use of org.apereo.portal.layout.dlm.remoting.registry.ChannelCategoryBean in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class ChannelListController method getRegistryOriginal.
* Private methods that support the original (pre-4.3) version of the API
* Gathers and organizes the response based on the specified rootCategory and the permissions of
* the specified user.
private Map<String, SortedSet<?>> getRegistryOriginal(WebRequest request, IPerson user) {
* This collection of all the portlets in the portal is for the sake of
* tracking which ones are uncategorized.
Set<IPortletDefinition> portletsNotYetCategorized = new HashSet<IPortletDefinition>(portletDefinitionRegistry.getAllPortletDefinitions());
// construct a new channel registry
Map<String, SortedSet<?>> rslt = new TreeMap<String, SortedSet<?>>();
SortedSet<ChannelCategoryBean> categories = new TreeSet<ChannelCategoryBean>();
// add the root category and all its children to the registry
final PortletCategory rootCategory = portletCategoryRegistry.getTopLevelPortletCategory();
final Locale locale = getUserLocale(user);
categories.add(prepareCategoryBean(request, rootCategory, portletsNotYetCategorized, user, locale));
* uPortal historically has provided for a convention that portlets not in any category
* may potentially be viewed by users but may not be subscribed to.
* As of uPortal 4.2, the logic below now takes any portlets the user has BROWSE access to
* that have not already been identified as belonging to a category and adds them to a category
* called Uncategorized.
EntityIdentifier ei = user.getEntityIdentifier();
IAuthorizationPrincipal ap = AuthorizationService.instance().newPrincipal(ei.getKey(), ei.getType());
// construct a new channel category bean for this category
String uncategorizedString = messageSource.getMessage(UNCATEGORIZED, new Object[] {}, locale);
ChannelCategoryBean uncategorizedPortletsBean = new ChannelCategoryBean(new PortletCategory(uncategorizedString));
uncategorizedPortletsBean.setDescription(messageSource.getMessage(UNCATEGORIZED_DESC, new Object[] {}, locale));
for (IPortletDefinition portlet : portletsNotYetCategorized) {
if (authorizationService.canPrincipalBrowse(ap, portlet)) {
// construct a new channel bean from this channel
ChannelBean channel = getChannel(portlet, request, locale);
// Add even if no portlets in category
rslt.put("categories", categories);
return rslt;
use of org.apereo.portal.layout.dlm.remoting.registry.ChannelCategoryBean in project uPortal by Jasig.
the class ChannelListController method prepareCategoryBean.
private ChannelCategoryBean prepareCategoryBean(WebRequest request, PortletCategory category, Set<IPortletDefinition> portletsNotYetCategorized, IPerson user, Locale locale) {
// construct a new channel category bean for this category
ChannelCategoryBean categoryBean = new ChannelCategoryBean(category);
categoryBean.setName(messageSource.getMessage(category.getName(), new Object[] {}, locale));
// add the direct child channels for this category
Set<IPortletDefinition> portlets = portletCategoryRegistry.getChildPortlets(category);
EntityIdentifier ei = user.getEntityIdentifier();
IAuthorizationPrincipal ap = AuthorizationService.instance().newPrincipal(ei.getKey(), ei.getType());
for (IPortletDefinition portlet : portlets) {
if (authorizationService.canPrincipalBrowse(ap, portlet)) {
// construct a new channel bean from this channel
ChannelBean channel = getChannel(portlet, request, locale);
* Remove the portlet from the uncategorized collection;
* note -- this approach will not prevent portlets from
* appearing in multiple categories (as appropriate).
/* Now add child categories. */
for (PortletCategory childCategory : this.portletCategoryRegistry.getChildCategories(category)) {
ChannelCategoryBean childCategoryBean = prepareCategoryBean(request, childCategory, portletsNotYetCategorized, user, locale);
return categoryBean;