use of org.apache.tez.dag.api.event.VertexStateUpdateParallelismUpdated in project tez by apache.
the class VertexImpl method setParallelismWrapper.
private void setParallelismWrapper(int parallelism, VertexLocationHint vertexLocationHint, Map<String, EdgeProperty> sourceEdgeProperties, Map<String, InputSpecUpdate> rootInputSpecUpdates, boolean fromVertexManager) throws AMUserCodeException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(parallelism >= 0, "Parallelism must be >=0. Value: " + parallelism + " for vertex: " + logIdentifier);
this.setParallelismCalledFlag = true;
try {
// disallow changing things after a vertex has started
if (!tasksNotYetScheduled) {
String msg = "setParallelism cannot be called after scheduling tasks. Vertex: " + getLogIdentifier();;
throw new TezUncheckedException(msg);
if (fromVertexManager && canInitVertex()) {
// vertex is fully defined. setParallelism has been called. VertexManager should have
// informed us about this. Otherwise we would have notified listeners that we are fully
// defined before we are actually fully defined
Preconditions.checkState(vertexToBeReconfiguredByManager, "Vertex is fully configured but still" + " the reconfiguration API has been called. VertexManager must notify the framework using " + " context.vertexReconfigurationPlanned() before re-configuring the vertex." + " vertexId=" + logIdentifier);
// Input initializer/Vertex Manager/1-1 split expected to set parallelism.
if (numTasks == -1) {
if (getState() != VertexState.INITIALIZING) {
throw new TezUncheckedException("Vertex state is not Initializing. Value: " + getState() + " for vertex: " + logIdentifier);
if (sourceEdgeProperties != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, EdgeProperty> entry : sourceEdgeProperties.entrySet()) {"Replacing edge manager for source:" + entry.getKey() + " destination: " + getLogIdentifier());
Vertex sourceVertex = appContext.getCurrentDAG().getVertex(entry.getKey());
Edge edge = sourceVertices.get(sourceVertex);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new TezUncheckedException("Fail to update EdgeProperty for Edge," + "sourceVertex:" + edge.getSourceVertexName() + "destinationVertex:" + edge.getDestinationVertexName(), e);
if (rootInputSpecUpdates != null) {"Got updated RootInputsSpecs: " + rootInputSpecUpdates.toString());
// Sanity check for correct number of updates.
for (Entry<String, InputSpecUpdate> rootInputSpecUpdateEntry : rootInputSpecUpdates.entrySet()) {
Preconditions.checkState(rootInputSpecUpdateEntry.getValue().isForAllWorkUnits() || (rootInputSpecUpdateEntry.getValue().getAllNumPhysicalInputs() != null && rootInputSpecUpdateEntry.getValue().getAllNumPhysicalInputs().size() == parallelism), "Not enough input spec updates for root input named " + rootInputSpecUpdateEntry.getKey());
int oldNumTasks = numTasks;
this.numTasks = parallelism;
stateChangeNotifier.stateChanged(vertexId, new VertexStateUpdateParallelismUpdated(vertexName, numTasks, oldNumTasks));
setVertexLocationHint(vertexLocationHint);"Vertex " + getLogIdentifier() + " parallelism set to " + parallelism);
if (canInitVertex()) {
getEventHandler().handle(new VertexEvent(getVertexId(), VertexEventType.V_READY_TO_INIT));
} else {
// This is an artificial restriction since there's no way of knowing whether a VertexManager
// will attempt to update root input specs. When parallelism has not been initialized, the
// Vertex will not be in started state so it's safe to update the specifications.
// TODO TEZ-937 - add e mechanism to query vertex managers, or for VMs to indicate readines
// for a vertex to start.
Preconditions.checkState(rootInputSpecUpdates == null, "Root Input specs can only be updated when the vertex is configured with -1 tasks");
int oldNumTasks = numTasks;
// start buffering incoming events so that we can re-route existing events
for (Edge edge : sourceVertices.values()) {
if (parallelism == numTasks) {"setParallelism same as current value: " + parallelism + " for vertex: " + logIdentifier);
Preconditions.checkArgument(sourceEdgeProperties != null, "Source edge managers or RootInputSpecs must be set when not changing parallelism");
} else {"Resetting vertex location hints due to change in parallelism for vertex: " + logIdentifier);
vertexLocationHint = null;
if (parallelism > numTasks) {
} else if (parallelism < numTasks) {
Preconditions.checkState(this.numTasks == parallelism, getLogIdentifier());
// set new vertex location hints
setVertexLocationHint(vertexLocationHint);"Vertex " + getLogIdentifier() + " parallelism set to " + parallelism + " from " + oldNumTasks);
// notify listeners
stateChangeNotifier.stateChanged(vertexId, new VertexStateUpdateParallelismUpdated(vertexName, numTasks, oldNumTasks));
assert tasks.size() == numTasks;
// set new edge managers
if (sourceEdgeProperties != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, EdgeProperty> entry : sourceEdgeProperties.entrySet()) {"Replacing edge manager for source:" + entry.getKey() + " destination: " + getLogIdentifier());
Vertex sourceVertex = appContext.getCurrentDAG().getVertex(entry.getKey());
Edge edge = sourceVertices.get(sourceVertex);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new TezUncheckedException(e);
// stop buffering events
for (Edge edge : sourceVertices.values()) {
} finally {
use of org.apache.tez.dag.api.event.VertexStateUpdateParallelismUpdated in project tez by apache.
the class TestStateChangeNotifier method testEventsOnRegistration.
@Test(timeout = 5000)
public void testEventsOnRegistration() {
TezDAGID dagId = TezDAGID.getInstance("1", 1, 1);
Vertex v1 = createMockVertex(dagId, 1);
Vertex v2 = createMockVertex(dagId, 2);
Vertex v3 = createMockVertex(dagId, 3);
DAG dag = createMockDag(dagId, v1, v2, v3);
StateChangeNotifierForTest tracker = new StateChangeNotifierForTest(dag);
// Vertex has sent one event
notifyTracker(tracker, v1, VertexState.RUNNING);
VertexStateUpdateListener mockListener11 = mock(VertexStateUpdateListener.class);
VertexStateUpdateListener mockListener12 = mock(VertexStateUpdateListener.class);
VertexStateUpdateListener mockListener13 = mock(VertexStateUpdateListener.class);
VertexStateUpdateListener mockListener14 = mock(VertexStateUpdateListener.class);
// Register for all states
tracker.registerForVertexUpdates(v1.getName(), null, mockListener11);
// Register for all states
tracker.registerForVertexUpdates(v1.getName(), EnumSet.allOf(VertexState.class), mockListener12);
// Register for specific state, event generated
tracker.registerForVertexUpdates(v1.getName(), EnumSet.of(VertexState.RUNNING), mockListener13);
// Register for specific state, event not generated
tracker.registerForVertexUpdates(v1.getName(), EnumSet.of(VertexState.SUCCEEDED), mockListener14);
ArgumentCaptor<VertexStateUpdate> argumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(VertexStateUpdate.class);
verify(mockListener11, times(1)).onStateUpdated(argumentCaptor.capture());
assertEquals(VertexState.RUNNING, argumentCaptor.getValue().getVertexState());
verify(mockListener12, times(1)).onStateUpdated(argumentCaptor.capture());
assertEquals(VertexState.RUNNING, argumentCaptor.getValue().getVertexState());
verify(mockListener13, times(1)).onStateUpdated(argumentCaptor.capture());
assertEquals(VertexState.RUNNING, argumentCaptor.getValue().getVertexState());
verify(mockListener14, never()).onStateUpdated(any(VertexStateUpdate.class));
// Vertex has not notified of state
VertexStateUpdateListener mockListener2 = mock(VertexStateUpdateListener.class);
tracker.registerForVertexUpdates(v2.getName(), null, mockListener2);
// there should no be any event sent out
Assert.assertEquals(0, tracker.totalCount.get());
verify(mockListener2, never()).onStateUpdated(any(VertexStateUpdate.class));
// Vertex has notified about parallelism update only
tracker.stateChanged(v3.getVertexId(), new VertexStateUpdateParallelismUpdated(v3.getName(), 23, -1));
VertexStateUpdateListener mockListener3 = mock(VertexStateUpdateListener.class);
tracker.registerForVertexUpdates(v3.getName(), null, mockListener3);
verify(mockListener3, times(1)).onStateUpdated(argumentCaptor.capture());
assertEquals(VertexState.PARALLELISM_UPDATED, argumentCaptor.getValue().getVertexState());