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Example 1 with BiomeInfo

use of org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeInfo in project DynamicSurroundings by OreCruncher.

the class BiomeSoundEffectsHandler method process.

public void process(@Nonnull final EntityPlayer player) {
    final TObjectFloatHashMap<SoundEffect> sounds = new TObjectFloatHashMap<>(Constants.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, Constants.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, -1F);
    if (doBiomeSounds())
    final ObjectArray<SoundEffect> playerSounds = new ObjectArray<>();
    if (ModOptions.sound.enableBattleMusic)
    if (EnvironState.inVillage())
    playerSounds.forEach(fx -> sounds.put(fx, 1.0F));
    if (doBiomeSounds()) {
        final BiomeInfo playerBiome = EnvironState.getPlayerBiome();
        final SoundEffect sound = playerBiome.getSpotSound(this.RANDOM);
        if (sound != null)
            SoundEffectHandler.INSTANCE.playSoundAtPlayer(player, sound);
    final SoundEffect sound = ClientRegistry.BIOME.PLAYER_INFO.getSpotSound(this.RANDOM);
    if (sound != null)
        SoundEffectHandler.INSTANCE.playSoundAtPlayer(player, sound);
Also used : SoundEffect(org.blockartistry.DynSurround.client.sound.SoundEffect) TObjectFloatHashMap( BiomeInfo(org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeInfo) ObjectArray(org.blockartistry.lib.collections.ObjectArray)

Example 2 with BiomeInfo

use of org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeInfo in project DynamicSurroundings by OreCruncher.

the class StormRenderer method render.

 * Render rain and snow
public void render(@Nonnull final EntityRenderer renderer, final float partialTicks) {
    // Don't use EnvironState - may not have been initialized when rendering
    // starts.
    final Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
    final World world =;
    if (!ClientRegistry.DIMENSION.hasWeather(world))
    final float rainStrength = Weather.getIntensityLevel();
    if (rainStrength <= 0.0F)
    final float alphaRatio = rainStrength / Weather.getMaxIntensityLevel();
    GlStateManager.glNormal3f(0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F);
    GlStateManager.tryBlendFuncSeparate(GlStateManager.SourceFactor.SRC_ALPHA, GlStateManager.DestFactor.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GlStateManager.SourceFactor.ONE, GlStateManager.DestFactor.ZERO);
    GlStateManager.alphaFunc(516, 0.1F);
    final int range = mc.gameSettings.fancyGraphics ? 10 : 5;
    final float f1 = RenderWeather.rendererUpdateCount + partialTicks;
    GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
    final SeasonInfo season = ClientRegistry.SEASON.getData(world);
    final Weather.Properties props = Weather.getWeatherProperties();
    final Entity entity = mc.getRenderViewEntity();
    final BlockPos playerPos = EnvironState.getPlayerPosition();
    final int playerX = playerPos.getX();
    final int playerY = playerPos.getY();
    final int playerZ = playerPos.getZ();
    for (int gridZ = playerZ - range; gridZ <= playerZ + range; ++gridZ) {
        for (int gridX = playerX - range; gridX <= playerX + range; ++gridX) {
            final int idx = (gridZ - playerZ + 16) * 32 + gridX - playerX + 16;
            final double rainX = RAIN_X_COORDS[idx];
            final double rainY = RAIN_Y_COORDS[idx];
            this.mutable.setPos(gridX, 0, gridZ);
            if (!RandomThings.shouldRain(world, this.mutable))
            final BiomeInfo biome = ClientRegistry.BIOME.get(ClientChunkCache.INSTANCE.getBiome(this.mutable));
            if (!biome.hasWeatherEffect())
            final int precipHeight = season.getPrecipitationHeight(world, this.mutable).getY();
            final int k2 = Math.max(playerY - range, precipHeight);
            final int l2 = Math.max(playerY + range, precipHeight);
            if (k2 == l2)
            final int i3 = Math.max(precipHeight, locY);
            this.random.setSeed(gridX * gridX * 3121 + gridX * 45238971 ^ gridZ * gridZ * 418711 + gridZ * 13761);
            this.mutable.setPos(gridX, k2, gridZ);
            final boolean canSnow = season.canWaterFreeze(world, this.mutable);
            final double d6 = gridX + 0.5F - entity.posX;
            final double d7 = gridZ + 0.5F - entity.posZ;
            final float f3 = MathHelper.sqrt(d6 * d6 + d7 * d7) / range;
            this.mutable.setPos(gridX, i3, gridZ);
            final int combinedLight = ClientChunkCache.INSTANCE.getCombinedLight(this.mutable, 0);
            if (!biome.getHasDust() && !canSnow) {
                // d8 makes the rain fall down. Assumes texture height of 512 pixels.
                final double d5 = ((double) (RenderWeather.rendererUpdateCount + gridX * gridX * 3121 + gridX * 45238971 + gridZ * gridZ * 418711 + gridZ * 13761 & 31) + (double) partialTicks) / 32.0D * (3.0D + this.random.nextDouble());
                final float alpha = ((1.0F - f3 * f3) * 0.5F + 0.5F) * alphaRatio;
                final int slX16 = combinedLight >> 16 & 65535;
                final int blX16 = combinedLight & 65535;
                worldrenderer.pos(gridX - rainX + 0.5D, k2, gridZ - rainY + 0.5D).tex(0.0D, k2 * 0.25D + d5).color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, alpha).lightmap(slX16, blX16).endVertex();
                worldrenderer.pos(gridX + rainX + 0.5D, k2, gridZ + rainY + 0.5D).tex(1.0D, k2 * 0.25D + d5).color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, alpha).lightmap(slX16, blX16).endVertex();
                worldrenderer.pos(gridX + rainX + 0.5D, l2, gridZ + rainY + 0.5D).tex(1.0D, l2 * 0.25D + d5).color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, alpha).lightmap(slX16, blX16).endVertex();
                worldrenderer.pos(gridX - rainX + 0.5D, l2, gridZ - rainY + 0.5D).tex(0.0D, l2 * 0.25D + d5).color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, alpha).lightmap(slX16, blX16).endVertex();
            } else {
                ResourceLocation texture = props.getSnowTexture();
                if (biome.getHasDust() && !canSnow)
                    texture = props.getDustTexture();
                final Color color;
                if (biome.getHasDust())
                    color = biome.getDustColor();
                    color = Color.WHITE;
                // d8 makes the snow fall down. Assumes texture height of 512 pixels.
                final double d8 = ((RenderWeather.rendererUpdateCount & 511) + partialTicks) / 512.0F;
                // The 0.2F factor was originally 0.01F. It
                // affects the horizontal movement of particles,
                // which works well for dust.
                final float factor = biome.getHasDust() ? 0.2F : 0.01F;
                // d9 shifts the texture left/right
                final double d9 = this.random.nextDouble() + (double) f1 * factor * ((float) this.random.nextGaussian());
                // d10 shifts the texture up/down
                final double d10 = this.random.nextDouble() + f1 * (float) this.random.nextGaussian() * 0.001D;
                final float alpha = ((1.0F - f3 * f3) * 0.3F + 0.5F) * alphaRatio;
                final int cl = (combinedLight * 3 + 15728880) / 4;
                final int slX16 = cl >> 16 & 65535;
                final int blX16 = cl & 65535;
                worldrenderer.pos(gridX - rainX + 0.5D, k2, gridZ - rainY + 0.5D).tex(0.0D + d9, k2 * 0.25D + d8 + d10).color(,,, alpha).lightmap(slX16, blX16).endVertex();
                worldrenderer.pos(gridX + rainX + 0.5D, k2, gridZ + rainY + 0.5D).tex(1.0D + d9, k2 * 0.25D + d8 + d10).color(,,, alpha).lightmap(slX16, blX16).endVertex();
                worldrenderer.pos(gridX + rainX + 0.5D, l2, gridZ + rainY + 0.5D).tex(1.0D + d9, l2 * 0.25D + d8 + d10).color(,,, alpha).lightmap(slX16, blX16).endVertex();
                worldrenderer.pos(gridX - rainX + 0.5D, l2, gridZ - rainY + 0.5D).tex(0.0D + d9, l2 * 0.25D + d8 + d10).color(,,, alpha).lightmap(slX16, blX16).endVertex();
    GlStateManager.alphaFunc(516, 0.1F);
Also used : Entity(net.minecraft.entity.Entity) Color(org.blockartistry.lib.Color) BiomeInfo(org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeInfo) World( Minecraft(net.minecraft.client.Minecraft) ResourceLocation(net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation) SeasonInfo(org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.season.SeasonInfo) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)

Example 3 with BiomeInfo

use of org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeInfo in project DynamicSurroundings by OreCruncher.

the class BiomeFogRangeCalculator method calculate.

public FogResult calculate(@Nonnull final EntityViewRenderEvent.RenderFogEvent event) {
    final EntityLivingBase player = EnvironState.getPlayer();
    final IBlockAccessEx provider = ClientChunkCache.INSTANCE;
    final int playerX = MathStuff.floor(player.posX);
    final int playerZ = MathStuff.floor(player.posZ);
    final float rainStr = Weather.getIntensityLevel();
    final Context ctx = this.context[event.getFogMode() == -1 ? 0 : 1];
    if (ctx.returnCached(playerX, playerZ, rainStr, event))
        return ctx.cached;
    final BlockPos.MutableBlockPos pos = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos(0, 0, 0);
    float fpDistanceBiomeFog = 0F;
    float weightBiomeFog = 0;
    final boolean isRaining = Weather.isRaining();
    ctx.rain = rainStr;
    ctx.doScan = false;
    for (int x = -DISTANCE; x <= DISTANCE; ++x) {
        for (int z = -DISTANCE; z <= DISTANCE; ++z) {
            pos.setPos(playerX + x, 0, playerZ + z);
            // If the chunk is not available doScan will be set true. This will force
            // another scan on the next tick.
            ctx.doScan = ctx.doScan | !provider.isAvailable(pos);
            final BiomeInfo biome = ClientRegistry.BIOME.get(provider.getBiome(pos));
            float distancePart = 1F;
            final float weightPart = 1;
            if (isRaining && biome.getHasDust()) {
                distancePart = 1F - DUST_FOG_IMPACT * rainStr;
            } else if (biome.getHasFog()) {
                distancePart = biome.getFogDensity();
            fpDistanceBiomeFog += distancePart;
            weightBiomeFog += weightPart;
    final float weightMixed = (DISTANCE * 2 + 1) * (DISTANCE * 2 + 1);
    final float weightDefault = weightMixed - weightBiomeFog;
    final float fpDistanceBiomeFogAvg = (weightBiomeFog == 0) ? 0 : fpDistanceBiomeFog / weightBiomeFog;
    float farPlaneDistance = (fpDistanceBiomeFog * 240 + event.getFarPlaneDistance() * weightDefault) / weightMixed;
    final float farPlaneDistanceScaleBiome = (0.1f * (1 - fpDistanceBiomeFogAvg) + 0.75f * fpDistanceBiomeFogAvg);
    final float farPlaneDistanceScale = (farPlaneDistanceScaleBiome * weightBiomeFog + 0.75f * weightDefault) / weightMixed;
    ctx.posX = playerX;
    ctx.posZ = playerZ;
    ctx.lastFarPlane = event.getFarPlaneDistance();
    farPlaneDistance = Math.min(farPlaneDistance, event.getFarPlaneDistance());
    ctx.cached.set(event.getFogMode(), farPlaneDistance, farPlaneDistanceScale);
    return ctx.cached;
Also used : IBlockAccessEx(org.blockartistry.lib.chunk.IBlockAccessEx) EntityLivingBase(net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase) BiomeInfo(org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeInfo) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 4 with BiomeInfo

use of org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeInfo in project DynamicSurroundings by OreCruncher.

the class BiomeFogColorCalculator method calculate.

public Color calculate(@Nonnull final EntityViewRenderEvent.FogColors event) {
    final EntityLivingBase player = EnvironState.getPlayer();
    final World world = EnvironState.getWorld();
    final IBlockAccessEx provider = ClientChunkCache.INSTANCE;
    final int playerX = MathStuff.floor(player.posX);
    final int playerZ = MathStuff.floor(player.posZ);
    // ForgeHooksClient.getSkyBlendColour()
    final GameSettings settings = Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings;
    final int[] ranges = ForgeModContainer.blendRanges;
    int distance = 6;
    if (settings.fancyGraphics && ranges.length > 0) {
        distance = ranges[MathStuff.clamp(settings.renderDistanceChunks, 0, ranges.length - 1)];
    final BlockPos.MutableBlockPos pos = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos(0, 0, 0);
    this.doScan |= this.posX != playerX || this.posZ != playerZ;
    if (this.doScan) {
        this.doScan = false;
        this.posX = playerX;
        this.posZ = playerZ;
        this.biomeFogColor = new Color(0, 0, 0);
        this.weightBiomeFog = 0;
        for (int x = -distance; x <= distance; ++x) {
            for (int z = -distance; z <= distance; ++z) {
                pos.setPos(playerX + x, 0, playerZ + z);
                // If the chunk is not available doScan will be set true. This will force
                // another scan on the next tick.
                this.doScan = this.doScan | !provider.isAvailable(pos);
                final BiomeInfo biome = ClientRegistry.BIOME.get(provider.getBiome(pos));
                final Color color;
                // Fetch the color we are dealing with.
                if (biome.getHasDust()) {
                    color = biome.getDustColor();
                } else if (biome.getHasFog()) {
                    color = biome.getFogColor();
                } else {
                    color = null;
                if (color != null) {
                    this.weightBiomeFog += 1F;
    // If we have nothing then just return whatever Vanilla wanted
    if (this.weightBiomeFog == 0 || distance == 0)
        return super.calculate(event);
    // WorldProvider.getFogColor() - need to calculate the scale based
    // on sunlight and stuff.
    final float partialTicks = (float) event.getRenderPartialTicks();
    final float celestialAngle = world.getCelestialAngle(partialTicks);
    final float baseScale = MathStuff.clamp(MathStuff.cos(celestialAngle * MathStuff.PI_F * 2.0F) * 2.0F + 0.5F, 0, 1);
    double rScale = baseScale * 0.94F + 0.06F;
    double gScale = baseScale * 0.94F + 0.06F;
    double bScale = baseScale * 0.91F + 0.09F;
    // EntityRenderer.updateFogColor() - adjust the scale further
    // based on rain and thunder.
    final float rainStrength = Weather.getIntensityLevel();
    if (rainStrength > 0) {
        rScale *= 1 - rainStrength * 0.5f;
        gScale *= 1 - rainStrength * 0.5f;
        bScale *= 1 - rainStrength * 0.4f;
    final float thunderStrength = Weather.getThunderStrength();
    if (thunderStrength > 0) {
        rScale *= 1 - thunderStrength * 0.5f;
        gScale *= 1 - thunderStrength * 0.5f;
        bScale *= 1 - thunderStrength * 0.5f;
    // Normalize the blended color components based on the biome weight.
    // The components contain a summation of all the fog components
    // in the area around the player.
    final Color fogColor = new Color(this.biomeFogColor);
    (float) (rScale / this.weightBiomeFog), // 
    (float) (gScale / this.weightBiomeFog), // 
    (float) (bScale / this.weightBiomeFog));
    final Color processedColor = applyPlayerEffects(world, player, fogColor, partialTicks);
    final double weightMixed = (distance * 2 + 1) * (distance * 2 + 1);
    final double weightDefault = weightMixed - this.weightBiomeFog;
    final Color vanillaColor = super.calculate(event);
    processedColor.scale((float) this.weightBiomeFog);
    vanillaColor.scale((float) weightDefault);
    return processedColor.add(vanillaColor).scale((float) (1 / weightMixed));
Also used : Color(org.blockartistry.lib.Color) BiomeInfo(org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeInfo) World( IBlockAccessEx(org.blockartistry.lib.chunk.IBlockAccessEx) EntityLivingBase(net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) GameSettings(net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 5 with BiomeInfo

use of org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeInfo in project DynamicSurroundings by OreCruncher.

the class StormSplashRenderer method addRainParticles.

public void addRainParticles(final EntityRenderer theThis) {
    final Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
    if (mc.gameSettings.particleSetting == 2)
    final World world =;
    if (!ClientRegistry.DIMENSION.hasWeather(world))
    float rainStrengthFactor = Weather.getIntensityLevel();
    if (!mc.gameSettings.fancyGraphics)
        rainStrengthFactor /= 2.0F;
    if (rainStrengthFactor <= 0.0F)
    this.RANDOM.setSeed(RenderWeather.rendererUpdateCount * 312987231L);
    final Entity entity = mc.getRenderViewEntity();
    final int playerX = MathHelper.floor(entity.posX);
    final int playerY = MathHelper.floor(entity.posY);
    final int playerZ = MathHelper.floor(entity.posZ);
    double spawnX = 0.0D;
    double spawnY = 0.0D;
    double spawnZ = 0.0D;
    int particlesSpawned = 0;
    final int RANGE = Math.max((ModOptions.general.specialEffectRange + 1) / 2, 10);
    final float rangeFactor = RANGE / 10.0F;
    int particleCount = (int) (ModOptions.rain.particleCountBase * rainStrengthFactor * rainStrengthFactor * rangeFactor);
    if (mc.gameSettings.particleSetting == 1)
        particleCount >>= 1;
    for (int j1 = 0; j1 < particleCount; ++j1) {
        final int locX = playerX + this.RANDOM.nextInt(RANGE) - this.RANDOM.nextInt(RANGE);
        final int locZ = playerZ + this.RANDOM.nextInt(RANGE) - this.RANDOM.nextInt(RANGE);
        this.pos.setPos(locX, 0, locZ);
        if (!RandomThings.shouldRain(world, this.pos))
        final BlockPos precipHeight = getPrecipitationHeight(world, RANGE / 2, this.pos);
        final BiomeInfo biome = ClientRegistry.BIOME.get(world.getBiome(this.pos));
        final boolean hasDust = biome.getHasDust();
        final boolean canSnow = ClientRegistry.SEASON.canWaterFreeze(world, precipHeight);
        if (precipHeight.getY() <= playerY + RANGE && precipHeight.getY() >= playerY - RANGE && (hasDust || (biome.getHasPrecipitation() && !canSnow))) {
            final BlockPos blockPos = precipHeight.down();
            final IBlockState state = WorldUtils.getBlockState(world, blockPos);
            final double posX = locX + this.RANDOM.nextFloat();
            final double posY = precipHeight.getY() + 0.1F - state.getBoundingBox(world, blockPos).minY;
            final double posZ = locZ + this.RANDOM.nextFloat();
            spawnBlockParticle(state, hasDust, world, posX, posY, posZ);
            if (this.RANDOM.nextInt(++particlesSpawned) == 0) {
                spawnX = posX;
                spawnY = posY;
                spawnZ = posZ;
    if (particlesSpawned > 0 && this.RANDOM.nextInt(PARTICLE_SOUND_CHANCE) < this.rainSoundCounter++) {
        this.rainSoundCounter = 0;
        playSplashSound(theThis, world, entity, spawnX, spawnY, spawnZ);
Also used : Entity(net.minecraft.entity.Entity) IBlockState(net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState) BiomeInfo(org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeInfo) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) World( Minecraft(net.minecraft.client.Minecraft)


BiomeInfo (org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.BiomeInfo)6 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)4 World ( Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)3 Minecraft (net.minecraft.client.Minecraft)2 Entity (net.minecraft.entity.Entity)2 EntityLivingBase (net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase)2 SeasonInfo (org.blockartistry.DynSurround.registry.season.SeasonInfo)2 Color (org.blockartistry.lib.Color)2 IBlockAccessEx (org.blockartistry.lib.chunk.IBlockAccessEx)2 TObjectFloatHashMap ( IBlockState (net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState)1 GameSettings (net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings)1 ResourceLocation (net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation)1 SoundEffect (org.blockartistry.DynSurround.client.sound.SoundEffect)1 ObjectArray (org.blockartistry.lib.collections.ObjectArray)1