use of in project async-http-client by AsyncHttpClient.
the class WebSocketHandler method handleException.
public void handleException(NettyResponseFuture<?> future, Throwable e) {
logger.warn("onError", e);
try {
WebSocketUpgradeHandler h = (WebSocketUpgradeHandler) future.getAsyncHandler();
NettyWebSocket webSocket = h.onCompleted();
if (webSocket != null) {
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("onError", t);
use of in project async-http-client by AsyncHttpClient.
the class WebSocketHandler method handleRead.
public void handleRead(Channel channel, NettyResponseFuture<?> future, Object e) throws Exception {
if (e instanceof HttpResponse) {
HttpResponse response = (HttpResponse) e;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
HttpRequest httpRequest = future.getNettyRequest().getHttpRequest();
logger.debug("\n\nRequest {}\n\nResponse {}\n", httpRequest, response);
WebSocketUpgradeHandler handler = (WebSocketUpgradeHandler) future.getAsyncHandler();
HttpResponseStatus status = new NettyResponseStatus(future.getUri(), response, channel);
HttpResponseHeaders responseHeaders = new HttpResponseHeaders(response.headers());
if (!interceptors.exitAfterIntercept(channel, future, handler, response, status, responseHeaders)) {
switch(handler.onStatusReceived(status)) {
upgrade(channel, future, handler, response, responseHeaders);
abort(channel, future, handler, status);
} else if (e instanceof WebSocketFrame) {
final WebSocketFrame frame = (WebSocketFrame) e;
WebSocketUpgradeHandler handler = (WebSocketUpgradeHandler) future.getAsyncHandler();
NettyWebSocket webSocket = handler.onCompleted();
// retain because we might buffer the frame
if (webSocket.isReady()) {
} else {
// WebSocket hasn't been open yet, but upgrading the pipeline triggered a read and a frame was sent along the HTTP upgrade response
// as we want to keep sequential order (but can't notify user of open before upgrading so he doesn't to try send immediately), we have to buffer
} else if (!(e instanceof LastHttpContent)) {
// ignore, end of handshake response
logger.error("Invalid message {}", e);
use of in project async-http-client by AsyncHttpClient.
the class WebSocketHandler method upgrade.
private void upgrade(Channel channel, NettyResponseFuture<?> future, WebSocketUpgradeHandler handler, HttpResponse response, HttpResponseHeaders responseHeaders) throws Exception {
boolean validStatus = response.status().equals(SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS);
boolean validUpgrade = response.headers().get(UPGRADE) != null;
String connection = response.headers().get(CONNECTION);
boolean validConnection = HttpHeaderValues.UPGRADE.contentEqualsIgnoreCase(connection);
final boolean headerOK = handler.onHeadersReceived(responseHeaders) == State.CONTINUE;
if (!headerOK || !validStatus || !validUpgrade || !validConnection) {
requestSender.abort(channel, future, new IOException("Invalid handshake response"));
String accept = response.headers().get(SEC_WEBSOCKET_ACCEPT);
String key = getAcceptKey(future.getNettyRequest().getHttpRequest().headers().get(SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY));
if (accept == null || !accept.equals(key)) {
requestSender.abort(channel, future, new IOException("Invalid challenge. Actual: " + accept + ". Expected: " + key));
// set back the future so the protocol gets notified of frames
// removing the HttpClientCodec from the pipeline might trigger a read with a WebSocket message
// if it comes in the same frame as the HTTP Upgrade response
Channels.setAttribute(channel, future);
handler.setWebSocket(new NettyWebSocket(channel, responseHeaders.getHeaders()));
// process using the same thread.
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.warn("onSuccess unexpected exception", ex);
use of in project async-http-client by AsyncHttpClient.
the class WebSocketHandler method handleChannelInactive.
public void handleChannelInactive(NettyResponseFuture<?> future) {
try {
WebSocketUpgradeHandler h = (WebSocketUpgradeHandler) future.getAsyncHandler();
NettyWebSocket webSocket = h.onCompleted();
logger.trace("Connection was closed abnormally (that is, with no close frame being received).");
if (webSocket != null)
webSocket.close(1006, "Connection was closed abnormally (that is, with no close frame being received).");
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("onError", t);