use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.operators.CMOperator.AggregateOperationTypes in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class CM_N_COVInstruction method parseInstruction.
public static CM_N_COVInstruction parseInstruction(String str) {
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionParts(str);
byte in, out;
int cst;
String opcode = parts[0];
if (opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("cm")) {
in = Byte.parseByte(parts[1]);
cst = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);
out = Byte.parseByte(parts[3]);
if (cst > 4 || cst < 0 || cst == 1)
throw new DMLRuntimeException("constant for central moment has to be 0, 2, 3, or 4");
AggregateOperationTypes opType = CMOperator.getCMAggOpType(cst);
CMOperator cm = new CMOperator(CM.getCMFnObject(opType), opType);
return new CM_N_COVInstruction(cm, in, out, str);
} else if (opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("cov")) {
in = Byte.parseByte(parts[1]);
out = Byte.parseByte(parts[2]);
COVOperator cov = new COVOperator(COV.getCOMFnObject());
return new CM_N_COVInstruction(cov, in, out, str);
} else
throw new DMLRuntimeException("unknown opcode " + opcode);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.operators.CMOperator.AggregateOperationTypes in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class CentralMomentSPInstruction method parseInstruction.
public static CentralMomentSPInstruction parseInstruction(String str) {
CPOperand in1 = new CPOperand("", ValueType.UNKNOWN, DataType.UNKNOWN);
CPOperand in2 = null;
CPOperand in3 = null;
CPOperand out = new CPOperand("", ValueType.UNKNOWN, DataType.UNKNOWN);
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionPartsWithValueType(str);
String opcode = parts[0];
// check supported opcode
if (!opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("cm")) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported opcode " + opcode);
if (parts.length == 4) {
// Example:; (without weights)
in2 = new CPOperand("", ValueType.UNKNOWN, DataType.UNKNOWN);
parseUnaryInstruction(str, in1, in2, out);
} else if (parts.length == 5) {
//; (with weights)
in2 = new CPOperand("", ValueType.UNKNOWN, DataType.UNKNOWN);
in3 = new CPOperand("", ValueType.UNKNOWN, DataType.UNKNOWN);
parseUnaryInstruction(str, in1, in2, in3, out);
// Exact order of the central moment MAY NOT be known at compilation time.
// We first try to parse the second argument as an integer, and if we fail,
// we simply pass -1 so that getCMAggOpType() picks up AggregateOperationTypes.INVALID.
// It must be updated at run time in processInstruction() method.
int cmOrder;
try {
if (in3 == null) {
cmOrder = Integer.parseInt(in2.getName());
} else {
cmOrder = Integer.parseInt(in3.getName());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// unknown at compilation time
cmOrder = -1;
AggregateOperationTypes opType = CMOperator.getCMAggOpType(cmOrder);
CMOperator cm = new CMOperator(CM.getCMFnObject(opType), opType);
return new CentralMomentSPInstruction(cm, in1, in2, in3, out, opcode, str);
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.operators.CMOperator.AggregateOperationTypes in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class CostEstimator method extractCPInstStatistics.
private static Object[] extractCPInstStatistics(Instruction inst, HashMap<String, VarStats> stats) {
// stats, attrs
Object[] ret = new Object[2];
VarStats[] vs = new VarStats[3];
String[] attr = null;
if (inst instanceof UnaryCPInstruction) {
if (inst instanceof DataGenCPInstruction) {
DataGenCPInstruction rinst = (DataGenCPInstruction) inst;
vs[0] = _unknownStats;
vs[1] = _unknownStats;
vs[2] = stats.get(rinst.output.getName());
// prepare attributes for cost estimation
// full rand
int type = 2;
if (rinst.getMinValue() == 0.0 && rinst.getMaxValue() == 0.0)
type = 0;
else if (rinst.getSparsity() == 1.0 && rinst.getMinValue() == rinst.getMaxValue())
type = 1;
attr = new String[] { String.valueOf(type) };
} else if (inst instanceof StringInitCPInstruction) {
StringInitCPInstruction rinst = (StringInitCPInstruction) inst;
vs[0] = _unknownStats;
vs[1] = _unknownStats;
vs[2] = stats.get(rinst.output.getName());
} else // general unary
UnaryCPInstruction uinst = (UnaryCPInstruction) inst;
vs[0] = stats.get(uinst.input1.getName());
vs[1] = _unknownStats;
vs[2] = stats.get(uinst.output.getName());
if (// scalar input, e.g., print
vs[0] == null)
vs[0] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar output
vs[2] == null)
vs[2] = _scalarStats;
if (inst instanceof MMTSJCPInstruction) {
String type = ((MMTSJCPInstruction) inst).getMMTSJType().toString();
attr = new String[] { type };
} else if (inst instanceof AggregateUnaryCPInstruction) {
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionParts(inst.toString());
String opcode = parts[0];
if (opcode.equals("cm"))
attr = new String[] { parts[parts.length - 2] };
} else if (inst instanceof BinaryCPInstruction) {
BinaryCPInstruction binst = (BinaryCPInstruction) inst;
vs[0] = stats.get(binst.input1.getName());
vs[1] = stats.get(binst.input2.getName());
vs[2] = stats.get(binst.output.getName());
if (// scalar input,
vs[0] == null)
vs[0] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar input,
vs[1] == null)
vs[1] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar output
vs[2] == null)
vs[2] = _scalarStats;
} else if (inst instanceof AggregateTernaryCPInstruction) {
AggregateTernaryCPInstruction binst = (AggregateTernaryCPInstruction) inst;
// of same dimension anyway but missing third input
vs[0] = stats.get(binst.input1.getName());
vs[1] = stats.get(binst.input2.getName());
vs[2] = stats.get(binst.output.getName());
if (// scalar input,
vs[0] == null)
vs[0] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar input,
vs[1] == null)
vs[1] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar output
vs[2] == null)
vs[2] = _scalarStats;
} else if (inst instanceof ParameterizedBuiltinCPInstruction) {
// ParameterizedBuiltinCPInstruction pinst = (ParameterizedBuiltinCPInstruction) inst;
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionParts(inst.toString());
String opcode = parts[0];
if (opcode.equals("groupedagg")) {
HashMap<String, String> paramsMap = ParameterizedBuiltinCPInstruction.constructParameterMap(parts);
String fn = paramsMap.get("fn");
String order = paramsMap.get("order");
AggregateOperationTypes type = CMOperator.getAggOpType(fn, order);
attr = new String[] { String.valueOf(type.ordinal()) };
} else if (opcode.equals("rmempty")) {
HashMap<String, String> paramsMap = ParameterizedBuiltinCPInstruction.constructParameterMap(parts);
attr = new String[] { String.valueOf(paramsMap.get("margin").equals("rows") ? 0 : 1) };
vs[0] = stats.get(parts[1].substring(7).replaceAll(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER, ""));
vs[1] = _unknownStats;
vs[2] = stats.get(parts[parts.length - 1]);
if (// scalar input
vs[0] == null)
vs[0] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar output
vs[2] == null)
vs[2] = _scalarStats;
} else if (inst instanceof MultiReturnBuiltinCPInstruction) {
// applies to qr, lu, eigen (cost computation on input1)
MultiReturnBuiltinCPInstruction minst = (MultiReturnBuiltinCPInstruction) inst;
vs[0] = stats.get(minst.input1.getName());
vs[1] = stats.get(minst.getOutput(0).getName());
vs[2] = stats.get(minst.getOutput(1).getName());
} else if (inst instanceof VariableCPInstruction) {
VariableCPInstruction varinst = (VariableCPInstruction) inst;
if (varinst.getOpcode().equals("write")) {
// special handling write of matrix objects (non existing if scalar)
if (stats.containsKey(varinst.getInput1().getName()))
vs[0] = stats.get(varinst.getInput1().getName());
attr = new String[] { varinst.getInput3().getName() };
} else {
// maintain var status (CP output always inmem)
vs[2]._inmem = true;
ret[0] = vs;
ret[1] = attr;
return ret;
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.operators.CMOperator.AggregateOperationTypes in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class CostEstimatorStaticRuntime method extractMRInstStatistics.
private Object[] extractMRInstStatistics(String inst, VarStats[] stats) {
// stats, attrs
Object[] ret = new Object[2];
VarStats[] vs = new VarStats[3];
String[] attr = null;
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionParts(inst);
String opcode = parts[0];
if (opcode.equals(DataGen.RAND_OPCODE)) {
vs[0] = _unknownStats;
vs[1] = _unknownStats;
vs[2] = stats[Integer.parseInt(parts[2])];
int type = 2;
// awareness of instruction patching min/max
if (!parts[7].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) && !parts[8].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER)) {
double minValue = Double.parseDouble(parts[7]);
double maxValue = Double.parseDouble(parts[8]);
double sparsity = Double.parseDouble(parts[9]);
if (minValue == 0.0 && maxValue == 0.0)
type = 0;
else if (sparsity == 1.0 && minValue == maxValue)
type = 1;
attr = new String[] { String.valueOf(type) };
if (opcode.equals(DataGen.SEQ_OPCODE)) {
vs[0] = _unknownStats;
vs[1] = _unknownStats;
vs[2] = stats[Integer.parseInt(parts[2])];
} else // general case
String inst2 = replaceInstructionPatch(inst);
MRInstruction mrinst = MRInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction(inst2);
if (mrinst instanceof UnaryMRInstructionBase) {
UnaryMRInstructionBase uinst = (UnaryMRInstructionBase) mrinst;
vs[0] = uinst.input >= 0 ? stats[uinst.input] : _unknownStats;
vs[1] = _unknownStats;
vs[2] = stats[uinst.output];
if (// scalar input, e.g., print
vs[0] == null)
vs[0] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar output
vs[2] == null)
vs[2] = _scalarStats;
if (mrinst instanceof MMTSJMRInstruction) {
String type = ((MMTSJMRInstruction) mrinst).getMMTSJType().toString();
attr = new String[] { type };
} else if (mrinst instanceof CM_N_COVInstruction) {
if (opcode.equals("cm"))
attr = new String[] { parts[parts.length - 2] };
} else if (mrinst instanceof GroupedAggregateInstruction) {
if (opcode.equals("groupedagg")) {
AggregateOperationTypes type = CMOperator.getAggOpType(parts[2], parts[3]);
attr = new String[] { String.valueOf(type.ordinal()) };
} else if (mrinst instanceof BinaryMRInstructionBase) {
BinaryMRInstructionBase binst = (BinaryMRInstructionBase) mrinst;
vs[0] = stats[binst.input1];
vs[1] = stats[binst.input2];
vs[2] = stats[binst.output];
if (// scalar input,
vs[0] == null)
vs[0] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar input,
vs[1] == null)
vs[1] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar output
vs[2] == null)
vs[2] = _scalarStats;
if (opcode.equals("rmempty")) {
RemoveEmptyMRInstruction rbinst = (RemoveEmptyMRInstruction) mrinst;
attr = new String[] { rbinst.isRemoveRows() ? "0" : "1" };
} else if (mrinst instanceof TernaryInstruction) {
TernaryInstruction tinst = (TernaryInstruction) mrinst;
byte[] ix = tinst.getAllIndexes();
for (int i = 0; i < ix.length - 1; i++) vs[0] = stats[ix[i]];
vs[2] = stats[ix[ix.length - 1]];
if (// scalar input,
vs[0] == null)
vs[0] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar input,
vs[1] == null)
vs[1] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar output
vs[2] == null)
vs[2] = _scalarStats;
} else if (mrinst instanceof CtableInstruction) {
CtableInstruction tinst = (CtableInstruction) mrinst;
vs[0] = stats[tinst.input1];
vs[1] = stats[tinst.input2];
vs[2] = stats[tinst.input3];
if (// scalar input,
vs[0] == null)
vs[0] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar input,
vs[1] == null)
vs[1] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar input
vs[2] == null)
vs[2] = _scalarStats;
} else if (mrinst instanceof PickByCountInstruction) {
PickByCountInstruction pinst = (PickByCountInstruction) mrinst;
vs[0] = stats[pinst.input1];
vs[2] = stats[pinst.output];
if (// scalar input,
vs[0] == null)
vs[0] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar input,
vs[1] == null)
vs[1] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar input
vs[2] == null)
vs[2] = _scalarStats;
} else if (mrinst instanceof MapMultChainInstruction) {
MapMultChainInstruction minst = (MapMultChainInstruction) mrinst;
vs[0] = stats[minst.getInput1()];
vs[1] = stats[minst.getInput2()];
if (minst.getInput3() >= 0)
vs[2] = stats[minst.getInput3()];
if (// scalar input,
vs[0] == null)
vs[0] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar input,
vs[1] == null)
vs[1] = _scalarStats;
if (// scalar input
vs[2] == null)
vs[2] = _scalarStats;
// maintain var status (CP output always inmem)
vs[2]._inmem = true;
ret[0] = vs;
ret[1] = attr;
return ret;
use of org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.operators.CMOperator.AggregateOperationTypes in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class BasicMatrixCentralMomentTest method runMatrixAppendTest.
private static void runMatrixAppendTest(SparsityType sptype, ValueType vtype, boolean compress) {
try {
// prepare sparsity for input data
double sparsity = -1;
switch(sptype) {
case DENSE:
sparsity = sparsity1;
case SPARSE:
sparsity = sparsity2;
case EMPTY:
sparsity = sparsity3;
// generate input data
double min = (vtype == ValueType.CONST) ? 10 : -10;
double[][] input = TestUtils.generateTestMatrix(rows, cols, min, 10, sparsity, 7);
if (vtype == ValueType.RAND_ROUND_OLE || vtype == ValueType.RAND_ROUND_DDC) {
CompressedMatrixBlock.ALLOW_DDC_ENCODING = (vtype == ValueType.RAND_ROUND_DDC);
input = TestUtils.round(input);
MatrixBlock mb = DataConverter.convertToMatrixBlock(input);
// compress given matrix block
CompressedMatrixBlock cmb = new CompressedMatrixBlock(mb);
if (compress)
// quantile uncompressed
AggregateOperationTypes opType = CMOperator.getCMAggOpType(2);
CMOperator cm = new CMOperator(CM.getCMFnObject(opType), opType);
double ret1 = mb.cmOperations(cm).getRequiredResult(opType);
// quantile compressed
double ret2 = cmb.cmOperations(cm).getRequiredResult(opType);
// compare result with input
TestUtils.compareScalars(ret1, ret2, 0.0000001);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} finally {
CompressedMatrixBlock.ALLOW_DDC_ENCODING = true;