use of org.batfish.symbolic.abstraction.NetworkSlice in project batfish by batfish.
the class PropertyChecker method checkForwarding.
* Compute the forwarding behavior for the network. This adds no
* additional constraints on top of the base network encoding.
* Forwarding will be determined only for a particular network
* environment, failure scenario, and data plane packet.
public AnswerElement checkForwarding(HeaderQuestion question) {
long totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
HeaderQuestion q = new HeaderQuestion(question);
Tuple<Stream<Supplier<NetworkSlice>>, Long> ecs = findAllNetworkSlices(q, null, true);
Stream<Supplier<NetworkSlice>> stream = ecs.getFirst();
Long timeAbstraction = ecs.getSecond();
Optional<Supplier<NetworkSlice>> opt = stream.findFirst();
if (!opt.isPresent()) {
throw new BatfishException("Unexpected Error: checkForwarding");
long timeEc = System.currentTimeMillis();
Supplier<NetworkSlice> sup = opt.get();
NetworkSlice slice = sup.get();
timeEc = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeEc;
Graph g = slice.getGraph();
q = new HeaderQuestion(q);
long timeEncoding = System.currentTimeMillis();
Encoder encoder = new Encoder(_settings, g, q);
addEnvironmentConstraints(encoder, q.getBaseEnvironmentType());
timeEncoding = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeEncoding;
VerificationResult result = encoder.verify().getFirst();
totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - totalTime;
VerificationStats stats = result.getStats();
if (q.getBenchmark()) {
stats.setTimeCreateBdds((double) timeAbstraction);
stats.setTimeCreateBdds((double) timeAbstraction);
return new SmtOneAnswerElement(result);
use of org.batfish.symbolic.abstraction.NetworkSlice in project batfish by batfish.
the class PropertyChecker method checkProperty.
* General purpose logic for checking a property that holds that
* handles the various flags and parameters for a query with endpoints
* q is the question from the user.
* instrument instruments each router in the graph as needed to check the property.
* answer takes the result from Z3 and produces the answer for the user.
private AnswerElement checkProperty(HeaderLocationQuestion q, TriFunction<Encoder, Set<String>, Set<GraphEdge>, Map<String, BoolExpr>> instrument, Function<VerifyParam, AnswerElement> answer) {
long totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
PathRegexes p = new PathRegexes(q);
Graph graph = new Graph(_batfish);
Set<GraphEdge> destPorts = findFinalInterfaces(graph, p);
List<String> sourceRouters = PatternUtils.findMatchingSourceNodes(graph, p);
if (destPorts.isEmpty()) {
throw new BatfishException("Set of valid destination interfaces is empty");
if (sourceRouters.isEmpty()) {
throw new BatfishException("Set of valid ingress nodes is empty");
inferDestinationHeaderSpace(graph, destPorts, q);
Set<GraphEdge> failOptions = failLinkSet(graph, q);
Tuple<Stream<Supplier<NetworkSlice>>, Long> ecs = findAllNetworkSlices(q, graph, true);
Stream<Supplier<NetworkSlice>> stream = ecs.getFirst();
Long timeAbstraction = ecs.getSecond();
AnswerElement[] answerElement = new AnswerElement[1];
VerificationResult[] result = new VerificationResult[2];
List<VerificationStats> ecStats = new ArrayList<>();
// Checks ECs in parallel, but short circuits when a counterexample is found
boolean hasCounterExample = stream.anyMatch(lazyEc -> {
long timeEc = System.currentTimeMillis();
NetworkSlice slice = lazyEc.get();
timeEc = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeEc;
synchronized (_lock) {
// Make sure the headerspace is correct
HeaderLocationQuestion question = new HeaderLocationQuestion(q);
// Get the EC graph and mapping
Graph g = slice.getGraph();
Set<String> srcRouters = mapConcreteToAbstract(slice, sourceRouters);
long timeEncoding = System.currentTimeMillis();
Encoder enc = new Encoder(_settings, g, question);
timeEncoding = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeEncoding;
// Add environment constraints for base case
if (question.getDiffType() != null) {
if (question.getEnvDiff()) {
addEnvironmentConstraints(enc, question.getDeltaEnvironmentType());
} else {
addEnvironmentConstraints(enc, question.getBaseEnvironmentType());
Map<String, BoolExpr> prop = instrument.apply(enc, srcRouters, destPorts);
// If this is a equivalence query, we create a second copy of the network
Encoder enc2 = null;
Map<String, BoolExpr> prop2 = null;
if (question.getDiffType() != null) {
HeaderLocationQuestion q2 = new HeaderLocationQuestion(question);
long timeDiffEncoding = System.currentTimeMillis();
enc2 = new Encoder(enc, g, q2);
timeDiffEncoding = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeDiffEncoding;
timeEncoding += timeDiffEncoding;
if (question.getDiffType() != null) {
assert (enc2 != null);
// create a map for enc2 to lookup a related environment variable from enc
Table2<GraphEdge, EdgeType, SymbolicRoute> relatedEnv = new Table2<>();
enc2.getMainSlice().getLogicalGraph().getEnvironmentVars().forEach((lge, r) -> relatedEnv.put(lge.getEdge(), lge.getEdgeType(), r));
BoolExpr related = enc.mkTrue();
addEnvironmentConstraints(enc2, question.getBaseEnvironmentType());
if (!question.getEnvDiff()) {
related = relateEnvironments(enc, enc2);
prop2 = instrument.apply(enc2, srcRouters, destPorts);
// Add diff constraints
BoolExpr required = enc.mkTrue();
for (String source : srcRouters) {
BoolExpr sourceProp1 = prop.get(source);
BoolExpr sourceProp2 = prop2.get(source);
BoolExpr val;
switch(q.getDiffType()) {
val = enc.mkImplies(sourceProp1, sourceProp2);
val = enc.mkImplies(sourceProp2, sourceProp1);
case ANY:
val = enc.mkEq(sourceProp1, sourceProp2);
throw new BatfishException("Missing case: " + q.getDiffType());
required = enc.mkAnd(required, val);
related = enc.mkAnd(related, relatePackets(enc, enc2));
} else {
// Not a differential query; just a query on a single version of the network.
BoolExpr allProp = enc.mkTrue();
for (String router : srcRouters) {
BoolExpr r = prop.get(router);
if (q.getNegate()) {
r = enc.mkNot(r);
allProp = enc.mkAnd(allProp, r);
addFailureConstraints(enc, destPorts, failOptions);
Tuple<VerificationResult, Model> tup = enc.verify();
VerificationResult res = tup.getFirst();
Model model = tup.getSecond();
if (q.getBenchmark()) {
VerificationStats stats = res.getStats();
stats.setTimeCreateBdds((double) timeAbstraction);
synchronized (_lock) {
if (!res.isVerified()) {
VerifyParam vp = new VerifyParam(res, model, srcRouters, enc, enc2, prop, prop2);
AnswerElement ae = answer.apply(vp);
synchronized (_lock) {
answerElement[0] = ae;
result[0] = res;
return true;
synchronized (_lock) {
result[1] = res;
return false;
totalTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - totalTime);
VerificationResult res;
AnswerElement ae;
if (hasCounterExample) {
res = result[0];
ae = answerElement[0];
} else {
res = result[1];
VerifyParam vp = new VerifyParam(res, null, null, null, null, null, null);
ae = answer.apply(vp);
if (q.getBenchmark()) {
VerificationStats stats = VerificationStats.combineAll(ecStats, totalTime);
return ae;
use of org.batfish.symbolic.abstraction.NetworkSlice in project batfish by batfish.
the class PropertyChecker method findAllNetworkSlices.
private Tuple<Stream<Supplier<NetworkSlice>>, Long> findAllNetworkSlices(HeaderQuestion q, @Nullable Graph graph, boolean useDefaultCase) {
if (q.getUseAbstraction()) {
HeaderSpace h = q.getHeaderSpace();
int numFailures = q.getFailures();
System.out.println("Start verification");
System.out.println("Using headerspace: " + h.getDstIps());
DestinationClasses dcs = DestinationClasses.create(_batfish, graph, h, useDefaultCase);
System.out.println("Number of edges: " + dcs.getGraph().getAllRealEdges().size());
System.out.println("Created destination classes");
System.out.println("Num Classes: " + dcs.getHeaderspaceMap().size());
long l = System.currentTimeMillis();
ArrayList<Supplier<NetworkSlice>> ecs = NetworkSlice.allSlices(dcs, numFailures);
l = System.currentTimeMillis() - l;
System.out.println("Created BDDs");
return new Tuple<>(ecs.parallelStream(), l);
} else {
List<Supplier<NetworkSlice>> singleEc = new ArrayList<>();
Graph g = graph == null ? new Graph(_batfish) : graph;
Abstraction a = new Abstraction(g, null);
NetworkSlice slice = new NetworkSlice(q.getHeaderSpace(), a, false);
Supplier<NetworkSlice> sup = () -> slice;
return new Tuple<>(, 0L);