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Example 1 with WicketTag

use of org.apache.wicket.markup.WicketTag in project wicket by apache.

the class HtmlHeaderContainer method getMarkup.

public IMarkupFragment getMarkup() {
    if (getParent() == null) {
        throw new WicketRuntimeException("Bug: The Wicket internal instance of HtmlHeaderContainer is not connected to a parent");
    // Get the page markup
    IMarkupFragment markup = getPage().getMarkup();
    if (markup == null) {
        throw new MarkupException("Unable to get page markup: " + getPage().toString());
    // Find the markup fragment
    MarkupStream stream = new MarkupStream(markup);
    IMarkupFragment headerMarkup = null;
    while (stream.skipUntil(ComponentTag.class)) {
        ComponentTag tag = stream.getTag();
        if (tag.isOpen() || tag.isOpenClose()) {
            if (tag instanceof WicketTag) {
                WicketTag wtag = (WicketTag) tag;
                if (wtag.isHeadTag() || wtag.isHeaderItemsTag()) {
                    headerMarkup = stream.getMarkupFragment();
            } else if (tag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("head") && tag.isAutoComponentTag()) {
                headerMarkup = stream.getMarkupFragment();
    return headerMarkup;
Also used : WicketTag(org.apache.wicket.markup.WicketTag) ComponentTag(org.apache.wicket.markup.ComponentTag) WicketRuntimeException(org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException) MarkupStream(org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupStream) IMarkupFragment(org.apache.wicket.markup.IMarkupFragment) MarkupException(org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupException)

Example 2 with WicketTag

use of org.apache.wicket.markup.WicketTag in project wicket by apache.

the class MarkupUtil method findStartTag.

 * Searches for {@code tagName} in the given {@code markup}.
 * @param markup
 * @param tagName
 * @return The {@link IMarkupFragment} corresponding to {@code tagName}. Null, if such {@code tagName} is not found
public static IMarkupFragment findStartTag(final IMarkupFragment markup, final String tagName) {
    MarkupStream stream = new MarkupStream(markup);
    while (stream.skipUntil(WicketTag.class)) {
        ComponentTag tag = stream.getTag();
        if (tag.isOpen() || tag.isOpenClose()) {
            WicketTag wtag = (WicketTag) tag;
            if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase(wtag.getName())) {
                return stream.getMarkupFragment();
    return null;
Also used : WicketTag(org.apache.wicket.markup.WicketTag) ComponentTag(org.apache.wicket.markup.ComponentTag) MarkupStream(org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupStream)

Example 3 with WicketTag

use of org.apache.wicket.markup.WicketTag in project wicket by apache.

the class BorderBehavior method afterRender.

public void afterRender(final Component component) {
    final MarkupStream stream = getMarkupStream(component);
    final Response response = component.getResponse();
    while (stream.isCurrentIndexInsideTheStream()) {
        MarkupElement elem = stream.get();;
        if (elem instanceof WicketTag) {
            WicketTag wTag = (WicketTag) elem;
            if (wTag.isBorderTag() && wTag.isClose()) {
            } else {
                throw new WicketRuntimeException("Unexpected tag encountered in markup of component border " + getClass().getName() + ". Tag: " + wTag.toString() + ", expected tag: </wicket:border>");
Also used : Response(org.apache.wicket.request.Response) WicketTag(org.apache.wicket.markup.WicketTag) WicketRuntimeException(org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException) MarkupStream(org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupStream) MarkupElement(org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupElement)

Example 4 with WicketTag

use of org.apache.wicket.markup.WicketTag in project wicket by apache.

the class EnclosureHandler method onComponentTag.

protected final MarkupElement onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag) throws ParseException {
    final boolean isWicketTag = tag instanceof WicketTag;
    final boolean isEnclosureTag = isWicketTag && ((WicketTag) tag).isEnclosureTag();
    // If wicket:enclosure
    if (isEnclosureTag) {
        // If open tag, than put the tag onto the stack
        if (tag.isOpen()) {
            tag.setId(tag.getId() + getRequestUniqueId());
            if (stack == null) {
                stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
        } else // the child attribute of the open tag if required
        if (tag.isClose()) {
            if (stack == null) {
                throw new WicketParseException("Missing open tag for Enclosure:", tag);
            // Remove the open tag from the stack
            ComponentTag lastEnclosure = stack.pop();
            // then ...
            if (childId != null) {
                lastEnclosure.put(CHILD_ATTRIBUTE, childId);
                childId = null;
            if (stack.size() == 0) {
                stack = null;
        } else {
            throw new WicketParseException("Open-close tag not allowed for Enclosure:", tag);
    } else // Are we inside a wicket:enclosure tag?
    if (stack != null) {
        ComponentTag lastEnclosure = stack.getFirst();
        // If the enclosure tag has NO child attribute, then ...
        if (Strings.isEmpty(lastEnclosure.getAttribute(CHILD_ATTRIBUTE))) {
            String id = tag.getAttribute(getWicketNamespace() + ":id");
            if (id != null) {
                // isVisible() to => Exception
                if (childId != null) {
                    throw new WicketParseException("Use <" + getWicketNamespace() + ":enclosure child='xxx'> to name the child component:", tag);
                // Remember the child id. The open tag will be updated
                // once the close tag is found. See above.
                childId = id;
    return tag;
Also used : WicketTag(org.apache.wicket.markup.WicketTag) ComponentTag(org.apache.wicket.markup.ComponentTag) WicketParseException(org.apache.wicket.markup.WicketParseException)

Example 5 with WicketTag

use of org.apache.wicket.markup.WicketTag in project wicket by apache.

the class WicketLinkTagHandler method onComponentTag.

protected final MarkupElement onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag) throws ParseException {
    // parser through Application.newMarkupParser().
    if ((autolinking == true) && (analyzeAutolinkCondition(tag) == true)) {
        // Mark it as autolink enabled
        // Just a dummy name. The ComponentTag will not be forwarded.
        tag.setId(AUTOLINK_ID + getRequestUniqueId());
        return tag;
    // current autolink status.
    if (tag instanceof WicketTag) {
        final WicketTag wtag = (WicketTag) tag;
        if (wtag.isLinkTag()) {
            // Beginning of the region
            if (tag.isOpen() || tag.isOpenClose()) {
                if (tag.isOpen()) {
                    if (autolinkStatus == null) {
                        autolinkStatus = new ArrayListStack<>();
                    // remember the current setting to be reset after the
                    // region
                // html allows to represent true in different ways
                final String autolink = tag.getAttributes().getString("autolink");
                try {
                    autolinking = Strings.isEmpty(autolink) || Strings.isTrue(autolink);
                } catch (StringValueConversionException e) {
                    throw new WicketRuntimeException("Invalid autolink attribute value \"" + autolink + "\"");
            } else if (tag.isClose()) {
                // restore the autolink setting from before the region
                autolinking = autolinkStatus.pop();
            return wtag;
    return tag;
Also used : WicketTag(org.apache.wicket.markup.WicketTag) StringValueConversionException(org.apache.wicket.util.string.StringValueConversionException) WicketRuntimeException(org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException)


WicketTag (org.apache.wicket.markup.WicketTag)15 ComponentTag (org.apache.wicket.markup.ComponentTag)7 MarkupElement (org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupElement)5 MarkupStream (org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupStream)5 WicketRuntimeException (org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException)4 MarkupException (org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupException)3 Component (org.apache.wicket.Component)2 MarkupContainer (org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer)2 IMarkupFragment (org.apache.wicket.markup.IMarkupFragment)2 WicketParseException (org.apache.wicket.markup.WicketParseException)2 Response (org.apache.wicket.request.Response)2 ParseException (java.text.ParseException)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 Behavior (org.apache.wicket.behavior.Behavior)1 ComponentNotFoundException (org.apache.wicket.core.request.handler.ComponentNotFoundException)1 Markup (org.apache.wicket.markup.Markup)1 MarkupNotFoundException (org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupNotFoundException)1 AutoLabel (org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.AutoLabelResolver.AutoLabel)1 InlineEnclosure (org.apache.wicket.markup.html.internal.InlineEnclosure)1 ExceptionSettings (org.apache.wicket.settings.ExceptionSettings)1