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Example 16 with RequestHeader

use of org.apache.zookeeper.proto.RequestHeader in project zookeeper by apache.

the class ZooKeeper method getConfig.

     * Return the last committed configuration (as known to the server to which the client is connected)
     * and the stat of the configuration.
     * <p>
     * If the watch is non-null and the call is successful (no exception is
     * thrown), a watch will be left on the configuration node (ZooDefs.CONFIG_NODE). The watch
     * will be triggered by a successful reconfig operation
     * <p>
     * A KeeperException with error code KeeperException.NoNode will be thrown
     * if the configuration node doesn't exists.
     * @param watcher explicit watcher
     * @param stat the stat of the configuration node ZooDefs.CONFIG_NODE
     * @return configuration data stored in ZooDefs.CONFIG_NODE
     * @throws KeeperException If the server signals an error with a non-zero error code
     * @throws InterruptedException If the server transaction is interrupted.
public byte[] getConfig(Watcher watcher, Stat stat) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
    final String configZnode = ZooDefs.CONFIG_NODE;
    // the watch contains the un-chroot path
    WatchRegistration wcb = null;
    if (watcher != null) {
        wcb = new DataWatchRegistration(watcher, configZnode);
    RequestHeader h = new RequestHeader();
    GetDataRequest request = new GetDataRequest();
    request.setWatch(watcher != null);
    GetDataResponse response = new GetDataResponse();
    ReplyHeader r = cnxn.submitRequest(h, request, response, wcb);
    if (r.getErr() != 0) {
        throw KeeperException.create(KeeperException.Code.get(r.getErr()), configZnode);
    if (stat != null) {
        DataTree.copyStat(response.getStat(), stat);
    return response.getData();
Also used : ReplyHeader(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.ReplyHeader) RequestHeader(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.RequestHeader) GetDataResponse(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataResponse) GetDataRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest)

Example 17 with RequestHeader

use of org.apache.zookeeper.proto.RequestHeader in project zookeeper by apache.

the class ZooKeeper method multiInternal.

protected void multiInternal(MultiTransactionRecord request, MultiCallback cb, Object ctx) {
    RequestHeader h = new RequestHeader();
    MultiResponse response = new MultiResponse();
    cnxn.queuePacket(h, new ReplyHeader(), request, response, cb, null, null, ctx, null);
Also used : ReplyHeader(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.ReplyHeader) RequestHeader(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.RequestHeader)

Example 18 with RequestHeader

use of org.apache.zookeeper.proto.RequestHeader in project zookeeper by apache.

the class ZooKeeperAdmin method reconfigure.

     * The Asynchronous version of reconfig.
     * @see #reconfigure
public void reconfigure(String joiningServers, String leavingServers, String newMembers, long fromConfig, DataCallback cb, Object ctx) {
    RequestHeader h = new RequestHeader();
    ReconfigRequest request = new ReconfigRequest(joiningServers, leavingServers, newMembers, fromConfig);
    GetDataResponse response = new GetDataResponse();
    cnxn.queuePacket(h, new ReplyHeader(), request, response, cb, ZooDefs.CONFIG_NODE, ZooDefs.CONFIG_NODE, ctx, null);
Also used : ReplyHeader(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.ReplyHeader) RequestHeader(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.RequestHeader) GetDataResponse(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataResponse) ReconfigRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.ReconfigRequest)

Example 19 with RequestHeader

use of org.apache.zookeeper.proto.RequestHeader in project zookeeper by apache.

the class ZooKeeperServer method processPacket.

public void processPacket(ServerCnxn cnxn, ByteBuffer incomingBuffer) throws IOException {
    // We have the request, now process and setup for next
    InputStream bais = new ByteBufferInputStream(incomingBuffer);
    BinaryInputArchive bia = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(bais);
    RequestHeader h = new RequestHeader();
    h.deserialize(bia, "header");
    // Through the magic of byte buffers, txn will not be
    // pointing
    // to the start of the txn
    incomingBuffer = incomingBuffer.slice();
    if (h.getType() == OpCode.auth) {"got auth packet " + cnxn.getRemoteSocketAddress());
        AuthPacket authPacket = new AuthPacket();
        ByteBufferInputStream.byteBuffer2Record(incomingBuffer, authPacket);
        String scheme = authPacket.getScheme();
        ServerAuthenticationProvider ap = ProviderRegistry.getServerProvider(scheme);
        Code authReturn = KeeperException.Code.AUTHFAILED;
        if (ap != null) {
            try {
                authReturn = ap.handleAuthentication(new ServerAuthenticationProvider.ServerObjs(this, cnxn), authPacket.getAuth());
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                LOG.warn("Caught runtime exception from AuthenticationProvider: " + scheme + " due to " + e);
                authReturn = KeeperException.Code.AUTHFAILED;
        if (authReturn == KeeperException.Code.OK) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Authentication succeeded for scheme: " + scheme);
  "auth success " + cnxn.getRemoteSocketAddress());
            ReplyHeader rh = new ReplyHeader(h.getXid(), 0, KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue());
            cnxn.sendResponse(rh, null, null);
        } else {
            if (ap == null) {
                LOG.warn("No authentication provider for scheme: " + scheme + " has " + ProviderRegistry.listProviders());
            } else {
                LOG.warn("Authentication failed for scheme: " + scheme);
            // send a response...
            ReplyHeader rh = new ReplyHeader(h.getXid(), 0, KeeperException.Code.AUTHFAILED.intValue());
            cnxn.sendResponse(rh, null, null);
            // ... and close connection
    } else {
        if (h.getType() == OpCode.sasl) {
            Record rsp = processSasl(incomingBuffer, cnxn);
            ReplyHeader rh = new ReplyHeader(h.getXid(), 0, KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue());
            // not sure about 3rd arg..what is it?
            cnxn.sendResponse(rh, rsp, "response");
        } else {
            Request si = new Request(cnxn, cnxn.getSessionId(), h.getXid(), h.getType(), incomingBuffer, cnxn.getAuthInfo());
            // Always treat packet from the client as a possible
            // local request.
Also used : ReplyHeader(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.ReplyHeader) InputStream( ConnectRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.ConnectRequest) GetSASLRequest(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetSASLRequest) ServerAuthenticationProvider(org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.ServerAuthenticationProvider) Code(org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.Code) OpCode(org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs.OpCode) BinaryInputArchive(org.apache.jute.BinaryInputArchive) AuthPacket(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.AuthPacket) RequestHeader(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.RequestHeader) Record(org.apache.jute.Record)

Example 20 with RequestHeader

use of org.apache.zookeeper.proto.RequestHeader in project zookeeper by apache.

the class WatchLeakTest method createWatchesMessage.

     * Create a watches message with a single watch on /
     * @return a message that attempts to set 1 watch on /
private ByteBuffer createWatchesMessage() {
    List<String> dataWatches = new ArrayList<String>(1);
    List<String> existWatches = Collections.emptyList();
    List<String> childWatches = Collections.emptyList();
    SetWatches sw = new SetWatches(1L, dataWatches, existWatches, childWatches);
    RequestHeader h = new RequestHeader();
    MockPacket p = new MockPacket(h, new ReplyHeader(), sw, null, null);
    return p.createAndReturnBB();
Also used : ReplyHeader(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.ReplyHeader) SetWatches(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.SetWatches) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RequestHeader(org.apache.zookeeper.proto.RequestHeader) MockPacket(org.apache.zookeeper.MockPacket)


RequestHeader (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.RequestHeader)36 ReplyHeader (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.ReplyHeader)33 GetDataResponse (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataResponse)6 Record (org.apache.jute.Record)5 GetDataRequest (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetDataRequest)4 SetDataResponse (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.SetDataResponse)4 AuthPacket (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.AuthPacket)3 CreateRequest (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.CreateRequest)3 ExistsRequest (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.ExistsRequest)3 InputStream ( ConnectRequest (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.ConnectRequest)2 Create2Response (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.Create2Response)2 CreateResponse (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.CreateResponse)2 DeleteRequest (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.DeleteRequest)2 GetACLRequest (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetACLRequest)2 GetACLResponse (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetACLResponse)2 GetChildren2Request (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetChildren2Request)2 GetChildren2Response (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetChildren2Response)2 GetChildrenRequest (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetChildrenRequest)2 GetChildrenResponse (org.apache.zookeeper.proto.GetChildrenResponse)2