use of org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.modules.TapestryIOCModule in project tapestry-5 by apache.
the class ModuleImpl method create.
* Creates the service and updates the cache of created services.
* @param eagerLoadProxies a list into which any eager loaded proxies should be added
private Object create(final ServiceDef3 def, final Collection<EagerLoadServiceProxy> eagerLoadProxies) {
final String serviceId = def.getServiceId();
final Logger logger = registry.getServiceLogger(serviceId);
final Class serviceInterface = def.getServiceInterface();
final boolean canBeProxied = canBeProxiedPredicate.test(serviceInterface);
String description = String.format("Creating %s service %s", canBeProxied ? "proxy for" : "non-proxied instance of", serviceId);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
final Module module = this;
Invokable operation = new Invokable() {
public Object invoke() {
try {
ServiceBuilderResources resources = new ServiceResourcesImpl(registry, module, def, proxyFactory, logger);
// Build up a stack of operations that will be needed to realize the service
// (by the proxy, at a later date).
ObjectCreator creator = def.createServiceCreator(resources);
// For non-proxyable services, we immediately create the service implementation
// and return it. There's no interface to proxy, which throws out the possibility of
// deferred instantiation, service lifecycles, and decorators.
ServiceLifecycle2 lifecycle = registry.getServiceLifecycle(def.getServiceScope());
if (!canBeProxied) {
if (lifecycle.requiresProxy())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Service scope '%s' requires a proxy, but the service does not have a service interface (necessary to create a proxy). Provide a service interface or select a different service scope.", def.getServiceScope()));
return creator.createObject();
creator = new OperationTrackingObjectCreator(registry, String.format("Instantiating service %s implementation via %s", serviceId, creator), creator);
creator = new LifecycleWrappedServiceCreator(lifecycle, resources, creator);
// Marked services (or services inside marked modules) are not decorated.
// TapestryIOCModule prevents decoration of its services. Note that all decorators will decorate
// around the aspect interceptor, which wraps around the core service implementation.
boolean allowDecoration = !def.isPreventDecoration();
if (allowDecoration) {
creator = new AdvisorStackBuilder(def, creator, getAspectDecorator(), registry);
creator = new InterceptorStackBuilder(def, creator, registry);
// Add a wrapper that checks for recursion.
creator = new RecursiveServiceCreationCheckWrapper(def, creator, logger);
creator = new OperationTrackingObjectCreator(registry, "Realizing service " + serviceId, creator);
JustInTimeObjectCreator delegate = new JustInTimeObjectCreator(tracker, creator, serviceId);
Object proxy = createProxy(resources, delegate, def.isPreventDecoration());
if (def.isEagerLoad() && eagerLoadProxies != null)
tracker.setStatus(serviceId, Status.VIRTUAL);
return proxy;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.errorBuildingService(serviceId, def, ex), ex);
return registry.invoke(description, operation);