use of org.apache.sysml.yarn.ropt.YarnClusterConfig in project incubator-systemml by apache.
the class DMLYarnClientProxy method launchDMLYarnAppmaster.
public static boolean launchDMLYarnAppmaster(String dmlScriptStr, DMLConfig conf, String[] allArgs, Program rtprog) throws IOException, DMLRuntimeException {
boolean ret = false;
try {
//optimize resources (and update configuration)
if (DMLAppMasterUtils.isResourceOptimizerEnabled()) {
LOG.warn("Optimization level '" + OptimizationLevel.O3_LOCAL_RESOURCE_TIME_MEMORY + "' " + "is still in experimental state and not intended for production use.");
YarnClusterConfig cc = YarnClusterAnalyzer.getClusterConfig();
ArrayList<ProgramBlock> pb = DMLAppMasterUtils.getRuntimeProgramBlocks(rtprog);
ResourceConfig rc = ResourceOptimizer.optimizeResourceConfig(pb, cc, GridEnumType.HYBRID_MEM_EXP_GRID, GridEnumType.HYBRID_MEM_EXP_GRID);
conf.updateYarnMemorySettings(String.valueOf(YarnOptimizerUtils.toMB(rc.getCPResource())), rc.serialize());
//alternative: only use the max mr memory for all statement blocks
//conf.updateYarnMemorySettings(String.valueOf(rc.getCPResource()), String.valueOf(rc.getMaxMRResource()));
//launch dml yarn app master
DMLYarnClient yclient = new DMLYarnClient(dmlScriptStr, conf, allArgs);
ret = yclient.launchDMLYarnAppmaster();
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex) {
LOG.warn("Failed to instantiate DML yarn client " + "(NoClassDefFoundError: " + ex.getMessage() + "). " + "Resume with default client processing.");
ret = false;
return ret;