use of org.autorefactor.refactoring.rules.AggregateASTVisitor in project AutoRefactor by JnRouvignac.
the class ApplyRefactoringsJob method applyRefactoring.
* Applies the refactorings provided inside the {@link AggregateASTVisitor} to the provided
* {@link ICompilationUnit}.
* @param document the document where the compilation unit comes from
* @param compilationUnit the compilation unit to refactor
* @param refactoring the {@link AggregateASTVisitor} to apply to the compilation unit
* @param options the Java project options used to compile the project
* @param monitor the progress monitor of the current job
* @throws Exception if any problem occurs
* @see <a
* href=""
* >Eclipse JDT core - Manipulating Java code</a>
* @see <a href="
* > Eclipse Platform Plug-in Developer Guide > Plugging into the workbench
* > Basic workbench extension points using commands > org.eclipse.ui.menus</a>
* @see <a
* href=""
* >Abstract Syntax Tree > Write it down</a>
public void applyRefactoring(IDocument document, ICompilationUnit compilationUnit, AggregateASTVisitor refactoring, JavaProjectOptions options, SubMonitor monitor) throws Exception {
// creation of DOM/AST from a ICompilationUnit
final ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS8);
resetParser(compilationUnit, parser, options);
CompilationUnit astRoot = (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null);
final int maxIterations = 100;
int iterationCount = 0;
Set<ASTVisitor> lastLoopVisitors = Collections.emptySet();
int nbLoopsWithSameVisitors = 0;
while (true) {
if (iterationCount > maxIterations) {
// Oops! Something went wrong.
final String errorMsg = "An infinite loop has been detected for file " + getFileName(astRoot) + "." + " A possible cause is that code is being incorrectly" + " refactored one way then refactored back to what it was." + " Fix the code before pursuing." + getPossibleCulprits(nbLoopsWithSameVisitors, lastLoopVisitors);
environment.getLogger().error(errorMsg, new IllegalStateException(astRoot, errorMsg));
final RefactoringContext ctx = new RefactoringContext(compilationUnit, astRoot, options, monitor, environment);
final Refactorings refactorings = refactoring.getRefactorings(astRoot);
if (!refactorings.hasRefactorings()) {
// we are done with applying the refactorings.
// apply the refactorings and save the compilation unit
final boolean hadUnsavedChanges = compilationUnit.hasUnsavedChanges();
// , null, null);
if (!hadUnsavedChanges) {, true);
// I did not find any other way to directly modify the AST
// while still keeping the resolved type bindings working.
// Using astRoot.recordModifications() did not work:
// type bindings were lost. Is there a way to recover them?
// FIXME we should find a way to apply all the changes at
// the AST level and refresh the bindings
resetParser(compilationUnit, parser, options);
astRoot = (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null);
final Set<ASTVisitor> thisLoopVisitors = refactoring.getVisitorsContributingRefactoring();
if (!thisLoopVisitors.equals(lastLoopVisitors)) {
lastLoopVisitors = new HashSet<ASTVisitor>(thisLoopVisitors);
nbLoopsWithSameVisitors = 0;
} else {
use of org.autorefactor.refactoring.rules.AggregateASTVisitor in project AutoRefactor by JnRouvignac.
the class ApplyRefactoringsJob method applyRefactoring.
* Applies the refactorings provided inside the {@link AggregateASTVisitor} to the provided
* {@link ICompilationUnit}.
* @param document the document where the compilation unit comes from
* @param compilationUnit the compilation unit to refactor
* @param refactoring the {@link AggregateASTVisitor} to apply to the compilation unit
* @param options the Java project options used to compile the project
* @param monitor the progress monitor of the current job
* @throws Exception if any problem occurs
* @see <a
* href=""
* >Eclipse JDT core - Manipulating Java code</a>
* @see <a href="
* > Eclipse Platform Plug-in Developer Guide > Plugging into the workbench
* > Basic workbench extension points using commands > org.eclipse.ui.menus</a>
* @see <a
* href=""
* >Abstract Syntax Tree > Write it down</a>
public void applyRefactoring(IDocument document, ICompilationUnit compilationUnit, AggregateASTVisitor refactoring, JavaProjectOptions options, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception {
// creation of DOM/AST from a ICompilationUnit
final ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS4);
resetParser(compilationUnit, parser, options);
CompilationUnit astRoot = (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null);
int totalNbLoops = 0;
Set<ASTVisitor> lastLoopVisitors = Collections.emptySet();
int nbLoopsWithSameVisitors = 0;
while (true) {
if (totalNbLoops > 100) {
// Oops! Something went wrong.
final String errorMsg = "An infinite loop has been detected for file " + getFileName(astRoot) + "." + " A possible cause is that code is being incorrectly" + " refactored one way then refactored back to what it was." + " Fix the code before pursuing." + getPossibleCulprits(nbLoopsWithSameVisitors, lastLoopVisitors);
environment.getLogger().error(errorMsg, new IllegalStateException(astRoot, errorMsg));
final RefactoringContext ctx = new RefactoringContext(compilationUnit, astRoot, options, monitor, environment);
final Refactorings refactorings = refactoring.getRefactorings(astRoot);
if (!refactorings.hasRefactorings()) {
// we are done with applying the refactorings.
// apply the refactorings and save the compilation unit
final boolean hadUnsavedChanges = compilationUnit.hasUnsavedChanges();
// , null, null);
if (!hadUnsavedChanges) {, true);
// I did not find any other way to directly modify the AST
// while still keeping the resolved type bindings working.
// Using astRoot.recordModifications() did not work:
// type bindings were lost. Is there a way to recover them?
// FIXME we should find a way to apply all the changes at
// the AST level and refresh the bindings
resetParser(compilationUnit, parser, options);
astRoot = (CompilationUnit) parser.createAST(null);
final Set<ASTVisitor> thisLoopVisitors = refactoring.getVisitorsContributingRefactoring();
if (!thisLoopVisitors.equals(lastLoopVisitors)) {
lastLoopVisitors = new HashSet<ASTVisitor>(thisLoopVisitors);
nbLoopsWithSameVisitors = 0;
} else {
use of org.autorefactor.refactoring.rules.AggregateASTVisitor in project AutoRefactor by JnRouvignac.
the class ApplyRefactoringsJob method run0.
private IStatus run0(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception {
if (refactoringUnits.isEmpty()) {
// No java project exists.
return Status.OK_STATUS;
final SubMonitor loopMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, refactoringUnits.size());
try {
RefactoringUnit toRefactor;
while ((toRefactor = refactoringUnits.poll()) != null) {
final ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = toRefactor.getCompilationUnit();
final JavaProjectOptions options = toRefactor.getOptions();
try {
loopMonitor.subTask("Applying refactorings to " + getClassName(compilationUnit));
final AggregateASTVisitor refactoring = new AggregateASTVisitor(refactoringRulesToApply);
applyRefactoring(compilationUnit, refactoring, options, loopMonitor.newChild(1));
} catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
final String msg = "Exception when applying refactorings to file \"" + compilationUnit.getPath() + "\": " + e.getMessage();
throw new UnhandledException(null, msg, e);
} finally {
return Status.OK_STATUS;