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Example 6 with Reference

use of in project santuario-java by apache.

the class InteropTestBase method checkReferences.

private void checkReferences(XMLSignature xmlSignature) throws Exception {
    SignedInfo signedInfo = xmlSignature.getSignedInfo();
    assertTrue(signedInfo.getLength() > 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < signedInfo.getLength(); i++) {
        Reference reference = signedInfo.item(i);
        ReferenceData referenceData = reference.getReferenceData();
        if (referenceData instanceof ReferenceNodeSetData) {
            Iterator<Node> iter = ((ReferenceNodeSetData) referenceData).iterator();
            boolean found = false;
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                Node n =;
                if (n instanceof Element) {
                    found = true;
        } else if (referenceData instanceof ReferenceOctetStreamData) {
            assertNotNull(((ReferenceOctetStreamData) referenceData).getOctetStream());
Also used : ReferenceData( ReferenceOctetStreamData( Reference( Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) ReferenceNodeSetData( SignedInfo(

Example 7 with Reference

use of in project santuario-java by apache.

the class SignatureReferenceTest method testSigningVerifyingReference.

public void testSigningVerifyingReference() throws Throwable {
    Document doc = getOriginalDocument();
    XMLSignature signature = signDocument(doc);
    PublicKey pubKey = getPublicKey();
    // Check the reference(s)
    SignedInfo signedInfo = signature.getSignedInfo();
    assertTrue(signedInfo.getLength() == 1);
    Reference reference = signedInfo.item(0);
    ReferenceData referenceData = reference.getReferenceData();
    assertTrue(referenceData instanceof ReferenceNodeSetData);
    // Test the cached Element
    Element referenceElement = (Element) ((ReferenceNodeSetData) referenceData).iterator().next();
    Element originalElement = (Element) doc.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "root").item(0);
    assertEquals(referenceElement, originalElement);
Also used : ReferenceData( XMLSignature( PublicKey( Reference( Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) Document(org.w3c.dom.Document) ReferenceNodeSetData( SignedInfo(

Example 8 with Reference

use of in project cxf by apache.

the class AbstractXmlSigInHandler method checkSignature.

protected void checkSignature(Message message) {
    Document doc = getDocument(message);
    if (doc == null) {
    Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
    Element signatureElement = getSignatureElement(root);
    if (signatureElement == null) {
        throwFault("XML Signature is not available", null);
    final String cryptoKey;
    final String propKey;
    if (RSSecurityUtils.isSignedAndEncryptedTwoWay(message)) {
        cryptoKey = SecurityConstants.ENCRYPT_CRYPTO;
        propKey = SecurityConstants.ENCRYPT_PROPERTIES;
    } else {
        cryptoKey = SecurityConstants.SIGNATURE_CRYPTO;
        propKey = SecurityConstants.SIGNATURE_PROPERTIES;
    Crypto crypto = null;
    try {
        CryptoLoader loader = new CryptoLoader();
        crypto = loader.getCrypto(message, cryptoKey, propKey);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throwFault("Crypto can not be loaded", ex);
    boolean valid = false;
    Reference ref = null;
    try {
        XMLSignature signature = new XMLSignature(signatureElement, "", true);
        if (sigProps != null) {
            SignedInfo sInfo = signature.getSignedInfo();
            if (sigProps.getSignatureAlgo() != null && !sigProps.getSignatureAlgo().equals(sInfo.getSignatureMethodURI())) {
                throwFault("Signature Algorithm is not supported", null);
            if (sigProps.getSignatureC14nMethod() != null && !sigProps.getSignatureC14nMethod().equals(sInfo.getCanonicalizationMethodURI())) {
                throwFault("Signature C14n Algorithm is not supported", null);
        ref = getReference(signature);
        Element signedElement = validateReference(root, ref);
        if (signedElement.hasAttributeNS(null, "ID")) {
            signedElement.setIdAttributeNS(null, "ID", true);
        if (signedElement.hasAttributeNS(null, "Id")) {
            signedElement.setIdAttributeNS(null, "Id", true);
        X509Certificate cert = null;
        PublicKey publicKey = null;
        // See also WSS4J SAMLUtil.getCredentialFromKeyInfo
        KeyInfo keyInfo = signature.getKeyInfo();
        if (keyInfo != null) {
            cert = keyInfo.getX509Certificate();
            if (cert != null) {
                valid = signature.checkSignatureValue(cert);
            } else {
                publicKey = keyInfo.getPublicKey();
                if (publicKey != null) {
                    valid = signature.checkSignatureValue(publicKey);
        } else if (!keyInfoMustBeAvailable) {
            String user = getUserName(crypto, message);
            cert = RSSecurityUtils.getCertificates(crypto, user)[0];
            publicKey = cert.getPublicKey();
            valid = signature.checkSignatureValue(cert);
        // validate trust
        new TrustValidator().validateTrust(crypto, cert, publicKey, getSubjectContraints(message));
        if (valid && persistSignature) {
            if (signature.getKeyInfo() != null) {
                message.put(SIGNING_CERT, signature.getKeyInfo().getX509Certificate());
            if (signature.getKeyInfo() != null) {
                message.put(SIGNING_PUBLIC_KEY, signature.getKeyInfo().getPublicKey());
            message.setContent(Element.class, signedElement);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throwFault("Signature validation failed", ex);
    if (!valid) {
        throwFault("Signature validation failed", null);
    if (removeSignature) {
        if (!isEnveloping(root)) {
            Element signedEl = getSignedElement(root, ref);
        } else {
            Element actualBody = getActualBody(root);
            Document newDoc = DOMUtils.createDocument();
            root = actualBody;
    message.setContent(XMLStreamReader.class, new W3CDOMStreamReader(root));
    message.setContent(InputStream.class, null);
Also used : TrustValidator( Reference( PublicKey( Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) CryptoLoader( Document(org.w3c.dom.Document) PatternSyntaxException(java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException) XMLSecurityException( X509Certificate( SignedInfo( Crypto(org.apache.wss4j.common.crypto.Crypto) KeyInfo( W3CDOMStreamReader(org.apache.cxf.staxutils.W3CDOMStreamReader) XMLSignature(

Example 9 with Reference

use of in project xades4j by luisgoncalves.

the class SignedDataObjectsProcessor method process.

 * Processes the signed data objects and adds the corresponding {@code Reference}s
 * and {@code Object}s to the signature. This method must be invoked before
 * adding any other {@code Reference}s to the signature.
 * @return the reference mappings resulting from the data object descriptions.
 * @throws UnsupportedAlgorithmException
 * @throws IllegalStateException if the signature already contains {@code Reference}s
Map<DataObjectDesc, Reference> process(SignedDataObjects signedDataObjects, XMLSignature xmlSignature) throws UnsupportedAlgorithmException {
    if (xmlSignature.getSignedInfo().getLength() != 0) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("XMLSignature already contais references");
    for (ResourceResolver resolver : signedDataObjects.getResourceResolvers()) {
    Collection<DataObjectDesc> dataObjsDescs = signedDataObjects.getDataObjectsDescs();
    Map<DataObjectDesc, Reference> referenceMappings = new IdentityHashMap<DataObjectDesc, Reference>(dataObjsDescs.size());
    String refUri, refType;
    Transforms transforms;
    String digestMethodUri = this.algorithmsProvider.getDigestAlgorithmForDataObjsReferences();
    boolean hasNullURIReference = false;
    try {
        for (DataObjectDesc dataObjDesc : dataObjsDescs) {
            transforms = processTransforms(dataObjDesc, xmlSignature.getDocument());
            if (dataObjDesc instanceof DataObjectReference) {
                // If the data object info is a DataObjectReference, the Reference uri
                // and type are the ones specified on the object.
                DataObjectReference dataObjRef = (DataObjectReference) dataObjDesc;
                refUri = dataObjRef.getUri();
                refType = dataObjRef.getType();
            } else if (dataObjDesc instanceof EnvelopedXmlObject) {
                // If the data object info is a EnvelopedXmlObject we need to create a
                // XMLObject to embed it. The Reference uri will refer the new
                // XMLObject's id.
                EnvelopedXmlObject envXmlObj = (EnvelopedXmlObject) dataObjDesc;
                refUri = String.format("%s-object%d", xmlSignature.getId(), xmlSignature.getObjectLength());
                refType = Reference.OBJECT_URI;
                ObjectContainer xmlObj = new ObjectContainer(xmlSignature.getDocument());
                refUri = '#' + refUri;
            } else if (dataObjDesc instanceof AnonymousDataObjectReference) {
                if (hasNullURIReference) {
                    // This shouldn't happen because SignedDataObjects does the validation.
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple AnonymousDataObjectReference detected");
                hasNullURIReference = true;
                refUri = refType = null;
                AnonymousDataObjectReference anonymousRef = (AnonymousDataObjectReference) dataObjDesc;
                xmlSignature.addResourceResolver(new ResolverAnonymous(anonymousRef.getDataStream()));
            } else {
                throw new ClassCastException("Unsupported SignedDataObjectDesc. Must be one of DataObjectReference, EnvelopedXmlObject and AnonymousDataObjectReference");
            // Add the Reference. References need an ID because data object
            // properties may refer them.
            xmlSignature.addDocument(refUri, transforms, digestMethodUri, // id
            String.format("%s-ref%d", xmlSignature.getId(), referenceMappings.size()), refType);
            // SignedDataObjects doesn't allow repeated instances, so there's no
            // need to check for duplicate entries on the map.
            Reference ref = xmlSignature.getSignedInfo().item(referenceMappings.size());
            referenceMappings.put(dataObjDesc, ref);
    } catch (XMLSignatureException ex) {
        // algorithm is not supported.
        throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException("Digest algorithm not supported in the XML Signature provider", digestMethodUri, ex);
    } catch ( ex) {
        // when signing.
        throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
    return Collections.unmodifiableMap(referenceMappings);
Also used : Reference( IdentityHashMap(java.util.IdentityHashMap) Transforms( ResolverAnonymous( DataObjectDesc( UnsupportedAlgorithmException(xades4j.UnsupportedAlgorithmException) ResourceResolver( ObjectContainer( XMLSignatureException(

Example 10 with Reference

use of in project xades4j by luisgoncalves.

the class SignerBES method sign.

public final XadesSignatureResult sign(SignedDataObjects signedDataObjects, Node referenceNode, SignatureAppendingStrategy appendingStrategy) throws XAdES4jException {
    if (null == referenceNode) {
        throw new NullPointerException("Reference node node cannot be null");
    if (null == signedDataObjects) {
        throw new NullPointerException("References cannot be null");
    if (signedDataObjects.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data objects list is empty");
    Document signatureDocument = DOMHelper.getOwnerDocument(referenceNode);
    // Generate unique identifiers for the Signature and the SignedProperties.
    String signatureId = String.format("xmldsig-%s", UUID.randomUUID());
    String signedPropsId = String.format("%s-signedprops", signatureId);
    // Signing certificate chain (may contain only the signing certificate).
    List<X509Certificate> signingCertificateChain = this.keyingProvider.getSigningCertificateChain();
    if (null == signingCertificateChain || signingCertificateChain.isEmpty()) {
        throw new SigningCertChainException("Signing certificate not provided");
    X509Certificate signingCertificate = signingCertificateChain.get(0);
    // The XMLSignature (ds:Signature).
    XMLSignature signature = createSignature(signatureDocument, signedDataObjects.getBaseUri(), signingCertificate.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm());
    /* References */
    // Process the data object descriptions to get the References and mappings.
    // After this call all the signed data objects References and XMLObjects
    // are added to the signature.
    Map<DataObjectDesc, Reference> referenceMappings = this.dataObjectDescsProcessor.process(signedDataObjects, signature);
    /* ds:KeyInfo */
    this.keyInfoBuilder.buildKeyInfo(signingCertificate, signature);
    /* QualifyingProperties element */
    // Create the QualifyingProperties element
    Element qualifyingPropsElem = ElementProxy.createElementForFamily(signature.getDocument(), QualifyingProperty.XADES_XMLNS, QualifyingProperty.QUALIFYING_PROPS_TAG);
    qualifyingPropsElem.setAttributeNS(null, QualifyingProperty.TARGET_ATTR, '#' + signatureId);
    qualifyingPropsElem.setAttributeNS(Constants.NamespaceSpecNS, "xmlns:xades141", QualifyingProperty.XADESV141_XMLNS);
    // ds:Object to contain QualifyingProperties
    ObjectContainer qPropsXmlObj = new ObjectContainer(signature.getDocument());
    try {
    } catch (XMLSignatureException ex) {
        // -> xmlSignature.appendObject(xmlObj): not thrown when signing.
        throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
    /* Collect the properties */
    // Get the format specific signature properties.
    Collection<SignedSignatureProperty> fsssp = new ArrayList<SignedSignatureProperty>(2);
    Collection<UnsignedSignatureProperty> fsusp = new ArrayList<UnsignedSignatureProperty>(2);
    getFormatSpecificSignatureProperties(fsssp, fsusp, signingCertificateChain);
    // Gather all the signature and data objects properties.
    QualifyingProperties qualifProps = qualifPropsProcessor.getQualifyingProperties(signedDataObjects, fsssp, fsusp);
    try {
        // The signature needs to be appended to the document from now on because
        // property data generation may need to dereference same-document data
        // object references.
        appendingStrategy.append(signature.getElement(), referenceNode);
        /* Signed properties */
        // Create the context for signed properties data objects generation.
        PropertiesDataGenerationContext propsDataGenCtx = new PropertiesDataGenerationContext(signedDataObjects.getDataObjectsDescs(), referenceMappings, signatureDocument);
        // Generate the signed properties data objects. The data objects structure
        // is verifier in the process.
        SigAndDataObjsPropertiesData signedPropsData = this.propsDataObjectsGenerator.generateSignedPropertiesData(qualifProps.getSignedProperties(), propsDataGenCtx);
        // Marshal the signed properties data to the QualifyingProperties node.
        this.signedPropsMarshaller.marshal(signedPropsData, qualifyingPropsElem);
        Element signedPropsElem = DOMHelper.getFirstChildElement(qualifyingPropsElem);
        DOMHelper.setIdAsXmlId(signedPropsElem, signedPropsId);
        // SignedProperties reference
        // XAdES 6.3.1: "In order to protect the properties with the signature,
        // a ds:Reference element MUST be added to the XMLDSIG signature (...)
        // composed in such a way that it uses the SignedProperties element (...)
        // as the input for computing its corresponding digest. Additionally,
        // (...) use the Type attribute of this particular ds:Reference element,
        // with its value set to:"
        String digestAlgUri = algorithmsProvider.getDigestAlgorithmForDataObjsReferences();
        if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmptyString(digestAlgUri)) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Digest algorithm URI not provided");
        // Use same canonicalization URI as specified in the ds:CanonicalizationMethod for Signature.
        Algorithm canonAlg = this.algorithmsProvider.getCanonicalizationAlgorithmForSignature();
        try {
            Transforms transforms = TransformUtils.createTransforms(canonAlg, this.algorithmsParametersMarshaller, signatureDocument);
            signature.addDocument('#' + signedPropsId, transforms, digestAlgUri, null, QualifyingProperty.SIGNED_PROPS_TYPE_URI);
        } catch (XMLSignatureException ex) {
            // shouldn't be thrown now!
            throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException("Digest algorithm not supported in the XML Signature provider", digestAlgUri, ex);
        // Apply the signature
        try {
            PrivateKey signingKey = keyingProvider.getSigningKey(signingCertificate);
        } catch (XMLSignatureException ex) {
            throw new XAdES4jXMLSigException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        // Set the ds:SignatureValue id.
        Element sigValueElem = DOMHelper.getFirstDescendant(signature.getElement(), Constants.SignatureSpecNS, Constants._TAG_SIGNATUREVALUE);
        DOMHelper.setIdAsXmlId(sigValueElem, String.format("%s-sigvalue", signatureId));
        /* Marshal unsigned properties */
        // Generate the unsigned properties data objects. The data objects structure
        // is verifier in the process.
        SigAndDataObjsPropertiesData unsignedPropsData = this.propsDataObjectsGenerator.generateUnsignedPropertiesData(qualifProps.getUnsignedProperties(), propsDataGenCtx);
        // Marshal the unsigned properties to the final QualifyingProperties node.
        this.unsignedPropsMarshaller.marshal(unsignedPropsData, qualifyingPropsElem);
    } catch (XAdES4jException ex) {
        appendingStrategy.revert(signature.getElement(), referenceNode);
        throw ex;
    return new XadesSignatureResult(signature, qualifProps);
Also used : PrivateKey( SigningCertChainException(xades4j.providers.SigningCertChainException) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) Transforms( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Document(org.w3c.dom.Document) DataObjectDesc( SigAndDataObjsPropertiesData( XAdES4jXMLSigException(xades4j.XAdES4jXMLSigException) XAdES4jException(xades4j.XAdES4jException) XMLSignature( Reference( QualifyingProperties( SignedSignatureProperty( Algorithm(xades4j.algorithms.Algorithm) X509Certificate( UnsupportedAlgorithmException(xades4j.UnsupportedAlgorithmException) UnsignedSignatureProperty( ObjectContainer( XMLSignatureException(


Reference ( Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)7 DataObjectDesc ( SignedInfo ( XMLSignature ( ObjectContainer ( Document (org.w3c.dom.Document)5 XMLSecurityException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 XMLSignatureException ( Transforms ( XAdES4jXMLSigException (xades4j.XAdES4jXMLSigException)3 PublicKey ( X509Certificate ( KeyInfo ( ReferenceData ( ReferenceNodeSetData ( ResourceResolver ( ResolverAnonymous ( Test (org.junit.Test)2