use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class SparseBlockIterator method runSparseBlockIteratorTest.
* @param sparseM1
* @param sparseM2
* @param instType
private void runSparseBlockIteratorTest(SparseBlock.Type btype, double sparsity, boolean partial) {
try {
// data generation
double[][] A = getRandomMatrix(rows, cols, -10, 10, sparsity, 8765432);
// init sparse block
SparseBlock sblock = null;
MatrixBlock mbtmp = DataConverter.convertToMatrixBlock(A);
SparseBlock srtmp = mbtmp.getSparseBlock();
switch(btype) {
case MCSR:
sblock = new SparseBlockMCSR(srtmp);
case CSR:
sblock = new SparseBlockCSR(srtmp);
case COO:
sblock = new SparseBlockCOO(srtmp);
// check for correct number of non-zeros
int[] rnnz = new int[rows];
int nnz = 0;
int rl = partial ? rlPartial : 0;
for (int i = rl; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) rnnz[i] += (A[i][j] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
nnz += rnnz[i];
if (!partial && nnz != sblock.size())"Wrong number of non-zeros: " + sblock.size() + ", expected: " + nnz);
// check correct isEmpty return
for (int i = rl; i < rows; i++) if (sblock.isEmpty(i) != (rnnz[i] == 0))"Wrong isEmpty(row) result for row nnz: " + rnnz[i]);
// check correct values
Iterator<IJV> iter = !partial ? sblock.getIterator() : sblock.getIterator(rl, rows);
int count = 0;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
IJV cell =;
if (cell.getV() != A[cell.getI()][cell.getJ()])"Wrong value returned by iterator: " + cell.getV() + ", expected: " + A[cell.getI()][cell.getJ()]);
if (count != nnz)"Wrong number of values returned by iterator: " + count + ", expected: " + nnz);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class CompressedMatrixBlock method decompress.
* Decompress block.
* @return a new uncompressed matrix block containing the contents of this
* block
public MatrixBlock decompress() {
// early abort for not yet compressed blocks
if (!isCompressed())
return new MatrixBlock(this);
Timing time = new Timing(true);
// preallocation sparse rows to avoid repeated reallocations
MatrixBlock ret = new MatrixBlock(getNumRows(), getNumColumns(), isInSparseFormat(), getNonZeros());
if (ret.isInSparseFormat()) {
int[] rnnz = new int[rlen];
for (ColGroup grp : _colGroups) grp.countNonZerosPerRow(rnnz, 0, rlen);
SparseBlock rows = ret.getSparseBlock();
for (int i = 0; i < rlen; i++) rows.allocate(i, rnnz[i]);
// core decompression (append if sparse)
for (ColGroup grp : _colGroups) grp.decompressToBlock(ret, 0, rlen);
// post-processing (for append in decompress)
if (ret.isInSparseFormat())
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("decompressed block in " + time.stop() + "ms.");
return ret;
use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class SpoofCellwise method executeCompressedNoAgg.
private long executeCompressedNoAgg(CompressedMatrixBlock a, SideInput[] b, double[] scalars, MatrixBlock out, int m, int n, boolean sparseSafe, int rl, int ru) {
double[] c = (out.getDenseBlock() != null) ? out.getDenseBlockValues() : null;
SparseBlock csblock = out.getSparseBlock();
// whenever k/2 * BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ > m (i.e., it does not limit parallelism)
if (out.isInSparseFormat() && rl % BitmapEncoder.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ == 0 && ru % BitmapEncoder.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ == 0) {
int[] rnnz = a.countNonZerosPerRow(rl, ru);
for (int i = rl; i < ru; i++) csblock.allocate(i, rnnz[i - rl]);
long lnnz = 0;
Iterator<IJV> iter = a.getIterator(rl, ru, !sparseSafe);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
IJV cell =;
double val = genexec(cell.getV(), b, scalars, m, n, cell.getI(), cell.getJ());
if (out.isInSparseFormat()) {
csblock.append(cell.getI(), cell.getJ(), val);
} else
c[cell.getI() * n + cell.getJ()] = val;
lnnz += (val != 0) ? 1 : 0;
return lnnz;
use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class SpoofOuterProduct method executeCellwiseSparse.
private void executeCellwiseSparse(SparseBlock sblock, DenseBlock u, DenseBlock v, SideInput[] b, double[] scalars, MatrixBlock out, int m, int n, int k, long nnz, OutProdType type, int rl, int ru, int cl, int cu) {
// NOTE: we don't create sparse side inputs w/ row-major cursors because
// cache blocking would lead to non-sequential access
final int blocksizeIJ = (int) (8L * m * n / nnz);
int[] curk = new int[Math.min(blocksizeIJ, ru - rl)];
if (// DENSE
!out.isInSparseFormat()) {
DenseBlock c = out.getDenseBlock();
double tmp = 0;
for (int bi = rl; bi < ru; bi += blocksizeIJ) {
int bimin = Math.min(ru, bi + blocksizeIJ);
// prepare starting indexes for block row
Arrays.fill(curk, 0);
// blocked execution over column blocks
for (int bj = 0; bj < n; bj += blocksizeIJ) {
int bjmin = Math.min(n, bj + blocksizeIJ);
for (int i = bi; i < bimin; i++) {
if (sblock.isEmpty(i))
int wpos = sblock.pos(i);
int wlen = sblock.size(i);
int[] wix = sblock.indexes(i);
double[] wvals = sblock.values(i);
double[] cvals = c.values(i);
double[] uvals = u.values(i);
int uix = u.pos(i);
int index = wpos + curk[i - bi];
if (type == OutProdType.CELLWISE_OUTER_PRODUCT)
for (; index < wpos + wlen && wix[index] < bjmin; index++) {
int jix = wix[index];
cvals[jix] = genexecCellwise(wvals[index], uvals, uix, v.values(jix), v.pos(jix), b, scalars, m, n, k, i, wix[index]);
for (; index < wpos + wlen && wix[index] < bjmin; index++) {
int jix = wix[index];
tmp += genexecCellwise(wvals[index], uvals, uix, v.values(jix), v.pos(jix), b, scalars, m, n, k, i, wix[index]);
curk[i - bi] = index - wpos;
if (type != OutProdType.CELLWISE_OUTER_PRODUCT)
c.set(0, 0, tmp);
} else // SPARSE
SparseBlock c = out.getSparseBlock();
for (int bi = rl; bi < ru; bi += blocksizeIJ) {
int bimin = Math.min(ru, bi + blocksizeIJ);
// prepare starting indexes for block row
Arrays.fill(curk, 0);
// blocked execution over column blocks
for (int bj = 0; bj < n; bj += blocksizeIJ) {
int bjmin = Math.min(n, bj + blocksizeIJ);
for (int i = bi; i < bimin; i++) {
if (sblock.isEmpty(i))
int wpos = sblock.pos(i);
int wlen = sblock.size(i);
int[] wix = sblock.indexes(i);
double[] wval = sblock.values(i);
double[] uvals = u.values(i);
int uix = u.pos(i);
int index = wpos + curk[i - bi];
for (; index < wpos + wlen && wix[index] < bjmin; index++) {
int jix = wix[index];
c.append(i, wix[index], genexecCellwise(wval[index], uvals, uix, v.values(jix), v.pos(jix), b, scalars, m, n, k, i, wix[index]));
curk[i - bi] = index - wpos;
use of in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class SpoofOuterProduct method executeCellwiseCompressed.
private void executeCellwiseCompressed(CompressedMatrixBlock a, DenseBlock u, DenseBlock v, SideInput[] b, double[] scalars, MatrixBlock out, int m, int n, int k, OutProdType type, int rl, int ru, int cl, int cu) {
// NOTE: we don't create sparse side inputs w/ row-major cursors because
// compressed data is access in a column-major order
double[] c = (out.getDenseBlock() != null) ? out.getDenseBlockValues() : null;
SparseBlock csblock = out.getSparseBlock();
Iterator<IJV> iter = a.getIterator(rl, ru, false);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
IJV cell =;
double[] uvals = u.values(cell.getI());
double[] vvals = v.values(cell.getJ());
int uix = u.pos(cell.getI());
int vix = v.pos(cell.getJ());
if (type == OutProdType.CELLWISE_OUTER_PRODUCT) {
if (out.isInSparseFormat()) {
csblock.append(cell.getI(), cell.getJ(), genexecCellwise(cell.getV(), uvals, uix, vvals, vix, b, scalars, m, n, k, cell.getI(), cell.getJ()));
} else {
c[cell.getI() * n + cell.getJ()] = genexecCellwise(cell.getV(), uvals, uix, vvals, vix, b, scalars, m, n, k, cell.getI(), cell.getJ());
} else {
c[0] += genexecCellwise(cell.getV(), uvals, uix, vvals, vix, b, scalars, m, n, k, cell.getI(), cell.getJ());