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Example 1 with XSElementDecl

use of org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XSElementDecl in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class XmlConstraintsTest method testXercesGrammar.

public void testXercesGrammar() throws Exception {
    XSModel xsModel = getXSModel("test.xml", "test.xsd");
    XSElementDeclaration elementDeclaration = xsModel.getElementDeclaration("a", "");
    XSComplexTypeDefinition typeDefinition = (XSComplexTypeDefinition) elementDeclaration.getTypeDefinition();
    CMBuilder cmBuilder = new CMBuilder(new CMNodeFactory());
    XSCMValidator validator = cmBuilder.getContentModel((XSComplexTypeDecl) typeDefinition, true);
    int[] ints = validator.startContentModel();
    Vector vector = validator.whatCanGoHere(ints);
    XSElementDecl o = (XSElementDecl) vector.get(0);
    assertEquals("b", o.getName());
Also used : CMBuilder(org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.CMBuilder) XSElementDeclaration(org.apache.xerces.xs.XSElementDeclaration) XSModel(org.apache.xerces.xs.XSModel) CMNodeFactory(org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.CMNodeFactory) XSElementDecl(org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XSElementDecl) XSCMValidator(org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.XSCMValidator) Vector(java.util.Vector) XSComplexTypeDefinition(org.apache.xerces.xs.XSComplexTypeDefinition)

Example 2 with XSElementDecl

use of org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XSElementDecl in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class XmlConstraintsTest method testXercesForCompletion.

public void testXercesForCompletion() throws Exception {
    XSModel xsModel = getXSModel("testCompletion.xml", "test.xsd");
    PsiElement element = myFixture.getFile().findElementAt(getEditor().getCaretModel().getOffset());
    XmlTag tag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, XmlTag.class);
    assert tag != null;
    XSElementDeclaration elementDeclaration = xsModel.getElementDeclaration(tag.getLocalName(), tag.getNamespace());
    XSComplexTypeDefinition typeDefinition = (XSComplexTypeDefinition) elementDeclaration.getTypeDefinition();
    CMBuilder cmBuilder = new CMBuilder(new CMNodeFactory());
    XSCMValidator validator = cmBuilder.getContentModel((XSComplexTypeDecl) typeDefinition, true);
    int[] ints = validator.startContentModel();
    Vector vector = validator.whatCanGoHere(ints);
    XSElementDecl o = (XSElementDecl) vector.get(0);
    assertEquals("b", o.getName());
Also used : CMBuilder(org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.CMBuilder) XSElementDeclaration(org.apache.xerces.xs.XSElementDeclaration) XSModel(org.apache.xerces.xs.XSModel) CMNodeFactory(org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.CMNodeFactory) XSElementDecl(org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XSElementDecl) XSCMValidator(org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.XSCMValidator) Vector(java.util.Vector) PsiElement(com.intellij.psi.PsiElement) XmlTag(com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlTag) XSComplexTypeDefinition(org.apache.xerces.xs.XSComplexTypeDefinition)

Example 3 with XSElementDecl

use of org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XSElementDecl in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class XSDModelLoader method processParticles.

private void processParticles(XSObject def, LinkedList<PEntry> plist, Map<String, NamespaceDesc> nsdMap, Map<String, TypeDesc> jtMap, TypeDesc td, List<XSModel> models, ArrayList<XSComplexTypeDefinition> toAdd, TypeDesc baseClass) {
    final boolean globalMerge = jtMap.containsKey(model.toJavaQualifiedTypeName(def, nsdMap, td.type == TypeDesc.TypeEnum.ENUM));
    final HashMap<XSParticle, String> globalChoice = new HashMap<>();
    final ArrayList<XSObjectList> choiceList = new ArrayList<>();
    final ArrayList<TypeDesc> supers = new ArrayList<>();
    if (baseClass != null) {
    while (!plist.isEmpty()) {
        final PEntry pentry = plist.removeFirst();
        final XSParticle p = pentry.p;
        if (p.getTerm() instanceof XSElementDecl) {
            final XSElementDecl el = (XSElementDecl) p.getTerm();
            if (el.getConstraintType() == XSConstants.VC_FIXED)
            XSTypeDefinition etRoot = el.getTypeDefinition();
            XSTypeDefinition et = etRoot;
            XSAnnotation ann = el.getAnnotation();
            String documentation = parseAnnotationString("Element " + el.getNamespace() + ":" + el.getName() + " documentation", ann != null ? ann.getAnnotationString() : null);
            final FieldDesc fd1 = new FieldDesc(FieldDesc.STR, Util.toJavaFieldName(el.getName()), et.getName(), null, "null", !pentry.many && p.getMinOccurs() > 0);
            fd1.documentation = documentation;
            fd1.tagName = el.getName();
            while (et.getBaseType() != null && !"anySimpleType".equals(et.getBaseType().getName()) && !"anyType".equals(et.getBaseType().getName())) {
                et = et.getBaseType();
            if (checkEnumType(etRoot)) {
                if (etRoot.getAnonymous()) {
                    etRoot = makeTypeFromAnonymous(el);
                    if (toAdd != null)
                        toAdd.add((XSComplexTypeDefinition) etRoot);
                fd1.type = toJavaTypeName(etRoot, nsdMap);
                fd1.clType = FieldDesc.OBJ;
                fd1.contentQualifiedName = model.toJavaQualifiedTypeName(etRoot, nsdMap, true);
                // forward decl
                if (!jtMap.containsKey(fd1.contentQualifiedName)) {
                    // logwarn("forward decl: "+et);
                    TypeDesc ftd = new TypeDesc(etRoot.getName(), etRoot.getNamespace(), fd1.type, TypeDesc.TypeEnum.ENUM);
                    jtMap.put(fd1.contentQualifiedName, ftd);
            } else if (checkComplexType(etRoot)) {
                if (etRoot.getAnonymous()) {
                    etRoot = makeTypeFromAnonymous(el);
                    if (toAdd != null)
                        toAdd.add((XSComplexTypeDefinition) etRoot);
                fd1.type = toJavaTypeName(etRoot, nsdMap);
                fd1.clType = FieldDesc.OBJ;
                fd1.contentQualifiedName = model.toJavaQualifiedTypeName(etRoot, nsdMap, false);
                // forward decl
                if (jtMap.get(fd1.contentQualifiedName) == null) {
                    //logwarn("forward decl: "+etRoot);
                    jtMap.put(fd1.contentQualifiedName, new TypeDesc(etRoot.getName(), etRoot.getNamespace(), fd1.type, TypeDesc.TypeEnum.CLASS));
            } else if (checkBooleanType(etRoot)) {
                fd1.type = "boolean";
                fd1.clType = FieldDesc.BOOL;
            } else {
                if (etRoot instanceof XSComplexTypeDefinition) {
                    final XSComplexTypeDefinition ct = (XSComplexTypeDefinition) etRoot;
                    // XXX xerces2.7.1 wierd annotation inheritance bug fix
                    //ann = (XSAnnotation) (ct.getAnnotations()!=null && ct.getAnnotations().getLength()>0?ct.getAnnotations().item(0):null);
                    ann = (XSAnnotation) (ct.getAnnotations() != null && ct.getAnnotations().getLength() > 0 ? ct.getAnnotations().item(ct.getAnnotations().getLength() - 1) : null);
                    documentation = parseAnnotationString("Type " + ct.getNamespace() + ":" + ct.getName() + " documentation", ann != null ? ann.getAnnotationString() : null);
                    if (documentation != null) {
                        fd1.documentation = fd1.documentation != null ? fd1.documentation + "\n" + documentation : documentation;
                fd1.simpleTypesString = getSimpleTypesString(etRoot);
                // "fully-qualified-classType", "jndi-nameType", "transaction-typeType"
                // "java-identifierType", "pathType"
                fd1.type = et.getName();
                if (fd1.type == null) {
                    fd1.type = "String";
                    fd1.def = "null";
                    fd1.clType = FieldDesc.STR;
                //            fd1.type = "boolean";
                //            fd1.def = "false";
                //            fd1.clType = FieldDesc.BOOL;
                } else if (fd1.type.equals("string") || fd1.type.equals("anyURI")) {
                    fd1.type = "String";
                } else if (fd1.type.equals("boolean")) {
                    fd1.type = "String";
                } else if (fd1.type.equals("emptyType")) {
                    fd1.type = "boolean";
                    fd1.def = "false";
                    fd1.clType = FieldDesc.BOOL;
                } else if (fd1.type.equals("decimal")) {
                    fd1.type = "String";
                    fd1.def = "\"0.0\"";
                } else if (fd1.type.equals("QName")) {
                    fd1.type = "String";
                } else if (fd1.type.equals("extensibleType")) {
                    fd1.type = "Object";
                } else {
                    if (et.getBaseType() != null && ("anySimpleType".equals(et.getBaseType().getName()) || "anyType".equals(et.getBaseType().getName()))) {
                        fd1.type = "String";
                        fd1.def = "null";
                        fd1.clType = FieldDesc.STR;
                    } else {
                        fd1.type = "boolean";
                        fd1.def = "false";
                        fd1.clType = FieldDesc.BOOL;
                    Util.logwarn("using '" + fd1.type + "' for unknown base type: " + et.getName() + " for " + el);
            if ((pentry.many || p.getMaxOccursUnbounded() || p.getMaxOccurs() > 1) && fd1.clType != FieldDesc.BOOL) {
                fd1.elementType = fd1.type;
                fd1.elementName =;
                fd1.type = "List<" + fd1.elementType + ">";
       = Util.pluralize(;
                fd1.def = "new ArrayList(0)";
                fd1.clType = -fd1.clType;
                fd1.comment = "array of " + fd1.elementType;
            fd1.realIndex = td.fdMap.size();
            boolean merge = globalMerge || globalChoice.containsKey(p) && globalChoice.values().contains(;
            td.duplicates = Util.addToNameMap(td.fdMap, fd1, merge) || td.duplicates;
        } else if (p.getTerm() instanceof XSModelGroup) {
            boolean addToGlobalChoice = false;
            boolean many = p.getMaxOccursUnbounded() || p.getMaxOccurs() > 1;
            XSObjectList l = ((XSModelGroup) p.getTerm()).getParticles();
            if (!many) {
                if (((XSModelGroup) p.getTerm()).getCompositor() == XSModelGroup.COMPOSITOR_CHOICE) {
                    addToGlobalChoice = true;
                } else {
                    // generate group interface???
                    XSModelGroup groupDef = (XSModelGroup) p.getTerm();
                    TypeDesc gtd = processGroup(groupDef, models, jtMap, nsdMap);
                    if (gtd != null)
            if (globalChoice.containsKey(p)) {
                addToGlobalChoice = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < l.getLength(); i++) {
                final PEntry o = new PEntry((XSParticle) l.item(i), many);
                if (addToGlobalChoice && !globalChoice.containsKey(o.p)) {
                    globalChoice.put(o.p, null);
    int i = 0;
    for (Iterator<FieldDesc> it = td.fdMap.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) {
        FieldDesc fd =;
        fd.idx = i;
    for (XSObjectList l : choiceList) {
        final ArrayList<XSParticle> clist = new ArrayList<>();
        final LinkedList<XSParticle> elist = new LinkedList<>();
        for (i = 0; i < l.getLength(); i++) {
            elist.add((XSParticle) l.item(i));
        while (!elist.isEmpty()) {
            final XSParticle p = elist.removeFirst();
            if (p.getTerm() instanceof XSModelGroup) {
                XSObjectList l2 = ((XSModelGroup) p.getTerm()).getParticles();
                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < l2.getLength(); i2++) {
                    elist.addFirst((XSParticle) l2.item(i2));
            } else if (p.getTerm() instanceof XSElementDecl) {
        boolean choiceOpt = true;
        FieldDesc[] choice = new FieldDesc[clist.size()];
        for (i = 0; i < choice.length; i++) {
            XSParticle p = clist.get(i);
            XSElementDecl el = (XSElementDecl) p.getTerm();
            String s = Util.toJavaFieldName(el.getName());
            if (p.getMaxOccursUnbounded() || p.getMaxOccurs() > 1) {
                s = Util.pluralize(s);
            FieldDesc fd = td.fdMap.get(s);
            if (fd == null) {
                fd = td.fdMap.get(Util.pluralize(s));
                if (fd == null) {
                    Util.logerr("uknown choice element: " + s);
            if (fd != null) {
                choice[i] = fd;
                choice[i].choice = choice;
                if (fd.required)
                    choiceOpt = false;
        for (i = 0; i < choice.length; i++) {
            if (choice[i] != null) {
                choice[i].choiceOpt = choiceOpt;
    td.supers = supers.toArray(new TypeDesc[supers.size()]);
Also used : XSElementDecl(org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XSElementDecl)

Example 4 with XSElementDecl

use of org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XSElementDecl in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class XmlConstraintsTest method testXercesIncomplete.

public void testXercesIncomplete() throws Exception {
    XSModel xsModel = getXSModel("testIncomplete.xml", "test.xsd");
    XSElementDeclaration elementDeclaration = xsModel.getElementDeclaration("a", "");
    XSComplexTypeDefinition typeDefinition = (XSComplexTypeDefinition) elementDeclaration.getTypeDefinition();
    CMBuilder cmBuilder = new CMBuilder(new CMNodeFactory());
    XSCMValidator validator = cmBuilder.getContentModel((XSComplexTypeDecl) typeDefinition, true);
    int[] ints = validator.startContentModel();
    Vector vector = validator.whatCanGoHere(ints);
    XSElementDecl o = (XSElementDecl) vector.get(0);
    assertEquals("b", o.getName());
Also used : CMBuilder(org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.CMBuilder) XSElementDeclaration(org.apache.xerces.xs.XSElementDeclaration) XSModel(org.apache.xerces.xs.XSModel) CMNodeFactory(org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.CMNodeFactory) XSElementDecl(org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XSElementDecl) XSCMValidator(org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.XSCMValidator) Vector(java.util.Vector) XSComplexTypeDefinition(org.apache.xerces.xs.XSComplexTypeDefinition)


XSElementDecl (org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XSElementDecl)4 Vector (java.util.Vector)3 CMBuilder (org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.CMBuilder)3 CMNodeFactory (org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.CMNodeFactory)3 XSCMValidator (org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models.XSCMValidator)3 XSComplexTypeDefinition (org.apache.xerces.xs.XSComplexTypeDefinition)3 XSElementDeclaration (org.apache.xerces.xs.XSElementDeclaration)3 XSModel (org.apache.xerces.xs.XSModel)3 PsiElement (com.intellij.psi.PsiElement)1 XmlTag (com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlTag)1