use of org.ballerinalang.composer.service.ballerina.parser.service.model.BFile in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class SwaggerConverterUtils method generateSwaggerDefinitions.
* This method will generate ballerina string from swagger definition. Since ballerina service definition is super
* set of swagger definition we will take both swagger and ballerina definition and merge swagger changes to
* ballerina definition selectively to prevent data loss
* @param ballerinaSource ballerina definition to be process as ballerina definition
* @param serviceName service name
* @return String representation of converted ballerina source
* @throws IOException when error occur while processing input swagger and ballerina definitions.
public static String generateSwaggerDefinitions(String ballerinaSource, String serviceName) throws IOException {
// Get the ballerina model using the ballerina source code.
BFile balFile = new BFile();
BLangCompilationUnit topCompilationUnit = SwaggerConverterUtils.getTopLevelNodeFromBallerinaFile(balFile);
String httpAlias = getAlias(topCompilationUnit, Constants.BALLERINA_HTTP_PACKAGE_NAME);
String swaggerAlias = getAlias(topCompilationUnit, Constants.SWAGGER_PACKAGE_NAME);
SwaggerServiceMapper swaggerServiceMapper = new SwaggerServiceMapper(httpAlias, swaggerAlias);
String swaggerSource = StringUtils.EMPTY;
for (TopLevelNode topLevelNode : topCompilationUnit.getTopLevelNodes()) {
if (topLevelNode instanceof BLangService) {
ServiceNode serviceDefinition = (ServiceNode) topLevelNode;
// Generate swagger string for the mentioned service name.
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(serviceName)) {
if (serviceDefinition.getName().getValue().equals(serviceName)) {
Swagger swaggerDefinition = swaggerServiceMapper.convertServiceToSwagger(serviceDefinition);
swaggerSource = swaggerServiceMapper.generateSwaggerString(swaggerDefinition);
} else {
// If no service name mentioned, then generate swagger definition for the first service.
Swagger swaggerDefinition = swaggerServiceMapper.convertServiceToSwagger(serviceDefinition);
swaggerSource = swaggerServiceMapper.generateSwaggerString(swaggerDefinition);
return swaggerSource;
use of org.ballerinalang.composer.service.ballerina.parser.service.model.BFile in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class SwaggerConverterUtils method generateOAS3Definitions.
* This method will generate open API 3.X specification for given ballerina service. Since we will need to
* support both swagger 2.0 and OAS 3.0 it was implemented to convert to swagger by default and convert it
* to OAS on demand.
* @param ballerinaSource ballerina source to be converted to swagger/OAS definition
* @param serviceName specific service name within ballerina source that need to map OAS
* @return Generated OAS3 string output.
* @throws IOException When error occurs while converting, parsing input source.
public static String generateOAS3Definitions(String ballerinaSource, String serviceName) throws IOException {
// Get the ballerina model using the ballerina source code.
BFile balFile = new BFile();
// Create empty swagger object.
Swagger swaggerDefinition = new Swagger();
BLangCompilationUnit topCompilationUnit = SwaggerConverterUtils.getTopLevelNodeFromBallerinaFile(balFile);
String httpAlias = getAlias(topCompilationUnit, Constants.BALLERINA_HTTP_PACKAGE_NAME);
String swaggerAlias = getAlias(topCompilationUnit, Constants.SWAGGER_PACKAGE_NAME);
SwaggerServiceMapper swaggerServiceMapper = new SwaggerServiceMapper(httpAlias, swaggerAlias);
String swaggerSource = StringUtils.EMPTY;
for (TopLevelNode topLevelNode : topCompilationUnit.getTopLevelNodes()) {
if (topLevelNode instanceof BLangService) {
ServiceNode serviceDefinition = (ServiceNode) topLevelNode;
// Generate swagger string for the mentioned service name.
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(serviceName)) {
if (serviceDefinition.getName().getValue().equals(serviceName)) {
swaggerDefinition = swaggerServiceMapper.convertServiceToSwagger(serviceDefinition);
} else {
// If no service name mentioned, then generate swagger definition for the first service.
swaggerDefinition = swaggerServiceMapper.convertServiceToSwagger(serviceDefinition);
swaggerSource = swaggerServiceMapper.generateSwaggerString(swaggerDefinition);
SwaggerConverter converter = new SwaggerConverter();
return Yaml.pretty(converter.readContents(swaggerSource, null, null).getOpenAPI());
use of org.ballerinalang.composer.service.ballerina.parser.service.model.BFile in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class SwaggerConverterUtils method getTopLevelNodeFromBallerinaFile.
* Generate ballerina fine from the String definition.
* @param bFile ballerina string definition
* @return ballerina file created from ballerina string definition
* @throws IOException IO exception
public static BLangCompilationUnit getTopLevelNodeFromBallerinaFile(BFile bFile) throws IOException {
String filePath = bFile.getFilePath();
String fileName = bFile.getFileName();
String content = bFile.getContent();
Path fileRoot = Paths.get(filePath);
org.wso2.ballerinalang.compiler.tree.BLangPackage model;
// Sometimes we are getting Ballerina content without a file in the file-system.
if (!Files.exists(Paths.get(filePath, fileName))) {
BallerinaFile ballerinaFile = ParserUtils.getBallerinaFileForContent(fileRoot, fileName, content, CompilerPhase.CODE_ANALYZE);
model = ballerinaFile.getBLangPackage();
} else {
BallerinaFile ballerinaFile = ParserUtils.getBallerinaFile(filePath, fileName);
model = ballerinaFile.getBLangPackage();
final Map<String, ModelPackage> modelPackage = new HashMap<>();
ParserUtils.loadPackageMap(Constants.CURRENT_PACKAGE_NAME, model, modelPackage);
Optional<BLangCompilationUnit> compilationUnit = model.getCompilationUnits().stream().filter(compUnit -> fileName.equals(compUnit.getName())).findFirst();
return compilationUnit.orElse(null);