use of in project async-http-client by AsyncHttpClient.
the class NettyRequestSender method sendRequestWithNewChannel.
private <//
T> //
ListenableFuture<T> sendRequestWithNewChannel(//
Request request, //
ProxyServer proxy, //
NettyResponseFuture<T> future, //
AsyncHandler<T> asyncHandler, boolean performingNextRequest) {
// some headers are only set when performing the first request
HttpHeaders headers = future.getNettyRequest().getHttpRequest().headers();
Realm realm = future.getRealm();
Realm proxyRealm = future.getProxyRealm();
requestFactory.addAuthorizationHeader(headers, perConnectionAuthorizationHeader(request, proxy, realm));
requestFactory.setProxyAuthorizationHeader(headers, perConnectionProxyAuthorizationHeader(request, proxyRealm));
future.setInAuth(realm != null && realm.isUsePreemptiveAuth() && realm.getScheme() != AuthScheme.NTLM);
future.setInProxyAuth(proxyRealm != null && proxyRealm.isUsePreemptiveAuth() && proxyRealm.getScheme() != AuthScheme.NTLM);
// Do not throw an exception when we need an extra connection for a redirect
// FIXME why? This violate the max connection per host handling, right?
Bootstrap bootstrap = channelManager.getBootstrap(request.getUri(), proxy);
Object partitionKey = future.getPartitionKey();
// we disable channelPreemption when performing next requests
final boolean acquireChannelLock = !performingNextRequest;
try {
// redirect.
if (acquireChannelLock) {
// if there's an exception here, channel wasn't preempted and resolve won't happen
} catch (Throwable t) {
abort(null, future, getCause(t));
// exit and don't try to resolve address
return future;
RequestHostnameResolver.INSTANCE.resolve(request, proxy, asyncHandler).addListener(new SimpleFutureListener<List<InetSocketAddress>>() {
protected void onSuccess(List<InetSocketAddress> addresses) {
NettyConnectListener<T> connectListener = new NettyConnectListener<>(future, NettyRequestSender.this, channelManager, acquireChannelLock, partitionKey);
NettyChannelConnector connector = new NettyChannelConnector(request.getLocalAddress(), addresses, asyncHandler, clientState, config);
if (!future.isDone()) {
connector.connect(bootstrap, connectListener);
} else if (acquireChannelLock) {
protected void onFailure(Throwable cause) {
if (acquireChannelLock) {
abort(null, future, getCause(cause));
return future;