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Example 1 with CommunityVar

use of org.batfish.symbolic.CommunityVar in project batfish by batfish.

the class Encoder method environmentBlockingClause.

   * Generate a blocking clause for the encoding that says that one
   * of the environments that was true before must now be false.
private BoolExpr environmentBlockingClause(Model m) {
    BoolExpr acc1 = mkFalse();
    BoolExpr acc2 = mkTrue();
    // Disable an environment edge if possible
    Map<LogicalEdge, SymbolicRoute> map = getMainSlice().getLogicalGraph().getEnvironmentVars();
    for (Map.Entry<LogicalEdge, SymbolicRoute> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        SymbolicRoute record = entry.getValue();
        BoolExpr per = record.getPermitted();
        Expr x = m.evaluate(per, false);
        if (x.toString().equals("true")) {
            acc1 = mkOr(acc1, mkNot(per));
        } else {
            acc2 = mkAnd(acc2, mkNot(per));
    // Disable a community value if possible
    for (Map.Entry<LogicalEdge, SymbolicRoute> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        SymbolicRoute record = entry.getValue();
        for (Map.Entry<CommunityVar, BoolExpr> centry : record.getCommunities().entrySet()) {
            BoolExpr comm = centry.getValue();
            Expr x = m.evaluate(comm, false);
            if (x.toString().equals("true")) {
                acc1 = mkOr(acc1, mkNot(comm));
            } else {
                acc2 = mkAnd(acc2, mkNot(comm));
    return mkAnd(acc1, acc2);
Also used : CommunityVar(org.batfish.symbolic.CommunityVar) BoolExpr( BoolExpr( ArithExpr( BitVecExpr( Expr( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) SortedMap(java.util.SortedMap)

Example 2 with CommunityVar

use of org.batfish.symbolic.CommunityVar in project batfish by batfish.

the class EncoderSlice method equalCommunities.

private BoolExpr equalCommunities(SymbolicRoute best, SymbolicRoute vars) {
    BoolExpr acc = mkTrue();
    for (Map.Entry<CommunityVar, BoolExpr> entry : best.getCommunities().entrySet()) {
        CommunityVar cvar = entry.getKey();
        BoolExpr var = entry.getValue();
        BoolExpr other = vars.getCommunities().get(cvar);
        if (other == null) {
            acc = mkAnd(acc, mkNot(var));
        } else {
            acc = mkAnd(acc, mkEq(var, other));
    return acc;
Also used : CommunityVar(org.batfish.symbolic.CommunityVar) BoolExpr( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 3 with CommunityVar

use of org.batfish.symbolic.CommunityVar in project batfish by batfish.

the class EncoderSlice method addExportConstraint.

   * Creates the transfer function to represent export filters
   * between two symbolic records. The import filter depends
   * heavily on the protocol.
private void addExportConstraint(LogicalEdge e, SymbolicRoute varsOther, @Nullable SymbolicRoute ospfRedistribVars, @Nullable SymbolicRoute overallBest, Configuration conf, Protocol proto, GraphEdge ge, String router, boolean usedExport, Set<Prefix> originations) {
    SymbolicRoute vars = e.getSymbolicRecord();
    Interface iface = ge.getStart();
    ArithExpr failed = getSymbolicFailures().getFailedVariable(e.getEdge());
    assert (failed != null);
    BoolExpr notFailed = mkEq(failed, mkInt(0));
    // only add constraints once when using a single copy of export variables
    if (!_optimizations.getSliceCanKeepSingleExportVar().get(router).get(proto) || !usedExport) {
        if (proto.isConnected()) {
            BoolExpr val = mkNot(vars.getPermitted());
        if (proto.isStatic()) {
            BoolExpr val = mkNot(vars.getPermitted());
        if (proto.isOspf() || proto.isBgp()) {
            // BGP cost based on export
            Integer cost = proto.isBgp() ? addedCost(proto, ge) : 0;
            BoolExpr val = mkNot(vars.getPermitted());
            BoolExpr active = interfaceActive(iface, proto);
            // Apply BGP export policy and cost based on peer type
            // (1) EBGP --> ALL
            // (2) CLIENT --> ALL
            // (3) NONCLIENT --> EBGP, CLIENT
            boolean isNonClientEdge = proto.isBgp() && getGraph().peerType(ge) != Graph.BgpSendType.TO_EBGP;
            boolean isClientEdge = proto.isBgp() && getGraph().peerType(ge) == Graph.BgpSendType.TO_CLIENT;
            boolean isInternalExport = varsOther.isBest() && _optimizations.getNeedBgpInternal().contains(router);
            BoolExpr doExport = mkTrue();
            if (isInternalExport && proto.isBgp() && isNonClientEdge) {
                if (isClientEdge) {
                    cost = 0;
                } else {
                    // Lookup if we learned from iBGP, and if so, don't export the route
                    SymbolicRoute other = getBestNeighborPerProtocol(router, proto);
                    assert other != null;
                    assert other.getBgpInternal() != null;
                    if (other.getBgpInternal() != null) {
                        doExport = mkNot(other.getBgpInternal());
                        cost = 0;
            BoolExpr acc;
            RoutingPolicy pol = getGraph().findExportRoutingPolicy(router, proto, e.getEdge());
            if (Encoder.ENABLE_DEBUGGING && pol != null) {
                System.out.println("Export policy (" + _sliceName + "," + ge + "): " + pol.getName());
            // We have to wrap this with the right thing for some reason
            List<Statement> statements;
            Statements.StaticStatement s1 = new Statements.StaticStatement(Statements.ExitAccept);
            Statements.StaticStatement s2 = new Statements.StaticStatement(Statements.ExitReject);
            if (proto.isOspf()) {
                If i = new If();
                List<Statement> stmts = (pol == null ? Collections.singletonList(s2) : pol.getStatements());
                BooleanExpr expr = new MatchProtocol(RoutingProtocol.OSPF);
                statements = Collections.singletonList(i);
            } else {
                statements = (pol == null ? Collections.singletonList(s1) : pol.getStatements());
            TransferSSA f = new TransferSSA(this, conf, varsOther, vars, proto, statements, cost, ge, true);
            acc = f.compute();
            BoolExpr usable = mkAnd(active, doExport, varsOther.getPermitted(), notFailed);
            // will maintain the same preference when adding to the cost.
            if (ospfRedistribVars != null) {
                assert overallBest != null;
                f = new TransferSSA(this, conf, overallBest, ospfRedistribVars, proto, statements, cost, ge, true);
                BoolExpr acc2 = f.compute();
                // System.out.println("ADDING: \n" + acc2.simplify());
                BoolExpr usable2 = mkAnd(active, doExport, ospfRedistribVars.getPermitted(), notFailed);
                BoolExpr geq = greaterOrEqual(conf, proto, ospfRedistribVars, varsOther, e);
                BoolExpr isBetter = mkNot(mkAnd(ospfRedistribVars.getPermitted(), geq));
                BoolExpr usesOspf = mkAnd(varsOther.getPermitted(), isBetter);
                BoolExpr eq = equal(conf, proto, ospfRedistribVars, vars, e, false);
                BoolExpr eqPer = mkEq(ospfRedistribVars.getPermitted(), vars.getPermitted());
                acc = mkIf(usesOspf, mkIf(usable, acc, val), mkIf(usable2, mkAnd(eq, eqPer), val));
            } else {
                acc = mkIf(usable, acc, val);
            for (Prefix p : originations) {
                // For OSPF, we need to explicitly initiate a route
                if (proto.isOspf()) {
                    BoolExpr ifaceUp = interfaceActive(iface, proto);
                    BoolExpr relevantPrefix = isRelevantFor(p, _symbolicPacket.getDstIp());
                    BoolExpr relevant = mkAnd(ifaceUp, relevantPrefix);
                    int adminDistance = defaultAdminDistance(conf, proto);
                    int prefixLength = p.getPrefixLength();
                    BoolExpr per = vars.getPermitted();
                    BoolExpr lp = safeEq(vars.getLocalPref(), mkInt(0));
                    BoolExpr ad = safeEq(vars.getAdminDist(), mkInt(adminDistance));
                    BoolExpr met = safeEq(vars.getMetric(), mkInt(cost));
                    BoolExpr med = safeEq(vars.getMed(), mkInt(100));
                    BoolExpr len = safeEq(vars.getPrefixLength(), mkInt(prefixLength));
                    BoolExpr type = safeEqEnum(vars.getOspfType(), OspfType.O);
                    BoolExpr area = safeEqEnum(vars.getOspfArea(), iface.getOspfAreaName());
                    BoolExpr internal = safeEq(vars.getBgpInternal(), mkFalse());
                    BoolExpr igpMet = safeEq(vars.getIgpMetric(), mkInt(0));
                    BoolExpr comms = mkTrue();
                    for (Map.Entry<CommunityVar, BoolExpr> entry : vars.getCommunities().entrySet()) {
                        comms = mkAnd(comms, mkNot(entry.getValue()));
                    BoolExpr values = mkAnd(per, lp, ad, met, med, len, type, area, internal, igpMet, comms);
                    // Don't originate OSPF route when there is a better redistributed route
                    if (ospfRedistribVars != null) {
                        BoolExpr betterLen = mkGt(ospfRedistribVars.getPrefixLength(), mkInt(prefixLength));
                        BoolExpr equalLen = mkEq(ospfRedistribVars.getPrefixLength(), mkInt(prefixLength));
                        BoolExpr betterAd = mkLt(ospfRedistribVars.getAdminDist(), mkInt(110));
                        BoolExpr better = mkOr(betterLen, mkAnd(equalLen, betterAd));
                        BoolExpr betterRedistributed = mkAnd(ospfRedistribVars.getPermitted(), better);
                        relevant = mkAnd(relevant, mkNot(betterRedistributed));
                    acc = mkIf(relevant, values, acc);
            if (Encoder.ENABLE_DEBUGGING) {
                System.out.println("EXPORT: " + router + " " + varsOther.getName() + " " + ge);
Also used : ArithExpr( BoolExpr( Statement(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.Statement) RoutingPolicy(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.RoutingPolicy) Prefix(org.batfish.datamodel.Prefix) MatchProtocol(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.expr.MatchProtocol) CommunityVar(org.batfish.symbolic.CommunityVar) Statements(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.Statements) If(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.If) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) Interface(org.batfish.datamodel.Interface) BooleanExpr(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.expr.BooleanExpr)

Example 4 with CommunityVar

use of org.batfish.symbolic.CommunityVar in project batfish by batfish.

the class TransferBDD method matchCommunityList.

   * Converts a community list to a boolean expression.
private BDD matchCommunityList(TransferParam<BDDRoute> p, CommunityList cl, BDDRoute other) {
    List<CommunityListLine> lines = new ArrayList<>(cl.getLines());
    BDD acc =;
    for (CommunityListLine line : lines) {
        boolean action = (line.getAction() == LineAction.ACCEPT);
        CommunityVar cvar = new CommunityVar(CommunityVar.Type.REGEX, line.getRegex(), null);
        p.debug("Match Line: " + cvar);
        p.debug("Action: " + line.getAction());
        // Skip this match if it is irrelevant
        if (_policyQuotient.getCommsMatchedButNotAssigned().contains(cvar)) {
        List<CommunityVar> deps = _commDeps.get(cvar);
        for (CommunityVar dep : deps) {
            p.debug("Test for: " + dep);
            BDD c = other.getCommunities().get(dep);
            acc = ite(c, mkBDD(action), acc);
    return acc;
Also used : CommunityVar(org.batfish.symbolic.CommunityVar) BDD(net.sf.javabdd.BDD) CommunityListLine(org.batfish.datamodel.CommunityListLine) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 5 with CommunityVar

use of org.batfish.symbolic.CommunityVar in project batfish by batfish.

the class TransferBDD method compute.

   * Convert a list of statements into a Z3 boolean expression for the transfer function.
private TransferResult<TransferReturn, BDD> compute(List<Statement> statements, TransferParam<BDDRoute> p) {
    boolean doesReturn = false;
    TransferResult<TransferReturn, BDD> result = new TransferResult<>();
    result = result.setReturnValue(new TransferReturn(p.getData(),;
    for (Statement stmt : statements) {
        if (stmt instanceof StaticStatement) {
            StaticStatement ss = (StaticStatement) stmt;
            switch(ss.getType()) {
                case ExitAccept:
                    doesReturn = true;
                    result = returnValue(result, true);
                case ReturnTrue:
                    doesReturn = true;
                    result = returnValue(result, true);
                case ExitReject:
                    doesReturn = true;
                    result = returnValue(result, false);
                case ReturnFalse:
                    doesReturn = true;
                    result = returnValue(result, false);
                case SetDefaultActionAccept:
                    p = p.setDefaultAccept(true);
                case SetDefaultActionReject:
                    p = p.setDefaultAccept(false);
                case SetLocalDefaultActionAccept:
                    p = p.setDefaultAcceptLocal(true);
                case SetLocalDefaultActionReject:
                    p = p.setDefaultAcceptLocal(false);
                case ReturnLocalDefaultAction:
                    // TODO: need to set local default action in an environment
                    if (p.getDefaultAcceptLocal()) {
                        result = returnValue(result, true);
                    } else {
                        result = returnValue(result, false);
                case FallThrough:
                    result = fallthrough(result);
                case Return:
                    // TODO: assumming this happens at the end of the function, so it is ignored for now.
                case RemovePrivateAs:
                    // System.out.println("Warning: use of unimplemented feature RemovePrivateAs");
                    throw new BatfishException("TODO: computeTransferFunction: " + ss.getType());
        } else if (stmt instanceof If) {
            If i = (If) stmt;
            TransferResult<TransferReturn, BDD> r = compute(i.getGuard(), p.indent());
            BDD guard = r.getReturnValue().getSecond();
            p.debug("guard: ");
            BDDRoute current = result.getReturnValue().getFirst();
            TransferParam<BDDRoute> pTrue = p.indent().setData(current.deepCopy());
            TransferParam<BDDRoute> pFalse = p.indent().setData(current.deepCopy());
            p.debug("True Branch");
            TransferResult<TransferReturn, BDD> trueBranch = compute(i.getTrueStatements(), pTrue);
            p.debug("True Branch: " + trueBranch.getReturnValue().getFirst().hashCode());
            p.debug("False Branch");
            TransferResult<TransferReturn, BDD> falseBranch = compute(i.getFalseStatements(), pFalse);
            p.debug("False Branch: " + trueBranch.getReturnValue().getFirst().hashCode());
            BDDRoute r1 = trueBranch.getReturnValue().getFirst();
            BDDRoute r2 = falseBranch.getReturnValue().getFirst();
            BDDRoute recordVal = ite(guard, r1, r2);
            // update return values
            BDD returnVal = ite(guard, trueBranch.getReturnValue().getSecond(), falseBranch.getReturnValue().getSecond());
            // p.debug("New Return Value (neg): " + returnVal.not());
            BDD returnAss = ite(guard, trueBranch.getReturnAssignedValue(), falseBranch.getReturnAssignedValue());
            // p.debug("New Return Assigned: " + returnAss);
            BDD fallThrough = ite(guard, trueBranch.getFallthroughValue(), falseBranch.getFallthroughValue());
            // p.debug("New fallthrough: " + fallThrough);
            result = result.setReturnValue(new TransferReturn(recordVal, returnVal)).setReturnAssignedValue(returnAss).setFallthroughValue(fallThrough);
            p.debug("If return: " + result.getReturnValue().getFirst().hashCode());
        } else if (stmt instanceof SetDefaultPolicy) {
            p = p.setDefaultPolicy((SetDefaultPolicy) stmt);
        } else if (stmt instanceof SetMetric) {
            SetMetric sm = (SetMetric) stmt;
            LongExpr ie = sm.getMetric();
            BDD isBGP = p.getData().getProtocolHistory().value(Protocol.BGP);
            BDD updateMed = isBGP.and(result.getReturnAssignedValue());
            BDD updateMet = isBGP.not().and(result.getReturnAssignedValue());
            BDDInteger newValue = applyLongExprModification(p.indent(), p.getData().getMetric(), ie);
            BDDInteger med = ite(updateMed, p.getData().getMed(), newValue);
            BDDInteger met = ite(updateMet, p.getData().getMetric(), newValue);
        } else if (stmt instanceof SetOspfMetricType) {
            SetOspfMetricType somt = (SetOspfMetricType) stmt;
            OspfMetricType mt = somt.getMetricType();
            BDDDomain<OspfType> current = result.getReturnValue().getFirst().getOspfMetric();
            BDDDomain<OspfType> newValue = new BDDDomain<>(current);
            if (mt == OspfMetricType.E1) {
                p.indent().debug("Value: E1");
            } else {
                p.indent().debug("Value: E2");
            newValue = ite(result.getReturnAssignedValue(), p.getData().getOspfMetric(), newValue);
        } else if (stmt instanceof SetLocalPreference) {
            SetLocalPreference slp = (SetLocalPreference) stmt;
            IntExpr ie = slp.getLocalPreference();
            BDDInteger newValue = applyIntExprModification(p.indent(), p.getData().getLocalPref(), ie);
            newValue = ite(result.getReturnAssignedValue(), p.getData().getLocalPref(), newValue);
        } else if (stmt instanceof AddCommunity) {
            AddCommunity ac = (AddCommunity) stmt;
            Set<CommunityVar> comms = _graph.findAllCommunities(_conf, ac.getExpr());
            for (CommunityVar cvar : comms) {
                if (!_policyQuotient.getCommsAssignedButNotMatched().contains(cvar)) {
                    p.indent().debug("Value: " + cvar);
                    BDD comm = p.getData().getCommunities().get(cvar);
                    BDD newValue = ite(result.getReturnAssignedValue(), comm,;
                    p.indent().debug("New Value: " + newValue);
                    p.getData().getCommunities().put(cvar, newValue);
        } else if (stmt instanceof SetCommunity) {
            SetCommunity sc = (SetCommunity) stmt;
            Set<CommunityVar> comms = _graph.findAllCommunities(_conf, sc.getExpr());
            for (CommunityVar cvar : comms) {
                if (!_policyQuotient.getCommsAssignedButNotMatched().contains(cvar)) {
                    p.indent().debug("Value: " + cvar);
                    BDD comm = p.getData().getCommunities().get(cvar);
                    BDD newValue = ite(result.getReturnAssignedValue(), comm,;
                    p.indent().debug("New Value: " + newValue);
                    p.getData().getCommunities().put(cvar, newValue);
        } else if (stmt instanceof DeleteCommunity) {
            DeleteCommunity ac = (DeleteCommunity) stmt;
            Set<CommunityVar> comms = _graph.findAllCommunities(_conf, ac.getExpr());
            Set<CommunityVar> toDelete = new HashSet<>();
            // Find comms to delete
            for (CommunityVar cvar : comms) {
                if (cvar.getType() == Type.REGEX) {
                } else {
            // Delete the comms
            for (CommunityVar cvar : toDelete) {
                if (!_policyQuotient.getCommsAssignedButNotMatched().contains(cvar)) {
                    p.indent().debug("Value: " + cvar.getValue() + ", " + cvar.getType());
                    BDD comm = p.getData().getCommunities().get(cvar);
                    BDD newValue = ite(result.getReturnAssignedValue(), comm,;
                    p.indent().debug("New Value: " + newValue);
                    p.getData().getCommunities().put(cvar, newValue);
        } else if (stmt instanceof RetainCommunity) {
        // no op
        } else if (stmt instanceof PrependAsPath) {
            PrependAsPath pap = (PrependAsPath) stmt;
            Integer prependCost = prependLength(pap.getExpr());
            p.indent().debug("Cost: " + prependCost);
            BDDInteger met = p.getData().getMetric();
            BDDInteger newValue = met.add(BDDInteger.makeFromValue(met.getFactory(), 32, prependCost));
            newValue = ite(result.getReturnAssignedValue(), p.getData().getMetric(), newValue);
        } else if (stmt instanceof SetOrigin) {
        // System.out.println("Warning: use of unimplemented feature SetOrigin");
        // TODO: implement me
        } else if (stmt instanceof SetNextHop) {
        // System.out.println("Warning: use of unimplemented feature SetNextHop");
        // TODO: implement me
        } else {
            throw new BatfishException("TODO: statement transfer function: " + stmt);
    // If this is the outermost call, then we relate the variables
    if (p.getInitialCall()) {
        p.debug("InitialCall finalizing");
        // Apply the default action
        if (!doesReturn) {
            p.debug("Applying default action: " + p.getDefaultAccept());
            if (p.getDefaultAccept()) {
                result = returnValue(result, true);
            } else {
                result = returnValue(result, false);
        // Set all the values to 0 if the return is not true;
        TransferReturn ret = result.getReturnValue();
        BDDRoute retVal = ite(ret.getSecond(), ret.getFirst(), zeroedRecord());
        result = result.setReturnValue(new TransferReturn(retVal, ret.getSecond()));
    return result;
Also used : BDD(net.sf.javabdd.BDD) MatchCommunitySet(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.expr.MatchCommunitySet) MatchPrefix6Set(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.expr.MatchPrefix6Set) InlineCommunitySet(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.expr.InlineCommunitySet) Set(java.util.Set) NamedPrefixSet(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.expr.NamedPrefixSet) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ExplicitPrefixSet(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.expr.ExplicitPrefixSet) MatchPrefixSet(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.expr.MatchPrefixSet) NamedCommunitySet(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.expr.NamedCommunitySet) TransferResult(org.batfish.symbolic.TransferResult) RetainCommunity(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.RetainCommunity) SetMetric(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.SetMetric) SetCommunity(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.SetCommunity) OspfType(org.batfish.symbolic.OspfType) SetNextHop(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.SetNextHop) LongExpr(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.expr.LongExpr) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) BatfishException(org.batfish.common.BatfishException) StaticStatement(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.Statements.StaticStatement) Statement(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.Statement) StaticStatement(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.Statements.StaticStatement) SetOrigin(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.SetOrigin) DeleteCommunity(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.DeleteCommunity) SetDefaultPolicy(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.SetDefaultPolicy) AddCommunity(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.AddCommunity) CommunityVar(org.batfish.symbolic.CommunityVar) OspfMetricType(org.batfish.datamodel.OspfMetricType) SetOspfMetricType(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.SetOspfMetricType) SetLocalPreference(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.SetLocalPreference) TransferParam(org.batfish.symbolic.TransferParam) PrependAsPath(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.PrependAsPath) SetOspfMetricType(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.SetOspfMetricType) IntExpr(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.expr.IntExpr) If(org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.statement.If)


CommunityVar (org.batfish.symbolic.CommunityVar)16 BoolExpr ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7 Map (java.util.Map)7 ArithExpr ( BatfishException (org.batfish.common.BatfishException)6 BitVecExpr ( Expr ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Prefix (org.batfish.datamodel.Prefix)4 InlineCommunitySet (org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.expr.InlineCommunitySet)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)3 BDD (net.sf.javabdd.BDD)3 CommunityList (org.batfish.datamodel.CommunityList)3 CommunityListLine (org.batfish.datamodel.CommunityListLine)3 NamedCommunitySet (org.batfish.datamodel.routing_policy.expr.NamedCommunitySet)3 GraphEdge (org.batfish.symbolic.GraphEdge)3 Protocol (org.batfish.symbolic.Protocol)3 Set (java.util.Set)2