use of org.apache.uima.analysis_component.JCasAnnotator_ImplBase in project webanno by webanno.
the class RemoteApiController2 method documentRead.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get a document from a project", response = byte[].class)
@RequestMapping(value = "/" + PROJECTS + "/{" + PARAM_PROJECT_ID + "}/" + DOCUMENTS + "/{" + PARAM_DOCUMENT_ID + "}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = { APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_VALUE, APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE })
public ResponseEntity documentRead(@PathVariable(PARAM_PROJECT_ID) long aProjectId, @PathVariable(PARAM_DOCUMENT_ID) long aDocumentId, @RequestParam(value = PARAM_FORMAT) Optional<String> aFormat) throws Exception {
// Get project (this also ensures that it exists and that the current user can access it
Project project = getProject(aProjectId);
SourceDocument doc = getDocument(project, aDocumentId);
boolean originalFile;
String format;
if (aFormat.isPresent()) {
if (VAL_ORIGINAL.equals(aFormat.get())) {
format = doc.getFormat();
originalFile = true;
} else {
format = aFormat.get();
originalFile = doc.getFormat().equals(format);
} else {
format = doc.getFormat();
originalFile = true;
if (originalFile) {
// Export the original file - no temporary file created here, we export directly from
// the file system
File docFile = documentService.getSourceDocumentFile(doc);
FileSystemResource resource = new FileSystemResource(docFile);
HttpHeaders httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
httpHeaders.set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + doc.getName() + "\"");
return new ResponseEntity<>(resource, httpHeaders, OK);
} else {
// Export a converted file - here we first export to a local temporary file and then
// send that back to the client
// Check if the format is supported
Map<String, Class<JCasAnnotator_ImplBase>> writableFormats = importExportService.getWritableFormats();
Class<JCasAnnotator_ImplBase> writer = writableFormats.get(format);
if (writer == null) {
throw new UnsupportedFormatException("Format [%s] cannot be exported. Exportable formats are %s.", aFormat, writableFormats.keySet());
// Create a temporary export file from the annotations
JCas jcas = documentService.createOrReadInitialCas(doc);
File exportedFile = null;
try {
// Load the converted file into memory
exportedFile = importExportService.exportCasToFile(jcas.getCas(), doc, doc.getName(), writer, true);
byte[] resource = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(exportedFile);
// Send it back to the client
HttpHeaders httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
httpHeaders.set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + exportedFile.getName() + "\"");
return new ResponseEntity<>(resource, httpHeaders, OK);
} finally {
if (exportedFile != null) {