use of org.apache.wicket.markup.IMarkupFragment in project wicket by apache.
the class BorderBehavior method findMarkupStream.
* @param owner
* @return markup stream
private MarkupStream findMarkupStream(final Component owner) {
final MarkupType markupType = getMarkupType(owner);
if (markupType == null) {
return null;
// TODO we need to expose this functionality for any class not just for
// markupcontainers in markupcache so we don't have to replicate this
// logic here
// Get locator to search for the resource
final IResourceStreamLocator locator = Application.get().getResourceSettings().getResourceStreamLocator();
final String style = owner.getStyle();
final String variation = owner.getVariation();
final Locale locale = owner.getLocale();
MarkupResourceStream markupResourceStream = null;
Class<?> containerClass = getClass();
while (!(containerClass.equals(BorderBehavior.class))) {
String path = containerClass.getName().replace('.', '/');
IResourceStream resourceStream = locator.locate(containerClass, path, style, variation, locale, markupType.getExtension(), false);
// Did we find it already?
if (resourceStream != null) {
ContainerInfo ci = new ContainerInfo(containerClass, locale, style, variation, markupType);
markupResourceStream = new MarkupResourceStream(resourceStream, ci, containerClass);
// Walk up the class hierarchy one level, if markup has not
// yet been found
containerClass = containerClass.getSuperclass();
if (markupResourceStream == null) {
throw new WicketRuntimeException("Could not find markup for component border `" + getClass().getName() + "`");
try {
IMarkupFragment markup = MarkupFactory.get().newMarkupParser(markupResourceStream).parse();
return new MarkupStream(markup);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WicketRuntimeException("Could not parse markup from markup resource stream: " + markupResourceStream.toString(), e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WicketRuntimeException("Cannot close markup resource stream: " + markupResourceStream, e);
use of org.apache.wicket.markup.IMarkupFragment in project wicket by apache.
the class WicketTester method assertMarkupLocale.
* Asserts that a component's markup has loaded with the given locale
* @param component
* The component which markup to check
* @param expectedLocale
* The expected locale of the component's markup
public void assertMarkupLocale(Component component, Locale expectedLocale) {
Result result = Result.PASS;
IMarkupFragment markup = getMarkupFragment(component);
Locale actualLocale = markup.getMarkupResourceStream().getLocale();
if (Objects.equal(expectedLocale, actualLocale) == false) {
result ="Wrong locale for component '%s'. Actual: '%s', expected: '%s'", component.getPageRelativePath(), actualLocale, expectedLocale));
use of org.apache.wicket.markup.IMarkupFragment in project wicket by apache.
the class WicketTester method assertMarkupStyle.
* Asserts that a component's markup has loaded with the given style.
* @param component
* The component which markup to check
* @param expectedStyle
* The expected style of the component's markup.
* For example: <em>green</em> in <code>MyPanel_green.html</code>
public void assertMarkupStyle(Component component, String expectedStyle) {
Result result = Result.PASS;
IMarkupFragment markup = getMarkupFragment(component);
String actualStyle = markup.getMarkupResourceStream().getStyle();
if (Objects.equal(expectedStyle, actualStyle) == false) {
result ="Wrong style for component '%s'. Actual: '%s', expected: '%s'", component.getPageRelativePath(), actualStyle, expectedStyle));
use of org.apache.wicket.markup.IMarkupFragment in project wicket by apache.
the class MarkupFragmentTest method border.
* @throws Exception
public void border() throws Exception {
Page page = new MyBorderPage();
Border border = (Border) page.get("border");
// Get the associated markup file
IMarkupFragment markup = border.getAssociatedMarkup();
compareMarkupWithFile(markup, "MyBorder_ExpectedResult.html", MyPage.class);
// getMarkup() returns the "calling" tags
markup = border.getMarkup();
compareMarkupWithString(markup, "<span wicket:id=\"border\">test</span>");
// getMarkup(null) returns the markup which is used to find a child component
markup = border.getMarkup(null);
compareMarkupWithString(markup, "<wicket:border> 111 <wicket:body/> 222</wicket:border>");
markup = border.getBodyContainer().getMarkup();
compareMarkupWithString(markup, "<wicket:body/>");
markup = border.getBodyContainer().getMarkup(null);
compareMarkupWithString(markup, "<span wicket:id=\"border\">test</span>");
markup = border.getBodyContainer().getParent().getMarkup(border.getBodyContainer());
compareMarkupWithString(markup, "<wicket:body/>");
// getMarkup(null) returns the markup which is used to find a child component
markup = border.getBodyContainer().getMarkup(null);
compareMarkupWithString(markup, "<span wicket:id=\"border\">test</span>");
use of org.apache.wicket.markup.IMarkupFragment in project wicket by apache.
the class MarkupFragmentTest method webMarkupContainer.
* @throws Exception
public void webMarkupContainer() throws Exception {
MarkupContainer container = (MarkupContainer) new MyPage().get("container");
IMarkupFragment markup = container.getMarkup();
compareMarkupWithString(markup, "<span wicket:id=\"container\">text</span>");
// The container doesn't have an external markup file
markup = container.getAssociatedMarkup();
// Get the markup which is used to search for children.
markup = container.getMarkup(null);
compareMarkupWithString(markup, "<span wicket:id=\"container\">text</span>");