use of org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECDomainParameters in project web3sdk by FISCO-BCOS.
the class ECDSASigner method generateSignature2.
* The same generateSignature with the temporary variable ECPoint P generated by the signature
* process is also returned together
* @param message the message that will be verified later.
public Object[] generateSignature2(byte[] message) {
ECDomainParameters ec = key.getParameters();
BigInteger n = ec.getN();
BigInteger e = calculateE(n, message);
BigInteger d = ((ECPrivateKeyParameters) key).getD();
if (kCalculator.isDeterministic()) {
kCalculator.init(n, d, message);
} else {
kCalculator.init(n, random);
BigInteger r, s;
ECPoint p;
ECMultiplier basePointMultiplier = createBasePointMultiplier();
// 5.3.2
do // generate s
BigInteger k;
do // generate r
k = kCalculator.nextK();
p = basePointMultiplier.multiply(ec.getG(), k).normalize();
// 5.3.3
r = p.getAffineXCoord().toBigInteger().mod(n);
} while (r.equals(ZERO));
s = k.modInverse(n).multiply(e.add(d.multiply(r))).mod(n);
} while (s.equals(ZERO));
return new Object[] { r, s, p };
use of org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECDomainParameters in project web3sdk by FISCO-BCOS.
the class ECDSASigner method verifySignature.
// 5.4 pg 29
* return true if the value r and s represent a DSA signature for the passed in message (for
* standard DSA the message should be a SHA-1 hash of the real message to be verified).
public boolean verifySignature(byte[] message, BigInteger r, BigInteger s) {
ECDomainParameters ec = key.getParameters();
BigInteger n = ec.getN();
BigInteger e = calculateE(n, message);
// r in the range [1,n-1]
if (r.compareTo(ONE) < 0 || r.compareTo(n) >= 0) {
return false;
// s in the range [1,n-1]
if (s.compareTo(ONE) < 0 || s.compareTo(n) >= 0) {
return false;
BigInteger c = s.modInverse(n);
BigInteger u1 = e.multiply(c).mod(n);
BigInteger u2 = r.multiply(c).mod(n);
ECPoint G = ec.getG();
ECPoint Q = ((ECPublicKeyParameters) key).getQ();
ECPoint point = ECAlgorithms.sumOfTwoMultiplies(G, u1, Q, u2);
// components must be bogus.
if (point.isInfinity()) {
return false;
* If possible, avoid normalizing the point (to save a modular inversion in the curve field).
* There are ~cofactor elements of the curve field that reduce (modulo the group order) to 'r'.
* If the cofactor is known and small, we generate those possible field values and project each
* of them to the same "denominator" (depending on the particular projective coordinates in use)
* as the calculated point.X. If any of the projected values matches point.X, then we have:
* (point.X / Denominator mod p) mod n == r
* as required, and verification succeeds.
* Based on an original idea by Gregory Maxwell (, as implemented in
* the libsecp256k1 project (
ECCurve curve = point.getCurve();
if (curve != null) {
BigInteger cofactor = curve.getCofactor();
if (cofactor != null && cofactor.compareTo(EIGHT) <= 0) {
ECFieldElement D = getDenominator(curve.getCoordinateSystem(), point);
if (D != null && !D.isZero()) {
ECFieldElement X = point.getXCoord();
while (curve.isValidFieldElement(r)) {
ECFieldElement R = curve.fromBigInteger(r).multiply(D);
if (R.equals(X)) {
return true;
r = r.add(n);
return false;
BigInteger v = point.normalize().getAffineXCoord().toBigInteger().mod(n);
return v.equals(r);
use of org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECDomainParameters in project web3sdk by FISCO-BCOS.
the class ECCEncrypt method createBCECPublicKey.
* create BCECPublicKey from publicKey and privateKey
* @param publicKey
* @return
private BCECPublicKey createBCECPublicKey(BigInteger publicKey) {
// Handle public key.
String publicKeyValue = Numeric.toHexStringNoPrefixZeroPadded(publicKey, Keys.PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH_IN_HEX);
String prePublicKeyStr = publicKeyValue.substring(0, 64);
String postPublicKeyStr = publicKeyValue.substring(64);
SecP256K1Curve secP256K1Curve = new SecP256K1Curve();
SecP256K1Point secP256K1Point = (SecP256K1Point) secP256K1Curve.createPoint(new BigInteger(prePublicKeyStr, 16), new BigInteger(postPublicKeyStr, 16));
SecP256K1Point secP256K1PointG = (SecP256K1Point) secP256K1Curve.createPoint(ECCParams.POINTG_PRE, ECCParams.POINTG_POST);
ECDomainParameters domainParameters = new ECDomainParameters(secP256K1Curve, secP256K1PointG, ECCParams.FACTOR_N);
ECPublicKeyParameters publicKeyParameters = new ECPublicKeyParameters(secP256K1Point, domainParameters);
BCECPublicKey bcecPublicKey = new BCECPublicKey("ECDSA", publicKeyParameters, ECCParams.ecNamedCurveSpec, BouncyCastleProvider.CONFIGURATION);
return bcecPublicKey;
use of org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECDomainParameters in project rskj by rsksmart.
the class BridgeSupportTest method addSignatureFromValidFederator.
* Helper method to test addSignature() with a valid federatorPublicKey parameter and both valid/invalid signatures
* @param privateKeysToSignWith keys used to sign the tx. Federator key when we want to produce a valid signature, a random key when we want to produce an invalid signature
* @param numberOfInputsToSign There is just 1 input. 1 when testing the happy case, other values to test attacks/bugs.
* @param signatureCanonical Signature should be canonical. true when testing the happy case, false to test attacks/bugs.
* @param signTwice Sign again with the same key
* @param expectedResult "InvalidParameters", "PartiallySigned" or "FullySigned"
private void addSignatureFromValidFederator(List<BtcECKey> privateKeysToSignWith, int numberOfInputsToSign, boolean signatureCanonical, boolean signTwice, String expectedResult) throws Exception {
// Federation is the genesis federation ATM
Federation federation = bridgeConstants.getGenesisFederation();
Repository repository = createRepository();
final Keccak256 keccak256 = PegTestUtils.createHash3();
Repository track = repository.startTracking();
BridgeStorageProvider provider = new BridgeStorageProvider(track, PrecompiledContracts.BRIDGE_ADDR, bridgeConstants, activationsBeforeForks);
BtcTransaction prevTx = new BtcTransaction(btcParams);
TransactionOutput prevOut = new TransactionOutput(btcParams, prevTx, Coin.FIFTY_COINS, federation.getAddress());
BtcTransaction t = new BtcTransaction(btcParams);
TransactionOutput output = new TransactionOutput(btcParams, t, Coin.COIN, new BtcECKey().toAddress(btcParams));
provider.getRskTxsWaitingForSignatures().put(keccak256, t);;
track = repository.startTracking();
ActivationConfig.ForBlock activations = mock(ActivationConfig.ForBlock.class);
List<LogInfo> logs = new ArrayList<>();
BridgeEventLogger eventLogger = new BridgeEventLoggerImpl(bridgeConstants, activations, logs);
BridgeSupport bridgeSupport = getBridgeSupport(bridgeConstants, new BridgeStorageProvider(track, contractAddress, bridgeConstants, activationsAfterForks), track, eventLogger, mock(Block.class), null);
Script inputScript = t.getInputs().get(0).getScriptSig();
List<ScriptChunk> chunks = inputScript.getChunks();
byte[] program = chunks.get(chunks.size() - 1).data;
Script redeemScript = new Script(program);
Sha256Hash sighash = t.hashForSignature(0, redeemScript, BtcTransaction.SigHash.ALL, false);
BtcECKey.ECDSASignature sig = privateKeysToSignWith.get(0).sign(sighash);
if (!signatureCanonical) {
sig = new BtcECKey.ECDSASignature(sig.r, BtcECKey.CURVE.getN().subtract(sig.s));
byte[] derEncodedSig = sig.encodeToDER();
List derEncodedSigs = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfInputsToSign; i++) {
bridgeSupport.addSignature(findPublicKeySignedBy(federation.getBtcPublicKeys(), privateKeysToSignWith.get(0)), derEncodedSigs, keccak256.getBytes());
if (signTwice) {
// Create another valid signature with the same private key
ECDSASigner signer = new ECDSASigner();
X9ECParameters CURVE_PARAMS = CustomNamedCurves.getByName("secp256k1");
ECDomainParameters CURVE = new ECDomainParameters(CURVE_PARAMS.getCurve(), CURVE_PARAMS.getG(), CURVE_PARAMS.getN(), CURVE_PARAMS.getH());
ECPrivateKeyParameters privKey = new ECPrivateKeyParameters(privateKeysToSignWith.get(0).getPrivKey(), CURVE);
signer.init(true, privKey);
BigInteger[] components = signer.generateSignature(sighash.getBytes());
BtcECKey.ECDSASignature sig2 = new BtcECKey.ECDSASignature(components[0], components[1]).toCanonicalised();
bridgeSupport.addSignature(findPublicKeySignedBy(federation.getBtcPublicKeys(), privateKeysToSignWith.get(0)), Lists.newArrayList(sig2.encodeToDER()), keccak256.getBytes());
if (privateKeysToSignWith.size() > 1) {
BtcECKey.ECDSASignature sig2 = privateKeysToSignWith.get(1).sign(sighash);
byte[] derEncodedSig2 = sig2.encodeToDER();
List derEncodedSigs2 = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfInputsToSign; i++) {
bridgeSupport.addSignature(findPublicKeySignedBy(federation.getBtcPublicKeys(), privateKeysToSignWith.get(1)), derEncodedSigs2, keccak256.getBytes());
provider = new BridgeStorageProvider(repository, PrecompiledContracts.BRIDGE_ADDR, bridgeConstants, activationsBeforeForks);
if ("FullySigned".equals(expectedResult)) {
Assert.assertThat(logs, is(not(empty())));
Assert.assertThat(logs, hasSize(3));
LogInfo releaseTxEvent = logs.get(2);
Assert.assertThat(releaseTxEvent.getTopics(), hasSize(1));
Assert.assertThat(releaseTxEvent.getTopics(), hasItem(Bridge.RELEASE_BTC_TOPIC));
BtcTransaction releaseTx = new BtcTransaction(btcParams, ((RLPList) RLP.decode2(releaseTxEvent.getData()).get(0)).get(1).getRLPData());
Script retrievedScriptSig = releaseTx.getInput(0).getScriptSig();
Assert.assertEquals(4, retrievedScriptSig.getChunks().size());
Assert.assertEquals(true, retrievedScriptSig.getChunks().get(1).data.length > 0);
Assert.assertEquals(true, retrievedScriptSig.getChunks().get(2).data.length > 0);
} else {
Script retrievedScriptSig = provider.getRskTxsWaitingForSignatures().get(keccak256).getInput(0).getScriptSig();
Assert.assertEquals(4, retrievedScriptSig.getChunks().size());
// for "InvalidParameters"
boolean expectSignatureToBePersisted = false;
if ("PartiallySigned".equals(expectedResult)) {
expectSignatureToBePersisted = true;
Assert.assertEquals(expectSignatureToBePersisted, retrievedScriptSig.getChunks().get(1).data.length > 0);
Assert.assertEquals(false, retrievedScriptSig.getChunks().get(2).data.length > 0);
use of org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECDomainParameters in project hutool by looly.
the class ECKeyUtil method getPublicParams.
* 根据私钥参数获取公钥参数
* @param privateKeyParameters 私钥参数
* @return 公钥参数
* @since 5.5.9
public static ECPublicKeyParameters getPublicParams(ECPrivateKeyParameters privateKeyParameters) {
final ECDomainParameters domainParameters = privateKeyParameters.getParameters();
final ECPoint q = new FixedPointCombMultiplier().multiply(domainParameters.getG(), privateKeyParameters.getD());
return new ECPublicKeyParameters(q, domainParameters);