Search in sources :

Example 1 with DOM2DTM

use of org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTM in project j2objc by google.

the class DTMManagerDefault method getDTM.

 * Get an instance of a DTM, loaded with the content from the
 * specified source.  If the unique flag is true, a new instance will
 * always be returned.  Otherwise it is up to the DTMManager to return a
 * new instance or an instance that it already created and may be being used
 * by someone else.
 * A bit of magic in this implementation: If the source is null, unique is true,
 * and incremental and doIndexing are both false, we return an instance of
 * SAX2RTFDTM, which see.
 * (I think more parameters will need to be added for error handling, and entity
 * resolution, and more explicit control of the RTF situation).
 * @param source the specification of the source object.
 * @param unique true if the returned DTM must be unique, probably because it
 * is going to be mutated.
 * @param whiteSpaceFilter Enables filtering of whitespace nodes, and may
 *                         be null.
 * @param incremental true if the DTM should be built incrementally, if
 *                    possible.
 * @param doIndexing true if the caller considers it worth it to use
 *                   indexing schemes.
 * @return a non-null DTM reference.
public synchronized DTM getDTM(Source source, boolean unique, DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter, boolean incremental, boolean doIndexing) {
    if (DEBUG && null != source)
        System.out.println("Starting " + (unique ? "UNIQUE" : "shared") + " source: " + source.getSystemId());
    XMLStringFactory xstringFactory = m_xsf;
    int dtmPos = getFirstFreeDTMID();
    int documentID = dtmPos << IDENT_DTM_NODE_BITS;
    if ((null != source) && source instanceof DOMSource) {
        DOM2DTM dtm = new DOM2DTM(this, (DOMSource) source, documentID, whiteSpaceFilter, xstringFactory, doIndexing);
        addDTM(dtm, dtmPos, 0);
        return dtm;
    } else {
        boolean isSAXSource = (null != source) ? (source instanceof SAXSource) : true;
        boolean isStreamSource = (null != source) ? (source instanceof StreamSource) : false;
        if (isSAXSource || isStreamSource) {
            XMLReader reader = null;
            SAX2DTM dtm;
            try {
                InputSource xmlSource;
                if (null == source) {
                    xmlSource = null;
                } else {
                    reader = getXMLReader(source);
                    xmlSource = SAXSource.sourceToInputSource(source);
                    String urlOfSource = xmlSource.getSystemId();
                    if (null != urlOfSource) {
                        try {
                            urlOfSource = SystemIDResolver.getAbsoluteURI(urlOfSource);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            // %REVIEW% Is there a better way to send a warning?
                            System.err.println("Can not absolutize URL: " + urlOfSource);
                if (source == null && unique && !incremental && !doIndexing) {
                    // Special case to support RTF construction into shared DTM.
                    // It should actually still work for other uses,
                    // but may be slightly deoptimized relative to the base
                    // to allow it to deal with carrying multiple documents.
                    // %REVIEW% This is a sloppy way to request this mode;
                    // we need to consider architectural improvements.
                    dtm = new SAX2RTFDTM(this, source, documentID, whiteSpaceFilter, xstringFactory, doIndexing);
                } else /**
                 *          // EXPERIMENTAL 3/22/02
                 *          else if(JKESS_XNI_EXPERIMENT && m_incremental) {
                 *            dtm = new XNI2DTM(this, source, documentID, whiteSpaceFilter,
                 *                              xstringFactory, doIndexing);
                 *          }
                // Create the basic SAX2DTM.
                    dtm = new SAX2DTM(this, source, documentID, whiteSpaceFilter, xstringFactory, doIndexing);
                // Go ahead and add the DTM to the lookup table.  This needs to be
                // done before any parsing occurs. Note offset 0, since we've just
                // created a new DTM.
                addDTM(dtm, dtmPos, 0);
                boolean haveXercesParser = (null != reader) && (reader.getClass().getName().equals("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"));
                if (haveXercesParser) {
                    // No matter what.  %REVIEW%
                    incremental = true;
                // build, then we still want to set up the IncrementalSAXSource stuff.
                if (m_incremental && incremental) /* || ((null == reader) && incremental) */
                    IncrementalSAXSource coParser = null;
                    if (haveXercesParser) {
                        // IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces to avoid threading.
                        try {
                            coParser = (IncrementalSAXSource) Class.forName("org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces").newInstance();
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            coParser = null;
                    if (coParser == null) {
                        // Create a IncrementalSAXSource to run on the secondary thread.
                        if (null == reader) {
                            coParser = new IncrementalSAXSource_Filter();
                        } else {
                            IncrementalSAXSource_Filter filter = new IncrementalSAXSource_Filter();
                            coParser = filter;
                     *            // EXPERIMENTAL 3/22/02
                     *            if (JKESS_XNI_EXPERIMENT && m_incremental &&
                     *                  dtm instanceof XNI2DTM &&
                     *                  coParser instanceof IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces) {
                     *                org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLPullParserConfiguration xpc=
                     *                      ((IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces)coParser)
                     *                                           .getXNIParserConfiguration();
                     *              if (xpc!=null) {
                     *                // Bypass SAX; listen to the XNI stream
                     *                ((XNI2DTM)dtm).setIncrementalXNISource(xpc);
                     *              } else {
                     *                  // Listen to the SAX stream (will fail, diagnostically...)
                     *                dtm.setIncrementalSAXSource(coParser);
                     *              }
                     *            } else
                    // Have the DTM set itself up as IncrementalSAXSource's listener.
                    if (null == xmlSource) {
                        // Then the user will construct it themselves.
                        return dtm;
                    if (null == reader.getErrorHandler()) {
                    try {
                        // Launch parsing coroutine.  Launches a second thread,
                        // if we're using IncrementalSAXSource.filter().
                    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                        throw re;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException(e);
                } else {
                    if (null == reader) {
                        // Then the user will construct it themselves.
                        return dtm;
                    // not incremental
                    if (null == reader.getErrorHandler()) {
                    try {
                        reader.setProperty("", dtm);
                    } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
                    } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
                    try {
                    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                        throw re;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException(e);
                if (DUMPTREE) {
                    System.out.println("Dumping SAX2DOM");
                return dtm;
            } finally {
                // after creating the DTM.
                if (reader != null && !(m_incremental && incremental)) {
                    // Reset the LexicalHandler to null after creating the DTM.
                    try {
                        reader.setProperty("", null);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
        } else {
            // "Not supported: " + source);
            throw new DTMException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage(XMLErrorResources.ER_NOT_SUPPORTED, new Object[] { source }));
Also used : DTMException(org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMException) DOMSource(javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource) InputSource(org.xml.sax.InputSource) DOM2DTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTM) StreamSource( SAXNotRecognizedException(org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException) SAXNotSupportedException(org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException) SAXNotRecognizedException(org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException) DTMException(org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMException) SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) XMLStringFactory(org.apache.xml.utils.XMLStringFactory) SAXSource(javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource) SAXNotSupportedException(org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException) SAX2DTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm.SAX2DTM) SAX2RTFDTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm.SAX2RTFDTM) XMLReader(org.xml.sax.XMLReader)

Example 2 with DOM2DTM

use of org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTM in project j2objc by google.

the class DTMManagerDefault method getDTMHandleFromNode.

 * Given a W3C DOM node, try and return a DTM handle.
 * Note: calling this may be non-optimal, and there is no guarantee that
 * the node will be found in any particular DTM.
 * @param node Non-null reference to a DOM node.
 * @return a valid DTM handle.
public synchronized int getDTMHandleFromNode(org.w3c.dom.Node node) {
    if (null == node)
        // "node must be non-null for getDTMHandleFromNode!");
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage(XMLErrorResources.ER_NODE_NON_NULL, null));
    if (node instanceof org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMNodeProxy)
        return ((org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMNodeProxy) node).getDTMNodeNumber();
    else {
        // Find the DOM2DTMs wrapped around this Document (if any)
        // and check whether they contain the Node in question.
        // NOTE that since a DOM2DTM may represent a subtree rather
        // than a full document, we have to be prepared to check more
        // than one -- and there is no guarantee that we will find
        // one that contains ancestors or siblings of the node we're
        // seeking.
        // %REVIEW% We could search for the one which contains this
        // node at the deepest level, and thus covers the widest
        // subtree, but that's going to entail additional work
        // checking more DTMs... and getHandleOfNode is not a
        // cheap operation in most implementations.
        // TODO: %REVIEW% If overflow addressing, we may recheck a DTM
        // already examined. Ouch. But with the increased number of DTMs,
        // scanning back to check this is painful.
        // Generate a list of _unique_ DTM objects?
        // Have each DTM cache last DOM node search?
        int max = m_dtms.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
            DTM thisDTM = m_dtms[i];
            if ((null != thisDTM) && thisDTM instanceof DOM2DTM) {
                int handle = ((DOM2DTM) thisDTM).getHandleOfNode(node);
                if (handle != DTM.NULL)
                    return handle;
        // Not found; generate a new DTM.
        // %REVIEW% Is this really desirable, or should we return null
        // and make folks explicitly instantiate from a DOMSource? The
        // latter is more work but gives the caller the opportunity to
        // explicitly add the DTM to a DTMManager... and thus to know when
        // it can be discarded again, which is something we need to pay much
        // more attention to. (Especially since only DTMs which are assigned
        // to a manager can use the overflow addressing scheme.)
        // %BUG% If the source node was a DOM2DTM$defaultNamespaceDeclarationNode
        // and the DTM wasn't registered with this DTMManager, we will create
        // a new DTM and _still_ not be able to find the node (since it will
        // be resynthesized). Another reason to push hard on making all DTMs
        // be managed DTMs.
        // Since the real root of our tree may be a DocumentFragment, we need to
        // use getParent to find the root, instead of getOwnerDocument.  Otherwise
        // DOM2DTM#getHandleOfNode will be very unhappy.
        Node root = node;
        Node p = (root.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) ? ((org.w3c.dom.Attr) root).getOwnerElement() : root.getParentNode();
        for (; p != null; p = p.getParentNode()) {
            root = p;
        DOM2DTM dtm = (DOM2DTM) getDTM(new javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource(root), false, null, true, true);
        int handle;
        if (node instanceof org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTMdefaultNamespaceDeclarationNode) {
            // Can't return the same node since it's unique to a specific DTM,
            // but can return the equivalent node -- find the corresponding
            // Document Element, then ask it for the xml: namespace decl.
            handle = dtm.getHandleOfNode(((org.w3c.dom.Attr) node).getOwnerElement());
            handle = dtm.getAttributeNode(handle, node.getNamespaceURI(), node.getLocalName());
        } else
            handle = ((DOM2DTM) dtm).getHandleOfNode(node);
        if (DTM.NULL == handle)
            // "Could not resolve the node to a handle!");
            throw new RuntimeException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage(XMLErrorResources.ER_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_NODE, null));
        return handle;
Also used : DOMSource(javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource) DOM2DTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTM) Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) SAX2RTFDTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm.SAX2RTFDTM) DOM2DTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTM) SAX2DTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm.SAX2DTM) DTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.DTM)

Example 3 with DOM2DTM

use of org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTM in project robovm by robovm.

the class DTMManagerDefault method getDTMHandleFromNode.

   * Given a W3C DOM node, try and return a DTM handle.
   * Note: calling this may be non-optimal, and there is no guarantee that
   * the node will be found in any particular DTM.
   * @param node Non-null reference to a DOM node.
   * @return a valid DTM handle.
public synchronized int getDTMHandleFromNode(org.w3c.dom.Node node) {
    if (null == node)
        //"node must be non-null for getDTMHandleFromNode!");
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage(XMLErrorResources.ER_NODE_NON_NULL, null));
    if (node instanceof org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMNodeProxy)
        return ((org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMNodeProxy) node).getDTMNodeNumber();
    else {
        // Find the DOM2DTMs wrapped around this Document (if any)
        // and check whether they contain the Node in question.
        // NOTE that since a DOM2DTM may represent a subtree rather
        // than a full document, we have to be prepared to check more
        // than one -- and there is no guarantee that we will find
        // one that contains ancestors or siblings of the node we're
        // seeking.
        // %REVIEW% We could search for the one which contains this
        // node at the deepest level, and thus covers the widest
        // subtree, but that's going to entail additional work
        // checking more DTMs... and getHandleOfNode is not a
        // cheap operation in most implementations.
        // TODO: %REVIEW% If overflow addressing, we may recheck a DTM
        // already examined. Ouch. But with the increased number of DTMs,
        // scanning back to check this is painful. 
        //   Generate a list of _unique_ DTM objects?
        //   Have each DTM cache last DOM node search?
        int max = m_dtms.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
            DTM thisDTM = m_dtms[i];
            if ((null != thisDTM) && thisDTM instanceof DOM2DTM) {
                int handle = ((DOM2DTM) thisDTM).getHandleOfNode(node);
                if (handle != DTM.NULL)
                    return handle;
        // Not found; generate a new DTM.
        // %REVIEW% Is this really desirable, or should we return null
        // and make folks explicitly instantiate from a DOMSource? The
        // latter is more work but gives the caller the opportunity to
        // explicitly add the DTM to a DTMManager... and thus to know when
        // it can be discarded again, which is something we need to pay much
        // more attention to. (Especially since only DTMs which are assigned
        // to a manager can use the overflow addressing scheme.)
        // %BUG% If the source node was a DOM2DTM$defaultNamespaceDeclarationNode
        // and the DTM wasn't registered with this DTMManager, we will create
        // a new DTM and _still_ not be able to find the node (since it will
        // be resynthesized). Another reason to push hard on making all DTMs
        // be managed DTMs.
        // Since the real root of our tree may be a DocumentFragment, we need to
        // use getParent to find the root, instead of getOwnerDocument.  Otherwise
        // DOM2DTM#getHandleOfNode will be very unhappy.
        Node root = node;
        Node p = (root.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) ? ((org.w3c.dom.Attr) root).getOwnerElement() : root.getParentNode();
        for (; p != null; p = p.getParentNode()) {
            root = p;
        DOM2DTM dtm = (DOM2DTM) getDTM(new javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource(root), false, null, true, true);
        int handle;
        if (node instanceof org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTMdefaultNamespaceDeclarationNode) {
            // Can't return the same node since it's unique to a specific DTM, 
            // but can return the equivalent node -- find the corresponding 
            // Document Element, then ask it for the xml: namespace decl.
            handle = dtm.getHandleOfNode(((org.w3c.dom.Attr) node).getOwnerElement());
            handle = dtm.getAttributeNode(handle, node.getNamespaceURI(), node.getLocalName());
        } else
            handle = ((DOM2DTM) dtm).getHandleOfNode(node);
        if (DTM.NULL == handle)
            //"Could not resolve the node to a handle!");
            throw new RuntimeException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage(XMLErrorResources.ER_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_NODE, null));
        return handle;
Also used : DOMSource(javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource) DOM2DTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTM) Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) SAX2RTFDTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm.SAX2RTFDTM) DOM2DTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTM) SAX2DTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm.SAX2DTM) DTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.DTM)

Example 4 with DOM2DTM

use of org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTM in project robovm by robovm.

the class DTMManagerDefault method getDTM.

   * Get an instance of a DTM, loaded with the content from the
   * specified source.  If the unique flag is true, a new instance will
   * always be returned.  Otherwise it is up to the DTMManager to return a
   * new instance or an instance that it already created and may be being used
   * by someone else.
   * A bit of magic in this implementation: If the source is null, unique is true,
   * and incremental and doIndexing are both false, we return an instance of
   * SAX2RTFDTM, which see.
   * (I think more parameters will need to be added for error handling, and entity
   * resolution, and more explicit control of the RTF situation).
   * @param source the specification of the source object.
   * @param unique true if the returned DTM must be unique, probably because it
   * is going to be mutated.
   * @param whiteSpaceFilter Enables filtering of whitespace nodes, and may
   *                         be null.
   * @param incremental true if the DTM should be built incrementally, if
   *                    possible.
   * @param doIndexing true if the caller considers it worth it to use
   *                   indexing schemes.
   * @return a non-null DTM reference.
public synchronized DTM getDTM(Source source, boolean unique, DTMWSFilter whiteSpaceFilter, boolean incremental, boolean doIndexing) {
    if (DEBUG && null != source)
        System.out.println("Starting " + (unique ? "UNIQUE" : "shared") + " source: " + source.getSystemId());
    XMLStringFactory xstringFactory = m_xsf;
    int dtmPos = getFirstFreeDTMID();
    int documentID = dtmPos << IDENT_DTM_NODE_BITS;
    if ((null != source) && source instanceof DOMSource) {
        DOM2DTM dtm = new DOM2DTM(this, (DOMSource) source, documentID, whiteSpaceFilter, xstringFactory, doIndexing);
        addDTM(dtm, dtmPos, 0);
        return dtm;
    } else {
        boolean isSAXSource = (null != source) ? (source instanceof SAXSource) : true;
        boolean isStreamSource = (null != source) ? (source instanceof StreamSource) : false;
        if (isSAXSource || isStreamSource) {
            XMLReader reader = null;
            SAX2DTM dtm;
            try {
                InputSource xmlSource;
                if (null == source) {
                    xmlSource = null;
                } else {
                    reader = getXMLReader(source);
                    xmlSource = SAXSource.sourceToInputSource(source);
                    String urlOfSource = xmlSource.getSystemId();
                    if (null != urlOfSource) {
                        try {
                            urlOfSource = SystemIDResolver.getAbsoluteURI(urlOfSource);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            // %REVIEW% Is there a better way to send a warning?
                            System.err.println("Can not absolutize URL: " + urlOfSource);
                if (source == null && unique && !incremental && !doIndexing) {
                    // Special case to support RTF construction into shared DTM.
                    // It should actually still work for other uses,
                    // but may be slightly deoptimized relative to the base
                    // to allow it to deal with carrying multiple documents.
                    // %REVIEW% This is a sloppy way to request this mode;
                    // we need to consider architectural improvements.
                    dtm = new SAX2RTFDTM(this, source, documentID, whiteSpaceFilter, xstringFactory, doIndexing);
                } else /**************************************************************
          // EXPERIMENTAL 3/22/02
          else if(JKESS_XNI_EXPERIMENT && m_incremental) {        	
            dtm = new XNI2DTM(this, source, documentID, whiteSpaceFilter,
                              xstringFactory, doIndexing);
                // Create the basic SAX2DTM.
                    dtm = new SAX2DTM(this, source, documentID, whiteSpaceFilter, xstringFactory, doIndexing);
                // Go ahead and add the DTM to the lookup table.  This needs to be
                // done before any parsing occurs. Note offset 0, since we've just
                // created a new DTM.
                addDTM(dtm, dtmPos, 0);
                boolean haveXercesParser = (null != reader) && (reader.getClass().getName().equals("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"));
                if (haveXercesParser) {
                    // No matter what.  %REVIEW%
                    incremental = true;
                // build, then we still want to set up the IncrementalSAXSource stuff.
                if (m_incremental && incremental) /* || ((null == reader) && incremental) */
                    IncrementalSAXSource coParser = null;
                    if (haveXercesParser) {
                        // IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces to avoid threading.
                        try {
                            coParser = (IncrementalSAXSource) Class.forName("org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces").newInstance();
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            coParser = null;
                    if (coParser == null) {
                        // Create a IncrementalSAXSource to run on the secondary thread.
                        if (null == reader) {
                            coParser = new IncrementalSAXSource_Filter();
                        } else {
                            IncrementalSAXSource_Filter filter = new IncrementalSAXSource_Filter();
                            coParser = filter;
            // EXPERIMENTAL 3/22/02
            if (JKESS_XNI_EXPERIMENT && m_incremental &&
                  dtm instanceof XNI2DTM && 
                  coParser instanceof IncrementalSAXSource_Xerces) {
                org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLPullParserConfiguration xpc=
              if (xpc!=null) {
                // Bypass SAX; listen to the XNI stream
              } else {
                  // Listen to the SAX stream (will fail, diagnostically...)
            } else
                    // Have the DTM set itself up as IncrementalSAXSource's listener.
                    if (null == xmlSource) {
                        // Then the user will construct it themselves.
                        return dtm;
                    if (null == reader.getErrorHandler()) {
                    try {
                        // Launch parsing coroutine.  Launches a second thread,
                        // if we're using IncrementalSAXSource.filter().
                    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                        throw re;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException(e);
                } else {
                    if (null == reader) {
                        // Then the user will construct it themselves.
                        return dtm;
                    // not incremental
                    if (null == reader.getErrorHandler()) {
                    try {
                        reader.setProperty("", dtm);
                    } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
                    } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
                    try {
                    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                        throw re;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException(e);
                if (DUMPTREE) {
                    System.out.println("Dumping SAX2DOM");
                return dtm;
            } finally {
                // after creating the DTM.
                if (reader != null && !(m_incremental && incremental)) {
                    // Reset the LexicalHandler to null after creating the DTM.
                    try {
                        reader.setProperty("", null);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
        } else {
            //"Not supported: " + source);
            throw new DTMException(XMLMessages.createXMLMessage(XMLErrorResources.ER_NOT_SUPPORTED, new Object[] { source }));
Also used : DTMException(org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMException) DOMSource(javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource) InputSource(org.xml.sax.InputSource) DOM2DTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTM) StreamSource( SAXNotRecognizedException(org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException) SAXNotSupportedException(org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException) SAXNotRecognizedException(org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException) DTMException(org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMException) SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) XMLStringFactory(org.apache.xml.utils.XMLStringFactory) SAXSource(javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource) SAXNotSupportedException(org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException) SAX2DTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm.SAX2DTM) SAX2RTFDTM(org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm.SAX2RTFDTM) XMLReader(org.xml.sax.XMLReader)


DOMSource (javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource)4 DOM2DTM (org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTM)4 SAX2DTM (org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm.SAX2DTM)4 SAX2RTFDTM (org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm.SAX2RTFDTM)4 SAXSource (javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource)2 StreamSource ( DTM (org.apache.xml.dtm.DTM)2 DTMException (org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMException)2 XMLStringFactory (org.apache.xml.utils.XMLStringFactory)2 Node (org.w3c.dom.Node)2 InputSource (org.xml.sax.InputSource)2 SAXException (org.xml.sax.SAXException)2 SAXNotRecognizedException (org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException)2 SAXNotSupportedException (org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException)2 XMLReader (org.xml.sax.XMLReader)2