use of org.ballerinalang.model.tree.expressions.SimpleVariableReferenceNode in project ballerina by ballerina-lang.
the class EndpointContextHolder method buildContext.
* Build a parsable object model for a service endpoint. {@code ep} must be bound to the {@code service}
* inorder to extract its details. If {@code ep} is not bound to the {@code service} null
* will be returned
* @param service service with bound endpoints
* @param ep {@link EndpointNode} which to extract details from
* @return if {@code ep} is bound to the {@code service}, endpoint context will be returned.
* otherwise empty null will be returned
public static EndpointContextHolder buildContext(ServiceNode service, EndpointNode ep) {
EndpointContextHolder endpoint = null;
for (SimpleVariableReferenceNode node : service.getBoundEndpoints()) {
if (node.getVariableName().equals(ep.getName())) {
endpoint = new EndpointContextHolder();
AnnotationAttachmentNode ann = GeneratorUtils.getAnnotationFromList("ServiceConfig", GeneratorConstants.HTTP_PKG_ALIAS, service.getAnnotationAttachments());
endpoint.extractDetails(ep, ann);
return endpoint;