use of in project tez by apache.
the class TaskSchedulerManager method getProgress.
// Not synchronized to avoid deadlocks from TaskScheduler callbacks.
// TaskScheduler uses a separate thread for it's callbacks. Since this method
// returns a value which is required, the TaskScheduler wait for the call to
// complete and can hence lead to a deadlock if called from within a TSEH lock.
public float getProgress(int schedulerId) {
// at this point allocate has been called and so node count must be available
// may change after YARN-1722
// This is a heartbeat in from the scheduler into the APP, and is being used to piggy-back and
// node updates from the cluster.
// Doubles as a mechanism to update node counts periodically. Hence schedulerId required.
// TODO Handle this in TEZ-2124. Need a way to know which scheduler is calling in.
int nodeCount = 0;
try {
nodeCount = taskSchedulers[0].getClusterNodeCount();
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Error in TaskScheduler while getting node count" + ", scheduler=" + Utils.getTaskSchedulerIdentifierString(schedulerId, appContext);
LOG.error(msg, e);
sendEvent(new DAGAppMasterEventUserServiceFatalError(DAGAppMasterEventType.TASK_SCHEDULER_SERVICE_FATAL_ERROR, msg, e));
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (nodeCount != cachedNodeCount) {
cachedNodeCount = nodeCount;
sendEvent(new AMNodeEventNodeCountUpdated(cachedNodeCount, schedulerId));
return dagAppMaster.getProgress();