use of org.b3log.latke.service.LangPropsService in project solo by b3log.
the class Skins method fillLangs.
* Fills the specified data model with the current skink's (WebRoot/skins/${skinName}/lang/
* and core language (WebRoot/WEB-INF/classes/ configurations.
* @param localeString the specified locale string
* @param currentSkinDirName the specified current skin directory name
* @param dataModel the specified data model
* @throws ServiceException service exception
public static void fillLangs(final String localeString, final String currentSkinDirName, final Map<String, Object> dataModel) throws ServiceException {
Stopwatchs.start("Fill Skin Langs");
try {
final String langName = currentSkinDirName + "." + localeString;
Map<String, String> langs = LANG_MAP.get(langName);
if (null == langs) {
// Collect unused skin languages
LOGGER.log(Level.DEBUG, "Loading skin [dirName={0}, locale={1}]", new Object[] { currentSkinDirName, localeString });
langs = new HashMap<String, String>();
final String language = Locales.getLanguage(localeString);
final String country = Locales.getCountry(localeString);
final ServletContext servletContext = SoloServletListener.getServletContext();
final InputStream inputStream = servletContext.getResourceAsStream("/skins/" + currentSkinDirName + "/lang/lang_" + language + '_' + country + ".properties");
final Properties props = new Properties();
final Set<Object> keys = props.keySet();
for (final Object key : keys) {
langs.put((String) key, props.getProperty((String) key));
LANG_MAP.put(langName, langs);
LOGGER.log(Level.DEBUG, "Loaded skin[dirName={0}, locale={1}, keyCount={2}]", new Object[] { currentSkinDirName, localeString, langs.size() });
// Fills the current skin's language configurations
// Fills the core language configurations
final LatkeBeanManager beanManager = Lifecycle.getBeanManager();
final LangPropsService langPropsService = beanManager.getReference(LangPropsServiceImpl.class);
} catch (final IOException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Fills skin langs failed", e);
throw new ServiceException(e);
} finally {