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Example 1 with QNm

use of org.brackit.xquery.atomic.QNm in project sirix by sirixdb.

the class TextView method serialize.

 * Serialize a tree.
private void serialize() {
    final NodeReadTrx rtx = mRtx;
    // Style document.
    final StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument) mText.getDocument();
    final Style styleElements = doc.addStyle("elements", null);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(styleElements, ELEMENT_COLOR);
    final Style styleNamespaces = doc.addStyle("attributes", null);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(styleNamespaces, NAMESPACE_COLOR);
    final Style styleAttributes = doc.addStyle("attributes", null);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(styleAttributes, ATTRIBUTE_COLOR);
    final Style styleText = doc.addStyle("text", null);
    StyleConstants.setForeground(styleText, TEXT_COLOR);
    final long nodeKey = rtx.getNodeKey();
    try {
        switch(rtx.getKind()) {
            case DOCUMENT:
            case ELEMENT:
                if (mAxis == null) {
                    mSerializer = new StAXSerializer(rtx);
                } else {
                    mSerializer = new StAXDiffSerializer(new DiffAxis(IncludeSelf.YES, mDb.getSession().beginNodeReadTrx(mDb.getCompareRevisionNumber()), rtx, mAxis));
            case TEXT:
                doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), new String(rtx.getRawValue()), styleText);
            case NAMESPACE:
                // Move transaction to parent of given namespace node.
                final long nNodeKey = rtx.getNodeKey();
                for (int i = 0, namespCount = rtx.getNamespaceCount(); i < namespCount; i++) {
                    if (rtx.getNodeKey() == nodeKey) {
                if (rtx.nameForKey(rtx.getPrefixKey()).length() == 0) {
                    doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), new StringBuilder().append("xmlns='").append(rtx.nameForKey(rtx.getURIKey())).append("'").toString(), styleNamespaces);
                } else {
                    doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), new StringBuilder().append("xmlns:").append(rtx.nameForKey(rtx.getPrefixKey())).append("='").append(rtx.nameForKey(rtx.getURIKey())).append("'").toString(), styleNamespaces);
            case ATTRIBUTE:
                // Move transaction to parent of given attribute node.
                final long aNodeKey = rtx.getNodeKey();
                for (int i = 0, attsCount = rtx.getAttributeCount(); i < attsCount; i++) {
                    if (rtx.getNodeKey() == nodeKey) {
                // Display value.
                final String attPrefix = rtx.getName().getPrefix();
                final QNm attQName = rtx.getName();
                if (attPrefix == null || attPrefix.isEmpty()) {
                    doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), new StringBuilder().append(attQName.getLocalName()).append("='").append(rtx.getValue()).append("'").toString(), styleAttributes);
                } else {
                    doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), new StringBuilder().append(attPrefix).append(":").append(attQName.getLocalName()).append("='").append(rtx.getValue()).append("'").toString(), styleAttributes);
                throw new IllegalStateException("Node kind not known!");
    } catch (final SirixException | BadLocationException | XMLStreamException e) {
        LOGWRAPPER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : StAXSerializer(org.sirix.service.xml.serialize.StAXSerializer) StyledDocument(javax.swing.text.StyledDocument) DiffAxis(org.sirix.gui.view.DiffAxis) QNm(org.brackit.xquery.atomic.QNm) NodeReadTrx(org.sirix.api.NodeReadTrx) XMLStreamException( Style(javax.swing.text.Style) SirixException(org.sirix.exception.SirixException) BadLocationException(javax.swing.text.BadLocationException)

Example 2 with QNm

use of org.brackit.xquery.atomic.QNm in project sirix by sirixdb.

the class TextView method processEndTag.

 * Process end tag.
 * @param pEvent
 *          {@link XMLEvent} reference
 * @param pLevel
 *          level in the tree
 * @param pIndentSpaces
 *          determines how many spaces to indent
 * @param pDoc
 *          {@link StyledDocument} reference
 * @param pStyleElements
 *          {@link Style} reference
 * @throws BadLocationException
 *           if insertion of string fails
private void processEndTag(final XMLEvent pEvent, final int pLevel, final String pIndentSpaces, final StyledDocument pDoc, final Style pStyleElements) throws BadLocationException {
    assert pEvent != null;
    // assert pLevel >= 0;
    assert pIndentSpaces != null;
    assert pDoc != null;
    assert pStyleElements != null;
    final EndElement endTag = pEvent.asEndElement();
    final QName name = endTag.getName();
    LOGWRAPPER.debug("endTag: " + endTag);
    indent(pDoc, pLevel, pIndentSpaces);
    pDoc.insertString(pDoc.getLength(), new StringBuilder().append("</").append(ViewUtilities.qNameToString(new QNm(name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getPrefix(), name.getLocalPart()))).append(">").append(NEWLINE).toString(), pStyleElements);
Also used : QNm(org.brackit.xquery.atomic.QNm) EndElement( QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName)

Example 3 with QNm

use of org.brackit.xquery.atomic.QNm in project sirix by sirixdb.

the class AbstractTraverseModel method fillAttributes.

 * Fill an attribute list with entries.
 * @param rtx
 *          Sirix {@link NodeReadTrx}
 * @return {@link List} of {@link Attribute}s
protected List<Attribute> fillAttributes(final NodeReadTrx rtx) {
    assert rtx != null;
    final XMLEventFactory eventFactory = XMLEventFactory.newInstance();
    // attributes in the axis.
    assert rtx.getKind() == Kind.ELEMENT;
    final int attNumber = rtx.getAttributeCount();
    final List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>(attNumber);
    for (int i = 0; i < attNumber; i++) {
        final QNm name = rtx.getName();
        attributes.add(eventFactory.createAttribute(new QName(name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getLocalName(), name.getPrefix()), rtx.getValue()));
    return attributes;
Also used : QNm(org.brackit.xquery.atomic.QNm) Attribute( XMLEventFactory( QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 4 with QNm

use of org.brackit.xquery.atomic.QNm in project sirix by sirixdb.

the class AbstractShredder method processStartTag.

public void processStartTag(final QNm elementName) throws SirixException {
    final QNm name = checkNotNull(elementName);
    long key = -1;
    switch(mInsertLocation) {
        case ASFIRSTCHILD:
            if (mParents.peek() == Fixed.NULL_NODE_KEY.getStandardProperty()) {
                key = mWtx.insertElementAsFirstChild(name).getNodeKey();
            } else {
                key = mWtx.insertElementAsRightSibling(name).getNodeKey();
        case ASRIGHTSIBLING:
            if (mWtx.getKind() == Kind.DOCUMENT || mWtx.getParentKey() == Fixed.DOCUMENT_NODE_KEY.getStandardProperty()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Subtree can not be inserted as sibling of document root or the root-element!");
            key = mWtx.insertElementAsRightSibling(name).getNodeKey();
            mInsertLocation = Insert.ASFIRSTCHILD;
        case ASLEFTSIBLING:
            if (mWtx.getKind() == Kind.DOCUMENT || mWtx.getParentKey() == Fixed.DOCUMENT_NODE_KEY.getStandardProperty()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Subtree can not be inserted as sibling of document root or the root-element!");
            key = mWtx.insertElementAsLeftSibling(name).getNodeKey();
            mInsertLocation = Insert.ASFIRSTCHILD;
Also used : QNm(org.brackit.xquery.atomic.QNm)

Example 5 with QNm

use of org.brackit.xquery.atomic.QNm in project sirix by sirixdb.

the class XMLShredder method addNewElement.

 * Add a new element node.
 * @param pLeftSiblingKeyStack stack used to determine if the new element has to be inserted as a
 *        right sibling or as a new child (in the latter case is NULL on top of the stack)
 * @param event the current event from the StAX parser
 * @return the modified stack
 * @throws SirixException if adding {@link ElementNode} fails
private void addNewElement(final StartElement event) throws SirixException {
    assert event != null;
    final QName qName = event.getName();
    final QNm name = new QNm(qName.getNamespaceURI(), qName.getPrefix(), qName.getLocalPart());
    // Parse namespaces.
    for (final Iterator<?> it = event.getNamespaces(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        final Namespace namespace = (Namespace);
        mWtx.insertNamespace(new QNm(namespace.getNamespaceURI(), namespace.getPrefix(), ""));
    // Parse attributes.
    for (final Iterator<?> it = event.getAttributes(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        final Attribute attribute = (Attribute);
        final QName attName = attribute.getName();
        mWtx.insertAttribute(new QNm(attName.getNamespaceURI(), attName.getPrefix(), attName.getLocalPart()), attribute.getValue());
Also used : QNm(org.brackit.xquery.atomic.QNm) Attribute( QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) Namespace(


QNm (org.brackit.xquery.atomic.QNm)89 XdmNodeReadTrx (org.sirix.api.XdmNodeReadTrx)20 Test (org.junit.Test)18 QueryException (org.brackit.xquery.QueryException)15 XdmNodeWriteTrx (org.sirix.api.XdmNodeWriteTrx)15 DBNode (org.sirix.xquery.node.DBNode)12 QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)11 PathSummaryReader (org.sirix.index.path.summary.PathSummaryReader)11 IndexController (org.sirix.access.IndexController)10 IndexDef (org.sirix.index.IndexDef)10 Item (org.brackit.xquery.xdm.Item)7 Axis (org.sirix.api.Axis)7 DescendantAxis (org.sirix.axis.DescendantAxis)7 SirixException (org.sirix.exception.SirixException)7 Attribute ( Namespace ( DocumentException (org.brackit.xquery.xdm.DocumentException)5 SirixIOException (org.sirix.exception.SirixIOException)5 Ignore (org.junit.Ignore)4 SirixUsageException (org.sirix.exception.SirixUsageException)4