use of org.apache.xmpbox.schema.XMPRightsManagementSchema in project pdfbox by apache.
the class FontMetaDataValidation method analyseRights.
* If XMP MetaData are present, they must have followings information :
* <UL>
* <li>dc:rights
* <li>Marked (with the value true)
* <li>Owner
* <li>UsageTerms
* </UL>
* @param metadata
* XMPMetaData of the Font File Stream
* @param fontDesc
* The FontDescriptor dictionary
* @param ve
* the list of validation error to update if the validation fails
* @return true if the analysis found no problems, false if it did.
public boolean analyseRights(XMPMetadata metadata, PDFontDescriptor fontDesc, List<ValidationError> ve) {
DublinCoreSchema dc = metadata.getDublinCoreSchema();
if (dc != null) {
ArrayProperty copyrights = dc.getRightsProperty();
if (copyrights == null || copyrights.getContainer() == null || copyrights.getContainer().getAllProperties().isEmpty()) {
ve.add(new ValidationError(PreflightConstants.ERROR_METADATA_PROPERTY_MISSING, "CopyRights is missing from the XMP information (dc:rights) of the Font File Stream."));
return false;
XMPRightsManagementSchema rights = metadata.getXMPRightsManagementSchema();
if (rights != null) {
BooleanType marked = rights.getMarkedProperty();
if (marked != null && !marked.getValue()) {
ve.add(new ValidationError(PreflightConstants.ERROR_METADATA_PROPERTY_MISSING, "the XMP information (xmpRights:Marked) is invalid for the Font File Stream."));
return false;
* rights.getUsageTerms() & rights.getOwnerValue() should be present but it is only a recommendation : may
* be it should be useful to append a Warning if these entries are missing.
return true;
use of org.apache.xmpbox.schema.XMPRightsManagementSchema in project pdfbox by apache.
the class XMPMetadata method createAndAddXMPRightsManagementSchema.
* Create and add a default XMP Rights Management Schema to this metadata.
* This method return the created schema to enter information.
* @return schema added in order to work on it
public XMPRightsManagementSchema createAndAddXMPRightsManagementSchema() {
XMPRightsManagementSchema rights = new XMPRightsManagementSchema(this);
return rights;