use of xades4j.XAdES4jException in project xades4j by luisgoncalves.
the class DefaultTimeStampVerificationProvider method verifyToken.
public Date verifyToken(byte[] timeStampToken, byte[] tsDigestInput) throws TimeStampTokenVerificationException {
TimeStampToken tsToken;
try {
ASN1InputStream asn1is = new ASN1InputStream(timeStampToken);
ContentInfo tsContentInfo = ContentInfo.getInstance(asn1is.readObject());
tsToken = new TimeStampToken(tsContentInfo);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new TimeStampTokenStructureException("Error parsing encoded token", ex);
} catch (TSPException ex) {
throw new TimeStampTokenStructureException("Invalid token", ex);
X509Certificate tsaCert = null;
try {
/* Validate the TSA certificate */
LinkedList<X509Certificate> certs = new LinkedList<X509Certificate>();
for (Object certHolder : tsToken.getCertificates().getMatches(new AllCertificatesSelector())) {
certs.add(this.x509CertificateConverter.getCertificate((X509CertificateHolder) certHolder));
ValidationData vData = this.certificateValidationProvider.validate(x509CertSelectorConverter.getCertSelector(tsToken.getSID()), tsToken.getTimeStampInfo().getGenTime(), certs);
tsaCert = vData.getCerts().get(0);
} catch (CertificateException ex) {
throw new TimeStampTokenVerificationException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
} catch (XAdES4jException ex) {
throw new TimeStampTokenTSACertException("cannot validate TSA certificate", ex);
try {
} catch (TSPValidationException ex) {
throw new TimeStampTokenSignatureException("Invalid token signature or certificate", ex);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new TimeStampTokenVerificationException("Error when verifying the token signature", ex);
org.bouncycastle.tsp.TimeStampTokenInfo tsTokenInfo = tsToken.getTimeStampInfo();
try {
String digestAlgUri = uriForDigest(tsTokenInfo.getMessageImprintAlgOID());
MessageDigest md = messageDigestProvider.getEngine(digestAlgUri);
if (!Arrays.equals(md.digest(tsDigestInput), tsTokenInfo.getMessageImprintDigest())) {
throw new TimeStampTokenDigestException();
} catch (UnsupportedAlgorithmException ex) {
throw new TimeStampTokenVerificationException("The token's digest algorithm is not supported", ex);
return tsTokenInfo.getGenTime();
use of xades4j.XAdES4jException in project xades4j by luisgoncalves.
the class CounterSignatureVerifier method verify.
public QualifyingProperty verify(GenericDOMData propData, QualifyingPropertyVerificationContext ctx) throws InvalidPropertyException {
XAdESVerificationResult res;
try {
Element sigElem = DOMHelper.getFirstChildElement(propData.getPropertyElement());
res = verifier.verify(sigElem, null);
} catch (XAdES4jException ex) {
throw new CounterSignatureXadesVerificationException(ex);
// "Check that the enclosed signature correctly references the ds:SignatureValue
// present in the countersigned XAdES signature."
Node targetSigValueElem = ctx.getSignature().getElement().getElementsByTagNameNS(Constants.SignatureSpecNS, Constants._TAG_SIGNATUREVALUE).item(0);
try {
SignedInfo si = res.getXmlSignature().getSignedInfo();
for (int i = 0; i < si.getLength(); i++) {
Reference r = si.item(i);
if (r.getContentsAfterTransformation().getSubNode() == targetSigValueElem)
// The signature references the SignatureValue element.
return new CounterSignatureProperty(res);
throw new CounterSignatureSigValueRefException();
} catch (XMLSecurityException e) {
// Shouldn't happen because the signature was already verified.
throw new CounterSignatureVerificationException(e);
use of xades4j.XAdES4jException in project xades4j by luisgoncalves.
the class SignerBES method sign.
public final XadesSignatureResult sign(SignedDataObjects signedDataObjects, Node referenceNode, SignatureAppendingStrategy appendingStrategy) throws XAdES4jException {
if (null == referenceNode) {
throw new NullPointerException("Reference node node cannot be null");
if (null == signedDataObjects) {
throw new NullPointerException("References cannot be null");
if (signedDataObjects.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data objects list is empty");
Document signatureDocument = DOMHelper.getOwnerDocument(referenceNode);
// Generate unique identifiers for the Signature and the SignedProperties.
String signatureId = String.format("xmldsig-%s", UUID.randomUUID());
String signedPropsId = String.format("%s-signedprops", signatureId);
// Signing certificate chain (may contain only the signing certificate).
List<X509Certificate> signingCertificateChain = this.keyingProvider.getSigningCertificateChain();
if (null == signingCertificateChain || signingCertificateChain.isEmpty()) {
throw new SigningCertChainException("Signing certificate not provided");
X509Certificate signingCertificate = signingCertificateChain.get(0);
// The XMLSignature (ds:Signature).
XMLSignature signature = createSignature(signatureDocument, signedDataObjects.getBaseUri(), signingCertificate.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm());
/* References */
// Process the data object descriptions to get the References and mappings.
// After this call all the signed data objects References and XMLObjects
// are added to the signature.
Map<DataObjectDesc, Reference> referenceMappings = this.dataObjectDescsProcessor.process(signedDataObjects, signature);
/* ds:KeyInfo */
this.keyInfoBuilder.buildKeyInfo(signingCertificate, signature);
/* QualifyingProperties element */
// Create the QualifyingProperties element
Element qualifyingPropsElem = ElementProxy.createElementForFamily(signature.getDocument(), QualifyingProperty.XADES_XMLNS, QualifyingProperty.QUALIFYING_PROPS_TAG);
qualifyingPropsElem.setAttributeNS(null, QualifyingProperty.TARGET_ATTR, '#' + signatureId);
qualifyingPropsElem.setAttributeNS(Constants.NamespaceSpecNS, "xmlns:xades141", QualifyingProperty.XADESV141_XMLNS);
// ds:Object to contain QualifyingProperties
ObjectContainer qPropsXmlObj = new ObjectContainer(signature.getDocument());
try {
} catch (XMLSignatureException ex) {
// -> xmlSignature.appendObject(xmlObj): not thrown when signing.
throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
/* Collect the properties */
// Get the format specific signature properties.
Collection<SignedSignatureProperty> fsssp = new ArrayList<SignedSignatureProperty>(2);
Collection<UnsignedSignatureProperty> fsusp = new ArrayList<UnsignedSignatureProperty>(2);
getFormatSpecificSignatureProperties(fsssp, fsusp, signingCertificateChain);
// Gather all the signature and data objects properties.
QualifyingProperties qualifProps = qualifPropsProcessor.getQualifyingProperties(signedDataObjects, fsssp, fsusp);
try {
// The signature needs to be appended to the document from now on because
// property data generation may need to dereference same-document data
// object references.
appendingStrategy.append(signature.getElement(), referenceNode);
/* Signed properties */
// Create the context for signed properties data objects generation.
PropertiesDataGenerationContext propsDataGenCtx = new PropertiesDataGenerationContext(signedDataObjects.getDataObjectsDescs(), referenceMappings, signatureDocument);
// Generate the signed properties data objects. The data objects structure
// is verifier in the process.
SigAndDataObjsPropertiesData signedPropsData = this.propsDataObjectsGenerator.generateSignedPropertiesData(qualifProps.getSignedProperties(), propsDataGenCtx);
// Marshal the signed properties data to the QualifyingProperties node.
this.signedPropsMarshaller.marshal(signedPropsData, qualifyingPropsElem);
Element signedPropsElem = DOMHelper.getFirstChildElement(qualifyingPropsElem);
DOMHelper.setIdAsXmlId(signedPropsElem, signedPropsId);
// SignedProperties reference
// XAdES 6.3.1: "In order to protect the properties with the signature,
// a ds:Reference element MUST be added to the XMLDSIG signature (...)
// composed in such a way that it uses the SignedProperties element (...)
// as the input for computing its corresponding digest. Additionally,
// (...) use the Type attribute of this particular ds:Reference element,
// with its value set to:"
String digestAlgUri = algorithmsProvider.getDigestAlgorithmForDataObjsReferences();
if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmptyString(digestAlgUri)) {
throw new NullPointerException("Digest algorithm URI not provided");
// Use same canonicalization URI as specified in the ds:CanonicalizationMethod for Signature.
Algorithm canonAlg = this.algorithmsProvider.getCanonicalizationAlgorithmForSignature();
try {
Transforms transforms = TransformUtils.createTransforms(canonAlg, this.algorithmsParametersMarshaller, signatureDocument);
signature.addDocument('#' + signedPropsId, transforms, digestAlgUri, null, QualifyingProperty.SIGNED_PROPS_TYPE_URI);
} catch (XMLSignatureException ex) {
// shouldn't be thrown now!
throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException("Digest algorithm not supported in the XML Signature provider", digestAlgUri, ex);
// Apply the signature
try {
PrivateKey signingKey = keyingProvider.getSigningKey(signingCertificate);
} catch (XMLSignatureException ex) {
throw new XAdES4jXMLSigException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
// Set the ds:SignatureValue id.
Element sigValueElem = DOMHelper.getFirstDescendant(signature.getElement(), Constants.SignatureSpecNS, Constants._TAG_SIGNATUREVALUE);
DOMHelper.setIdAsXmlId(sigValueElem, String.format("%s-sigvalue", signatureId));
/* Marshal unsigned properties */
// Generate the unsigned properties data objects. The data objects structure
// is verifier in the process.
SigAndDataObjsPropertiesData unsignedPropsData = this.propsDataObjectsGenerator.generateUnsignedPropertiesData(qualifProps.getUnsignedProperties(), propsDataGenCtx);
// Marshal the unsigned properties to the final QualifyingProperties node.
this.unsignedPropsMarshaller.marshal(unsignedPropsData, qualifyingPropsElem);
} catch (XAdES4jException ex) {
appendingStrategy.revert(signature.getElement(), referenceNode);
throw ex;
return new XadesSignatureResult(signature, qualifProps);
use of xades4j.XAdES4jException in project xades4j by luisgoncalves.
the class DataGenCounterSig method generatePropertyData.
* XAdES section
* "The content of this property is a XMLDSIG or XAdES signature whose ds:SignedInfo
* MUST contain one ds:Reference element referencing the ds:SignatureValue element
* of the embedding and countersigned XAdES signature. The content of the ds:DigestValue
* in the aforementioned ds:Reference element of the countersignature MUST be the
* base-64 encoded digest of the complete (and canonicalized) ds:SignatureValue
* element (i.e. including the starting and closing tags) of the embedding and
* countersigned XAdES signature."
/* The ds:Reference element described above can be obtained with the default
* XML-DSIG behaviour. We just need to reference the ds:SignatureValue element.
public PropertyDataObject generatePropertyData(CounterSignatureProperty prop, PropertiesDataGenerationContext ctx) throws PropertyDataGenerationException {
// The element has to be in the document tree for the references to be
// resolved. UGLY WORKAROUND.
Element qPs = DOMHelper.getFirstDescendant(ctx.getTargetXmlSignature().getElement(), QualifyingProperty.XADES_XMLNS, QualifyingProperty.QUALIFYING_PROPS_TAG);
// Create the CounterSignature property element.
Element counterSigElem = ctx.createElementInSignatureDoc("CounterSignature", qPs.getPrefix(), QualifyingProperty.XADES_XMLNS);
try {
// Rerence to the ds:SignatureValue element. This assumes that the
// QualifyingProperties are in the signature's document and that the
// SignatureValue element has an Id.
Element sigValueElem = DOMHelper.getFirstDescendant(ctx.getTargetXmlSignature().getElement(), Constants.SignatureSpecNS, Constants._TAG_SIGNATUREVALUE);
String sigValueId = sigValueElem.getAttribute(Constants._ATT_ID);
DataObjectReference sigValueRef = new DataObjectReference('#' + sigValueId).withType(CounterSignatureProperty.COUNTER_SIGNATURE_TYPE_URI);
XadesSigner counterSigner = prop.getCounterSigSigner();
if (null == counterSigner)
throw new PropertyDataGenerationException(prop, "signer not specified");
try {
SignedDataObjects objs = prop.getSignedDataObjectsForCounterSig();
if (null == objs)
objs = new SignedDataObjects();
counterSigner.sign(objs, counterSigElem);
} catch (XAdES4jException ex) {
throw new PropertyDataGenerationException(prop, "cannot apply counter signature", ex);
} finally {
return new GenericDOMData(counterSigElem);
use of xades4j.XAdES4jException in project xades4j by luisgoncalves.
the class ValidationDataFromCertValidationProvider method getValidationData.
public ValidationData getValidationData(List<X509Certificate> certChainFragment) throws ValidationDataException {
try {
X509CertSelector cs = new X509CertSelector();
return this.certificateValidationProvider.validate(cs, new Date(), certChainFragment);
} catch (XAdES4jException ex) {
throw new ValidationDataException("Cannot validate certificate to obtain validation data", ex);