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Example 1 with Asciidoctor

use of org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class AsciiDoctor method renderFiles.

private void renderFiles(List<String> inputFiles, ZipOutputStream zip) throws IOException {
    Asciidoctor asciidoctor = JRubyAsciidoctor.create();
    for (String inputFile : inputFiles) {
        String outName = mapInFileToOutFile(inputFile, inExt, outExt);
        File out = bazel ? new File(outName) : new File(tmpdir, outName);
        if (!bazel) {
        File input = new File(inputFile);
        Options options = createOptions(basedir != null ? basedir : input.getParentFile(), out);
        asciidoctor.renderFile(input, options);
        if (zip != null) {
            zipFile(out, outName, zip);
Also used : Options(org.asciidoctor.Options) File( Asciidoctor(org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor) JRubyAsciidoctor(org.asciidoctor.internal.JRubyAsciidoctor)

Example 2 with Asciidoctor

use of org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor in project camel by apache.

the class PrepareCatalogMojo method executeDocuments.

protected void executeDocuments(Set<String> components, Set<String> dataformats, Set<String> languages, Set<String> others) throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
    getLog().info("Copying all Camel documents (ascii docs)");
    // lets use sorted set/maps
    Set<File> adocFiles = new TreeSet<File>();
    Set<File> missingAdocFiles = new TreeSet<File>();
    Set<File> duplicateAdocFiles = new TreeSet<File>();
    // find all camel maven modules
    if (componentsDir != null && componentsDir.isDirectory()) {
        File[] componentFiles = componentsDir.listFiles();
        if (componentFiles != null) {
            for (File dir : componentFiles) {
                if (dir.isDirectory() && !"target".equals(dir.getName()) && !dir.getName().startsWith(".") && !excludeDocumentDir(dir.getName())) {
                    File target = new File(dir, "src/main/docs");
                    // special for these as they are in sub dir
                    if ("camel-salesforce".equals(dir.getName())) {
                        target = new File(dir, "camel-salesforce-component/src/main/docs");
                    } else if ("camel-linkedin".equals(dir.getName())) {
                        target = new File(dir, "camel-linkedin-component/src/main/docs");
                    } else if ("camel-olingo2".equals(dir.getName())) {
                        target = new File(dir, "camel-olingo2-component/src/main/docs");
                    } else if ("camel-box".equals(dir.getName())) {
                        target = new File(dir, "camel-box-component/src/main/docs");
                    int before = adocFiles.size();
                    findAsciiDocFilesRecursive(target, adocFiles, new CamelAsciiDocFileFilter());
                    int after = adocFiles.size();
                    if (before == after) {
    if (coreDir != null && coreDir.isDirectory()) {
        File target = new File(coreDir, "src/main/docs");
        findAsciiDocFilesRecursive(target, adocFiles, new CamelAsciiDocFileFilter());
    getLog().info("Found " + adocFiles.size() + " ascii document files");
    // make sure to create out dir
    // use ascii doctor to convert the adoc files to html so we have documentation in this format as well
    Asciidoctor asciidoctor = Asciidoctor.Factory.create();
    int converted = 0;
    for (File file : adocFiles) {
        File to = new File(documentsOutDir, file.getName());
        if (to.exists()) {
            getLog().warn("Duplicate document name detected: " + to);
        try {
            copyFile(file, to);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new MojoFailureException("Cannot copy file from " + file + " -> " + to, e);
        // convert adoc to html as well
        if (file.getName().endsWith(".adoc")) {
            String newName = file.getName().substring(0, file.getName().length() - 5) + ".html";
            File toHtml = new File(documentsOutDir, newName);
            getLog().debug("Converting ascii document to html -> " + toHtml);
            asciidoctor.convertFile(file, OptionsBuilder.options().toFile(toHtml));
            try {
                // now fix the html file because we don't want to include certain lines
                List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(toHtml);
                List<String> output = new ArrayList<>();
                for (String line : lines) {
                    // skip these lines
                    if (line.contains("% raw %") || line.contains("% endraw %")) {
                if (lines.size() != output.size()) {
                    FileUtils.writeLines(toHtml, output, false);
            } catch (IOException e) {
            // ignore
    if (converted > 0) {
        getLog().info("Converted " + converted + " ascii documents to HTML");
    Set<String> docs = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    File all = new File(documentsOutDir, "../");
    try {
        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(all, false);
        String[] names = documentsOutDir.list();
        List<String> documents = new ArrayList<String>();
        // sort the names
        for (String name : names) {
            if (name.endsWith(".adoc")) {
                // strip out .adoc from the name
                String documentName = name.substring(0, name.length() - 5);
        for (String name : documents) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new MojoFailureException("Error writing to file " + all);
    printDocumentsReport(adocFiles, duplicateAdocFiles, missingAdocFiles);
    // find out if we have documents for each component / dataformat / languages / others
    printMissingDocumentsReport(docs, components, dataformats, languages, others);
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) MojoFailureException(org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( Asciidoctor(org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) FileOutputStream( File(

Example 3 with Asciidoctor

use of org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class BuildNavAndPDFBody method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    if (args.length != 2) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Wrong # of args: " + args.length);
    final File adocDir = new File(args[0]);
    final String mainPageShortname = args[1];
    if (!adocDir.exists()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("asciidoc directory does not exist: " + adocDir.toString());
    // build up a quick mapping of every known page
    System.out.println("Building up tree of all known pages");
    final Map<String, Page> allPages = new LinkedHashMap<String, Page>();
    Asciidoctor doctor = null;
    try {
        doctor = Factory.create();
        final File[] adocFiles = adocDir.listFiles(ADOC_FILE_NAMES);
        for (File file : adocFiles) {
            Page page = new Page(file, doctor.readDocumentHeader(file));
            if (allPages.containsKey(page.shortname)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("multiple pages with same shortname: " + page.file.toString() + " and " + allPages.get(page.shortname));
            allPages.put(page.shortname, page);
    } finally {
        if (null != doctor) {
            doctor = null;
    // build up a hierarchical structure rooted at our mainPage
    final Page mainPage = allPages.get(mainPageShortname);
    if (null == mainPage) {
        throw new RuntimeException("no main-page found with shortname: " + mainPageShortname);
    // TODO: use depthFirstWalk to prune allPages to validate that we don't have any loops or orphan pages
    // Build up the PDF file,
    // while doing this also build up some next/prev maps for use in building the scrollnav
    File pdfFile = new File(new File(adocDir, "_data"), "pdf-main-body.adoc");
    if (pdfFile.exists()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(pdfFile.toString() + " already exists");
    final Map<String, Page> nextPage = new HashMap<String, Page>();
    final Map<String, Page> prevPage = new HashMap<String, Page>();
    System.out.println("Creating " + pdfFile.toString());
    try (Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(pdfFile), "UTF-8")) {
        // Note: not worrying about headers or anything like that ...
        // expecting this file to just be included by the main PDF file.
        // track how deep we are so we can adjust headers accordingly
        // start with a "negative" depth to treat all "top level" pages as same depth as main-page using Math.max
        // (see below)
        final AtomicInteger depth = new AtomicInteger(-1);
        // the previous page seen in our walk
        AtomicReference<Page> previous = new AtomicReference<Page>();
        mainPage.depthFirstWalk(new Page.RecursiveAction() {

            public boolean act(Page page) {
                try {
                    if (null != previous.get()) {
                        // add previous as our 'prev' page, and ourselves as the 'next' of previous
                        prevPage.put(page.shortname, previous.get());
                        nextPage.put(previous.get().shortname, page);
                    // HACK: where this file actually lives will determine what we need here...
                    w.write("[leveloffset=+" + Math.max(0, depth.intValue()) + "]\n\n");
                    return true;
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("IOE recursively acting on " + page.shortname, ioe);

            public void postKids(Page page) {
    // Build up the scrollnav file for jekyll's footer
    File scrollnavFile = new File(new File(adocDir, "_data"), "scrollnav.json");
    if (scrollnavFile.exists()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(scrollnavFile.toString() + " already exists");
    System.out.println("Creating " + scrollnavFile.toString());
    try (Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(scrollnavFile), "UTF-8")) {
        JSONObject scrollnav = new JSONObject();
        for (Page p : allPages.values()) {
            JSONObject current = new JSONObject();
            Page prev = prevPage.get(p.shortname);
            Page next = nextPage.get(p.shortname);
            if (null != prev) {
                current.put("prev", new JSONObject().put("url", prev.permalink).put("title", prev.title));
            if (null != next) {
                current.put("next", new JSONObject().put("url", next.permalink).put("title", next.title));
            scrollnav.put(p.shortname, current);
        // HACK: jekyll doesn't like escaped forward slashes in it's JSON?
        w.write(scrollnav.toString(2).replaceAll("\\\\/", "/"));
    // Build up the sidebar file for jekyll
    File sidebarFile = new File(new File(adocDir, "_data"), "sidebar.json");
    if (sidebarFile.exists()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(sidebarFile.toString() + " already exists");
    System.out.println("Creating " + sidebarFile.toString());
    try (Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(sidebarFile), "UTF-8")) {
        // A stack for tracking what we're working on as we recurse
        final Stack<JSONObject> stack = new Stack<JSONObject>();
        mainPage.depthFirstWalk(new Page.RecursiveAction() {

            public boolean act(Page page) {
                final int depth = stack.size();
                if (4 < depth) {
                    System.err.println("ERROR: depth==" + depth + " for " + page.permalink);
                    System.err.println("sidebar.html template can not support pages this deep");
                try {
                    final JSONObject current = new JSONObject().put("title", page.title).put("url", page.permalink).put("depth", depth).put("kids", new JSONArray());
                    if (0 < depth) {
                        JSONObject parent = stack.peek();
                        ((JSONArray) parent.get("kids")).put(current);
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
                return true;

            public void postKids(Page page) {
                final JSONObject current = stack.pop();
                if (0 == stack.size()) {
                    assert page == mainPage;
                    try {
                        // HACK: jekyll doesn't like escaped forward slashes in it's JSON?
                        w.write(current.toString(2).replaceAll("\\\\/", "/"));
                    } catch (IOException | JSONException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
Also used : AtomicReference(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference) Asciidoctor(org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)

Example 4 with Asciidoctor

use of org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor in project meecrowave by apache.

the class PDFify method generatePdf.

public static void generatePdf(final File from, final File targetBase) throws IOException {
    final Path sourceBase = from.toPath();
    final Asciidoctor asciidoctor = Asciidoctor.Factory.create();
    final ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(16);
    Files.walkFileTree(sourceBase, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {

        public FileVisitResult visitFile(final Path file, final BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
            final String fileName = file.getFileName().toString();
            if (fileName.endsWith(".adoc")) {
                pool.submit(() -> {
                    final String path = sourceBase.relativize(file).toString();
                    final File target = new File(targetBase, path.substring(0, path.length() - "adoc".length()) + "pdf");
                    final File asFile = file.toFile();
                    final Map<String, Object> attributes = asciidoctor.readDocumentHeader(asFile).getAttributes();
                    // if we generate the PDF link we need to create the PDF excepted if it is expected to be manual
                    if (attributes.containsKey("jbake-meecrowavepdf") && !attributes.containsKey("jbake-meecrowavepdf-manual")) {
                        asciidoctor.convertFile(asFile, options().safe(UNSAFE).backend("pdf").attributes(AttributesBuilder.attributes().attribute("source-highlighter", "coderay").attribute("context_rootpath", "")).toFile(target).get());
                        System.out.println("Generated " + target);
            return super.visitFile(file, attrs);
    try {
        pool.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.HOURS);
    } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
Also used : Path(java.nio.file.Path) ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) FileVisitResult(java.nio.file.FileVisitResult) IOException( File( Map(java.util.Map) BasicFileAttributes(java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes) Asciidoctor(org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor)


Asciidoctor (org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor)4 File ( IOException ( FileOutputStream ( FileVisitResult (java.nio.file.FileVisitResult)1 Path (java.nio.file.Path)1 BasicFileAttributes (java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)1 ExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)1 AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)1 AtomicReference (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference)1 MojoFailureException (org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException)1 Options (org.asciidoctor.Options)1 JRubyAsciidoctor (org.asciidoctor.internal.JRubyAsciidoctor)1