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Example 1 with UpdateResult

use of org.bedework.caldav.server.sysinterface.SysIntf.UpdateResult in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.

the class BwUpdates method addRemove.

private UpdateResult addRemove(final EventInfo ei, final Component subComponent, final boolean add, final List<PropertyReferenceType> refs, final IcalCallback cb) throws WebdavException {
    for (PropertyReferenceType r : refs) {
        BasePropertyType bprop;
        QName pname;
        if (r.getBaseProperty() == null) {
            return new UpdateResult("No new value for add");
        bprop = r.getBaseProperty().getValue();
        pname = r.getBaseProperty().getName();
        PropertyUpdater pu = getUpdater(bprop);
        if (pu == null) {
            return new UpdateResult("No updater for property: " + pname);
        PropertyUpdateInfo ui = new PropertyUpdateInfo(bprop, pname, cb, ei, subComponent, state, userHref);
        UpdateResult ur;
        if (add) {
            ur = ui.setAdd(r);
        } else {
            ur = ui.setRemove(r);
        if (ur != null) {
            return ur;
        ur = pu.applyUpdate(ui);
        if (!ur.getOk()) {
            return ur;
    return UpdateResult.getOkResult();
Also used : BasePropertyType(ietf.params.xml.ns.icalendar_2.BasePropertyType) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) PropertyReferenceType( UpdateResult(org.bedework.caldav.server.sysinterface.SysIntf.UpdateResult)

Example 2 with UpdateResult

use of org.bedework.caldav.server.sysinterface.SysIntf.UpdateResult in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.

the class BwUpdates method removeSubComp.

private UpdateResult removeSubComp(final EventInfo ei, final ComponentReferenceType sel) throws WebdavException {
    Component subc = findSubComponent(ei, sel.getBaseComponent().getValue());
    if (subc == null) {
        return new UpdateResult("Invalid sub-component selection for remove");
    return UpdateResult.getOkResult();
Also used : StartEndComponent(org.bedework.calfacade.base.StartEndComponent) Component(org.bedework.caldav.bwserver.PropertyUpdater.Component) UpdateResult(org.bedework.caldav.server.sysinterface.SysIntf.UpdateResult)

Example 3 with UpdateResult

use of org.bedework.caldav.server.sysinterface.SysIntf.UpdateResult in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.

the class BwUpdates method validateDates.

private UpdateResult validateDates(final EventInfo ei) throws WebdavException {
    DatesState ds = (DatesState) state.get(DatesState.stateName);
    if (ds == null) {
        return UpdateResult.getOkResult();
    BwEvent ev = ei.getEvent();
    boolean task = ev.getEntityType() == IcalDefs.entityTypeTodo;
    PropertyInfoIndex endPi;
    ChangeTable chg = ei.getChangeset(userHref);
    if (task) {
        endPi = PropertyInfoIndex.DUE;
    } else {
        endPi = PropertyInfoIndex.DTEND;
    try {
        boolean scheduleReply = ev.getScheduleMethod() == ScheduleMethods.methodTypeReply;
        if (ds.start == null) {
            if (!scheduleReply && !task) {
                return new UpdateResult("org.bedework.error.nostartdate");
            /* A todo can have no date and time. set start to now, end to
         * many years from now and the noStart flag.
         * Such an entry has to appear only on the current day.
            if (ds.end != null) {
                ds.start = ds.end;
            } else {
                Date now = new Date(new java.util.Date().getTime());
                DtStart dtStart = new DtStart(now);
                ds.start = BwDateTime.makeBwDateTime(dtStart);
            if (!ev.getNoStart() || !CalFacadeUtil.eqObjval(ev.getDtstart(), ds.start)) {
                chg.changed(PropertyInfoIndex.DTSTART, ev.getDtstart(), null);
        } else if (ev.getNoStart() || !ds.start.equals(ev.getDtstart())) {
            chg.changed(PropertyInfoIndex.DTSTART, ev.getDtstart(), ds.start);
        char endType = StartEndComponent.endTypeNone;
        if (ds.end != null) {
            if ((ev.getEndType() != StartEndComponent.endTypeDate) || !CalFacadeUtil.eqObjval(ev.getDtend(), ds.end)) {
                chg.changed(endPi, ev.getDtend(), ds.end);
                endType = StartEndComponent.endTypeDate;
        } else if (scheduleReply || task) {
            // about 10 years
            Dur years = new Dur(520);
            Date now = new Date(new java.util.Date().getTime());
            DtEnd dtEnd = new DtEnd(new Date(years.getTime(now)));
            ds.end = BwDateTime.makeBwDateTime(dtEnd);
            if (!CalFacadeUtil.eqObjval(ev.getDtend(), ds.end)) {
                chg.changed(endPi, ev.getDtend(), ds.end);
         * If we were given a duration store it in the event and calculate
         *          an end to the event - which we should not have been given.
        if (ds.duration != null) {
            if (endType != StartEndComponent.endTypeNone) {
                if (ev.getEntityType() == IcalDefs.entityTypeFreeAndBusy) {
                // Apple is sending both - duration indicates the minimum
                // freebusy duration. Ignore for now.
                } else {
                    return new UpdateResult(CalFacadeException.endAndDuration);
            endType = StartEndComponent.endTypeDuration;
            if (!ds.duration.equals(ev.getDuration())) {
                chg.changed(PropertyInfoIndex.DURATION, ev.getDuration(), ds.duration);
            ev.setDtend(BwDateTime.makeDateTime(ev.getDtstart().makeDtStart(), ev.getDtstart().getDateType(), new Dur(ds.duration)));
        } else if (!scheduleReply && (endType == StartEndComponent.endTypeNone) && !task) {
            /* No duration and no end specified.
         * Set the end values to the start values + 1 for dates
            boolean dateOnly = ev.getDtstart().getDateType();
            Dur dur;
            if (dateOnly) {
                // 1 day
                dur = new Dur(1, 0, 0, 0);
            } else {
                // No duration
                dur = new Dur(0, 0, 0, 0);
            BwDateTime bwDtEnd = BwDateTime.makeDateTime(ev.getDtstart().makeDtStart(), dateOnly, dur);
            if (!CalFacadeUtil.eqObjval(ev.getDtend(), bwDtEnd)) {
                chg.changed(endPi, ev.getDtend(), bwDtEnd);
        if ((endType != StartEndComponent.endTypeDuration) && (ev.getDtstart() != null) && (ev.getDtend() != null)) {
            // Calculate a duration
            String durVal = BwDateTime.makeDuration(ev.getDtstart(), ev.getDtend()).toString();
            if (!durVal.equals(ev.getDuration())) {
                chg.changed(PropertyInfoIndex.DURATION, ev.getDuration(), durVal);
        return UpdateResult.getOkResult();
    } catch (CalFacadeException cfe) {
        throw new WebdavException(cfe);
Also used : Dur(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Dur) BwDateTime(org.bedework.calfacade.BwDateTime) WebdavException(org.bedework.webdav.servlet.shared.WebdavException) BwEvent(org.bedework.calfacade.BwEvent) Date(net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Date) CalFacadeException(org.bedework.calfacade.exc.CalFacadeException) PropertyInfoIndex(org.bedework.util.calendar.PropertyIndex.PropertyInfoIndex) DtStart( ChangeTable(org.bedework.calfacade.util.ChangeTable) DatesState(org.bedework.caldav.bwserver.stdupdaters.DateDatetimePropUpdater.DatesState) UpdateResult(org.bedework.caldav.server.sysinterface.SysIntf.UpdateResult) DtEnd(

Example 4 with UpdateResult

use of org.bedework.caldav.server.sysinterface.SysIntf.UpdateResult in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.

the class BwUpdates method applyUpdate.

private UpdateResult applyUpdate(final EventInfo ei, final ComponentSelectionType selPar) throws WebdavException {
    /* First two selects just get us in to the events */
    ComponentSelectionType sel = selPar;
    // Top level must be "vcalendar"
    if ((sel == null) || (sel.getVcalendar() == null)) {
        return new UpdateResult("Not \"vcalendar\"");
    // Next - expect "components"
    ComponentsSelectionType csel = sel.getComponents();
    if (csel == null) {
        return new UpdateResult("Not \"component\"");
    for (ComponentReferenceType c : csel.getRemove()) {
        UpdateResult ur = removeOverride(ei, c);
        if (!ur.getOk()) {
            return ur;
    for (ComponentReferenceType c : csel.getAdd()) {
        UpdateResult ur = addOverride(ei, c);
        if (!ur.getOk()) {
            return ur;
    /* Updates may be applied to the master or any overrides selected by uid and
     * recurrence-id
    for (ComponentSelectionType cs : csel.getComponent()) {
        BaseComponentType ent = cs.getBaseComponent().getValue();
        // Must be a component matching the current one.
        if (ent == null) {
            return new UpdateResult("Missing component to match");
        Integer entType = entTypes.get(ent.getClass());
        if (entType == null) {
            return new UpdateResult("Unknown entity type: " + ent.getClass());
        if (entType != ei.getEvent().getEntityType()) {
            return new UpdateResult("No matching entity");
        List<EventInfo> entities = new ArrayList<EventInfo>();
        entities = match(// sel,
        entities, ent);
        if ((entities == null) || (entities.size() == 0)) {
            return new UpdateResult("No matching entity");
        if ((cs.getProperties() == null) && (cs.getComponents() == null)) {
            // No properties or components - error
            return new UpdateResult("Must select \"components\" and/or \"properties\"");
        /* At this point we either select properties to change or nested components
        if (cs.getComponents() != null) {
            UpdateResult ur = applySubCompUpdates(ei, cs.getComponents());
            if (!ur.getOk()) {
                return ur;
        if (cs.getProperties() != null) {
            // Updating properties
            UpdateResult ur = updateEventsProperties(entities, cs.getProperties());
            if (!ur.getOk()) {
                return ur;
    return UpdateResult.getOkResult();
Also used : BaseComponentType(ietf.params.xml.ns.icalendar_2.BaseComponentType) ComponentSelectionType( EventInfo(org.bedework.calfacade.svc.EventInfo) ComponentsSelectionType( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ComponentReferenceType( UpdateResult(org.bedework.caldav.server.sysinterface.SysIntf.UpdateResult)

Example 5 with UpdateResult

use of org.bedework.caldav.server.sysinterface.SysIntf.UpdateResult in project bw-calendar-engine by Bedework.

the class AlarmDurationPropUpdater method applyUpdate.

public UpdateResult applyUpdate(final UpdateInfo ui) throws WebdavException {
    BwAlarm alarm = ui.getSubComponent().getAlarm();
    DurationPropType dur = (DurationPropType) ui.getProp();
    if (ui.isRemove()) {
        if (alarm.getDuration() == null) {
            return new UpdateResult("Entity has no duration - cannot remove");
        flagChange(alarm, ui);
        return UpdateResult.getOkResult();
    if (ui.isAdd()) {
        if (alarm.getDuration() != null) {
            return new UpdateResult("Entity already has duration - cannot add");
        flagChange(alarm, ui);
        return UpdateResult.getOkResult();
    /* Changing duration */
    dur = (DurationPropType) ui.getUpdprop();
    if (!dur.getDuration().equals(alarm.getDuration())) {
        flagChange(alarm, ui);
    return UpdateResult.getOkResult();
Also used : DurationPropType(ietf.params.xml.ns.icalendar_2.DurationPropType) BwAlarm(org.bedework.calfacade.BwAlarm) UpdateResult(org.bedework.caldav.server.sysinterface.SysIntf.UpdateResult)


UpdateResult (org.bedework.caldav.server.sysinterface.SysIntf.UpdateResult)31 BwEvent (org.bedework.calfacade.BwEvent)23 ChangeTableEntry (org.bedework.calfacade.util.ChangeTableEntry)20 CalFacadeException (org.bedework.calfacade.exc.CalFacadeException)11 WebdavException (org.bedework.webdav.servlet.shared.WebdavException)11 BwString (org.bedework.calfacade.BwString)6 TextPropertyType (ietf.params.xml.ns.icalendar_2.TextPropertyType)4 BwAlarm (org.bedework.calfacade.BwAlarm)4 BwDateTime (org.bedework.calfacade.BwDateTime)4 BwXproperty (org.bedework.calfacade.BwXproperty)4 BaseComponentType (ietf.params.xml.ns.icalendar_2.BaseComponentType)2 BasePropertyType (ietf.params.xml.ns.icalendar_2.BasePropertyType)2 DateDatetimePropertyType (ietf.params.xml.ns.icalendar_2.DateDatetimePropertyType)2 DurationPropType (ietf.params.xml.ns.icalendar_2.DurationPropType)2 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)2 QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)2 Holder ( ParameterUpdater (org.bedework.caldav.bwserver.ParameterUpdater)2 BwContact (org.bedework.calfacade.BwContact)2 BwLocation (org.bedework.calfacade.BwLocation)2