use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.functionobjects.Builtin.BuiltinCode in project systemml by apache.
the class LibMatrixAgg method getAggType.
private static AggType getAggType(AggregateUnaryOperator op) {
ValueFunction vfn = op.aggOp.increOp.fn;
IndexFunction ifn = op.indexFn;
// (kahan) sum / sum squared / trace (for ReduceDiag)
if (vfn instanceof KahanFunction && (op.aggOp.correctionLocation == CorrectionLocationType.LASTCOLUMN || op.aggOp.correctionLocation == CorrectionLocationType.LASTROW) && (ifn instanceof ReduceAll || ifn instanceof ReduceCol || ifn instanceof ReduceRow || ifn instanceof ReduceDiag)) {
if (vfn instanceof KahanPlus)
return AggType.KAHAN_SUM;
else if (vfn instanceof KahanPlusSq)
return AggType.KAHAN_SUM_SQ;
// mean
if (vfn instanceof Mean && (op.aggOp.correctionLocation == CorrectionLocationType.LASTTWOCOLUMNS || op.aggOp.correctionLocation == CorrectionLocationType.LASTTWOROWS) && (ifn instanceof ReduceAll || ifn instanceof ReduceCol || ifn instanceof ReduceRow)) {
return AggType.MEAN;
// variance
if (vfn instanceof CM && ((CM) vfn).getAggOpType() == AggregateOperationTypes.VARIANCE && (op.aggOp.correctionLocation == CorrectionLocationType.LASTFOURCOLUMNS || op.aggOp.correctionLocation == CorrectionLocationType.LASTFOURROWS) && (ifn instanceof ReduceAll || ifn instanceof ReduceCol || ifn instanceof ReduceRow)) {
return AggType.VAR;
// prod
if (vfn instanceof Multiply && ifn instanceof ReduceAll) {
return AggType.PROD;
// min / max
if (vfn instanceof Builtin && (ifn instanceof ReduceAll || ifn instanceof ReduceCol || ifn instanceof ReduceRow)) {
BuiltinCode bfcode = ((Builtin) vfn).bFunc;
switch(bfcode) {
case MAX:
return AggType.MAX;
case MIN:
return AggType.MIN;
return AggType.MAX_INDEX;
return AggType.MIN_INDEX;
// do nothing
return AggType.INVALID;
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.functionobjects.Builtin.BuiltinCode in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class LibMatrixAgg method getAggType.
private static AggType getAggType(AggregateUnaryOperator op) {
ValueFunction vfn = op.aggOp.increOp.fn;
IndexFunction ifn = op.indexFn;
// (kahan) sum / sum squared / trace (for ReduceDiag)
if (vfn instanceof KahanFunction && (op.aggOp.correctionLocation == CorrectionLocationType.LASTCOLUMN || op.aggOp.correctionLocation == CorrectionLocationType.LASTROW) && (ifn instanceof ReduceAll || ifn instanceof ReduceCol || ifn instanceof ReduceRow || ifn instanceof ReduceDiag)) {
if (vfn instanceof KahanPlus)
return AggType.KAHAN_SUM;
else if (vfn instanceof KahanPlusSq)
return AggType.KAHAN_SUM_SQ;
// mean
if (vfn instanceof Mean && (op.aggOp.correctionLocation == CorrectionLocationType.LASTTWOCOLUMNS || op.aggOp.correctionLocation == CorrectionLocationType.LASTTWOROWS) && (ifn instanceof ReduceAll || ifn instanceof ReduceCol || ifn instanceof ReduceRow)) {
return AggType.MEAN;
// variance
if (vfn instanceof CM && ((CM) vfn).getAggOpType() == AggregateOperationTypes.VARIANCE && (op.aggOp.correctionLocation == CorrectionLocationType.LASTFOURCOLUMNS || op.aggOp.correctionLocation == CorrectionLocationType.LASTFOURROWS) && (ifn instanceof ReduceAll || ifn instanceof ReduceCol || ifn instanceof ReduceRow)) {
return AggType.VAR;
// prod
if (vfn instanceof Multiply && ifn instanceof ReduceAll) {
return AggType.PROD;
// min / max
if (vfn instanceof Builtin && (ifn instanceof ReduceAll || ifn instanceof ReduceCol || ifn instanceof ReduceRow)) {
BuiltinCode bfcode = ((Builtin) vfn).bFunc;
switch(bfcode) {
case MAX:
return AggType.MAX;
case MIN:
return AggType.MIN;
return AggType.MAX_INDEX;
return AggType.MIN_INDEX;
// do nothing
return AggType.INVALID;