use of org.applause.lang.applauseDsl.AbsoluteRESTURL in project applause by applause.
the class DataSourceImpl method basicSetBaseUrl.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public NotificationChain basicSetBaseUrl(AbsoluteRESTURL newBaseUrl, NotificationChain msgs) {
AbsoluteRESTURL oldBaseUrl = baseUrl;
baseUrl = newBaseUrl;
if (eNotificationRequired()) {
ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, ApplauseDslPackage.DATA_SOURCE__BASE_URL, oldBaseUrl, newBaseUrl);
if (msgs == null)
msgs = notification;
return msgs;
use of org.applause.lang.applauseDsl.AbsoluteRESTURL in project applause by applause.
the class RESTURLsAbsoluteRESTURLsSpec method baseUrlShouldBe.
public void baseUrlShouldBe(final CharSequence sequence, final String url) {
try {
final Model model = this._parseHelper.parse(sequence);
EList<NamedElement> _elements = model.getElements();
Iterable<DataSource> _filter = Iterables.<DataSource>filter(_elements, DataSource.class);
final DataSource datasource = IterableExtensions.<DataSource>head(_filter);
final AbsoluteRESTURL baseUrl = datasource.getBaseUrl();
String _value = this._rESTURLExtensions.value(baseUrl);
Matcher<String> _is = CoreMatchers.<String>is(url);
Assert.<String>assertThat(_value, _is);
} catch (Throwable _e) {
throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_e);