use of org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web.FragmentJarScannerCallback in project tomcat by apache.
the class JspCServletContext method scanForFragments.
private Map<String, WebXml> scanForFragments(WebXmlParser webXmlParser) throws JasperException {
StandardJarScanner scanner = new StandardJarScanner();
// TODO - enabling this means initializing the classloader first in JspC
// TODO - configure filter rules from Ant rather then system properties
scanner.setJarScanFilter(new StandardJarScanFilter());
FragmentJarScannerCallback callback = new FragmentJarScannerCallback(webXmlParser, false, true);
scanner.scan(JarScanType.PLUGGABILITY, this, callback);
if (!callback.isOk()) {
throw new JasperException(Localizer.getMessage("jspc.error.invalidFragment"));
return callback.getFragments();
use of org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web.FragmentJarScannerCallback in project tomcat by apache.
the class ContextConfig method processJarsForWebFragments.
* Scan /WEB-INF/lib for JARs and for each one found add it and any
* /META-INF/web-fragment.xml to the resulting Map. web-fragment.xml files
* will be parsed before being added to the map. Every JAR will be added and
* <code>null</code> will be used if no web-fragment.xml was found. Any JARs
* known not contain fragments will be skipped.
* @param application The main web.xml metadata
* @param webXmlParser The parser to use to process the web.xml file
* @return A map of JAR name to processed web fragment (if any)
protected Map<String, WebXml> processJarsForWebFragments(WebXml application, WebXmlParser webXmlParser) {
JarScanner jarScanner = context.getJarScanner();
boolean delegate = false;
if (context instanceof StandardContext) {
delegate = ((StandardContext) context).getDelegate();
boolean parseRequired = true;
Set<String> absoluteOrder = application.getAbsoluteOrdering();
if (absoluteOrder != null && absoluteOrder.isEmpty() && !context.getXmlValidation()) {
// Skip parsing when there is an empty absolute ordering and
// validation is not enabled
parseRequired = false;
FragmentJarScannerCallback callback = new FragmentJarScannerCallback(webXmlParser, delegate, parseRequired);
jarScanner.scan(JarScanType.PLUGGABILITY, context.getServletContext(), callback);
if (!callback.isOk()) {
ok = false;
return callback.getFragments();