use of org.apache.tez.dag.records.TezTaskAttemptID in project tez by apache.
the class VertexImpl method checkTasksForCompletion.
// triggered by task_complete
static VertexState checkTasksForCompletion(final VertexImpl vertex) {
// this log helps quickly count the completion count for a vertex.
// grepping and counting for attempts and handling re-tries is time consuming"Task Completion: " + constructCheckTasksForCompletionLog(vertex));
// check for vertex failure first
if (vertex.completedTaskCount > vertex.tasks.size()) {
LOG.error("task completion accounting issue: completedTaskCount > nTasks:" + constructCheckTasksForCompletionLog(vertex));
if (vertex.completedTaskCount == vertex.tasks.size()) {
// finished - gather stats
vertex.finalStatistics = vertex.constructStatistics();
// Only succeed if tasks complete successfully and no terminationCause is registered or if failures are below configured threshold.
boolean vertexSucceeded = vertex.succeededTaskCount == vertex.numTasks;
boolean vertexFailuresBelowThreshold = (vertex.succeededTaskCount + vertex.failedTaskCount == vertex.numTasks) && (vertex.failedTaskCount * 100 <= vertex.maxFailuresPercent * vertex.numTasks);
if ((vertexSucceeded || vertexFailuresBelowThreshold) && vertex.terminationCause == null) {
if (vertexSucceeded) {"All tasks have succeeded, vertex:" + vertex.logIdentifier);
} else {"All tasks in the vertex " + vertex.logIdentifier + " have completed and the percentage of failed tasks (failed/total) (" + vertex.failedTaskCount + "/" + vertex.numTasks + ") is less that the threshold of " + vertex.maxFailuresPercent);
vertex.addDiagnostic("Vertex succeeded as percentage of failed tasks (failed/total) (" + vertex.failedTaskCount + "/" + vertex.numTasks + ") is less that the threshold of " + vertex.maxFailuresPercent);
vertex.logSuccessDiagnostics = true;
for (Task task : vertex.tasks.values()) {
if (!task.getState().equals(TaskState.FAILED)) {
// Find the last attempt and mark that as successful
Iterator<TezTaskAttemptID> attempts = task.getAttempts().keySet().iterator();
TezTaskAttemptID lastAttempt = null;
while (attempts.hasNext()) {
TezTaskAttemptID attempt =;
if (lastAttempt == null || attempt.getId() > lastAttempt.getId()) {
lastAttempt = attempt;
}"Succeeding failed task attempt:" + lastAttempt);
for (Map.Entry<Vertex, Edge> vertexEdge : vertex.targetVertices.entrySet()) {
Vertex destVertex = vertexEdge.getKey();
Edge edge = vertexEdge.getValue();
try {
List<TezEvent> tezEvents = edge.generateEmptyEventsForAttempt(lastAttempt);
// Downstream vertices need to receive a SUCCEEDED completion event for each failed task to ensure num bipartite count is correct
VertexEventTaskAttemptCompleted completionEvent = new VertexEventTaskAttemptCompleted(lastAttempt, TaskAttemptStateInternal.SUCCEEDED);
// Notify all target vertices
vertex.eventHandler.handle(new VertexEventSourceTaskAttemptCompleted(destVertex.getVertexId(), completionEvent));
vertex.eventHandler.handle(new VertexEventRouteEvent(destVertex.getVertexId(), tezEvents));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new TezUncheckedException(e);
if (vertex.commitVertexOutputs && !vertex.committed.getAndSet(true)) {
// start commit if there're commits or just finish if no commits
return commitOrFinish(vertex);
} else {
// just finish because no vertex committing needed
return vertex.finished(VertexState.SUCCEEDED);
return finishWithTerminationCause(vertex);
// return the current state, Vertex not finished yet
return vertex.getInternalState();
use of org.apache.tez.dag.records.TezTaskAttemptID in project tez by apache.
the class Edge method sendTezEventToSourceTasks.
public void sendTezEventToSourceTasks(TezEvent tezEvent) throws AMUserCodeException {
Preconditions.checkState(edgeManager != null, "Edge Manager must be initialized by this time");
if (!bufferEvents.get()) {
switch(tezEvent.getEventType()) {
InputReadErrorEvent event = (InputReadErrorEvent) tezEvent.getEvent();
TezTaskAttemptID destAttemptId = tezEvent.getSourceInfo().getTaskAttemptID();
int destTaskIndex = destAttemptId.getTaskID().getId();
int srcTaskIndex;
int numConsumers;
try {
if (onDemandRouting) {
srcTaskIndex = ((EdgeManagerPluginOnDemand) edgeManager).routeInputErrorEventToSource(destTaskIndex, event.getIndex());
} else {
srcTaskIndex = edgeManager.routeInputErrorEventToSource(event, destTaskIndex, event.getIndex());
Preconditions.checkArgument(srcTaskIndex >= 0, "SourceTaskIndex should not be negative," + "srcTaskIndex=" + srcTaskIndex);
numConsumers = edgeManager.getNumDestinationConsumerTasks(srcTaskIndex);
Preconditions.checkArgument(numConsumers > 0, "ConsumerTaskNum must be positive," + "numConsumers=" + numConsumers);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AMUserCodeException(Source.EdgeManager, "Fail to sendTezEventToSourceTasks, " + "TezEvent:" + tezEvent.getEvent() + "sourceInfo:" + tezEvent.getSourceInfo() + "destinationInfo:" + tezEvent.getDestinationInfo() + ", " + getEdgeInfo(), e);
Task srcTask = sourceVertex.getTask(srcTaskIndex);
if (srcTask == null) {
throw new TezUncheckedException("Unexpected null task." + " sourceVertex=" + sourceVertex.getLogIdentifier() + " srcIndex = " + srcTaskIndex + " destAttemptId=" + destAttemptId + " destIndex=" + destTaskIndex + " edgeManager=" + edgeManager.getClass().getName());
TezTaskID srcTaskId = srcTask.getTaskId();
int taskAttemptIndex = event.getVersion();
TezTaskAttemptID srcTaskAttemptId = TezTaskAttemptID.getInstance(srcTaskId, taskAttemptIndex);
sendEvent(new TaskAttemptEventOutputFailed(srcTaskAttemptId, tezEvent, numConsumers));
throw new TezUncheckedException("Unhandled tez event type: " + tezEvent.getEventType());
} else {
use of org.apache.tez.dag.records.TezTaskAttemptID in project tez by apache.
the class TaskCommunicatorManager method heartbeat.
public TaskHeartbeatResponse heartbeat(TaskHeartbeatRequest request) throws IOException, TezException {
ContainerId containerId = ConverterUtils.toContainerId(request.getContainerIdentifier());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Received heartbeat from container" + ", request=" + request);
if (!registeredContainers.containsKey(containerId)) {
LOG.warn("Received task heartbeat from unknown container with id: " + containerId + ", asking it to die");
// A heartbeat can come in anytime. The AM may have made a decision to kill a running task/container
// meanwhile. If the decision is processed through the pipeline before the heartbeat is processed,
// the heartbeat will be dropped. Otherwise the heartbeat will be processed - and the system
// know how to handle this - via FailedInputEvents for example (relevant only if the heartbeat has events).
// So - avoiding synchronization.
TaskAttemptEventInfo eventInfo = new TaskAttemptEventInfo(0, null, 0);
TezTaskAttemptID taskAttemptID = request.getTaskAttemptId();
if (taskAttemptID != null) {
ContainerId containerIdFromMap = registeredAttempts.get(taskAttemptID);
if (containerIdFromMap == null || !containerIdFromMap.equals(containerId)) {
// This can happen when a task heartbeats. Meanwhile the container is unregistered.
// The information will eventually make it through to the plugin via a corresponding unregister.
// There's a race in that case between the unregister making it through, and this method returning.
// TODO TEZ-2003 (post) TEZ-2666. An exception back is likely a better approach than sending a shouldDie = true,
// so that the plugin can handle the scenario. Alternately augment the response with error codes.
// Error codes would be better than exceptions."Attempt: " + taskAttemptID + " is not recognized for heartbeats");
List<TezEvent> inEvents = request.getEvents();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Ping from " + taskAttemptID.toString() + " events: " + (inEvents != null ? inEvents.size() : -1));
long currTime = context.getClock().getTime();
// taFinishedEvents - means the TaskAttemptFinishedEvent
// taGeneratedEvents - for recovery, means the events generated by this task attempt and is needed by its downstream vertices
// eventsForVertex - including all the taGeneratedEvents and other events such as INPUT_READ_ERROR_EVENT/INPUT_FAILED_EVENT
// taGeneratedEvents is routed both to TaskAttempt & Vertex. Route to Vertex is for performance consideration
// taFinishedEvents must be routed before taGeneratedEvents
List<TezEvent> taFinishedEvents = new ArrayList<TezEvent>();
List<TezEvent> taGeneratedEvents = new ArrayList<TezEvent>();
List<TezEvent> eventsForVertex = new ArrayList<TezEvent>();
TaskAttemptEventStatusUpdate taskAttemptEvent = null;
boolean readErrorReported = false;
for (TezEvent tezEvent : ListUtils.emptyIfNull(inEvents)) {
// for now, set the event time on the AM when it is received.
// this avoids any time disparity between machines.
final EventType eventType = tezEvent.getEventType();
if (eventType == EventType.TASK_STATUS_UPDATE_EVENT) {
// send TA_STATUS_UPDATE before TA_DONE/TA_FAILED/TA_KILLED otherwise Status may be missed
taskAttemptEvent = new TaskAttemptEventStatusUpdate(taskAttemptID, (TaskStatusUpdateEvent) tezEvent.getEvent());
} else if (eventType == EventType.TASK_ATTEMPT_COMPLETED_EVENT || eventType == EventType.TASK_ATTEMPT_FAILED_EVENT || eventType == EventType.TASK_ATTEMPT_KILLED_EVENT) {
} else {
if (eventType == EventType.INPUT_READ_ERROR_EVENT) {
readErrorReported = true;
if (eventType == EventType.DATA_MOVEMENT_EVENT || eventType == EventType.COMPOSITE_DATA_MOVEMENT_EVENT || eventType == EventType.ROOT_INPUT_INITIALIZER_EVENT || eventType == EventType.VERTEX_MANAGER_EVENT) {
if (taskAttemptEvent != null) {
// route taGeneratedEvents to TaskAttempt
if (!taGeneratedEvents.isEmpty()) {
sendEvent(new TaskAttemptEventTezEventUpdate(taskAttemptID, taGeneratedEvents));
// route events to TaskAttempt
Preconditions.checkArgument(taFinishedEvents.size() <= 1, "Multiple TaskAttemptFinishedEvent");
for (TezEvent e : taFinishedEvents) {
EventMetaData sourceMeta = e.getSourceInfo();
switch(e.getEventType()) {
TaskAttemptTerminationCause errCause = null;
switch(sourceMeta.getEventGenerator()) {
case INPUT:
errCause = TaskAttemptTerminationCause.INPUT_READ_ERROR;
errCause = TaskAttemptTerminationCause.APPLICATION_ERROR;
case OUTPUT:
errCause = TaskAttemptTerminationCause.OUTPUT_WRITE_ERROR;
case SYSTEM:
errCause = TaskAttemptTerminationCause.FRAMEWORK_ERROR;
throw new TezUncheckedException("Unknown EventProducerConsumerType: " + sourceMeta.getEventGenerator());
if (e.getEventType() == EventType.TASK_ATTEMPT_FAILED_EVENT) {
TaskAttemptFailedEvent taskFailedEvent = (TaskAttemptFailedEvent) e.getEvent();
sendEvent(new TaskAttemptEventAttemptFailed(sourceMeta.getTaskAttemptID(), TaskAttemptEventType.TA_FAILED, taskFailedEvent.getTaskFailureType(), "Error: " + taskFailedEvent.getDiagnostics(), errCause));
} else {
// Killed
TaskAttemptKilledEvent taskKilledEvent = (TaskAttemptKilledEvent) e.getEvent();
sendEvent(new TaskAttemptEventAttemptKilled(sourceMeta.getTaskAttemptID(), "Error: " + taskKilledEvent.getDiagnostics(), errCause));
sendEvent(new TaskAttemptEvent(sourceMeta.getTaskAttemptID(), TaskAttemptEventType.TA_DONE));
throw new TezUncheckedException("Unhandled tez event type: " + e.getEventType());
if (!eventsForVertex.isEmpty()) {
TezVertexID vertexId = taskAttemptID.getTaskID().getVertexID();
sendEvent(new VertexEventRouteEvent(vertexId, Collections.unmodifiableList(eventsForVertex)));
eventInfo = context.getCurrentDAG().getVertex(taskAttemptID.getTaskID().getVertexID()).getTaskAttemptTezEvents(taskAttemptID, request.getStartIndex(), request.getPreRoutedStartIndex(), request.getMaxEvents());
return new TaskHeartbeatResponse(false, eventInfo.getEvents(), eventInfo.getNextFromEventId(), eventInfo.getNextPreRoutedFromEventId());
use of org.apache.tez.dag.records.TezTaskAttemptID in project tez by apache.
the class LegacySpeculator method speculationValue.
/* ************************************************************* */
// This is the code section that runs periodically and adds speculations for
// those jobs that need them.
// This can return a few magic values for tasks that shouldn't speculate:
// returns ON_SCHEDULE if thresholdRuntime(taskID) says that we should not
// considering speculating this task
// returns ALREADY_SPECULATING if that is true. This has priority.
// returns TOO_NEW if our companion task hasn't gotten any information
// returns PROGRESS_IS_GOOD if the task is sailing through
// returns NOT_RUNNING if the task is not running
// All of these values are negative. Any value that should be allowed to
// speculate is 0 or positive.
// If shouldUseTimeout is true, we will use timeout to decide on
// speculation instead of the task statistics. This can be useful, for
// example for single task vertices for which there are no tasks to compare
// with
private long speculationValue(Task task, long now, boolean shouldUseTimeout) {
Map<TezTaskAttemptID, TaskAttempt> attempts = task.getAttempts();
TezTaskID taskID = task.getTaskId();
long acceptableRuntime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
long result = Long.MIN_VALUE;
// short circuit completed tasks. no need to spend time on them
if (task.getState() == TaskState.SUCCEEDED) {
if (!mayHaveSpeculated.contains(taskID) && !shouldUseTimeout) {
acceptableRuntime = estimator.thresholdRuntime(taskID);
if (acceptableRuntime == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
TezTaskAttemptID runningTaskAttemptID = null;
int numberRunningAttempts = 0;
for (TaskAttempt taskAttempt : attempts.values()) {
if (taskAttempt.getState() == TaskAttemptState.RUNNING || taskAttempt.getState() == TaskAttemptState.STARTING) {
if (++numberRunningAttempts > 1) {
runningTaskAttemptID = taskAttempt.getID();
long taskAttemptStartTime = estimator.attemptEnrolledTime(runningTaskAttemptID);
if (taskAttemptStartTime > now) {
// attempt status change that chronicles the attempt start
return TOO_NEW;
if (shouldUseTimeout) {
if ((now - taskAttemptStartTime) > taskTimeout) {
// If the task has timed out, then we want to schedule a speculation
// immediately. However we cannot return immediately since we may
// already have a speculation running.
result = Long.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
// Task has not timed out so we are good
} else {
long estimatedRunTime = estimator.estimatedRuntime(runningTaskAttemptID);
long estimatedEndTime = estimatedRunTime + taskAttemptStartTime;
long estimatedReplacementEndTime = now + estimator.newAttemptEstimatedRuntime();
float progress = taskAttempt.getProgress();
TaskAttemptHistoryStatistics data = runningTaskAttemptStatistics.get(runningTaskAttemptID);
if (data == null) {
runningTaskAttemptStatistics.put(runningTaskAttemptID, new TaskAttemptHistoryStatistics(estimatedRunTime, progress, now));
} else {
if (estimatedRunTime == data.getEstimatedRunTime() && progress == data.getProgress()) {
// Previous stats are same as same stats
if (data.notHeartbeatedInAWhile(now)) {
// Stats have stagnated for a while, simulate heart-beat.
// Now simulate the heart-beat
statusUpdate(taskAttempt.getID(), taskAttempt.getState(), clock.getTime());
} else {
// Stats have changed - update our data structure
if (estimatedEndTime < now) {
if (estimatedReplacementEndTime >= estimatedEndTime) {
result = estimatedEndTime - estimatedReplacementEndTime;
// If we are here, there's at most one task attempt.
if (numberRunningAttempts == 0) {
if ((acceptableRuntime == Long.MIN_VALUE) && !shouldUseTimeout) {
acceptableRuntime = estimator.thresholdRuntime(taskID);
if (acceptableRuntime == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
return result;
use of org.apache.tez.dag.records.TezTaskAttemptID in project tez by apache.
the class TestOnFileUnorderedKVOutput method createOutputContext.
private OutputContext createOutputContext(Configuration conf, TezSharedExecutor sharedExecutor) throws IOException {
int appAttemptNumber = 1;
TezUmbilical tezUmbilical = mock(TezUmbilical.class);
String dagName = "currentDAG";
String taskVertexName = "currentVertex";
String destinationVertexName = "destinationVertex";
TezDAGID dagID = TezDAGID.getInstance("2000", 1, 1);
TezVertexID vertexID = TezVertexID.getInstance(dagID, 1);
TezTaskID taskID = TezTaskID.getInstance(vertexID, 1);
TezTaskAttemptID taskAttemptID = TezTaskAttemptID.getInstance(taskID, 1);
UserPayload userPayload = TezUtils.createUserPayloadFromConf(conf);
TaskSpec mockSpec = mock(TaskSpec.class);
task = new LogicalIOProcessorRuntimeTask(mockSpec, appAttemptNumber, new Configuration(), new String[] { "/" }, tezUmbilical, null, null, null, null, "", null, 1024, false, new DefaultHadoopShim(), sharedExecutor);
LogicalIOProcessorRuntimeTask runtimeTask = spy(task);
Map<String, String> auxEnv = new HashMap<String, String>();
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
AuxiliaryServiceHelper.setServiceDataIntoEnv(conf.get(TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_SHUFFLE_AUXILIARY_SERVICE_ID, TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_SHUFFLE_AUXILIARY_SERVICE_ID_DEFAULT), bb, auxEnv);
OutputDescriptor outputDescriptor = mock(OutputDescriptor.class);
OutputContext realOutputContext = new TezOutputContextImpl(conf, new String[] { workDir.toString() }, appAttemptNumber, tezUmbilical, dagName, taskVertexName, destinationVertexName, -1, taskAttemptID, 0, userPayload, runtimeTask, null, auxEnv, new MemoryDistributor(1, 1, conf), outputDescriptor, null, new ExecutionContextImpl("localhost"), 2048, new TezSharedExecutor(defaultConf));
verify(runtimeTask, times(1)).addAndGetTezCounter(destinationVertexName);
verify(runtimeTask, times(1)).getTaskStatistics();
// verify output stats object got created
OutputContext outputContext = spy(realOutputContext);
doAnswer(new Answer() {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
long requestedSize = (Long) invocation.getArguments()[0];
MemoryUpdateCallbackHandler callback = (MemoryUpdateCallbackHandler) invocation.getArguments()[1];
return null;
}).when(outputContext).requestInitialMemory(anyLong(), any(MemoryUpdateCallback.class));
return outputContext;