use of in project tez by apache.
the class VertexImpl method startVertex.
private VertexState startVertex() {
Preconditions.checkState(getState() == VertexState.INITED, "Vertex must be inited " + logIdentifier);
if (recoveryData != null && recoveryData.isVertexStarted()) {
VertexStartedEvent vertexStartedEvent = recoveryData.getVertexStartedEvent();
this.startedTime = vertexStartedEvent.getStartTime();
} else {
this.startedTime = clock.getTime();
try {
vertexManager.onVertexStarted(getTaskAttemptIdentifiers(dag, pendingReportedSrcCompletions));
} catch (AMUserCodeException e) {
String msg = "Exception in " + e.getSource() + ", vertex=" + logIdentifier;
LOG.error(msg, e);
addDiagnostic(msg + "," + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e.getCause()));
tryEnactKill(VertexTerminationCause.AM_USERCODE_FAILURE, TaskTerminationCause.AM_USERCODE_FAILURE);
return VertexState.TERMINATING;
// the vertex is fully configured by the time it starts. Always notify completely configured
// unless the vertex manager has told us that it is going to reconfigure it further.
// If the vertex was pre-configured then the event would have been sent out earlier. Calling again
// would be a no-op. If the vertex was not fully configured and waiting for that to complete then
// we would start immediately after that. Either parallelism updated (now) or IPO changed (future)
// or vertex added (future). Simplify these cases by sending the event now automatically for the
// user as if they had invoked the planned()/done() API's.
// when we are ready
if (targetVertices != null) {
for (Vertex targetVertex : targetVertices.keySet()) {
eventHandler.handle(new VertexEventSourceVertexStarted(targetVertex.getVertexId(), getVertexId(), distanceFromRoot));
// If we have no tasks, just transition to vertex completed
if (this.numTasks == 0) {
eventHandler.handle(new VertexEvent(this.vertexId, VertexEventType.V_COMPLETED));
return VertexState.RUNNING;