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Example 1 with MalformedRead

use of org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.UserException.MalformedRead in project gatk by broadinstitute.

the class BQSRReadTransformer method apply.

     * Recalibrates the base qualities of a read
     * <p>
     * It updates the base qualities of the read with the new recalibrated qualities (for all event types)
     * <p>
     * Implements a serial recalibration of the reads using the combinational table.
     * First, we perform a positional recalibration, and then a subsequent dinuc correction.
     * <p>
     * Given the full recalibration table, we perform the following preprocessing steps:
     * <p>
     * - calculate the global quality score shift across all data [DeltaQ]
     * - calculate for each of cycle and dinuc the shift of the quality scores relative to the global shift
     * -- i.e., DeltaQ(dinuc) = Sum(pos) Sum(Qual) Qempirical(pos, qual, dinuc) - Qreported(pos, qual, dinuc) / Npos * Nqual
     * - The final shift equation is:
     * <p>
     * Qrecal = Qreported + DeltaQ + DeltaQ(pos) + DeltaQ(dinuc) + DeltaQ( ... any other covariate ... )
     * @param originalRead the read to recalibrate
public GATKRead apply(final GATKRead originalRead) {
    final GATKRead read = useOriginalBaseQualities ? ReadUtils.resetOriginalBaseQualities(originalRead) : originalRead;
    if (emitOriginalQuals && !read.hasAttribute( {
        // Save the old qualities if the tag isn't already taken in the read
        try {
            read.setAttribute(, SAMUtils.phredToFastq(read.getBaseQualities()));
        } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new MalformedRead(read, "illegal base quality encountered; " + e.getMessage());
    final ReadCovariates readCovariates = RecalUtils.computeCovariates(read, header, covariates, false, keyCache);
    //clear indel qualities
    // get the keyset for this base using the error model
    final int[][] fullReadKeySet = readCovariates.getKeySet(EventType.BASE_SUBSTITUTION);
    // the rg key is constant over the whole read, the global deltaQ is too
    final int rgKey = fullReadKeySet[0][0];
    final RecalDatum empiricalQualRG = recalibrationTables.getReadGroupTable().get2Keys(rgKey, BASE_SUBSTITUTION_INDEX);
    if (empiricalQualRG == null) {
        return read;
    final byte[] quals = read.getBaseQualities();
    final int readLength = quals.length;
    final double epsilon = globalQScorePrior > 0.0 ? globalQScorePrior : empiricalQualRG.getEstimatedQReported();
    final NestedIntegerArray<RecalDatum> qualityScoreTable = recalibrationTables.getQualityScoreTable();
    final List<Byte> quantizedQuals = quantizationInfo.getQuantizedQuals();
    //Note: this loop is under very heavy use in applyBQSR. Keep it slim.
    for (int offset = 0; offset < readLength; offset++) {
        // only recalibrate usable qualities (the original quality will come from the instrument -- reported quality)
        if (quals[offset] < preserveQLessThan) {
        //clear the array
        Arrays.fill(empiricalQualCovsArgs, null);
        final int[] keySet = fullReadKeySet[offset];
        final RecalDatum empiricalQualQS = qualityScoreTable.get3Keys(keySet[0], keySet[1], BASE_SUBSTITUTION_INDEX);
        for (int i = specialCovariateCount; i < totalCovariateCount; i++) {
            if (keySet[i] >= 0) {
                empiricalQualCovsArgs[i - specialCovariateCount] = recalibrationTables.getTable(i).get4Keys(keySet[0], keySet[1], keySet[i], BASE_SUBSTITUTION_INDEX);
        final double recalibratedQualDouble = hierarchicalBayesianQualityEstimate(epsilon, empiricalQualRG, empiricalQualQS, empiricalQualCovsArgs);
        final byte recalibratedQualityScore = quantizedQuals.get(getRecalibratedQual(recalibratedQualDouble));
        // Bin to static quals
        quals[offset] = staticQuantizedMapping == null ? recalibratedQualityScore : staticQuantizedMapping[recalibratedQualityScore];
    return read;
Also used : GATKRead( MalformedRead(org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.UserException.MalformedRead) ReadCovariates(org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.recalibration.covariates.ReadCovariates)


MalformedRead (org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.UserException.MalformedRead)1 GATKRead ( ReadCovariates (org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.recalibration.covariates.ReadCovariates)1