// throw new DMLRuntimeException("CSVInputInfo is not supported for ReblockSPInstruction");
CSVReblockSPInstruction csvInstruction = null;
boolean hasHeader = false;
String delim = ",";
boolean fill = false;
double fillValue = 0;
if (mo.getFileFormatProperties() instanceof CSVFileFormatProperties && mo.getFileFormatProperties() != null) {
CSVFileFormatProperties props = (CSVFileFormatProperties) mo.getFileFormatProperties();
hasHeader = props.hasHeader();
delim = props.getDelim();
fill = props.isFill();
fillValue = props.getFillValue();
csvInstruction = new CSVReblockSPInstruction(null, input1, output, mcOut.getRowsPerBlock(), mcOut.getColsPerBlock(), hasHeader, delim, fill, fillValue, "csvrblk", instString);
} else if (iinfo == InputInfo.BinaryCellInputInfo) {
JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes, MatrixCell> binaryCells = (JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes, MatrixCell>) sec.getRDDHandleForVariable(input1.getName(), iinfo);
JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> out = RDDConverterUtils.binaryCellToBinaryBlock(sec.getSparkContext(), binaryCells, mcOut, outputEmptyBlocks);
//put output RDD handle into symbol table
sec.setRDDHandleForVariable(output.getName(), out);
sec.addLineageRDD(output.getName(), input1.getName());
} else if (iinfo == InputInfo.BinaryBlockInputInfo) {
//BINARY BLOCK <- BINARY BLOCK (different sizes)
JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> in1 = sec.getBinaryBlockRDDHandleForVariable(input1.getName());
JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> out = in1.flatMapToPair(new ExtractBlockForBinaryReblock(mc, mcOut));
out = RDDAggregateUtils.mergeByKey(out, false);
//put output RDD handle into symbol table
sec.setRDDHandleForVariable(output.getName(), out);
sec.addLineageRDD(output.getName(), input1.getName());
} else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("The given InputInfo is not implemented " + "for ReblockSPInstruction:" + InputInfo.inputInfoToString(iinfo));
use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class WriteSPInstruction method processMatrixWriteInstruction.
protected void processMatrixWriteInstruction(SparkExecutionContext sec, String fname, OutputInfo oi) throws DMLRuntimeException, IOException {
//get input rdd
JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> in1 = sec.getBinaryBlockRDDHandleForVariable(input1.getName());
MatrixCharacteristics mc = sec.getMatrixCharacteristics(input1.getName());
if (oi == OutputInfo.MatrixMarketOutputInfo || oi == OutputInfo.TextCellOutputInfo) {
//piggyback nnz maintenance on write
LongAccumulator aNnz = null;
if (isInputMatrixBlock && !mc.nnzKnown()) {
aNnz = sec.getSparkContext().sc().longAccumulator("nnz");
in1 = in1.mapValues(new ComputeBinaryBlockNnzFunction(aNnz));
JavaRDD<String> header = null;
if (oi == OutputInfo.MatrixMarketOutputInfo) {
ArrayList<String> headerContainer = new ArrayList<String>(1);
// First output MM header
String headerStr = "%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general\n" + // output number of rows, number of columns and number of nnz
mc.getRows() + " " + mc.getCols() + " " + mc.getNonZeros();
header = sec.getSparkContext().parallelize(headerContainer);
JavaRDD<String> ijv = RDDConverterUtils.binaryBlockToTextCell(in1, mc);
if (header != null)
customSaveTextFile(header.union(ijv), fname, true);
customSaveTextFile(ijv, fname, false);
if (isInputMatrixBlock && !mc.nnzKnown())
} else if (oi == OutputInfo.CSVOutputInfo) {
JavaRDD<String> out = null;
LongAccumulator aNnz = null;
if (isInputMatrixBlock) {
//piggyback nnz computation on actual write
if (!mc.nnzKnown()) {
aNnz = sec.getSparkContext().sc().longAccumulator("nnz");
in1 = in1.mapValues(new ComputeBinaryBlockNnzFunction(aNnz));
out = RDDConverterUtils.binaryBlockToCsv(in1, mc, (CSVFileFormatProperties) formatProperties, true);
} else {
// This case is applicable when the CSV output from transform() is written out
// TODO remove once transform over frames supported
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") JavaPairRDD<Long, String> rdd = (JavaPairRDD<Long, String>) (sec.getMatrixObject(input1.getName())).getRDDHandle().getRDD();
out = rdd.values();
String sep = ",";
boolean hasHeader = false;
if (formatProperties != null) {
sep = ((CSVFileFormatProperties) formatProperties).getDelim();
hasHeader = ((CSVFileFormatProperties) formatProperties).hasHeader();
if (hasHeader) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for (int j = 1; j < mc.getCols(); j++) {
if (j != 1) {
buf.append("C" + j);
ArrayList<String> headerContainer = new ArrayList<String>(1);
headerContainer.add(0, buf.toString());
JavaRDD<String> header = sec.getSparkContext().parallelize(headerContainer);
out = header.union(out);
customSaveTextFile(out, fname, false);
if (isInputMatrixBlock && !mc.nnzKnown())
mc.setNonZeros((long) aNnz.value().longValue());
} else if (oi == OutputInfo.BinaryBlockOutputInfo) {
//piggyback nnz computation on actual write
LongAccumulator aNnz = null;
if (!mc.nnzKnown()) {
aNnz = sec.getSparkContext().sc().longAccumulator("nnz");
in1 = in1.mapValues(new ComputeBinaryBlockNnzFunction(aNnz));
//save binary block rdd on hdfs
in1.saveAsHadoopFile(fname, MatrixIndexes.class, MatrixBlock.class, SequenceFileOutputFormat.class);
if (!mc.nnzKnown())
mc.setNonZeros((long) aNnz.value().longValue());
} else {
//unsupported formats: binarycell (not externalized)
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unexpected data format: " + OutputInfo.outputInfoToString(oi));
// write meta data file
MapReduceTool.writeMetaDataFile(fname + ".mtd", ValueType.DOUBLE, mc, oi, formatProperties);
use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class WriteSPInstruction method parseInstruction.
public static WriteSPInstruction parseInstruction(String str) throws DMLRuntimeException {
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionPartsWithValueType(str);
String opcode = parts[0];
if (!opcode.equals("write")) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported opcode");
// Write instructions for csv files also include three additional parameters (hasHeader, delimiter, sparse)
if (parts.length != 5 && parts.length != 9) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Invalid number of operands in write instruction: " + str);
CPOperand in1 = new CPOperand(parts[1]);
CPOperand in2 = new CPOperand(parts[2]);
CPOperand in3 = new CPOperand(parts[3]);
WriteSPInstruction inst = new WriteSPInstruction(in1, in2, in3, opcode, str);
if (in3.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("csv")) {
boolean hasHeader = Boolean.parseBoolean(parts[4]);
String delim = parts[5];
boolean sparse = Boolean.parseBoolean(parts[6]);
FileFormatProperties formatProperties = new CSVFileFormatProperties(hasHeader, delim, sparse);
boolean isInputMB = Boolean.parseBoolean(parts[7]);
CPOperand in4 = new CPOperand(parts[8]);
inst.input4 = in4;
} else {
FileFormatProperties ffp = new FileFormatProperties();
CPOperand in4 = new CPOperand(parts[4]);
inst.input4 = in4;
return inst;
use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class DataTransform method mrDataTransform.
* Main method to create and/or apply transformation metdata using MapReduce.
* @param jobinst MR job instruction
* @param inputs array of input matrices
* @param shuffleInst shuffle instructions
* @param otherInst other instructions
* @param resultIndices byte array of result indices
* @param outputs array of output matrices
* @param numReducers number of reducers
* @param replication ?
* @return MR job result
* @throws Exception if IOException occurs
public static JobReturn mrDataTransform(MRJobInstruction jobinst, MatrixObject[] inputs, String shuffleInst, String otherInst, byte[] resultIndices, MatrixObject[] outputs, int numReducers, int replication) throws Exception {
String[] insts = shuffleInst.split(Instruction.INSTRUCTION_DELIM);
// Parse transform instruction (the first instruction) to obtain relevant fields
TransformOperands oprnds = new TransformOperands(insts[0], inputs[0]);
JobConf job = new JobConf(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf());
// find the first file in alphabetical ordering of part files in directory inputPath
String smallestFile = CSVReblockMR.findSmallestFile(job, oprnds.inputPath);
// find column names
FileSystem fs = IOUtilFunctions.getFileSystem(smallestFile);
String headerLine = readHeaderLine(fs, oprnds.inputCSVProperties, smallestFile);
HashMap<String, Integer> colNamesToIds = processColumnNames(fs, oprnds.inputCSVProperties, headerLine, smallestFile);
String outHeader = getOutputHeader(fs, headerLine, oprnds);
int numColumns = colNamesToIds.size();
int numColumnsTf = 0;
long numRowsTf = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> csvoutputs = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> bboutputs = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// divide output objects based on output format (CSV or BinaryBlock)
for (int i = 0; i < outputs.length; i++) {
if (outputs[i].getFileFormatProperties() != null && outputs[i].getFileFormatProperties().getFileFormat() == FileFormatProperties.FileFormat.CSV)
boolean isCSV = (csvoutputs.size() > 0);
boolean isBB = (bboutputs.size() > 0);
String tmpPath = MRJobConfiguration.constructTempOutputFilename();
checkIfOutputOverlapsWithTxMtd(outputs, oprnds, isCSV, isBB, csvoutputs, bboutputs, fs);
JobReturn retCSV = null, retBB = null;
if (!oprnds.isApply) {
// build specification file with column IDs insteadof column names
String specWithIDs = processSpecFile(fs, oprnds.inputPath, smallestFile, colNamesToIds, oprnds.inputCSVProperties, oprnds.spec);
// enable GC on colNamesToIds
colNamesToIds = null;
// Build transformation metadata, including recode maps, bin definitions, etc.
// Also, generate part offsets file (counters file), which is to be used in csv-reblock
String partOffsetsFile = MRJobConfiguration.constructTempOutputFilename();
numRowsTf = GenTfMtdMR.runJob(oprnds.inputPath, oprnds.txMtdPath, specWithIDs, smallestFile, partOffsetsFile, oprnds.inputCSVProperties, numColumns, replication, outHeader);
if (numRowsTf == 0)
throw new DMLRuntimeException(ERROR_MSG_ZERO_ROWS);
// store the specFileWithIDs as transformation metadata
MapReduceTool.writeStringToHDFS(specWithIDs, oprnds.txMtdPath + "/" + "spec.json");
numColumnsTf = getNumColumnsTf(fs, outHeader, oprnds.inputCSVProperties.getDelim(), oprnds.txMtdPath);
// Apply transformation metadata, and perform actual transformation
if (isCSV)
retCSV = ApplyTfCSVMR.runJob(oprnds.inputPath, specWithIDs, oprnds.txMtdPath, tmpPath, outputs[csvoutputs.get(0)].getFileName(), partOffsetsFile, oprnds.inputCSVProperties, numColumns, replication, outHeader);
if (isBB) {
DMLConfig conf = ConfigurationManager.getDMLConfig();
int blockSize = conf.getIntValue(DMLConfig.DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE);
CSVReblockInstruction rblk = prepDummyReblockInstruction(oprnds.inputCSVProperties, blockSize);
AssignRowIDMRReturn ret1 = CSVReblockMR.runAssignRowIDMRJob(new String[] { oprnds.inputPath }, new InputInfo[] { InputInfo.CSVInputInfo }, new int[] { blockSize }, new int[] { blockSize }, rblk.toString(), replication, new String[] { smallestFile }, true, oprnds.inputCSVProperties.getNAStrings(), specWithIDs);
if (ret1.rlens[0] == 0)
throw new DMLRuntimeException(ERROR_MSG_ZERO_ROWS);
retBB = ApplyTfBBMR.runJob(oprnds.inputPath, insts[1], otherInst, specWithIDs, oprnds.txMtdPath, tmpPath, outputs[bboutputs.get(0)].getFileName(), ret1.counterFile.toString(), oprnds.inputCSVProperties, numRowsTf, numColumns, numColumnsTf, replication, outHeader);
MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS(new Path(partOffsetsFile), job);
} else {
// enable GC on colNamesToIds
colNamesToIds = null;
// copy given transform metadata (applyTxPath) to specified location (txMtdPath)
MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS(new Path(oprnds.txMtdPath), job);
MapReduceTool.copyFileOnHDFS(oprnds.applyTxPath, oprnds.txMtdPath);
// path to specification file
String specWithIDs = (oprnds.spec != null) ? oprnds.spec : MapReduceTool.readStringFromHDFSFile(oprnds.txMtdPath + "/" + "spec.json");
numColumnsTf = getNumColumnsTf(fs, outHeader, oprnds.inputCSVProperties.getDelim(), oprnds.txMtdPath);
if (isCSV) {
DMLConfig conf = ConfigurationManager.getDMLConfig();
int blockSize = conf.getIntValue(DMLConfig.DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE);
CSVReblockInstruction rblk = prepDummyReblockInstruction(oprnds.inputCSVProperties, blockSize);
AssignRowIDMRReturn ret1 = CSVReblockMR.runAssignRowIDMRJob(new String[] { oprnds.inputPath }, new InputInfo[] { InputInfo.CSVInputInfo }, new int[] { blockSize }, new int[] { blockSize }, rblk.toString(), replication, new String[] { smallestFile }, true, oprnds.inputCSVProperties.getNAStrings(), specWithIDs);
numRowsTf = ret1.rlens[0];
if (ret1.rlens[0] == 0)
throw new DMLRuntimeException(ERROR_MSG_ZERO_ROWS);
// Apply transformation metadata, and perform actual transformation
retCSV = ApplyTfCSVMR.runJob(oprnds.inputPath, specWithIDs, oprnds.applyTxPath, tmpPath, outputs[csvoutputs.get(0)].getFileName(), ret1.counterFile.toString(), oprnds.inputCSVProperties, numColumns, replication, outHeader);
if (isBB) {
// compute part offsets file
CSVReblockInstruction rblk = (CSVReblockInstruction) InstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction(insts[1]);
CSVReblockInstruction newrblk = (CSVReblockInstruction) rblk.clone((byte) 0);
AssignRowIDMRReturn ret1 = CSVReblockMR.runAssignRowIDMRJob(new String[] { oprnds.inputPath }, new InputInfo[] { InputInfo.CSVInputInfo }, new int[] { newrblk.brlen }, new int[] { newrblk.bclen }, newrblk.toString(), replication, new String[] { smallestFile }, true, oprnds.inputCSVProperties.getNAStrings(), specWithIDs);
numRowsTf = ret1.rlens[0];
if (ret1.rlens[0] == 0)
throw new DMLRuntimeException(ERROR_MSG_ZERO_ROWS);
// apply transformation metadata, as well as reblock the resulting data
retBB = ApplyTfBBMR.runJob(oprnds.inputPath, insts[1], otherInst, specWithIDs, oprnds.txMtdPath, tmpPath, outputs[bboutputs.get(0)].getFileName(), ret1.counterFile.toString(), oprnds.inputCSVProperties, ret1.rlens[0], ret1.clens[0], numColumnsTf, replication, outHeader);
// copy auxiliary data (old and new header lines) from temporary location to txMtdPath
moveFilesFromTmp(fs, tmpPath, oprnds.txMtdPath);
// generate matrix metadata file for outputs
if (retCSV != null) {
retCSV.getMatrixCharacteristics(0).setDimension(numRowsTf, numColumnsTf);
CSVFileFormatProperties prop = new CSVFileFormatProperties(false, // use the same header as the input
oprnds.inputCSVProperties.getDelim(), false, Double.NaN, null);
MapReduceTool.writeMetaDataFile(outputs[csvoutputs.get(0)].getFileName() + ".mtd", ValueType.DOUBLE, retCSV.getMatrixCharacteristics(0), OutputInfo.CSVOutputInfo, prop);
return retCSV;
if (retBB != null) {
retBB.getMatrixCharacteristics(0).setDimension(numRowsTf, numColumnsTf);
MapReduceTool.writeMetaDataFile(outputs[bboutputs.get(0)].getFileName() + ".mtd", ValueType.DOUBLE, retBB.getMatrixCharacteristics(0), OutputInfo.BinaryBlockOutputInfo);
return retBB;
return null;
use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class MatrixReaderFactory method createMatrixReader.
public static MatrixReader createMatrixReader(ReadProperties props) throws DMLRuntimeException {
//check valid read properties
if (props == null)
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Failed to create matrix reader with empty properties.");
MatrixReader reader = null;
InputInfo iinfo = props.inputInfo;
if (iinfo == InputInfo.TextCellInputInfo || iinfo == InputInfo.MatrixMarketInputInfo) {
if (ConfigurationManager.getCompilerConfigFlag(ConfigType.PARALLEL_CP_READ_TEXTFORMATS) && MatrixBlock.DEFAULT_SPARSEBLOCK == SparseBlock.Type.MCSR)
reader = new ReaderTextCellParallel(iinfo);
reader = new ReaderTextCell(iinfo);
} else if (iinfo == InputInfo.CSVInputInfo) {
if (ConfigurationManager.getCompilerConfigFlag(ConfigType.PARALLEL_CP_READ_TEXTFORMATS) && MatrixBlock.DEFAULT_SPARSEBLOCK == SparseBlock.Type.MCSR)
reader = new ReaderTextCSVParallel(props.formatProperties != null ? (CSVFileFormatProperties) props.formatProperties : new CSVFileFormatProperties());
reader = new ReaderTextCSV(props.formatProperties != null ? (CSVFileFormatProperties) props.formatProperties : new CSVFileFormatProperties());
} else if (iinfo == InputInfo.BinaryCellInputInfo)
reader = new ReaderBinaryCell();
else if (iinfo == InputInfo.BinaryBlockInputInfo) {
if (ConfigurationManager.getCompilerConfigFlag(ConfigType.PARALLEL_CP_READ_BINARYFORMATS) && MatrixBlock.DEFAULT_SPARSEBLOCK == SparseBlock.Type.MCSR)
reader = new ReaderBinaryBlockParallel(props.localFS);
reader = new ReaderBinaryBlock(props.localFS);
} else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Failed to create matrix reader for unknown input info: " + InputInfo.inputInfoToString(iinfo));
return reader;