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Example 1 with GetDataRequest

use of org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest in project zookeeper by apache.

the class CommitProcessorConcurrencyTest method committedAndUncommittedOfTheSameSessionRaceTest.

 * We place a read request followed by committed update request of the same
 * session in queuedRequests. We verify that both requests are processed,
 * according to the order of the session (first read, then the write).
public void committedAndUncommittedOfTheSameSessionRaceTest() throws Exception {
    final String path = "/testCvsUCRace";
    Request readReq = newRequest(new GetDataRequest(path, false), OpCode.getData, 0x0, 0);
    Request writeReq = newRequest(new SetDataRequest(path, new byte[16], -1), OpCode.setData, 0x0, 1);
    processor.stoppedMainLoop = true;;
    Assert.assertTrue("Request was not processed " + readReq + " instead " + processedRequests.peek(), processedRequests.peek() != null && processedRequests.peek().equals(readReq));
    Assert.assertTrue("Request was not processed " + writeReq + " instead " + processedRequests.peek(), processedRequests.peek() != null && processedRequests.peek().equals(writeReq));
Also used : GetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest) CreateRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.CreateRequest) SetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.SetDataRequest) Request(org.apache.zookeeper.server.Request) SetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.SetDataRequest) GetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with GetDataRequest

use of org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest in project zookeeper by apache.

the class CommitProcessorConcurrencyTest method noStarvationOfReadRequestsTest.

 * In the following test, we verify that committed writes are not causing
 * reads starvation. We populate the commit processor with the following
 * order of requests: 1 committed local updated, 1 read request, 100
 * committed non-local updates. 50 read requests. We verify that after the
 * first call to, only the first write is processed, then
 * after the second call, all reads are processed along with the second
 * write.
public void noStarvationOfReadRequestsTest() throws Exception {
    final String path = "/noStarvationOfReadRequests";
    // +1 committed requests (also head of queuedRequests)
    Request firstCommittedReq = newRequest(new CreateRequest(path, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL.toFlag()), OpCode.create, 0x3, 1);
    Set<Request> allReads = new HashSet<Request>();
    // +1 read request to queuedRequests
    Request firstRead = newRequest(new GetDataRequest(path, false), OpCode.getData, 0x1, 0);
    // +1 non local commit
    Request secondCommittedReq = newRequest(new CreateRequest(path, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL.toFlag()), OpCode.create, 0x99, 2);
    Set<Request> waitingCommittedRequests = new HashSet<Request>();
    // +99 non local committed requests
    for (int writeReqId = 3; writeReqId < 102; ++writeReqId) {
        Request writeReq = newRequest(new CreateRequest(path, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL.toFlag()), OpCode.create, 0x8, writeReqId);
    // +50 read requests to queuedRequests
    for (int readReqId = 1; readReqId <= 50; ++readReqId) {
        Request readReq = newRequest(new GetDataRequest(path, false), OpCode.getData, 0x5, readReqId);
    processor.stoppedMainLoop = true;;
    Assert.assertTrue("Did not process the first write request", processedRequests.contains(firstCommittedReq));
    for (Request r : allReads) {
        Assert.assertTrue("Processed read request", !processedRequests.contains(r));
    Assert.assertTrue("did not processed all reads", processedRequests.containsAll(allReads));
    Assert.assertTrue("Did not process the second write request", processedRequests.contains(secondCommittedReq));
    for (Request r : waitingCommittedRequests) {
        Assert.assertTrue("Processed additional committed request", !processedRequests.contains(r));
Also used : CreateRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.CreateRequest) GetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest) CreateRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.CreateRequest) SetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.SetDataRequest) Request(org.apache.zookeeper.server.Request) GetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with GetDataRequest

use of org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest in project zookeeper by apache.

the class CommitProcessorConcurrencyTest method noCrashOnOutofOrderCommittedRequestTest.

 * In the following test, we verify if we handle the case in which we get a commit
 * for a request that has higher Cxid than the one we are waiting. This can happen
 * when a session connection is lost but there is a request waiting to be committed in the
 * session queue. However, since the session has moved, new requests can get to
 * the leader out of order. Hence, the commits can also arrive "out of order" w.r.t. cxid.
 * We should commit the requests according to the order we receive from the leader, i.e., wait for the relevant commit.
@Test(timeout = 5000)
public void noCrashOnOutofOrderCommittedRequestTest() throws Exception {
    final String path = "/noCrash/OnCommittedRequests/OfUnSeenRequestTest";
    final int sessionid = 0x123456;
    final int lastCXid = 0x100;
    final int numberofReads = 10;
    int readReqId = lastCXid;
    processor.stoppedMainLoop = true;
    HashSet<Request> localRequests = new HashSet<Request>();
    // queue the blocking write request to queuedRequests
    Request orphanCommittedReq = newRequest(new CreateRequest(path, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL.toFlag()), OpCode.create, sessionid, lastCXid);
    // queue read requests to queuedRequests
    for (; readReqId <= numberofReads + lastCXid; ++readReqId) {
        Request readReq = newRequest(new GetDataRequest(path, false), OpCode.getData, sessionid, readReqId);
    // run once
    // We verify that the processor is waiting for the commit
    // We add a commit that belongs to the same session but with larger cxid,
    // i.e., commit of an update from the next connection of this session.
    Request otherSessionCommittedReq = newRequest(new CreateRequest(path, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL.toFlag()), OpCode.create, sessionid, lastCXid + 10);
    // We verify that the commit processor processed the old commit prior to the newer messages
    Assert.assertTrue(processedRequests.size() == 1);
    // We verify that the commit processor handle all messages.
Also used : CreateRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.CreateRequest) GetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest) CreateRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.CreateRequest) SetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.SetDataRequest) Request(org.apache.zookeeper.server.Request) GetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with GetDataRequest

use of org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest in project zookeeper by apache.

the class CommitProcessorConcurrencyTest method noCrashOnCommittedRequestsOfUnseenRequestTest.

 * In the following test, we verify that we can handle the case that we got a commit
 * of a request we never seen since the session that we just established. This can happen
 * when a session is just established and there is request waiting to be committed in the
 * session queue but it sees a commit for a request that belongs to the previous connection.
@Test(timeout = 5000)
public void noCrashOnCommittedRequestsOfUnseenRequestTest() throws Exception {
    final String path = "/noCrash/OnCommittedRequests/OfUnseenRequestTest";
    final int numberofReads = 10;
    final int sessionid = 0x123456;
    final int firstCXid = 0x100;
    int readReqId = firstCXid;
    processor.stoppedMainLoop = true;
    HashSet<Request> localRequests = new HashSet<Request>();
    // queue the blocking write request to queuedRequests
    Request firstCommittedReq = newRequest(new CreateRequest(path, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL.toFlag()), OpCode.create, sessionid, readReqId++);
    // queue read requests to queuedRequests
    for (; readReqId <= numberofReads + firstCXid; ++readReqId) {
        Request readReq = newRequest(new GetDataRequest(path, false), OpCode.getData, sessionid, readReqId);
    // run once
    // We verify that the processor is waiting for the commit
    // We add a commit that belongs to the same session but with smaller cxid,
    // i.e., commit of an update from previous connection of this session.
    Request preSessionCommittedReq = newRequest(new CreateRequest(path, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL.toFlag()), OpCode.create, sessionid, firstCXid - 2);
    // We verify that the commit processor processed the old commit prior to the newer messages
    Assert.assertTrue(processedRequests.peek() == preSessionCommittedReq);;
    // We verify that the commit processor handle all messages.
Also used : CreateRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.CreateRequest) GetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest) CreateRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.CreateRequest) SetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.SetDataRequest) Request(org.apache.zookeeper.server.Request) GetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with GetDataRequest

use of org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest in project zookeeper by apache.

the class ZooKeeper method getData.

 * Return the data and the stat of the node of the given path.
 * <p>
 * If the watch is non-null and the call is successful (no exception is
 * thrown), a watch will be left on the node with the given path. The watch
 * will be triggered by a successful operation that sets data on the node, or
 * deletes the node.
 * <p>
 * A KeeperException with error code KeeperException.NoNode will be thrown
 * if no node with the given path exists.
 * @param path the given path
 * @param watcher explicit watcher
 * @param stat the stat of the node
 * @return the data of the node
 * @throws KeeperException If the server signals an error with a non-zero error code
 * @throws InterruptedException If the server transaction is interrupted.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid path is specified
public byte[] getData(final String path, Watcher watcher, Stat stat) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
    final String clientPath = path;
    // the watch contains the un-chroot path
    WatchRegistration wcb = null;
    if (watcher != null) {
        wcb = new DataWatchRegistration(watcher, clientPath);
    final String serverPath = prependChroot(clientPath);
    RequestHeader h = new RequestHeader();
    GetDataRequest request = new GetDataRequest();
    request.setWatch(watcher != null);
    GetDataResponse response = new GetDataResponse();
    ReplyHeader r = cnxn.submitRequest(h, request, response, wcb);
    if (r.getErr() != 0) {
        throw KeeperException.create(KeeperException.Code.get(r.getErr()), clientPath);
    if (stat != null) {
        DataTree.copyStat(response.getStat(), stat);
    return response.getData();
Also used : ReplyHeader(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.ReplyHeader) RequestHeader(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.RequestHeader) GetDataResponse(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataResponse) GetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest)


GetDataRequest (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest)12 CreateRequest (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.CreateRequest)7 SetDataRequest (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.SetDataRequest)6 Request (org.apache.zookeeper.server.Request)6 Test (org.junit.Test)6 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)5 GetDataResponse (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataResponse)5 ReplyHeader (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.ReplyHeader)5 RequestHeader (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.RequestHeader)3 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)2 ByteArrayOutputStream ( IOException ( LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 List (java.util.List)1 BinaryOutputArchive (org.apache.jute.BinaryOutputArchive)1 Record (org.apache.jute.Record)1 KeeperException (org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException)1 Code (org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.Code)1 SessionMovedException (org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.SessionMovedException)1 MultiResponse (org.apache.zookeeper.MultiResponse)1