use of in project ant by apache.
the class Sync method removeOrphanFiles.
* Removes all files and folders not found as keys of a table
* (used as a set!).
* <p>If the provided file is a directory, it is recursively
* scanned for orphaned files which will be removed as well.</p>
* <p>If the directory is an orphan, it will also be removed.</p>
* @param nonOrphans the table of all non-orphan <code>File</code>s.
* @param toDir the initial file or directory to scan or test.
* @param preservedDirectories will be filled with the directories
* matched by preserveInTarget - if any. Will not be
* filled unless preserveEmptyDirs and includeEmptyDirs
* conflict.
* @return the number of orphaned files and directories actually removed.
* Position 0 of the array is the number of orphaned directories.
* Position 1 of the array is the number or orphaned files.
private int[] removeOrphanFiles(Set<String> nonOrphans, File toDir, Set<File> preservedDirectories) {
int[] removedCount = new int[] { 0, 0 };
String[] excls = nonOrphans.toArray(new String[nonOrphans.size() + 1]);
// want to keep toDir itself
excls[nonOrphans.size()] = "";
DirectoryScanner ds;
if (syncTarget != null) {
FileSet fs = syncTarget.toFileSet(false);
// preserveInTarget would find all files we want to keep,
// but we need to find all that we want to delete - so the
// meaning of all patterns and selectors must be inverted
PatternSet ps = syncTarget.mergePatterns(getProject());
// selectors are implicitly ANDed in DirectoryScanner. To
// revert their logic we wrap them into a <none> selector
// instead.
FileSelector[] s = syncTarget.getSelectors(getProject());
if (s.length > 0) {
NoneSelector ns = new NoneSelector();
for (FileSelector element : s) {
ds = fs.getDirectoryScanner(getProject());
} else {
ds = new DirectoryScanner();
for (String file : ds.getIncludedFiles()) {
File f = new File(toDir, file);
log("Removing orphan file: " + f, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
String[] dirs = ds.getIncludedDirectories();
// ds returns the directories in lexicographic order.
// iterating through the array backwards means we are deleting
// leaves before their parent nodes - thus making sure (well,
// more likely) that the directories are empty when we try to
// delete them.
Arrays.sort(dirs, Comparator.reverseOrder());
for (String dir : dirs) {
File f = new File(toDir, dir);
String[] children = f.list();
if (children == null || children.length < 1) {
log("Removing orphan directory: " + f, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
Boolean ped = getExplicitPreserveEmptyDirs();
if (ped != null && ped != myCopy.getIncludeEmptyDirs()) {
FileSet fs = syncTarget.toFileSet(true);
String[] preservedDirs = fs.getDirectoryScanner(getProject()).getIncludedDirectories();
Arrays.sort(preservedDirs, Comparator.reverseOrder());
for (String dir : preservedDirs) {
preservedDirectories.add(new File(toDir, dir));
return removedCount;
use of in project ant by apache.
the class IsFileSelected method eval.
* Evaluate the selector with the file.
* @return true if the file is selected by the embedded selector.
public boolean eval() {
if (file == null) {
throw new BuildException("file attribute not set");
File myBaseDir = baseDir;
if (myBaseDir == null) {
myBaseDir = getProject().getBaseDir();
FileSelector f = getSelectors(getProject())[0];
return f.isSelected(myBaseDir, FILE_UTILS.removeLeadingPath(myBaseDir, file), file);