use of org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.ComponentEventException in project tapestry-5 by apache.
the class ComponentPageElementImpl method processEventTriggering.
private boolean processEventTriggering(String eventType, EventContext context, ComponentEventCallback callback) {
boolean result = false;
ComponentPageElement component = this;
String componentId = "";
// Provide a default handler for when the provided handler is null.
final ComponentEventCallback providedHandler = callback == null ? new NotificationEventCallback(eventType, completeId) : callback;
ComponentEventCallback wrapped = new ComponentEventCallback() {
public boolean handleResult(Object result) {
if (result instanceof Boolean)
return (Boolean) result;
return providedHandler.handleResult(result);
RuntimeException rootException = null;
// Because I don't like to reassign parameters.
String currentEventType = eventType;
EventContext currentContext = context;
// Track the location of the original component for the event, even as we work our way up
// the hierarchy. This may not be ideal if we trigger an "exception" event ... or maybe
// it's right (it's the location of the originally thrown exception).
Location location = component.getComponentResources().getLocation();
while (component != null) {
try {
Logger logger = component.getEventLogger();
ComponentEvent event = new ComponentEventImpl(currentEventType, componentId, currentContext, wrapped, elementResources, exactParameterCountMatch, coreResources.getComponentModel(), logger);
logger.debug(TapestryMarkers.EVENT_DISPATCH, "Dispatch event: {}", event);
result |= component.dispatchEvent(event);
if (event.isAborted())
return result;
}// not the JVM).
catch (Exception ex) {
if (rootException != null)
throw rootException;
// We know component is not null and therefore has a component resources that
// should have a location.
// Wrap it up to help ensure that a location is available to the event handler
// method or,
// more likely, to the exception report page.
rootException = new ComponentEventException(ex.getMessage(), eventType, context, location, ex);
// Switch over to triggering an "exception" event, starting in the component that
// threw the exception.
currentEventType = "exception";
currentContext = createParameterContext(rootException);
// On each bubble up, make the event appear to come from the previous component
// in which the event was triggered.
componentId = component.getId();
component = component.getContainerElement();
if (rootException != null)
throw rootException;
return result;