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Example 1 with GPUObject

use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUObject in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class LibMatrixCUDA method solve.

     * Implements the "solve" function for systemml Ax = B (A is of size m*n, B is of size m*1, x is of size n*1)
     * @param ec         a valid {@link ExecutionContext}
     * @param gCtx       a valid {@link GPUContext}
     * @param instName   the invoking instruction's name for record {@link Statistics}.
     * @param in1        input matrix A
     * @param in2        input matrix B
     * @param outputName name of the output matrix
     * @throws DMLRuntimeException if an error occurs
public static void solve(ExecutionContext ec, GPUContext gCtx, String instName, MatrixObject in1, MatrixObject in2, String outputName) throws DMLRuntimeException {
    if (ec.getGPUContext() != gCtx)
        throw new DMLRuntimeException("GPU : Invalid internal state, the GPUContext set with the ExecutionContext is not the same used to run this LibMatrixCUDA function");
    // x = solve(A, b)
    LOG.trace("GPU : solve" + ", GPUContext=" + gCtx);
    long t0 = -1;
    if (!isInSparseFormat(gCtx, in1) && !isInSparseFormat(gCtx, in2)) {
        // Both dense
        GPUObject Aobj = in1.getGPUObject(gCtx);
        GPUObject bobj = in2.getGPUObject(gCtx);
        int m = (int) in1.getNumRows();
        int n = (int) in1.getNumColumns();
        if ((int) in2.getNumRows() != m)
            throw new DMLRuntimeException("GPU : Incorrect input for solve(), rows in A should be the same as rows in B");
        if ((int) in2.getNumColumns() != 1)
            throw new DMLRuntimeException("GPU : Incorrect input for solve(), columns in B should be 1");
        // and are destructive to the original input
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            t0 = System.nanoTime();
        GPUObject ATobj = (GPUObject) Aobj.clone();
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            GPUStatistics.maintainCPMiscTimes(instName, GPUInstruction.MISC_TIMER_OBJECT_CLONE, System.nanoTime() - t0);
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            t0 = System.nanoTime();
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            GPUStatistics.maintainCPMiscTimes(instName, GPUInstruction.MISC_TIMER_ROW_TO_COLUMN_MAJOR, System.nanoTime() - t0);
        Pointer A = ATobj.getJcudaDenseMatrixPtr();
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            t0 = System.nanoTime();
        GPUObject bTobj = (GPUObject) bobj.clone();
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            GPUStatistics.maintainCPMiscTimes(instName, GPUInstruction.MISC_TIMER_OBJECT_CLONE, System.nanoTime() - t0);
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            t0 = System.nanoTime();
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            GPUStatistics.maintainCPMiscTimes(instName, GPUInstruction.MISC_TIMER_ROW_TO_COLUMN_MAJOR, System.nanoTime() - t0);
        Pointer b = bTobj.getJcudaDenseMatrixPtr();
        // step 3: query working space of geqrf and ormqr
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            t0 = System.nanoTime();
        int[] lwork = { 0 };
        JCusolverDn.cusolverDnDgeqrf_bufferSize(gCtx.getCusolverDnHandle(), m, n, A, m, lwork);
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            GPUStatistics.maintainCPMiscTimes(instName, GPUInstruction.MISC_TIMER_QR_BUFFER, System.nanoTime() - t0);
        // step 4: compute QR factorization
        Pointer work = gCtx.allocate(instName, lwork[0] * Sizeof.DOUBLE);
        Pointer tau = gCtx.allocate(instName, Math.max(m, m) * Sizeof.DOUBLE);
        Pointer devInfo = gCtx.allocate(Sizeof.INT);
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            t0 = System.nanoTime();
        JCusolverDn.cusolverDnDgeqrf(gCtx.getCusolverDnHandle(), m, n, A, m, tau, work, lwork[0], devInfo);
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            GPUStatistics.maintainCPMiscTimes(instName, GPUInstruction.MISC_TIMER_QR, System.nanoTime() - t0);
        int[] qrError = { -1 };
        cudaMemcpy(, devInfo, Sizeof.INT, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
        if (qrError[0] != 0) {
            throw new DMLRuntimeException("GPU : Error in call to geqrf (QR factorization) as part of solve, argument " + qrError[0] + " was wrong");
        // step 5: compute Q^T*B
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            t0 = System.nanoTime();
        JCusolverDn.cusolverDnDormqr(gCtx.getCusolverDnHandle(), cublasSideMode.CUBLAS_SIDE_LEFT, cublasOperation.CUBLAS_OP_T, m, 1, n, A, m, tau, b, m, work, lwork[0], devInfo);
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            GPUStatistics.maintainCPMiscTimes(instName, GPUInstruction.MISC_TIMER_ORMQR, System.nanoTime() - t0);
        cudaMemcpy(, devInfo, Sizeof.INT, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
        if (qrError[0] != 0) {
            throw new DMLRuntimeException("GPU : Error in call to ormqr (to compuete Q^T*B after QR factorization) as part of solve, argument " + qrError[0] + " was wrong");
        // step 6: compute x = R \ Q^T*B
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            t0 = System.nanoTime();
        JCublas2.cublasDtrsm(gCtx.getCublasHandle(), cublasSideMode.CUBLAS_SIDE_LEFT, cublasFillMode.CUBLAS_FILL_MODE_UPPER, cublasOperation.CUBLAS_OP_N, cublasDiagType.CUBLAS_DIAG_NON_UNIT, n, 1, pointerTo(1.0), A, m, b, m);
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            GPUStatistics.maintainCPMiscTimes(instName, GPUInstruction.MISC_TIMER_TRSM, System.nanoTime() - t0);
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            t0 = System.nanoTime();
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            GPUStatistics.maintainCPMiscTimes(instName, GPUInstruction.MISC_TIMER_COLUMN_TO_ROW_MAJOR, System.nanoTime() - t0);
        // TODO  : Find a way to assign bTobj directly to the output and set the correct flags so as to not crash
        // There is an avoidable copy happening here
        MatrixObject out = getDenseMatrixOutputForGPUInstruction(ec, instName, outputName);
        cudaMemcpy(out.getGPUObject(gCtx).getJcudaDenseMatrixPtr(), bTobj.getJcudaDenseMatrixPtr(), n * 1 * Sizeof.DOUBLE, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
        gCtx.cudaFreeHelper(instName, work);
        gCtx.cudaFreeHelper(instName, tau);
    //debugPrintMatrix(b, n, 1);
    } else if (isInSparseFormat(gCtx, in1) && isInSparseFormat(gCtx, in2)) {
        // Both sparse
        throw new DMLRuntimeException("GPU : solve on sparse inputs not supported");
    } else if (!isInSparseFormat(gCtx, in1) && isInSparseFormat(gCtx, in2)) {
        // Pointer B = getDensePointer(gCtx, in2, instName);
        throw new DMLRuntimeException("GPU : solve on sparse inputs not supported");
    } else if (isInSparseFormat(gCtx, in1) && !isInSparseFormat(gCtx, in2)) {
        // A is sparse, b is dense
        throw new DMLRuntimeException("GPU : solve on sparse inputs not supported");
Also used : MatrixObject(org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.caching.MatrixObject) CSRPointer(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.CSRPointer) Pointer(jcuda.Pointer) GPUObject(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUObject) DMLRuntimeException(org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException)

Example 2 with GPUObject

use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUObject in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class CacheableData method exportData.

	 * Synchronized because there might be parallel threads (parfor local) that
	 * access the same object (in case it was created before the loop).
	 * If all threads export the same data object concurrently it results in errors
	 * because they all write to the same file. Efficiency for loops and parallel threads
	 * is achieved by checking if the in-memory block is dirty.
	 * NOTE: MB: we do not use dfs copy from local (evicted) to HDFS because this would ignore
	 * the output format and most importantly would bypass reblocking during write (which effects the
	 * potential degree of parallelism). However, we copy files on HDFS if certain criteria are given.  
	 * @param fName file name
	 * @param outputFormat format
	 * @param replication ?
	 * @param formatProperties file format properties
	 * @throws CacheException if CacheException occurs
public synchronized void exportData(String fName, String outputFormat, int replication, FileFormatProperties formatProperties) throws CacheException {
    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
        LOG.trace("Export data " + getVarName() + " " + fName);
    long t0 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
    //prevent concurrent modifications
    if (!isAvailableToRead())
        throw new CacheException("MatrixObject not available to read.");
    LOG.trace("Exporting " + this.getDebugName() + " to " + fName + " in format " + outputFormat);
    //TODO remove
    boolean copiedFromGPU = false;
    for (Map.Entry<GPUContext, GPUObject> kv : _gpuObjects.entrySet()) {
        GPUObject gObj = kv.getValue();
        if (gObj != null && copiedFromGPU && gObj.isDirty()) {
            LOG.error("Inconsistent internal state - A copy of this CacheableData was dirty on more than 1 GPU");
            throw new CacheException("Internal Error : Inconsistent internal state, A copy of this CacheableData was dirty on more than 1 GPU");
        } else if (gObj != null) {
            copiedFromGPU = gObj.acquireHostRead();
            if (_data == null)
    // !fName.equals(_hdfsFileName); //persistent write flag
    boolean pWrite = false;
    if (fName.equals(_hdfsFileName)) {
        pWrite = false;
    } else {
        // i.e., export is called from "write" instruction
        pWrite = true;
    //actual export (note: no direct transfer of local copy in order to ensure blocking (and hence, parallelism))
    if (//use dirty for skipping parallel exports
    isDirty() || (pWrite && !isEqualOutputFormat(outputFormat))) {
        // a) get the matrix		
        if (isEmpty(true)) {
            //note: for large rdd outputs, we compile dedicated writespinstructions (no need to handle this here) 
            try {
                if (getRDDHandle() == null || getRDDHandle().allowsShortCircuitRead())
                    _data = readBlobFromHDFS(_hdfsFileName);
                    _data = readBlobFromRDD(getRDDHandle(), new MutableBoolean());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new CacheException("Reading of " + _hdfsFileName + " (" + getVarName() + ") failed.", e);
        //get object from cache
        if (_data == null)
        //incl. read matrix if evicted	
        acquire(false, _data == null);
        // b) write the matrix 
        try {
            writeMetaData(fName, outputFormat, formatProperties);
            writeBlobToHDFS(fName, outputFormat, replication, formatProperties);
            if (!pWrite)
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CacheException("Export to " + fName + " failed.", e);
        } finally {
    } else if (// pwrite with same output format
    pWrite) {
        //CASE 2: matrix already in same format but different file on hdfs (copy matrix to fname)
        try {
            MapReduceTool.deleteFileIfExistOnHDFS(fName + ".mtd");
            if (getRDDHandle() == null || getRDDHandle().allowsShortCircuitRead())
                MapReduceTool.copyFileOnHDFS(_hdfsFileName, fName);
                //write might trigger rdd operations and nnz maintenance
                writeBlobFromRDDtoHDFS(getRDDHandle(), fName, outputFormat);
            writeMetaData(fName, outputFormat, formatProperties);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CacheException("Export to " + fName + " failed.", e);
    } else if (getRDDHandle() != null && getRDDHandle().isPending() && !getRDDHandle().isHDFSFile() && !getRDDHandle().allowsShortCircuitRead()) {
        //CASE 3: pending rdd operation (other than checkpoints)
        try {
            //write matrix or frame
            writeBlobFromRDDtoHDFS(getRDDHandle(), fName, outputFormat);
            writeMetaData(fName, outputFormat, formatProperties);
            //update rdd status
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CacheException("Export to " + fName + " failed.", e);
    } else {
        //CASE 4: data already in hdfs (do nothing, no need for export)
        LOG.trace(this.getDebugName() + ": Skip export to hdfs since data already exists.");
    if (DMLScript.STATISTICS) {
        long t1 = System.nanoTime();
        CacheStatistics.incrementExportTime(t1 - t0);
Also used : GPUContext(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUContext) MutableBoolean(org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableBoolean) GPUObject(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUObject) IOException( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) DMLRuntimeException(org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException) IOException(

Example 3 with GPUObject

use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUObject in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class CacheableData method acquireRead.

// *********************************************
// ***                                       ***
// ***                                       ***
// *********************************************
	 * Acquires a shared "read-only" lock, produces the reference to the cache block,
	 * restores the cache block to main memory, reads from HDFS if needed.
	 * Synchronized because there might be parallel threads (parfor local) that
	 * access the same object (in case it was created before the loop).
	 * Out-Status: READ(+1).
	 * @return cacheable data
	 * @throws CacheException if CacheException occurs
public synchronized T acquireRead() throws CacheException {
    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
        LOG.trace("Acquire read " + getVarName());
    long t0 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
    if (!isAvailableToRead())
        throw new CacheException("MatrixObject not available to read.");
    //get object from cache
    if (_data == null)
    //call acquireHostRead if gpuHandle is set as well as is allocated
    boolean copiedFromGPU = false;
    for (Map.Entry<GPUContext, GPUObject> kv : _gpuObjects.entrySet()) {
        GPUObject gObj = kv.getValue();
        if (gObj != null && copiedFromGPU && gObj.isDirty()) {
            LOG.error("Inconsistent internal state - A copy of this CacheableData was dirty on more than 1 GPU");
            throw new CacheException("Internal Error : Inconsistent internal state, A copy of this CacheableData was dirty on more than 1 GPU");
        } else if (gObj != null) {
            copiedFromGPU = gObj.acquireHostRead();
            if (_data == null)
    //(probe data for cache_nowrite / jvm_reuse)  
    if (isEmpty(true) && _data == null) {
        try {
            if (DMLScript.STATISTICS)
            if (getRDDHandle() == null || getRDDHandle().allowsShortCircuitRead()) {
                //check filename
                if (_hdfsFileName == null)
                    throw new CacheException("Cannot read matrix for empty filename.");
                //read cacheable data from hdfs
                _data = readBlobFromHDFS(_hdfsFileName);
                //mark for initial local write despite read operation
                _requiresLocalWrite = CACHING_WRITE_CACHE_ON_READ;
            } else {
                //read matrix from rdd (incl execute pending rdd operations)
                MutableBoolean writeStatus = new MutableBoolean();
                _data = readBlobFromRDD(getRDDHandle(), writeStatus);
                //mark for initial local write (prevent repeated execution of rdd operations)
                _requiresLocalWrite = writeStatus.booleanValue() ? CACHING_WRITE_CACHE_ON_READ : true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new CacheException("Reading of " + _hdfsFileName + " (" + getVarName() + ") failed.", e);
        _isAcquireFromEmpty = true;
    } else if (DMLScript.STATISTICS) {
        if (_data != null)
    //cache status maintenance
    acquire(false, _data == null);
    if (DMLScript.STATISTICS) {
        long t1 = System.nanoTime();
        CacheStatistics.incrementAcquireRTime(t1 - t0);
    return _data;
Also used : GPUContext(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUContext) MutableBoolean(org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableBoolean) GPUObject(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUObject) IOException( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 4 with GPUObject

use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUObject in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class ExecutionContext method allocateGPUMatrixObject.

	 * Allocates the {@link GPUObject} for a given LOPS Variable (eg. _mVar3)
	 * @param varName variable name
	 * @return matrix object
	 * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs
public MatrixObject allocateGPUMatrixObject(String varName) throws DMLRuntimeException {
    MatrixObject mo = getMatrixObject(varName);
    if (mo.getGPUObject(getGPUContext()) == null) {
        GPUObject newGObj = getGPUContext().createGPUObject(mo);
        // The lock is added here for an output block
        // so that any block currently in use is not deallocated by eviction on the GPU
        mo.setGPUObject(getGPUContext(), newGObj);
    return mo;
Also used : MatrixObject(org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.caching.MatrixObject) GPUObject(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUObject)

Example 5 with GPUObject

use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUObject in project incubator-systemml by apache.

the class LibMatrixCUDA method unaryOp.

	 * A helper function for all Unary ops (sqrt, abs, sin.. etc)
	 * @param ec valid execution context
	 * @param gCtx a valid {@link GPUContext}
	 * @param in1 input matrix
	 * @param kernel name of CUDA kernel for the unary op to execute
	 * @param sparseAndEmptyFillValue the result of the unary op on a completely empty input matrix block
	 * @param outputName output matrix name
	 * @param instName the invoking instruction's name for record {@link Statistics}.
	 * @param kernelTimer the name of the timer to measure the kernel invocation
	 * @throws DMLRuntimeException
private static void unaryOp(ExecutionContext ec, GPUContext gCtx, MatrixObject in1, String kernel, double sparseAndEmptyFillValue, String outputName, String instName, String kernelTimer) throws DMLRuntimeException {
    if (ec.getGPUContext() != gCtx)
        throw new DMLRuntimeException("GPU : Invalid internal state, the GPUContext set with the ExecutionContext is not the same used to run this LibMatrixCUDA function");
    GPUObject in = in1.getGPUObject(gCtx);
    boolean isSparseAndEmpty = in.isSparseAndEmpty();
    long t1 = 0;
    if (isSparseAndEmpty) {
        MatrixObject out = ec.getMatrixObject(outputName);
    } else {
        // Dense
        MatrixObject out = getDenseMatrixOutputForGPUInstruction(ec, instName, outputName);
        Pointer output = getDensePointer(gCtx, out, instName);
        Pointer input = getDensePointer(gCtx, in1, instName);
        int size = (int) (in1.getNumColumns() * in1.getNumRows());
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            t1 = System.nanoTime();
        getCudaKernels(gCtx).launchKernel(kernel, ExecutionConfig.getConfigForSimpleVectorOperations(size), input, output, size);
        if (GPUStatistics.DISPLAY_STATISTICS)
            GPUStatistics.maintainCPMiscTimes(instName, kernelTimer, System.nanoTime() - t1);
Also used : MatrixObject(org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.caching.MatrixObject) CSRPointer(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.CSRPointer) Pointer(jcuda.Pointer) GPUObject(org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUObject) DMLRuntimeException(org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException)


GPUObject (org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUObject)7 DMLRuntimeException (org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException)4 MatrixObject (org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.caching.MatrixObject)4 GPUContext (org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUContext)3 IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 Pointer (jcuda.Pointer)2 MutableBoolean (org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableBoolean)2 CSRPointer (org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.CSRPointer)2 Pair (