use of org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECDomainParameters in project XobotOS by xamarin.
the class PrivateKeyFactory method createKey.
* Create a private key parameter from the passed in PKCS8 PrivateKeyInfo object.
* @param keyInfo the PrivateKeyInfo object containing the key material
* @return a suitable private key parameter
* @throws IOException on an error decoding the key
public static AsymmetricKeyParameter createKey(PrivateKeyInfo keyInfo) throws IOException {
AlgorithmIdentifier algId = keyInfo.getAlgorithmId();
if (algId.getAlgorithm().equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.rsaEncryption)) {
RSAPrivateKeyStructure keyStructure = new RSAPrivateKeyStructure((ASN1Sequence) keyInfo.getPrivateKey());
return new RSAPrivateCrtKeyParameters(keyStructure.getModulus(), keyStructure.getPublicExponent(), keyStructure.getPrivateExponent(), keyStructure.getPrime1(), keyStructure.getPrime2(), keyStructure.getExponent1(), keyStructure.getExponent2(), keyStructure.getCoefficient());
} else // else if (algId.getObjectId().equals(X9ObjectIdentifiers.dhpublicnumber))
if (algId.getObjectId().equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.dhKeyAgreement)) {
DHParameter params = new DHParameter((ASN1Sequence) keyInfo.getAlgorithmId().getParameters());
DERInteger derX = (DERInteger) keyInfo.getPrivateKey();
BigInteger lVal = params.getL();
int l = lVal == null ? 0 : lVal.intValue();
DHParameters dhParams = new DHParameters(params.getP(), params.getG(), null, l);
return new DHPrivateKeyParameters(derX.getValue(), dhParams);
} else // END android-removed
if (algId.getObjectId().equals(X9ObjectIdentifiers.id_dsa)) {
DERInteger derX = (DERInteger) keyInfo.getPrivateKey();
DEREncodable de = keyInfo.getAlgorithmId().getParameters();
DSAParameters parameters = null;
if (de != null) {
DSAParameter params = DSAParameter.getInstance(de.getDERObject());
parameters = new DSAParameters(params.getP(), params.getQ(), params.getG());
return new DSAPrivateKeyParameters(derX.getValue(), parameters);
} else if (algId.getObjectId().equals(X9ObjectIdentifiers.id_ecPublicKey)) {
X962Parameters params = new X962Parameters((DERObject) keyInfo.getAlgorithmId().getParameters());
ECDomainParameters dParams = null;
if (params.isNamedCurve()) {
DERObjectIdentifier oid = (DERObjectIdentifier) params.getParameters();
X9ECParameters ecP = X962NamedCurves.getByOID(oid);
if (ecP == null) {
ecP = SECNamedCurves.getByOID(oid);
if (ecP == null) {
ecP = NISTNamedCurves.getByOID(oid);
// BEGIN android-removed
// if (ecP == null)
// {
// ecP = TeleTrusTNamedCurves.getByOID(oid);
// }
// END android-removed
dParams = new ECDomainParameters(ecP.getCurve(), ecP.getG(), ecP.getN(), ecP.getH(), ecP.getSeed());
} else {
X9ECParameters ecP = new X9ECParameters((ASN1Sequence) params.getParameters());
dParams = new ECDomainParameters(ecP.getCurve(), ecP.getG(), ecP.getN(), ecP.getH(), ecP.getSeed());
ECPrivateKeyStructure ec = new ECPrivateKeyStructure((ASN1Sequence) keyInfo.getPrivateKey());
return new ECPrivateKeyParameters(ec.getKey(), dParams);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("algorithm identifier in key not recognised");
use of org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECDomainParameters in project robovm by robovm.
the class PrivateKeyFactory method createKey.
* Create a private key parameter from the passed in PKCS8 PrivateKeyInfo object.
* @param keyInfo the PrivateKeyInfo object containing the key material
* @return a suitable private key parameter
* @throws IOException on an error decoding the key
public static AsymmetricKeyParameter createKey(PrivateKeyInfo keyInfo) throws IOException {
AlgorithmIdentifier algId = keyInfo.getPrivateKeyAlgorithm();
if (algId.getAlgorithm().equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.rsaEncryption)) {
RSAPrivateKey keyStructure = RSAPrivateKey.getInstance(keyInfo.parsePrivateKey());
return new RSAPrivateCrtKeyParameters(keyStructure.getModulus(), keyStructure.getPublicExponent(), keyStructure.getPrivateExponent(), keyStructure.getPrime1(), keyStructure.getPrime2(), keyStructure.getExponent1(), keyStructure.getExponent2(), keyStructure.getCoefficient());
} else // else if (algId.getObjectId().equals(X9ObjectIdentifiers.dhpublicnumber))
if (algId.getAlgorithm().equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.dhKeyAgreement)) {
DHParameter params = DHParameter.getInstance(algId.getParameters());
ASN1Integer derX = (ASN1Integer) keyInfo.parsePrivateKey();
BigInteger lVal = params.getL();
int l = lVal == null ? 0 : lVal.intValue();
DHParameters dhParams = new DHParameters(params.getP(), params.getG(), null, l);
return new DHPrivateKeyParameters(derX.getValue(), dhParams);
} else // END android-removed
if (algId.getAlgorithm().equals(X9ObjectIdentifiers.id_dsa)) {
ASN1Integer derX = (ASN1Integer) keyInfo.parsePrivateKey();
ASN1Encodable de = algId.getParameters();
DSAParameters parameters = null;
if (de != null) {
DSAParameter params = DSAParameter.getInstance(de.toASN1Primitive());
parameters = new DSAParameters(params.getP(), params.getQ(), params.getG());
return new DSAPrivateKeyParameters(derX.getValue(), parameters);
} else if (algId.getAlgorithm().equals(X9ObjectIdentifiers.id_ecPublicKey)) {
X962Parameters params = new X962Parameters((ASN1Primitive) algId.getParameters());
X9ECParameters x9;
if (params.isNamedCurve()) {
ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid = ASN1ObjectIdentifier.getInstance(params.getParameters());
x9 = X962NamedCurves.getByOID(oid);
if (x9 == null) {
x9 = SECNamedCurves.getByOID(oid);
if (x9 == null) {
x9 = NISTNamedCurves.getByOID(oid);
// BEGIN android-removed
// if (x9 == null)
// {
// x9 = TeleTrusTNamedCurves.getByOID(oid);
// }
// END android-removed
} else {
x9 = X9ECParameters.getInstance(params.getParameters());
ECPrivateKey ec = ECPrivateKey.getInstance(keyInfo.parsePrivateKey());
BigInteger d = ec.getKey();
// TODO We lose any named parameters here
ECDomainParameters dParams = new ECDomainParameters(x9.getCurve(), x9.getG(), x9.getN(), x9.getH(), x9.getSeed());
return new ECPrivateKeyParameters(d, dParams);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("algorithm identifier in key not recognised");
use of org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECDomainParameters in project robovm by robovm.
the class ECUtil method generatePublicKeyParameter.
public static AsymmetricKeyParameter generatePublicKeyParameter(PublicKey key) throws InvalidKeyException {
if (key instanceof ECPublicKey) {
ECPublicKey k = (ECPublicKey) key;
ECParameterSpec s = k.getParameters();
if (s == null) {
s = BouncyCastleProvider.CONFIGURATION.getEcImplicitlyCa();
return new ECPublicKeyParameters(((BCECPublicKey) k).engineGetQ(), new ECDomainParameters(s.getCurve(), s.getG(), s.getN(), s.getH(), s.getSeed()));
} else {
return new ECPublicKeyParameters(k.getQ(), new ECDomainParameters(s.getCurve(), s.getG(), s.getN(), s.getH(), s.getSeed()));
} else if (key instanceof { pubKey = ( key;
ECParameterSpec s = EC5Util.convertSpec(pubKey.getParams(), false);
return new ECPublicKeyParameters(EC5Util.convertPoint(pubKey.getParams(), pubKey.getW(), false), new ECDomainParameters(s.getCurve(), s.getG(), s.getN(), s.getH(), s.getSeed()));
} else {
// see if we can build a key from key.getEncoded()
try {
byte[] bytes = key.getEncoded();
if (bytes == null) {
throw new InvalidKeyException("no encoding for EC public key");
PublicKey publicKey = BouncyCastleProvider.getPublicKey(SubjectPublicKeyInfo.getInstance(bytes));
if (publicKey instanceof {
return ECUtil.generatePublicKeyParameter(publicKey);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidKeyException("cannot identify EC public key: " + e.toString());
throw new InvalidKeyException("cannot identify EC public key.");
use of org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECDomainParameters in project XobotOS by xamarin.
the class ECUtil method generatePrivateKeyParameter.
public static AsymmetricKeyParameter generatePrivateKeyParameter(PrivateKey key) throws InvalidKeyException {
if (key instanceof ECPrivateKey) {
ECPrivateKey k = (ECPrivateKey) key;
ECParameterSpec s = k.getParameters();
if (s == null) {
s = ProviderUtil.getEcImplicitlyCa();
return new ECPrivateKeyParameters(k.getD(), new ECDomainParameters(s.getCurve(), s.getG(), s.getN(), s.getH(), s.getSeed()));
throw new InvalidKeyException("can't identify EC private key.");
use of org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECDomainParameters in project web3sdk by FISCO-BCOS.
the class ECDSASigner method generateSignature.
// 5.3 pg 28
* generate a signature for the given message using the key we were initialised with. For
* conventional DSA the message should be a SHA-1 hash of the message of interest.
* @param message the message that will be verified later.
public BigInteger[] generateSignature(byte[] message) {
ECDomainParameters ec = key.getParameters();
BigInteger n = ec.getN();
BigInteger e = calculateE(n, message);
BigInteger d = ((ECPrivateKeyParameters) key).getD();
if (kCalculator.isDeterministic()) {
kCalculator.init(n, d, message);
} else {
kCalculator.init(n, random);
BigInteger r, s;
ECMultiplier basePointMultiplier = createBasePointMultiplier();
// 5.3.2
do // generate s
BigInteger k;
do // generate r
k = kCalculator.nextK();
ECPoint p = basePointMultiplier.multiply(ec.getG(), k).normalize();
// 5.3.3
r = p.getAffineXCoord().toBigInteger().mod(n);
} while (r.equals(ZERO));
s = k.modInverse(n).multiply(e.add(d.multiply(r))).mod(n);
} while (s.equals(ZERO));
return new BigInteger[] { r, s };